Thursday, May 16, 2013


028Be on the look out for this woman.  Not allowed out walking.  The posters are going up!   Actually I did get in a short walk today I was sneaky.  You get tired of resting and I am getting so weak.

I read a quote that said it is important to embrace life despite illness.  I will try.

We are keeping so much calmer about a lot of things.  Couldn't find my purse and then remembered I had left it at the blood clinic.  The funny thing was it only had a book that I took to read while waiting but there was an appointment for the specialist written down in it and they tracked me down that way.

Yesterday we thought we had lost the dog Haiti.  We forgot that we put her in the laundry room when a visitor came so she would not bark at them.  Then we forgot all about her.

Looked at the results of the blood tests and all look pretty normal so I am expecting the doctor to tell me I am fine.  I could very easily talk myself out of going.  Sandra thanks for volunteering to come but dad and I should be able to understand that message.   Maybe a virus. 

So off we go about 9 this mourning.  and I will update later.

Well the three of us went into the doctor's room; like I told Dr. Nolte I felt like asking the whole waiting room to come in and join us.  es it was good to have Sandra there but again we forgot some of our questions.

It is still the Celiac which just knocks the air out of me as I try to be so careful.  I am on cortisone for a trail.  I am thankful it is nothing worse but I feel sad I have been so extra careful,

The Flower Fairy came and put Flowers on my doorstep.  What a joyful thing to do.

 We took a quick trip to the library.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the tests and I'm glad that Haiti is safe! Yukky morning out today!

Sandra said...

When keeping your eye out for this escapee please remember to look down, chances are she will be crawling along rather then her usual brisk pace. There would appear to be some wheat products sneaking into moms diet, or at least her body thinks so. How or where from is the question.

Anonymous said...

Have you changed your diet ? Well at least you have more information to help heal . Rest up Mom and you will be out walking in the lovely summer sunshine in no time.

nancy-Lou said...

Just a suggestion, but seeing a dietican and keeping a food diary might be an idea....they can check out what you are eating Beth.It helped me a lot! Celiac Disease can sure knock the wheels out from underneath you. I can hear the same humour as yours, Beth, in Sandra's comment...crawling along on your walk! LOL I hope you feel a lot better soon and are back on your walks. Are you taking a multi B vitamin..they are so easily washed out of your body with the diahrea. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good joke with the "Wanted Poster" mom. Very clever. Glad your sense of humour hasn't left you.

Hope you are feeling better tomorrow!

