Friday, October 26, 2012


This is the time of year when Dad and I start getting letters asking for charity. Every letter that comes represents a worthwhile cause. We want to give to worthy causes; ones that we know the money goes to where it is needed. Charity is not only in our giving but in our words and deeds. It is giving our hearts, time and talents and energies to make some ones life a little easier.

"To ease anther's heartache is to forget one's own." Abraham Lincoln

 Every church I have been involved in has reached out to help the hungry, the homeless, the poor and down and out.  We have gone down into the poor part of town to serve meals and to visit with street people.  We have given out food and provided warm clothes.  I was proud of the things we did in the name of Jesus.

Dad and I are thankful that we can give.

"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."
--Theodore Isaac Rubin, M.D.   One To One

"The mass of humanity worry themselves into nameless graves,
 while here and there
a great unselfish soul forgets itself into immortality."  -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sandra said...

Sandra was here...just want you to know I dropped by, but grumpy since I am at work on a Friday so no comments. Tried a new route to work suggested by a couple of online traffic sites. Hard to tell since it varies so much from day to day. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I like that bit about "worrying into nameless graves".

I didn't know you and Dad were opposed to a half-way house.



nancy-Lou said...

What a wonderful quote from Emerson. Another "keeper." I recently read that depressed people can really benefit from volunteering their time to help those in need. Ice and snowy highways arrived overnight along with lots of accidents. Love Nancy

larry bennett said...

I was speaking in general terms about halk way houses as we have never had to face that problem.
We have had some odd looking people in our neighborhood who we trear with respect. Buy you hear about others objecting and I think the concern is for the children

love mom

Anonymous said...

It was Muslim give meat to your neighbour day yesterday. Interesting .