Tuesday, October 9, 2012


They run too fast to take pictures.  Excellent game'
Theresa and Auntie Sandra chat and watch the game together. Dad and I sit in the middle of the field across the way in a no sitting area.

Morgan wants the dogs to do tricks

Happy and tired I suggest a family picture.  Mikie offers to take it.

It was a very traditional thanksgiving.  After this picture everyone heads home.

We did miss family who were not able to be with us.  Kenny and Melina hope you can find out about Jasmine soon it seems like tough times for you all.

I happen to believe that tradition especially in families and in spiritual matters are very important.
Although this does not mean we cannot have different philosophies and different goals.My children think differently about many things than  I  do but the important thing is caring about others.

Hopefully we are all in a process of change and growth.

Time went so fast this week-end and we enjoyed Rick's visit and seeing Craig and Lean and the Alexanders.


Anonymous said...

It was very hard to make my self do nothing this weekend, but like you say, everything happens so fast I knew I had to rest while I could. It has been a very busy year and next year will be as well. I am looking forward to a nice dreary winter of reading books, some walks at the beach and Sunday afternoon movies with Randy. I wish we were truly like batteries and I could get charged up and just hold that for a while. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

What a lovely pic of your family Beth. Aren't family suppers a wondrous time spent together? Our Thanksgiving supper plans started out with just out sons and daughter-in-law and granddaughter and ended up with "no family" but two sets of friends who had no family of there own, nearby, to celebrate with. As they say. " the best laid plans etc". Sadly, our daughter-in-law has lost a lot of her mobility, so we took supper to them. Our other son, fell asleep after watching the bombers win, and our granddaughter was sick with the flu! Strange how things work out. We had a lovely supper with our friends and then watched the hilarious, Mrs. Brown's Boys.
It is an English comedy and you have to be broadminded to watch it, but it is soooo funny! Love, Nancy