Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I love my May Calender


The first of the May good news.  Kenny and family are coming in August.

Hurrah!  Hurrah!

I can hardly wait.

I am reading the book you lent me; an amazing story.  Shawna
"Heaven is for Real."

What an awesome story about the little boy who through a near death experience experienced Heaven.  Some of the messages he would gradually remember were awesome..

I know people who have a hard time believing but there is a faith that lives deep within us all that is to be treasured and strengthened.  I loved the story of the little girl that could see a light on above some people's heads.  Sometimes are Earthy Eyes just cannot see the spiritual reality that is pure love and grace.  Just like our bodies are spiritual life can need check-ups.  I need help everyday to try not to hurt or judge others but see them with kindness and love.

 "Don't forget: some faith can be contagious."

'"People like to be appreciated.  Whose deeds of kindness can you thank someone for today."

"One of the biggest principles of healthy parenting is consistency."

:Do not go weary in doing good."
Today is a busy day for grandpa and I; first the eye doctor at Vancouver General for glaucoma and then his liver dc. in Surrey. back in Surrey.  Hopefully he is continuing to improve.  Grandpa has been the greatest blessing to me as have all the family and my friends and neighbors.

First thing I go for a short walk which is the good side effect of the Predniscone which gives me energy and more appetite and helps nausea.  Both the difficult thing is I am tired but cannot rest.  I see the specialist on the 27 but do not expect much.  It may just take time.

I enjoy doing the things I love, a little gardening, a little walk and a little visit.  So much to be thankful for and to look forward to   .And now the Aussies are coming!  !

Hopefully Sandra and Randy can solve their house problem, I do love that house.  What great memories!

Also Carol and Panteli have many decisions to make about where to live and what to do.

Theresa loves her teachers aid work although it can be tough working with children with problems.  So happy Melina is now taking the course.

Hope Leah can find work and continued healing for her pain.  She is amazing too.

For me Jesus is the one who carries the Light and we all walk as close as we feel comfortable and choose to do so.  Your light is shining bright

It is not about going to church, or having the right answers, or having no doubts, or believing you are better than anyone else, we all make mistakes
but it is about carrying the love of light within you! !

I love writing in my blog and I love that some take time to read and tell Me of their lives!

Haiti has had a good walk-a-bout!


Sandra said...

I love my calendar too and am so happy that Shawna takes the time to make them for us. If you get this message, and if Carol or Panteli stops by do you want to ask them to bring Haiti to our house?

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well today. Love Jane

Shawna said...

I am glad that you like the calendar and the book. There is two books that were written about that little boy and I am reading the other one right now.

I am glad that you are feeling better and starting to eat more. You and Grandpa are always in our thoughts!

Love You

Sandra said...

Oh, and of course it is wonderful Kenny is coming with the family. I figure we are so good at weddings now we should have another one with them..

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that Kenny is coming! Carol set out this morning to grab Haiti and take her to Sandra's on her way to work, so hopefully you and Haiti were home when she came by.


Anonymous said...

All well here , off to gymnastics today . The tickets have not been booked yet , but we are working on it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Dad got good news on his liver and the glaucoma.

Gone coldish again here in Kamloops.

