Monday, March 31, 2014


The vastness, the beauty, the movement, cast a spell upon our human senses, a spiritual awareness.  The wind making huge waves that are powerful as well as exciting, making me feel alive! There also can be times of quiet meditation that can absorb our thoughts and carry me far away, or just calm my soil.  An amazing place in summer when the beach is covered in busy little ones making castles and digging holes and taking pails to be refilled with water.  There is joy!  There is the warmth of the sun above and a promise of the ebb and flow of all life.  There  are times of discouragement and there are times of renewal.
Phillip Keller writes with great passion about the ocean in several books.  He lived on a hill in a driftwood cottage, cooked on a wood fired stove, with no electricity or phones,
They were young and adjusted to these primitive conditions.

The ocean fed them and provided wood for their stove and its beauty was a glory beyond words.  He writes: The rise and fall of every tide upon the beach; the mysterious magnetic attraction -of the moon, the sun, the planets of the solar system, and even remote stars- is a powerful reminder that we are a part of a enormously complex, interdependent universe.

A magnificent mind  of  the creator in the wonder and awe I feel when I walk along the beach.

After church dad and I drove right to the forest for our walk.  I dropped my cane in the rushing water of the stream.  Dad managed to climb over the rocks, with one near fall to rescue it for me.  It is hard to hold a camera and a cane, one had to go.
Then we rushed home to wait to hear when Sandra would come by but she phoned to say a nasty headache would keep her at home for the day.
We decided to go up to the hospital, one reason was to have a visit with Jim, and then a quick hello to Vera and Howard.  Jim was very pleased to see us.  He has pneumonia and a bad heart etc.  He knew that he was in the place where he needed care and attention.  He was very talkative for him and his daughter also had been in so that was good.
Today dad has his test for his echocardliogram.   With all his tests and his regular checking of his blood pressure the doctor will know what his treatment should be. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Pearls of wisdom feed the soul and the heart as well as the mind.

“Life is the ultimate spiritual teacher, we cannot learn unless we attend school.  This usually means allowing ourselves to be touched by life, to participate in it.  We learn by experience.  There are no spiritual shortcuts.-Ram Dass

Being a human being is not being unprofessional but recognizing that becoming vulnerable and learning  to live from the heart has the power to transform experience.
“We need to connect intimately to the life around us.”  -Rachael Naomi Remen, M.D.

“Eyes are homes of silent prayers.””  Alfred Lord Tennyson  I think this can be true of animals and children as well as adults, especially when words are too difficult to express.

“Unknown things scare more than known things.”  -G. Leopardi

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

God is the silent partner in all great enterprises.-Abe Lincoln

Baby kittens turn into mothers quicker than you would think!

Dad and I drove into White Rock yesterday to find a small gluten-free bakery run by two lovely young girls.  One herself a celiac.  We then drove to the beach to have a walk but the wind nearly blew us out to sea so just came home.   Actually I wanted to try some new bread and a cup cake!

Off to church and maybe go for a walk with dad in the forest if it does not rain.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


It seemed like a big heavy cloud would dump heavy rain on us at times during the day.  The one time was when we were at the hospital with Vera and Howard and the other time we were back home so we were never caught out in it.

I was very delighted that Leah arrived in the morning as there were many things that needed doing and I just did not feel any enthusiasm for doing much of anything, except my morning walk.

It was good to come home from the hospital and see the house so clean.  Thank you Leah.
After reading the book about Alzheimer’s and being at the hospital again I decided I should go in and see what my brain scan showed and what the next test would do with a body scan.  My balance is still poor and my energy low.  If I was working hard like some others I know there is a good reason for tiredness.
I decide I am going to keep getting tests until I get some answers but I also need to know what questions to ask.

In order to live fully we sometimes have to look more deeply and respectfully at our own lack of good health.    Suffering is all around us. 
In sharing our needs,  knowing that we all have needs is important and also we all need support at some times in our lives.

"Joy shared is joy doubled;  sorrow shared is sorrow halved."   -Proverb

Friday, March 28, 2014



                                             " Time is the wisest of all counselors".   - Plutarch

Time can speed us through our day
 or time can drag as we wait in line or sitting in the emergency,
or wait for results, or waiting for family coming to visit.

"Our time is now.  The era into which we are born is the era for which we have responsibility,
the era for which we are meant to be a blessing."  Whatever is going on now-ethnic slaughter, unjust international business policies, the false gods of militarism, the sexism of the churches-is our affair."
-Joan Chittister  from "There is a Season".  Find out more about the things you are concerned about and start a conversation or post something on Twitter or Face book, join a group and be active in choosing better leadership.   Our church is involved with lots of important issues, and dad and I have been involved in the past and were very involved.

Many things take a long time to change but it is important to keep trying.

This is exactly what we were talking about at our Bible study on Wed.  Most of us have done things in the past but are slowing down now but we discussed the problems we see in our modern society right now.

"The purpose of time is to alert us to ourselves so that we can become the only thing worth our time to be: a total human, human being.  (a great hearted soul who in living life has become really alive.)

I missed my turn on my walk going down the road to the creek where I use to go.  I was so pleased to meet my old friend Joanna.  We stood and talked and laughed for quite a while.  She is the gal who try to fix up something for Jesse and one of her girls.  Meanwhile dad went out looking in my usual route as time was passing and he was worried about me.  We met back at home and I was safe and he was happy.

Later talked with Carol on Skype and she is excited about selling her home in the Grand Cayman.  She also gave us advice about some vitamins that may help us both and be especially good for dad's legs and for hers too.

The book of Ecclesiastes  is one of the Wisdom books of the Hebrew-Christian scriptures.  The words invite us to see life as a mosaic made up of all the good and bad experiences that we all will experience but in an unique way.

A time to be born and a time to die.  Jim had been transferred to the hospital when I arrived at the Seniors Home.  He asked to go knowing it was his time to die.  I hope and pray his daughter will be there with him.  I will phone today to see how he is.  Part of me wanted to go but I think he may not want me to.  He was old and miserable but always thankful for his milkshake and I feel sad. 

This is from the book "Tough Tiddlywinks"

Thursday, March 27, 2014


This is our library where there is a new young man just started working and he is so very helpful and has a bright smile and has changed the whole atmosphere! Some of the ladies remind me of serious teachers but they too have always been kind and helpful.

Whether I hear about a new book on the C.B.C. or read about one in the Sun newspaper I think I would like to read that one.

I want to have a look at a story written by a Van. lawyer who is an author, artist as well as a criminal lawyer.  He has written on constitutional law, expert evidence and undercover operations.  The book is called   “Tough Tiddlywinks”.  The author is Christopher Nowlin.  It tackles tough social interests and includes illustrations that are humorous.  Even the picture of the Resistance, a hard core group bicyclists from West Van. adds to the entertaining message of city politics and messed up lives.
It is important to stop and take time to listen to the stories
of others and to tell our own stories.

It is the way wisdom gets passed along.

"Pain explains a great deal of human conduct, but the fear of pain even more."   from "Unsaid"

"A poignant read on the meaning of life-how death and despair can lead to renewal and life, if one realizes the interconnectedness of all creatures."    -Irene Pepperberg
A review of the book "Unsaid."

Sounds like the story of Easter where the death of Jesus leads to new life.

I had a much better walk yesterday so good I did not listen to myself. 

Today is visiting Jim who does not expect to still be there but I think I will pick up a milkshake anyway!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I look at this display put up in front of this person’s home and I get an impression that he loves the sea and birds.  Certainly it has taken a lot of work and energy to create this totum like sculpture.  They seem to be a bit eccentric.

When we walk through the forest we see stones balanced upon stones that those who walked this way before us created.

It is a quiet and peaceful place for contemplation and rest.  I think most of us long for a peaceful world.  Peace in our families, our relationships and peace of mind.  We all know  that  even a slight misunderstanding can derail a friendship. Trust is so important.  We choose our beliefs on this desire and, so to me,  I look for peace in my faith beliefs.

I discover that the Jewish writer of my book about "Jesus the Jew " is appalled by the violence and the genocide that  lies in relationship which are so much a part of the Old Testament.

"The rabbinic tradition and subsequent interpretations of these verses  denounce violence.  These passages and the past should serve as perpetual reminders of the evils that humans perpetrate on each other in the name of religion."  -Amy-Jill Levine from ""Jesus the Misunderstood Jew".

P3230665We see through the eyes of others and we hear through the words of others.  Experts trying to convince us that they really are knowledgeable but they have been influenced by their teachers and what they believed. 

Philip Yancey like many of us avoided the Old Testament but through study and with new insights there is a promise of fulfillment that comes in our deeper understanding of Jesus.

Yesterday morning I had to battle with myself about going for my walk.  Was I making myself better?  Was I being brave?  Was I being foolish and making myself worse?   I have days like everyone where I doubt myself.  I am happy because dad and I can gain strength from each other as well as from nature.

Dad waited till afternoon to go for a walk and the rain started to really pour.  It really seems exercise helps his blood-pressure. Of course we know it is good for all of us.

Today I am off to Bible Study to study Revelation.  Should be good for a laugh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


We are so very blessed to have signs of spring appearing all of a sudden, well we are just noticing it more and more.  It is cold in the morning but the sun comes out and warms everything to a perfect temperature.

We are so blessed to have our caring family and our table full of good food.  Mandy brought some as did Theresa and the desert was rice pudding made with mincemeat.  Wow!  So with all that Sandra and Randy had made it was a real feast! 
There are lots of little critters enjoying our back yard pond.  All the cats in the neighborhood drop by for a drink.  Then the squirrels usually come in pairs.  Soon the little birds will be building a nest in our bird house.

P3220650Dad and I had a good walk in the forest.  We saw three fat happy robins dressed in their fine bright vests down by the picnic area.  Also there was a group of birds make a noise in the trees behind us while overhead the eagles were flying.

 Just as we were leaving two little dogs were barking as hard as they could.  Quite adorable.  All worth a sore hip (dad) and my aching legs!  A little rest and we were raring to go.

This was one of those days that went by so quickly and was very enjoyable. 

It is such a blessing to be able to see and experience the beauty of nature and also to receive and give love to those around us.

Monday, March 24, 2014



I do not need my cane to walk short distances if I walk slowly and carefully.  It is different visiting the hospital so next time I will take my cane.  We had a fairly long walk but it could have been longer if we had not had some help to assit us.

                   Morgan gets the doggies to pose for their picture.

Ben and Morgan playing games.

I manage to get Theresa smiling.

No one else wanted to be in the pictures maybe next time.

Always have hope that next time you will  find a ray of hope, a glimmer of faith inside you, to keep you motivated.


"Philosophy begins in wonder.
And at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains."  Alfred Whitehead.

The sun shine highlights this stain glass window with rich color.  We listen to the story of the woman at the well, an outcast and like all  poor women at that time needed a man to provide for her.  Jesus looks into her heart and sees she is fragile and heals her so deeply she has to tell everyone what has happened to her.
She becomes strong!

"Even in times of confusion and fear, when our spirit can be broken by a world that is so full of violence and contradiction, we may come to know the healing centre, God present with us"   He is the healer that offers new hope and new life.

On the way to church we see lots of signs of spring.
These little flowers seem so fragile and vulnerable in the harsh cold of the morning.
Life can change abruptly and leave us feeling fragile and anxious.

Lucy, Sandra's dog was reacting badly and caused her to take her right to the vet.  She learned it was just the re-action to the medicine.

Our friend who ended up in hospital looked so fragile and weak.  I was able to get him to eat some apple sauce and drink some milk which he had not done all day.  His wife has a heavy load in making decisions about their future.  How much care will he now need and where can they afford to live?

After our visit at the hospital we had a delightful dinner with Sandra and Randy, his daughter  Mandy and husband James, and Theresa and the two children Ben and Morgan.

:The tenacity toward all life endures in all of us, undiminished, until the moment of our death."
-Rachael Naomi Remen, M.D.

Dad is off to the dentist today and the children are back in school.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Two important scriptures  are:

Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,
John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Every day is like a new beginning.

When I begin my walk I feel I really do not need my cane but after a few blocks I start getting a little wobbly.  Even before spring really begins these primroses and other bulbs begin to push out and up from the hard ground.

Trying to read the Bible is very difficult.    Ancient Hebrew written so long ago is hard to understand but they had many of the same problems we do today.  It does not have a teaching of "original sin"  as some teach.  It does reveal that we suffer consequences for our actions. 

The hard questions are why innocent good people suffer like Roshan Thomas helping run a school in Afghanistan.  She had dedicated her life to this task.  Also what happened to a whole plane load of innocent people?

Different religions have different answers.  Buddhism frankly admits "life is suffering and advises us to embrace it".  Others consider it the will of God or a result of bad karma.  The Christian faith,  building on Jewish foundation, has a view that almost seems paradoxical.  On one hand we are encouraged to fight for justice and protest against evil, keeping love and forgiveness in our hearts.

Jesus prayed that God's will be done and that people would be healed and good overcome evil.  From the life of Jesus I believe that God is on the side of the sufferer and His love never leaves us.

"Human love can reach right into death, but not if it merely is human love."  -Philip Yancy

Dad and I have had a quiet day yesterday  and missed Leah and her two little doggies following us up and down stairs.  We did go out to the library such an interesting place. There  were some cute little children in the children's section where I like looking at the colorful pictures.   I picked out a new D.V.D. about an English lawyer and we watched one episode. 

I will not be beginning any new books until I finish ones I have started.  I was also looking at my old journals where I used to write letters to my children just to express some of my thoughts and worries.  I am trying to decide whether to keep them or not.  I will for awhile.

We will be off to church today and may visit Howard in hospital and have been invited to Sandra and Randy's home for supper.  Hurrah!

The amazing discovery is that God is with us in all of our suffering.

God is in our joy, our peace, our passions, our wisdom as well as our foolishness. In every experience yet beyond our understand.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Jesus did not come into our humanity to make us comfortable.  Anyone reading the words he said will find many places that seem harsh and hard to understand.  There is pain sometimes facing the truth.  Jesus spoke out against the leaders of the church calling them hypocrites.

He spoke out against the rich (imagine what he would say about a charity for the poor spending huge amounts of money on their own pleasures).

He considered no one untouchable even those with leprosy.

He healed the sick on the Sabbath day which was against the Jewish law of rest on the Sabbath.

He declared all relationships as important not just your own family.

He commanded the man who was laying by the healing water feeling sorry for himself because he was not healed; to take up his bed and be healed and stop using excuses.

For several years dad and I attended the Vineyard church and at times all the emotional out breaks made us uncomfortable.  Loving healing prayer can touch you deep inside and release a lot of sorrow and grief.

I know I was taught never to cry because it made others uncomfortable.

A woman came to Jesus and anointed him with oil and washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  This made his disciples uncomfortable but Jesus accepted it as an act of love.

It was because we went to the Vineyard we met Cathy with her five young girls desperately needing help.  We helped this family in many ways but especially by having them in our hone and living out a healthy lifestyle.  If this was the only reason God called us to that church then it was worth all our discomfort.

Sad news Howard is in hospital.

 Good news Leah was an excellent help.  I did a little in the garden,.  We both have to be careful we do not get overtired and take time for our nap after.  Dad did his walk and Panteli dropped by for a good chat.  He enjoys his walks down at the beach.   A productive day.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Morning prayer and morning walk and my morning journal have become one way I am set in my ways.  I also try to read from some spiritual book, sometimes the Bible but not always.  It is a quiet time where I can just sit and gaze out the window and release my worries through meditation and quiet.

"The healing stillness of a quiet mind nourishes every aspect of our lives."
from "Take Your Time the Wisdom of Slowing Down" by Eknath Easwaran

I want to live my life by faith in what is called your higher power.  This is within us and around us and gives life its purpose and meaning.  This makes the meaning of Easter a time to see Jesus as having lived and still living.
Yes, the Bible was of course written by human beings-the word of God in the words of men, constrained by there traditions and their culture and the very constraints of their own language.    And yet their messages have the power to change our lives.
Some may say I have two crutches the one I walk with and my faith,

"A short period of quiet inspiration in the morning will anchor the rest of your day."   _Eknath Easwaran

I must admit I did not feel like visiting Jim at the Seniors Home as you all know he can be difficult.  Also I felt that I should not drive just yet because I have this funny feeling that I do not know if my legs are not working or if it is my brain. 

I suggested to dad if we drove to the home we could carry on over and visiting Sandra and the dogs.  Both dogs came barking at the door when we arrived which was good.  Also Jim had a very bad health scare and has been told his heart is shutting down.  He blacked out and was unable to walk and he refused to go to hospital.  I know he was glad to see me and share this with me and also tell me again he appreciates the mild shakes.  I asked him if I could pray for him but he just got angry and I said that was okay whatever he wanted.  I told him it has been an interesting experience visiting him and that we both knew his time was running out.

After we got home from Sandra's dad got another call from the doctors office for him to make an appointment for a heart Echocardiogram..  High frequency waves look at the structure of the heart to make sure it is not producing blood clots.  I am so pleased that they are doing all this testing to do all that can be done to prevent a major stroke.

Hopefully I can stay awake to read one chapter of my mystery "A Fatal Winter".

Looking forward to a visit from Leah!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Excited to see signs of spring even on a cold windy day.
Exciting to meet old friends Janet one day and Doug another.  They were out walking.
Exciting to see Kim’s friend and her new little guy.  I am not sure of the spelling of their names

I am excited to see how well I can go walking with my cane.

I am excited about the different ways we can experience healing. I am thankful for my doctors care and also medicine to ease the pain.  The greatest  healing is to experience loves embrace by the spirit of God!  We are all fearfully and wonderfully made to respond to love and to the spirit of life
I am thankful for the gift of faith.

Dad went for a good long walk in the forest.  The sun was shining but it was cold.

In the afternoon the minister came over for an enjoyable visit and prayed for me.

"Though I cradle a part of the whole cosmos in my being
the entire cosmos enfolds me within its embrace."   - P.Keller
That is exciting!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


DSCN2442A day just to relax and feel the freedom to be lazy and to be healed.

  Take a ride in a basket high above all.

My sweater is on backward, my socks do not match but there are no holes in them, my hair is sticking up, the kitchen floor is sticky, I am looking for something I have misplaced but now forget what I am looking for. the phone is ringing but we cannot find any of our hand held  ones, I yell down at dad to answer it and I yell down to him to answer.  He has to get up and walk over to the stationary one.

I go for a very short walk and a police car goes by slowly and I hope he will not stop and ask me to walk in a straight line it would be a little tricky right now.

Dad's blood pressure is a little high which is not surprising as he stopped taking his pills.  He is in process ordering some new ones.  Gets put on hold of course.  Now they have been ordered, the good thing was he realized he needs them.

Off to walk in the forest soon as I relax and rest up for a moment. 

Dad did go to the Shamrock tea at the church in the afternoon.  What a grand affair!  A long table with scones and sandwiches, cheese , fruit and goodies.  There were big round tables for people to gather together.  There was music, guitar and banjo and singing. Just what I would like my funeral many years from now to be like!

Two surprises for me.

We walked around at Boundary Park and I met my old, younger than me, walking partner Janet.  What a great time chatting about the old times walking together.

The next surprise is how much better I do with a cane, just helps my balance and gives me security and yes a weapon if needed.  Ha Ha

"If you can give your children only one gift, let it be  enthusiasm."   -Bruce Barton

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Yes all went well.  I had a bit of a headache before and after.  Tension I am sure.  The staff there are excellent so kind and gentle.  I must admit I am glad it is over.

Early morning pictures on my walk.  I felt a lot of prayers and loving thoughts.  Met an old friend another early riser and we got caught up on family news.  We have made so many wonderful friends from all the churches we have attended.  My beliefs have changed but our friendship will never change.
It turn nice and sunny but the wind was chilly.   Dad and I drove over to Jane and Geof's to pick up a airplane picture and some books they thought dad would like to have,  Then we loaded up the car to drop some things off at the church for the rummage sale in April. 

Dad dropped me at home and he and Geof had lunch together.  Geof could not be a good help at this time.  This would make it easier for Jane and a great blessing for Geof.  Good job dad!

I was pleased to keep busy hoping the time would go faster.  Until finally it was time to go to Peace Arch for my brain scan.

I thought I would continue reading about intuition as we had not really discussed it.  My first thought about it is just to listen and to follow your heart.

"Intuition is direct precept of truth or fact, independent of any reasoning process."  It appears it is possible to cultivate intuition and find trusting faith by letting go of the need for certainty and also letting go of fear.  Trusting insight, experience, faith and reason.

"Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and yes strength to cope with uncertainty."

Faith is essential when we decide to live and love with our whole hearts in a world where most of us want assurances before we risk being vulnerable and getting hurt." -from the Gifts Of Imperfection."

Embracing Who I Am is my goal.   Very peaceful sleep last nigh!

Monday, March 17, 2014


We had a small group for our Sunday afternoon meeting and mostly just got caught up on news.  Our discussion  was suppose to be about intuition and about creativity and factual details.  Discovering our worthiness and our sense of belonging and caring.

The best thing for me was hearing that other people thought like me and also had made mistakes too.

We are who we are and we bring the presence of the spirit into the lives of others in different ways.

I will have a short walk this morning and hopefully the time passes quickly until I get my head examined.  ( it's about time!) I am sure it will all be over very quickly and life will carry on,

Happy St.  Patrick's Day!   The church is having a tea I believe on Thurs.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


      P3150604Wonderful to have small children and dogs come to visit.  Uri brought my picture board down
 but the dogs did not find it interesting.
                                                   Jeff and Ava.

P3150609  Craig and Leah


New growth in progress

Much harder for this little daffodil peeking out from the rock.
Love the color.


I think we all go through difficult times which can make us stronger, more compassionate and hopefully use what we have experienced to help others. 

This life is full of tragedy , poverty,  injustice, and cruelty. There are so many who are suffering and even day to day living is difficult.  It is amazing how people come together to hekp each other,

We had a happy houseful yesterday with Craig and Leah and the dogs and Jeff and Ava and little Urri  coming for a visit.  Everyone is very helpful and I can just fall asleep.

Both dad and I are having computer troubles which are frustrating and we just do not understand why they do what they do.  Craig helped dad so we will see if it works today.  His  medication is giving him a bad cough so he is stopping it.  I am hopeful he will go to see the doctor tomorrow.  I know doctors try their best to help us and in my life I have never cancelled an appointment but I did last week,  .Yes, I feelf Dr. Nolte wants now to wash his hands of me.

I did what I felt was right knowing how I was feeling and also more worried about dad than me.

Today our book group comes over so we will have a good discussion and that helps the waiting time.

 This little flower blooms so easily early in our spring time.

First we try to find meaning in the difficult times.

Second from our experiences we can be more helpful to others and maybe even work for change.

Third I am more aware of my need of God's presence not to fix my problems but to be with me and give me inner strength.

Leah has been a good help to me in understanding the medical sides of things.

Had a loving phone call from Theresa as they let on holidays!

Too tired for church and slept all morning after a short walk in the rain.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Some times I just feel like I am walking in circles with people asking me questions and I have no answers yet.
I think maybe I do not ask the doctor enough questions.  I was a little frightened when he mentioned the big C.
Dad and I enjoyed a sunny walk in the forest together.
Then it was home to welcome our house cleaner but I do not know if we will continue this, but things did look a little brighter.
Lots of mud the path but the reflections are neat.
Came home and were surprised with several visiters with flowers and food.
Lots of logs blown down by the wind, rain and snow.  It is amazing how nature restores it self and also the human body.  I am confident and hopeful and also thanks for the phone calls from Ken, Carol and Kim.  Could not visit with Sandra as there was two many people around.  Strange how things all happen at  It is wonderful to be so loved.

I enjoy my early morning walks by myself and also the walk with dad in the forest.
Both are a part of my healing process!

No Worries all will be well!

Friday, March 14, 2014



  I wake up to another beautiful day I give praise for all of creation and thankfulness to Our Creator.  A little cold but lovely when the sun does its thing.

Dismayed as the racoons have damaged our back yard pond with its little steam.  Why do they pull it apart and even move the rocks around just after dad had fixed it and it looked so nice.Yes, I had a very short walk today.

The thing I want everyone to remember is that I am aware that I get tired easily and know when I need to rest.  I do a little and then I rest a little.  I feel very hopeful at this point in time.

Yes I have been told I need my head examined,  I have even at some time thought this to myself.

I do not need to study or try to be knowable just let the experts do it.  This weekend will go by fast with My cleaning lady coming in the morning to spruce up the living room.   I am cleaning up so it won't be too dirty.  Dad is threatening to bring some dirt in from outside and throw it around so there will be something that needs cleaning.

 We have our discussion group coming on Sunday afternoon.  Wonderful and amazing friends.  We  have all gone through difficult times together and we get together and are comfortable sharing. I find answers and confident in our discussions and I believe that we empower each other to continue to study and grow and reach our fullest potential.

Friday Sandra drops by after going to the doctor.  On Saturday  Ava and Uri and Jeff are coming for a visit.  Everyone knows they can make their own tea  and make themselves at home. 

Dad had another big walk in the Water Shed in the afternoon yesterday.
I did a wee bit of work in the yard.  When Leah visited we had lunch on our front porch as the sun always warms it up allows us the joy of sitting outside.  I should have taken a picture Leah was looking very beautiful and healthier than she has for a long time.

I think that what I am learning is to face the life that is given to me and make the most of it!  !  !

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Dad and  I were in a hilarious mood the other night.  It is good to just look and find humor in our lives.  It is good to have my funny hubby back!

He gave an Oscar award performance at the doctor's office of the way I walk when I get tied.  I think I had better keep walking in the dark!  The secret is to walk slowly and hug a pole or a tree when I feel I might fall.

I wish I would at least look sexy not clumsy!

Every time I go to see my doctor thinking I know what's wrong he seems to have different ideas. Hmm

In the waiting room  watch as every woman comes in and pulls out one ticket with her number on it while e very time without fail the men take a whole roll of numbers instead of just one.

 There are many reasons I do not like colon tests, the horrible stuff you have to drink which I throw up but now I have a new concern.  Will I snort and snore when I am put to sleep in that most dignified of positions.  O  gracious me I hope not. 

Celebrating after returning from seeing  Dr. A Chang, who after a long talk;  and a lot of help answering questions from Leah, it was decided not to rush into this test.  I am getting old for it and they do not like to do it too often.  I am booked for May  but other tests will prove it unnecessary I hope.  I was so tired and found answering questions difficult but a lovely young man so kind and understanding I know now I made the right decision not to see Donaldson.  Dad was a little hard to convince but in the end it was My decision.

Also I am so well organized now I cannot find anything!  The good thing is I have found things I did not know where missing.

Our aim now is just to enjoy life.  I am even thankful that dad and Sandra kept at me and did not let me settle into my comfy arm chair and read!  Together we are a good team.  So thankful also for Leah.

Denial can be a comfy  chair too!  (:

So today I will visit the Seniors home probably after resting after my walk. 

My prayers have been answered and I am so blessed.  Dad  has had an excellent day today fixing both pumps on our little water-falls.  We are both very hopeful and happy  and even hilarious. I was in  bed early  last to-night.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This was our early morning drive to White Rock and seeing the sun pushing away all those nasty clouds lifted our spirits.
we are on the  freeway going fast.  The best scenery is always on the other side of the car from where I am sitting.  I have to twist all around to try and capture the light in the sky.

P3110560.I loved the card you sent Sandra and I had a good laugh!   My cookies look pretty plain beside that one with chocolate chips and all.  You do find the best cards!

I loved the words too!  I thought with all these cookies I should get my cookie jar out even if it is not Christmas!

Tough Cookie
Someone with just the right mix of sweetness and strength.
One who does not crumble under pressure.
A fighter who's too busy kicking butt to sit down and cry, but knows it's okay to do both.
A person who doesn't always ask for support, but has lots of friends who would do anything to help.

Yes dad and I are hanging in there.  I have one appointment Wed. for the colonoscopy  consultation (I will miss my Bible study with my happy group).    One on Monday scheduled for a brain scan with dye.  I will be happy to have everything show nothing!  Ha  

Leah is also coming over today, we always have a few good laughs with her.