Friday, October 31, 2008



The children on the street think so; and they do have a cat called spooky!

We have information from a reliable source, (starts with an R) that all male cats in the neighborhood are now making a very wide detour of the above house, since their friend made the fatefull mistake of entering said house.

My first memory is my brother bringing home a bag of candies and not wanting to share any with me. I was too young to go out door to door. In my memory he kept hiding it from me.

I also remember my dad bringing home some fireworks, one of which was the burning school house. It was very popular.

Then when I was old enough there was no candy because of the war and we went out and collected money. Was it for war refugees. We took our little boxes around door to door. I cannot remember if we dressed up.

The only costume I remembered was as a pirate, but other costumes were ghosts and cowboys. Some kids liked to play tricks like throwing eggs on houses and causing damage.

Like a lot of things it was not as much fun as I had imagined it to be when I finally got to go out for candy. My brother always ended up with more candy than I did.

Like a lot of lessons in life the secret is to be happy with what we have and not to take life for granted. Happiness cannot be planned and programed into our days but joy comes unexpected in the small moments when we feel content and when we laugh at our mistakes instead of feeling inadequate or guilty.

I went visiting yesterday at the Nursing Home and a dress up party was being planned. The activity workers always amaze me because they put so much effort into making these dear old people happy. To give to others a moment of happiness that helps them forget their pain and disability is a true gift.

We affect others as we search for meaning in our lives. We learn valuable lessons through suffering and disappointments and as we look back we see that we have overcome many difficult days; and always have so much to be thankful for.

Now, we have a big bowl of candy and we are looking forward to the little ones from the neighborhood knocking on our door.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Each one of our grandchildren and great grandchildren are very precious to us. We miss the ones who live so far away. I am sure this was a very important day for Lucas, celebrating Divali the festival of lights.

To-morrow Grandma Carol is picking us, grandpa and I, to drive to see Morgan in her ballet class. Both her and Ben will be delighted to see us.

We hope Mary and Michael John are enjoying their visit inOntatio at the wedding.

We had Shirley Fowler over for lunch today. She just loves our house so we should do this more often.


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship [and suffering] as the pathway to peace.

Taking as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right, if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next."

Prayer opens our eyes to see the beauty of life.

Jesus asks us, "Why are you asking so many questions?"

Get on with life and laugh all the more because you do not know it all!

"In the mystical land before our birth, heartfelt laughter is the signal that God is present."
-Thomas Moore

Monday, October 27, 2008


Odysey is a noble image for the mysterious process we call a human life. Homer's tale of the travels of the antihero Odysseus is a sacred story, the mystery of our lives as we travell through life searching; with hope for a place to call home.

"This journey is a soul journey. Each of us is on such a journey, embracing both the concrete situation of our lives and an inner pilgrimage as well."

We are challenged to work out our past; while we focus on daily struggles, and realize that there is an inner life deep within us that is also a part of who we are and who we may become. Life is a mystery that allows us to see that truth is amazing grace that surrounds us all.

We would like to always be happy and sure that we are on the right road; but doubt often caused by painful circumstances can make us feel insecurity. The soul wrestles with thoughts that flood the mind and rob us of our peace. We are told to think positive; but when the ground beneath us starts to shake and darkness hides the light, this seems impossible.

We know that we learn from suffering but it takes a life time to learn to embrace suffering and to offer that suffering to the God who suffered for us all.

Music is powerful because of its many variations and rhythms. Music is so powerful it can bring tears to our eyes; or it can make us free to dance. The soul responds to music even when the body has shut down emotions too painful to embrace. Music touches us and has the power to free us as we allow ourselves to respond.

We need to share our hearts with one another and listen for the music!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


What an awesome thing to save a life while risking your own! My own fear would paralyze me.
We each have a picture of ourselves but circumstances in our lives can change and we may discover that we need to be rescued.
"We may discover that we are most ourselves when we are furthest from the self we think we ought to be. To experience the depths of despair and to be willing to reach up for a hand to save us takes on to a new adventure of discovering the "soul". Prayer becomes our strength!


None of us like to accept failure as a part of the reality of being alive. The amazing truth is that out of failure comes our greatest growth, especially spiritually. We, all of us, can be thankful that we still have lessons to learn. We have been taught our life has value when we contribute materially by working hard and achieving new goals.

It has been said that even when cherished ambitions are achieved we often feel strangely unhappy and unfulfilled and saying to ourselves, "there must be more to life." We can come to this place on the road we are travelling with success or with failure.

We praise the runner who breaks the record and finishes first and we forget the courage of the one who keeps running knowing that they are last.

I admire those who keep trying. It takes years and years to understand why we continue to have our troubles in our daily lives but when the light comes as the spirit descends, we give up trying to understand and find joy in just being who we are.

Joy comes as we practice the awareness of the spirit that lives within us. Care of the soul, or living from the heart, often calls for simple surrender rather than doing. We all have our expectations but sometimes we need to let go and let life happen.

Anyway, we were too late to get tickets for the Harvest Dinner at the Church but had a nice quiet dinner with Carol and Panteli at the Red Rose Cafe.

Friday, October 24, 2008


My two favorite lawyers have hearts with a sense of humor
and they are our son Rick and now Eli Stone.

Have you seen this T.V. lawyer turning prophet?

Dad and I are watching on D.V.D's but we have not seen it on our programs.


One of the hardest lessons in life is realizing we are not in control no matter how hard we try.
Right now the world around us has been shaken as the dollar drops and the stock-market fails.
Where is our security?

We talk about World War 1 and 2 as the war to end all wars.
Where is our peace?

We do all the right thinks to be healthy, we try to eat right and to exercise and to think positive, and illness comes and we have to slow down and admit we are getting weaker.
Where is our health?

We believe in love and faith that strengthens the soul yet we realize how vulnerable we really are as we struggle to see life not as a rocky road but as stepping stones for us to conquer.
What is sacred and by that I mean what is safe?

Tears come into our eyes at unexpedted moments. As I gave my talk at the United Church Women's Rally I was going to say I thought mom would be proud of me, but I could not put this into words. Each of us carry within us a deep well of emotions that we try to bury yet at times they come to the surface.
Where is the unconditional love that frees us from guilt and failure?

We have been invited to a banquet that feeds the soul and strengthens the heart and renews our courage.
When will we accept the invitation to life that is abundant and free
healing the past and lifting us to the mountain to see the amazing beauty spread all around us!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yes, we are becoming convinced Matthew's eyes are blue. We really will have to see them to be absolutely sure. Seeing is believing for most of us for most of the time. We are pleased that Melina has a mother's group to be a part of.

I was alittle late getting to my study group yesterday afternoon but when I did everyone was so pleased to see me. We have become very good friends and we laugh a lot together as we share our lives honestly. We all want to improve the quality of our lives and we are on different paths but we have the same goal.

We all want to do something that is more meaningful and satisfying with our lives; than the daily routine that can suck the life out of you, because it is so routine.

Keeping a journal, or diary, I have found helps me connect to what I am really feeling. There are many other ways of doing this, like being creative and painting or making pottery, or working in the garden or going for a walk or a swim etc. I am convinced that our lives need balance and we need to do fun, even crazy things.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


We all have the freedom to make choices; even if it is only how we choose to respond to what life does to us.

I made a life-changing choice many years ago to visit in the hospital and in the nursing home.

Some choices change your life forever.

I knew from personnel experience the loneliness of sickness.

When we were first married we moved to Vancouver away from family and friends. Larry had a difficult job training to be an air-traffic controller and he started taking the bus to find work. I found a job when suddenly I felt ill. The doctor told me I must have complete bed rest because I had a tubal pregnancy. This baby was not suppose to live and we both cried about this. The good news is he did and we are very proud of our son Rick.

I spent many lonely hours in our tiny apartment where the bed came out of the wall and Larry spend 10 hours a day travelling back and forth to work. He was under a lot of stress and worry not only about his job but also about me.

I would struggle for many years with fatigue and painful stomack problems before I was diagnosed with Celiac disease Doctors were very unhelpful and I felt a lot of guilt because I could not get better. But I did and I am healthy today.

I believe in the power of prayer and I made a choice to give my life to visiting the lonely in hospital and in the nursing home. I know that the presence of another person can ease the pain of loneliness and a kind touch and a smile mean so very much.

I took a course to be a lay-chaplain but like most jobs you learn by doing. I would read to people [this I had done for mom when she had her major stroke and could not talk or communicate. She would lift her hand to wave good bye and watch out the window as I left.]

I have got drinks of water for people who are bed-ridden, brought cookies and flowers. I share my life and they share theirs. I have learned a lot from visiting and I am reminded not to take life forgranted and be thankful for each moment for the love that surrounds me.

The love of God which shines upon us all helped me to have the energy and courage to face some difficult situations. Just walking in a room where people are sick you can feel negative energy draining all hope and life. I prayed before I visited and during my visits often silently but occassionally with a patient when they asked me to.

Everyone has a story and they need to fill their lives have meaning even when they are sick.

I believe that the compassion of Jesus listens with me and that he ministers to others through me especially when it is hard to know what to say. I have found in life that there are usually no easy answers but the presence of God supports us.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I love the fall colours of bright yellow and orange. Nature's last passionate signature before the dullness of winter.

I was thinking that within us also is an inner world of colour.

Red for anger, black for hate and bitterness and unforgiveness,
orange for joy,, blue of peace and calm, green for new growth.,
pink for hope and faith, gray for sadness and pain and loneliness,
purple for holiness and passion and yellow for light of the spirit
of compassion and kindness and love.

A rainbow within us.

What colour are you today?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


On Friday I was coming back from walking with my friend Janet over across the no. 10 Highway It was pouring rain and as soon as the light turned green I hurried to get across. Then I heard a horn blaring. I looked up through the rain to see a huge truck speeding through the intersection and coming right towards me. I just froze thank goodness because I am prone to be stupid and try to run across.

I have not had a life of near-misses like Larry who is more of a risk taker as well as a rescuer.

I know that my life has been full of hidden miracles that have given me a thankful heart and an awareness that some blessings come in disguise. Each one of us has to become more aware that every experience has meaning and every person we meet has come into our lives for a purpose.

Moment by moment, look for the stillness that connects to something deeper inside yourself.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Thse are healing stones and if you make the picture bigger you will see the angels!

This is the title of the book our book group is reading, and no one likes. There is a lot of disagreement about what the professor of Theology at Memphis writes about the Christians;
but all scripture is open to interruptation and good for discussion.
I think the book could have done a better job of comparing Judaism and Islam. I learned a lot in any event. Anyway I have three chapters to read because we have decided to finish
the book tonight.
Faith needs to be free of nationalistic pride and righteousness and seek to work for justice that reaches the poor and the powerless.
Larry had a new doctor at the Cancer Clinic and he really likes him. He got a very good report and does not have to go back for 6 months.

He was so happy he ate a big dish of pasta on the way home from the Clinic, and his stomach rebelled all night.

Will we ever learn and I say we?

Yes, I have been prescribed pain killers for the pain and I am trying to see what works best. Dad suggested aspirin as the good old standby but it does not do enough. Anyway it is back to the doctor on Monday. I am healthy and I am happy except when pain makes me grumpy. I can't fool dad.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Our little home group met here again last night. Every week some one has been sick with bad colds, so it is that time of year again. It is an effort for me because my pain has slowly creeped up my back to my neck; but I enjoy being with such caring people.

I think that the hardest part of sickness is loneliness. That is why I visit people in the nursing home and that is why I value my family and my church groups so much because their love supports and encourages me.

Prayer is healing and renewing because through prayer we discover "life's hidden wholeness."
This is a quote of Thomas Merton a Trappist Monk. Yes, Rick, prayer does go inward and it is more about receiving than asking God to be Santa.

"Much of life can never be explained but only witnessed" Rachael Naomi Remen, MD

Dad has written on his blog so have a good read!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Larry, the hockey player, set off with his skates to do some skating. He was too late but ended up at the Curling Rink. He has now become a curler and wants to be the first to throw the rocks,
which will mean he will be doing a lot of sweeping.

I will be giving my first talk at the U.C.W. Fall Rally of a bunch of churches. I am to speak about the lay-chaplaincy and now I cannot find my notes. I am trying so hard to organize but then I forget where I put things. At least if you move furniture you can find it after in it's new place.

Carol, Kim and I may go for a short walk this morning.

My editor has not been correcting me. Where has he gone?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We think they have gone to the bottom of the pond to hibrinate for the winter.
Could the raccons have eaten them?

We may have to wait for spring-time to discover the true answer. Waiting is always a hard thing to do most of us want answers immediately.

Life seems to be full of questions; for examle "Why" or for a Christian why was our prayer not answered. When we ask questions we have to face the tough answers.

"Jewish Wisdom encourages us to be skeptics, sacred skeptics. Skepticism inspires us to want to know more. When you find one answer it is time to find a better question. The truth can set us free but only if we are in the process of discovering it."

"Life will be an ongoing act of creating, revealing and discovering. Each person, each culture, each religion has part of the truth; none has it all. Profound truth can lie within paradox."

But for me I find that in the words of Jesus there is life and truth; some of which is hidden; and some of his words are now being questioned.

I agree with John Dominic Crossan who said the ancient stories in history are told Symbolically and we are dumb enough to take them Literally.

Sound fishy to you?

Monday, October 13, 2008




A day to celebrate God's love for us; [ the minister said this ]
and our love for our family.

I have been for a good walk in the rain and I look very healthy. [everyone says this]

We had a wonderful turkey dinner cooked by Mary and Michael John and Steve. It was good to see Tasha and Justice; and Oliver and Lila; but we did miss Chris and Linda

I tried to take pictures but they did not turn out so well. After supper we; Tasha, Sandra, Randy, Michael John and Carol and dad and I went over to the park but it was getting too dusky for pictures. Justice, Ben and Morgan had a great time seeing the ducks and swinging on swings etc. Even Randy was flying high on the swing.

What did you have for dinner?

Rick did you find your mitts?

I am forgetting where I put things now but I have always had memory problems.
Many, many years ago when the minister came to call he asked when Rick was born and I said 56 and then he said when were you married I said 57. He looked at me a little strange.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Today the "clan" is heading to the heights of Coquitlam to feast upon turkey and stuffing with all the timings. Lots of good deserts too! They will be coming from Victoria, from Chilliwack and from Tsswassen, Surrey and Delta. The Albertans are probably feasting on beef and the Aussie's will be around the pool "throwing another on the Barbie" (hope it isnt one of their cute little lambs) now that their weather is warmer. Cameron loves his turkey and I think they are all hoping Sandra will fly down at Christmas to cook one for them all!
Maybe in the summer we will all get together.

Today I am not going to go for a walk just to see if I feel any less pain. I will do my exercises I have a 200 page book just for back pain exercises] and then off to church at the Bell Center.

I feel so good when I get out walking, alive and happy. I feel like a young 65 year old.
The worst part of the day is from 6 to 9 in the evenning.

Dad is going to add skating to his bike riding.

Today it is a lot warmer so that means it could rain but we have had a lot of sunny fall days.

Today is a day of thanksgiving and I feel that our family has been given an abundance of things to be thankful for; especially for each other!

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" One of larry's favorite sayings.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Strange ducks

Actually I wondered if the white duck felt different than all the brown little ducks. This is to answer the comment made.

I think, if the truth where known, he probably thought we were the strange ducks taking such notice of him.

I am having fun taking pictures of my little world. It is a good reason to go for a walk!

I have been advised to take a shorter route, to see if this helps the pain in my back and neck. I am not happy with this advise but we cannot always be happy in life. Also my dad taught me there are no shortcuts to success.

Dad the teen-ager is still sleeping; but mom the mover has to get moving!
Yes, maybe we are the strange ducks.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Everyday and I mean everyday I go out for a walk Larry asks do you have your cell phone? Yes, I say. And He says "Okay bye Honey."

Yesterday was no different as I started to walk over to Colebrook Church with my Bible study books. It was such a beautiful day with the sunshine and just a little breeze [a gift from heaven].
Walking gives me time to pray and enjoy nature and friendly people I meet.

After our study, with all my dear old friends from Colebrook together for 15 years or more] I start home. I walk through the park and behind the church. The discomfort that I had felt at the study now becomes a pain. So, I called for my pills to be delivered to me by my hubby and would he come and pick me up. Fortunately he heard and came right away.

Now, we are off to the doctor today, and I want to be cheerful and positive but I wonder what Larry will say.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The good book says be persistent in prayer "You have not because you do not ask"

So I finally got an appointment with my family doctor on Thrusday because there was a cancellation.

Monday, October 6, 2008



I confess that I was the annoyomous one who wrote in the comments yesterday. I knew everyone would think it was dad.

To sum up yesterday I would say it was a disappointing day in many ways.

But at least I found matching socks.

I am hopeful today will be better.

Today dad and I go to the blood clinc at the hospital to check on his PSA etc. and then we wait until the 16 for results. Waiting is hard.

Then I will go to the Safeway where the srcurity guard always tells me how much my smile blesses him!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Little Mathew I like your list of favorite things. Only my starts with great=grandchildren, grandchildren and children and all our family and hugs and kisses. I also love books and music and funny movies, and looong walks, and sunny days and moonlight nights and looking at family pictures and family times together.

I love the morning and I love afternoon quiet naps.

I love young people and old people!

I love the mystery of life.

And of Course there is my love for and complete trust in Jesus Christ!

Well I am happy to say I had the best day yesterday. I walked to the church and helped at the fall fair. Met lots of old friends and we had fun together. Dr. dad suggested I take 2 long-lasting aspirins three times a day and with the oitment that you put on and having a rest I felt less pain. We then went to Carol and Panteli's to have supper with them, and Ben and Morgan. Yes, we forgot to take the pie we bought at the church.

I am having great fun taking pictures. It is fun when you can see them on the computer and send them right away.

Sorry we missed your phone call Ken but I am sure we will be in touch today.

The days seem to be going by so fast and yesterday was nice to start but then turned very rainy and windy. Lots of tree branches and leaves on the roads.

Looking forward to getting together next Sunday for Thanksgiving.

Blessings are everywhere when we keep looking for them.
believe that a Christian vision of reality can strengthen and enrich our lives!

Adam and Eve did not realize how lucky they were they did not have to decide what to wear!


Saturday, October 4, 2008



The good news is that I am happy with my life and everyone says I look good; especially when I curl my hair!
I am so pleased that Larry is finished his radiation and has a positive future. Gaining back his energy and coping with the problems in his legs; numbness and pain will be an on-going struggle.
The good news is that we have an awesome family and we have lots of fun being together. Every-one seems to be coping reasonably well; yes I know exams are no fun, and work can be hard and children exhausting but this is all part of life.

I have a good husband except he worries too much about me especially as he thinks I am gone too long on my walks.

The good news for me as a great-grandmother is I get to just have fun with Ben and Morgan . I am looking forward to more and more great-grandchildren. I cannot wait to see our Matthew who is getting cuter every day, every picture. Maybe in July Kenny will bring Melina and Matthew and Jessie. I can hardly wait!

We have wonderful friends who really care about us and pray for us.

I am learning more about the Bible as I read and study with others and go to church.

Yesterday I went for my walk with Janet and then went and sat at the clinic for two hours. Larry things this is outrageous. I tried to get an appointment with my own doctor but it would be a weeks wait. Last week we had a mini book club at the clinic. A group of us women were sharing the books we were reading. Yesterday there was a very sick little boy and I felt bad for their wait and a homeless character who was very cheerful. Larry talked to him and found out he had got crushed in a dumpster. Larry soon got tired of waiting but I was determined to find out the results of the x-rays.

I now have been told I have arthritis in my neck. I can now learn all about it and try to find what helps the most. I am fortunate it does not bother me at night but when it flares up having my neck touch the pillow hurts. I have a new water pillow which is helping .

The good news is that it is not cancer which once you have had it you wonder if it will return.

Dad came home and found out all he could about walk-in clinics. He was very annoyed when people walked in and got in ahead of him; but what he did not realize they had their names down and had gone for coffee. He was going to go in with me and it was too bad he had not because he had taken Viggo to this doctor and knew him. But then they would have had a chat whereas I say okay tell me whats wrong and I am ready to leave. No small talk for me.

Today I am off to the Craft Fair at the Colebrook Church to sell baking and books!

Friday, October 3, 2008


How can we bring joy into the lives of others? How can we be a healing presence?

Larry and I have been so blessed to have such loving caring people in our family. Each one of you mean so much to us and you are loved dearly.

We have so much to be thankful for. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at Michael John's and Marys for thanksgiving dinner. Oliver will be coming with Lila that is great news! I hope those who live close enough will make an effort to come. Family is the strength that helps us through the difficult times.

Please let Michael or Mary know if you are coming. This will be a lot of work for them and a lot ol fun for us!

It will be good to hear all about each one of you. You bring us so much joy that it is impossible to express.

Life is not easy but we have each other and wether we know it or not God is peeking around the corner ready to pour out His love on us all! ! !

Life can be painful but if we share our feelings and become more open we will not feel so alone and vulnerable.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Night after night the weather people on the news have all predicted rain for Thrus. and Friday.
I wake up expecting to hear rain and I get up to look and it is dull but nor rain. If I take an umbrella on my walk I know it will not rain but if I don't it will probably start. Actually I do not mind getting a little wet.

Another thing I have trouble believing is when Larry tells me I did not tell him something. I'm sure I told you I say.

I can't believe I go to the store without any money. [this sounds bad but I change purses]

I am also having trouble believing some of the new findings being written about the Bible and especially about Jesus. This is suppose to make the Bible and Jesus more believable.

I know that Christianity that is practiced in our churches must go through some changes. Even deciding if you are a believer is hard for some to decide. Yet, for me I will always be drawn to the person of Jesus who lived for us! [As I was reminded by Rick, our son].

"Christpower" a poem by Lucy Newton Boswell Negus.

Look at Him!
Look not at His divinity but look at his freedom.
Look not at His esaggerated tales of His power but look at his infinite capacity to give Himself away.
Look not a first century mythology that surrounds Him, but look rather
at His courage to be
His ability to live
His Contagious quality quality of His love.

Be still and know that this is God:
this love,
this freedom
this life
this being.

And when you are accepted, accept yourself; when you are forgiven forgive yourself,
when you are loved, love yourself!"

Dare to believe in what the Spirit is revealing to you, which at times makes you uncomfortable,
and challenges your faith. We are surrounded by Love that we can not see but we can experience it!

Comments please.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Me and Jane off for walk on beautiful Oct. Day

I'm walking with Jane today. I must admit - I'm feeling weak today - good to have company.
My brother Brian phones last night to see how I was, very unusuall we usally do birthdays and Christmas and sometimes when some one is not well.

He always asks about Rick I believe they keep in touch at Christmas.

Carol dropped by for a visit yeterday. She is riding her bike for long journeys and she looks great.

Kim is sleeping over and we will visit when she wakes up. Carol wants some one to ride bikes with her. Sandra would gladly play hockee to do that!

Good news from Kenny and Melina, baby Matthew is very healthy. They are busy and tired. The joy of being a parent.

Great news from Rick. The oil company has accepted a penny a barrel and hopefully this money will be put to good use rather than making rich people richer. He is also starting a new course.

I am glad you liked our pictures Shawna and Mary.