Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Actually another rainy day.  So pleased to have Kim come and brighten up our day.  She has had a fascinating trip to China and now she will be looking for work and deciding what courses to take.  She was able to get her new drivers license and arrange for the car to be transferred into her name, so a busy day for our grand daughter.

We are all looking forward to warm sunny days ahead; like the day weeks passed when dad did some painting around the house.  Managed to paint his pants as well/


 And I worked in the garden using the little seat dad bought for me.  Trying to pay close attention to which plants need water or trimming.

Yes I still manage to get lots of dirt under my fingernails.
That was also a great day for taking Haiti for a walk.  All was calm and she was well behaved.

Carol and Panteli joined us for a feast as we enjoyed the meal Kim prepared with such skill and imagination.  Maybe she should write a recipe book she is so full of good healthy ideas.  We had special mushrooms all the way from China.

We try to find enjoyment in whatever we are doing rain or shine.

"Life is a mosaic made up of small pieces of human experience common to us all."  J.Chittister

Healing thoughts and prayers are being sent your way Ken.  We love You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big day for Kennie. Hope we hear some good news about how his surgery goes.