Sunday, October 7, 2012


It is easy to focus on the good things that we are all thankful for;
             but what about the nasty little things of life that can take away our peace and happiness.

Like when I know friends or family who are going through difficult times it is hard to be thankful.
At times I feel that life does not make sense and it would help a lot if suffering made sense.  We know that it is in enduring difficulties that we do become stronger in the end.  I  know that walking through pain with someone else has taught me a lot. 

I have stopped asking for things to make sense because it can make me feel angry and helpless and hopeless.

"Truth is to allow suffering to speak"  Theodor Adorno  "The Examined Life."

"I lift my eyes to the mountains
where is help to come from?
Help comes to me from Yahweh,
who made heaven and earth"  Psalm 121.

Prayer from the hearts of caring people will and does support those suffering.
I am thankful for the times people have prayed for me and I have felt strengthened.
Prayer does not keep the pain away but the more I am able to embrace life as the will of
a loving God I find that I am able to see a little light in the darkness.

"To the degree that we have descended into our heart and reached out to God from there,
solitude can speak to solitude, deep to deep, and heart to heart".  H. Nouven

Love meets us in our pain and for that I am thankful.

Breakfast on Sat. morning was great fun and our joy for Mary and Michael John is overwhelming.  Pray that all goes well in this pregnancy.  I am so thankful for the gift of prayer and that is my focus this Thanksgiving.

Rick will be off to his Film Festival and Dad and I to church.  I hope I remember to put the turkey in the oven.

Thanksgiving dinner will excellent and I do so appreciate the effort Sandra makes even when she is not feeling her best. 

.  I am thankful for all the good things in the past year
 and I am thankful for the strength to cope with the difficulties in the year ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving! !


Anonymous said...

I dont know about dinner being excellent. But as long as there is turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy then I am happy. Sandra

shawna said...

Your dinner will be great! You have the opportunity to all be together on Thanksgiving and that is the most important thing!

Anonymous said...

They don't celebrate Thanksgiving here,so there is no stat holiday and no signs of turkeys anywhere.
We'll be thinking of you guys!

Great news about Mary and Michael!



Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving. Looks like the weather is still sunny and mild there. We went from 31c one day to 8c the next!