Friday, May 31, 2013


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,


                                                      A time to heal and relax


A time to get out riding the bike again

A time to be careful among the rocks in my front garden.

Yes a lot of what we do may seem meaningless but enjoy life as best as you can for you never know when something you do or say can be meaningful to another person.


Life has meaning and purpose even in small ways.

A sharing of our journals as Jane and I are doing has been very meaningful for me. 

I was glad to walk with Gundy yesterday morning.   Her thinking is a bit strange but I know it did her good,  both the walk and the talk.  Healing for us both.

If someone accepts your offer of friendship it gives both your lives meaning.  This I try to explain to her. 

Sometimes we have to look for the meaning and purpose of our lives.
"There is ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply bitter,
and that is to have trust upon them a life without meaning. . . .
                        There is nothing wrong in searching for happiness. . but of more comfort to the soul. . is something greater than happiness or unhappiness and that is meaning.
                         Because meaning transfigures all. . .once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you are happy or unhappy.
                        You are content -you are not alone in your spirit- you belong."
                               (Sir Kaurens van der Post from Hasten slowly.)
Dad went for his first spring bike ride.  It is difficult when there has been so much rain.

I was happy to have a rest while dad took the milkshake to Jim and carried on to Best Buy to purchase a new computer which will take the frustration out of his life and add new meaning of course.  He bumped into Carol there and they had coffee together.

Also able to talk to Ken on Viber and he sounds like he is managing okay even though it is a miserable and uncomfortable time.  Both Melina and Mathew have been under the weather but are okay now.  Children always catch a lot of colds the first year attending school.

"Life is not meaningful. . . .
unless it is serving an end beyond itself;
 unless it is of value to someone else."   -Abraham Joshua Herschel.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


I could see that Gundi looked very worried a few weeks ago when I told her I would not be walking with her for a few days as I needed to gain strength after not being so well.  Now that I am better I started knocking on her door every morning at out time.  There was no answer.  At first I thought maybe she was sleeping in or maybe the day was not so nice; but I started to worry when again this week there was no answer.

Of course one starts to think that maybe she has had a fall and is in there all alone.  Yesterday I called on another friend that knows her and she decided we should call the police and she also called her son's wife.  The other thing was that she was not answering the phone and in fact it was unplugged.

She did open her door to the arm of the law and after talking to her they decided she was okay.

Then Lily, her friend, and I marched in.  The house was spotless but she looked unkempt and a little confused.  She had convinced herself that my walking with her had been too much for me so she had shut herself in.  A big part of our walk was the  talking together  and also it gave her a reason to get up and get dressed.
Alone and not answering the door to anyone had been very bad for her mentally and physically.  I would not be surprised if the son calls in a social worker to evaluate her; so I am sorry that this may be very disturbing to her.
I know myself that my mind can lead me into doubt and despair and talking to others is a wonderful help.
I too can be guilty of thinking too much.

The rain was pouring down when Kim left to drive out to Chilliwack with Haiti in the back with her tail wagging furiously.  We already miss them both.  So off to the library after deciding the D.V.D. called Blackbooks about a book store owner who really did not want to sell his books had gotten a little too silly, but we did have some good laughs.
Nice to see the sun this morning! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013



Awake early to pray for Ken and others.
Prayer helps me to feel calm and let the  energy of love surround and guide me
and bring healing to us all.

Kim and I will walk Haiti today.

Yes Tuesday was a wet day.

The air was being cleansed even as our hearts and minds are cleansed of fear and replaced with calm assurance.

Send angels to surround those who are ill and suffering to heal and restore wholeness.

Thank you Jesus for healing the eyes of the blind and may that healing love be present with Ken and Melina.  Thank you for doctors who have the skill to operate on such sensitive area's as our eyes.


Actually another rainy day.  So pleased to have Kim come and brighten up our day.  She has had a fascinating trip to China and now she will be looking for work and deciding what courses to take.  She was able to get her new drivers license and arrange for the car to be transferred into her name, so a busy day for our grand daughter.

We are all looking forward to warm sunny days ahead; like the day weeks passed when dad did some painting around the house.  Managed to paint his pants as well/


 And I worked in the garden using the little seat dad bought for me.  Trying to pay close attention to which plants need water or trimming.

Yes I still manage to get lots of dirt under my fingernails.
That was also a great day for taking Haiti for a walk.  All was calm and she was well behaved.

Carol and Panteli joined us for a feast as we enjoyed the meal Kim prepared with such skill and imagination.  Maybe she should write a recipe book she is so full of good healthy ideas.  We had special mushrooms all the way from China.

We try to find enjoyment in whatever we are doing rain or shine.

"Life is a mosaic made up of small pieces of human experience common to us all."  J.Chittister

Healing thoughts and prayers are being sent your way Ken.  We love You!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Kim has found the route home to our place.

Yes the route with Haiti had to change a bit as she started chasing all the squirrels that are running crazy around the neighborhood.  I have trouble holding her when she takes off. So she takes off in a huge burst of speed after the squirrel and I go flying along behind.  Finally realize I had better let go and I landed in soft grass.   In so many ways she is a sweet dog but needs training.

I go down Scott Road where there are no squirrels or sometimes a little way into the Watershed Park.

It would also seem that Christianity needs to find a new route, a way not of rules and tradition but love. and the spirit.   This is not so easy for those of us who have had a life-time investment in what we believed to be the truth.  I want to try to discover what deeper truth can be found by leaving the well-worn path.

"Relational community, intentional practice, and experimental belief are forming a new vision for what it means to be Christian in the twenty-first century."  -Diana Butler Bass

Our visit to the doctor seemed like a waste of time as we got no answers to our questions and it was all about whether I wanted a colonosocopy.  My answer was no.  I am regaining weight and some energy but it will take time.  So dad and I both have on-going health issues.

Carol just phone at 8:30 saying they are picking up Kim from the airport.  Panteli will drive Carol to work and then bring Kim here.  Haiti will go crazy with excitment sd we all will.

Monday, May 27, 2013



Since I am starting to improve and do not really want any tests at this time the main suggestion was to be extra careful with diet.  What I had is a mystery, maybe some strange bug.  The problem was also that the doctor did not really listen and I am not good at answering questions.  It all seems like a blurr anyhow but I am improving so we are thankful.

It seemed like a long day so happy to be home out of the rain.
I feel confident I will continue to improve.


It is all about my family and also about those who have touched my life over the years.
It is all about the memories.
It is all about the writer and the reader and the comments.
It is all about caring and sharing.
It is all about Love!

Did the plans for the day fall into place according to the original plan.  No.
But what mattered was that we all got together.
"The more we are attuned to our depths and shadows and desires, the more God is in all our lives,"
Rob Bell from "What We Talk About When We Talk About God
"We deeply impact each other and we are more connected and aware of what each other is doing than any of us realize.  There are friends who seem to fill us with the energy within themselves and we feel blessed.  There are others who completely drain us and I find myself getting weary of the words and the attitude that seems to be taking a lot out of me.  It almost feels like my spirit is being crushed,
Jesus taught us to love our neighbors because we are more deeply connected than we may realize.  My time and my energy is precious to me so there are moments when we have to disconnect to the emotions of another.  I know  that nothing I say will be heard or acted upon.
Then their are people who we read about that can inspire us both by their actions and their words.
Before you know it is time to say good-bye.  Good times!

Received a special card from Mary and Michael John "asking the Lord to encourage me and fill me with his strength today and everyday,"  This means a lot to me.

Today I have to wait until 4 o'clock to see the doctor and just want to get it over with.  Will add any news worthy of mention when I get back home.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yes we did


Oliver arrived in grand style on his bike.  Want a ride gram he later offered.  Ha ha!  The time just flew by as Carol and Panteli joined us and the Sandra.  Haiti was also returned so we will be off this Sunday morning for a walk.

It was early so just a tiny bit of sun. in the morning.   I could  also feel a bit of chill in the sir.  My neighbor's mom arrives to walk the two dogs together.  She gave me a hug yesterday and said how much better I am looking.  
I agree with Merton who says: "I look up at the clear blue sky and the tops of the trees shining in the sunlight, and all the new flowers growing and booming and it is a moment of   "angelic lucidity".  I am planning my day with great care, shorter walks and eating more frequently good food.  I have no craving for sweet things which is strange,
Life for me seems so simple right now just doing what I can to regain strength.
Scripture talks about the unveiling of the heart and that is what is happening to me.  A gift from God.
The world of color helps to unveil the shadows of doubt and renew the spirit.
Pictures taken Friday as today it is a bit rainy.
I have decided I am amazing!
But are't we All!
I have lived many years with exhaustion and looked after four lively children who filled my days with joy.  I am now able to have more compassion for cranky, bossy grannie who lived with us for awhile.  Not easy for her.  She was a loner and had lived down by the water-front in small rooms and enjoyed her life there, and then have to move in with us .  So sad for her to lose two sons in the war.   
I have know the deep sadness of depression and the great joy of being filled with the exhilarating joy of the Holy Spirit.
And what joy to know broken hearts can be mended!
I am more willing to be content as I get better.
I know that the love in our family is even stronger than ever!
Time seemed suspended as I waited so impatiently for Oliver to arrive, dashing and handsome (just like his cousins)  on his motor-bike.  Finally I heard him and flew down the stairs with amazing speed just in time to take a picture and then a hug.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


So many interesting places to walk!  I wonderful way for me to quiet my mind.  Walking with dad is good and I am so pleased he is getting his energy back.  He was too busy cleaning and painting the garage yesterday and it is so good to see him more like himself.
Walking by myself is okay too so I take my anxious thoughts and put them in the hands of the Lord or I send them far away.  I am being healed.
They can be unseen or seen but people appear just when I need to feel the comfort of the presence of another.  I am so aware that wrong words can be spoken or an incorrect gesture made or a mean thought can flit across my mind.
The sacred and the ordinary are all one.  Whether I am at home or on a walk or at church the divine walks with us all.
We all realize that many things are beyond our control and that is why a simple word, called prayer, helps.  Walking with Haiti she often stops to sniff and examine things I cannot even see.  So it is a slow progress.
Jesus did not say come to church with me but come and walk with me.  Let's talk.  Let's get to know each other.
  On every walk something beautiful is shown to me.  Either on the ground,  our in the sky above,
or all around me.  I am enjoying my walks and the main problem is nausea right now and lack of appetite but I did gain weight on the Prednisone and energy but just could not sleep.  Anyway it will get sorted out.  So loooking forward to seeing Oliver today and who ever else shows up.

Friday, May 24, 2013


I thought I should just run out of town because I am in the bad books at the library as I spilt a little water on a new book.  Guilty Yes.Yes Yes.  I had to pay for the book but I get to keep it.  One of my favorite authors so I am okay with the solution and I should be more careful.  I am taking water with me everywhere so this is what happened.  The librarian was very sweet and we had a laugh about it.
  We have a mutual repect for each other so that helps when I do dumb things.
This is the path and the trees look lovely when they are in bloom.
This is where dad hangs out while I pick out D.V.D.s and books.  Lots of interesting newspapers and magazines.  There is a nice atmosphere in our library,

Came home and dad is watch the Russia Canada series on D.V.D's that Randy lent him.

Carol dropped by on the way home from work.  She was doing some additional training.  She would like to go on a cruise.

Ken gave us a call on the way to his work.  Melina starts her course on Tuesday.  Good on her!

Dad is feeling really great so that takes a lot of stress and worry from me.  I am a little slower today with no Presdnisone.  No Worries Mate we are doing Okay!  Paid my fine and got out of jail.



Another early morning walk that began with Haiti waiting at the front door.  I love the fresh morning air!  Here we are quests in a place where there is so much to see and do,  we truly should be grateful.

She knows the routine now and will not take no for an answer.  She has been a fun guest in our house but at times needed a firm hand.  She has so much energy she needs more than a slow grannie can give but she tolerates me.

Sandra came by and picked her up yesterday on her way home from work and I felt okay about her leaving us.  She can run around there.


Every morning there appears a new flower in my garden and I am always so pleased to see them.  Some seeds seem to float from other gardens and decided to make our place their home.


Yesterday we made it down to the creek where the salmon swim on their way home.


This Saturday our little house will be welcoming Oliver for a visit.  I am sure we will all get together with other members of the family.  I am so thankful for our home.. 

I know there is nothing like a good night's sleep!

The best thing is to learn to laugh more and treat all guests with kindness.

Today dad has another blood test and maybe we will stop by Applewood for coffee after.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I feel so hopeful as I wake up again very early.

I know there are exciting things ahead but also there will be some dissappointments,

I am thankful for medicine that cures the sick and the knowledge of the doctors.  If I am truly honest I fear that I will never really feel well again so I try to believe even this has possibilities. and prayerfully continue to be open to healing from all sources.

I think of all the others who need prayer and tender love this morning and ask your spirit to bring them peace and ease their pain.

A huge velvet reddest purple rhododendrum covers the corner of our year.  The flowers are huge and SO absolutely perfect.  Over in the corner is a pure white one and in the middle the weeds and cultivated flowers are growing happily together.

I appreciate the quiet solitude of the morning but a few extra winks of sleep would be okay too.

:Solitude according to Thomas Merton means a withdrawal from an artificial and fictional level of being to find our true selves.

Yes the world is full of disasters and yet I am amazed again and again how people come together to help one another.  Around lies destruction and within is emptiness but the hope pf new possibilities lies before us all.

"Our tasks must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of Compassion to embrace all living creatures and the Whole of Nature and It'sBeauty."  Albert Einstein


                              I was awake bright and early to take Haiti for a walk to our small park.
                              A lovely morning.

Ready to go.  Books packed and some snacks.  I'll be waiting at the eye doctors first where dad has two appointments.  His results looked good and we where pleased.

On our way

Lots of traffic

We had time to stop for lunch.
I decided to stop off at home and not carry on with the appointment with the liver specialist.
/amazing thing he was concerned for both of us ans asked about me.
He was pleased with dad's blood tests ans it will be checked again just to make sure it continues Io decline.

                                Enjoyable lunch and lovely view.


Thank you Lord for a wonderful day.  I really felt prayers were there with us all the way!  The timing all went very well and it was an enjoyable day,

Dad did a good deed driving an old gentleman home from his second appointment.  He was very confused.  Made the day even more special.  Since he was near the car lot of the man I had been in the hospital with he stopped to have a visit.  I meanwhile had taken Haiti for another walk, tired but could not rest. 
Glad I am now off my pills even though they helped and certainly gave me energy.
Carol stopped by with some more cookies and a chat.  We are sure blessed.
Hope to go visiting milk shake in hand,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I love my May Calender


The first of the May good news.  Kenny and family are coming in August.

Hurrah!  Hurrah!

I can hardly wait.

I am reading the book you lent me; an amazing story.  Shawna
"Heaven is for Real."

What an awesome story about the little boy who through a near death experience experienced Heaven.  Some of the messages he would gradually remember were awesome..

I know people who have a hard time believing but there is a faith that lives deep within us all that is to be treasured and strengthened.  I loved the story of the little girl that could see a light on above some people's heads.  Sometimes are Earthy Eyes just cannot see the spiritual reality that is pure love and grace.  Just like our bodies are spiritual life can need check-ups.  I need help everyday to try not to hurt or judge others but see them with kindness and love.

 "Don't forget: some faith can be contagious."

'"People like to be appreciated.  Whose deeds of kindness can you thank someone for today."

"One of the biggest principles of healthy parenting is consistency."

:Do not go weary in doing good."
Today is a busy day for grandpa and I; first the eye doctor at Vancouver General for glaucoma and then his liver dc. in Surrey. back in Surrey.  Hopefully he is continuing to improve.  Grandpa has been the greatest blessing to me as have all the family and my friends and neighbors.

First thing I go for a short walk which is the good side effect of the Predniscone which gives me energy and more appetite and helps nausea.  Both the difficult thing is I am tired but cannot rest.  I see the specialist on the 27 but do not expect much.  It may just take time.

I enjoy doing the things I love, a little gardening, a little walk and a little visit.  So much to be thankful for and to look forward to   .And now the Aussies are coming!  !

Hopefully Sandra and Randy can solve their house problem, I do love that house.  What great memories!

Also Carol and Panteli have many decisions to make about where to live and what to do.

Theresa loves her teachers aid work although it can be tough working with children with problems.  So happy Melina is now taking the course.

Hope Leah can find work and continued healing for her pain.  She is amazing too.

For me Jesus is the one who carries the Light and we all walk as close as we feel comfortable and choose to do so.  Your light is shining bright

It is not about going to church, or having the right answers, or having no doubts, or believing you are better than anyone else, we all make mistakes
but it is about carrying the love of light within you! !

I love writing in my blog and I love that some take time to read and tell Me of their lives!

Haiti has had a good walk-a-bout!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The poppies are now blooming!the    new day looks promising and I may try an inch or two farther in my walk!  Yes the birds are singing and telling me to get moving. 

I have been listening to my I-Pod while resting and just feeling the joy in the music..  I am tired but finding it hard to rest.

I did some work in the yard and cut the grass.

We went out for lunch with Carol and Panteli and   Randy and Sandy and enjoyed the company and trying out a new restaurant.  Coming home we drove a slower way through farmland', so green and alive. Dad has been on his computer all morning.  Still watching hockey of course.  No doctors or anything today so try to have a drive or a walk together

Cannot sleep sheep on strike so will be praying for you all that seems to help!  .

Jesus came to live and walk and teach us to listen to the songs of life.

I may be old and slow but I can still enjoy music!  !  !  What a gift!

Jesus also invites us to embrace our weaknesses and recognize our strengths and abilities.  We will never be free of problems but the mystery is that we can become strong when we are weak.

"When we come to the end of ourselves. only then do we discover that "God" has been there the whole time,  the "God" who is for us!   -Rob Bell

Monday, May 20, 2013


No it was not a bib.  A excellent bag for the store.

Ben and Morgan have to try it out


Hard working mom and dad get a rest

so happy to have a visit drom Craig and Leah

Smiles as mom and daughter leave.

Smiles from Morgan and Sandra