Monday, October 31, 2016


I have to go close to take these guys picture.
I remember lugging a big pumpkin in and the mess of cleaning it out and then cutting a face.
This is a real work of art!

I started out Sunday full of good feelings but by the time I got home from church and driving someone home I was feeling tired and cranky.  I was thankful dad had lunch ready to put on the stove.  I felt shaky driving which was not good. 

They are talking about children with allergies so I got some new candies, but carrying my basket I knocked over a whole display.  I was tempted to just walk away but instead knelt down to start picking them up.  A kind lady came over right away to help me.  She said: "I bet these just jumped off the shelf at you."  We laughed together.  One of those moments you know what life is all about.

Dad went to the garage with Kim as she had a small accident with her car.  The car in front of her started going through the light and then stopped.  She was in a hurry to teach a class.  The hood and the lights were damaged and will be very expensive to fix.  She will have to decide what to do.  She is such a good driver and has had no accidents until now.

"Kindness elevates the simplest moment into something bigger.
Beyond this kindness has a transcendent power!"   Laura Schroff

One more rest until the little voices yell Happy Halloween at the door.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


The morning is calm and the sun is making an appearance.
No time for a walk as I am trying to get to church on time.

I am thankful for the quiet grace of the spirit which adds so much to my life.  I love the early morning and it is so easy to sense that there is a loving presence that is shining away the darkness.  I slept better too although fire crackers were going off in the park near us.

I love the banners that creative people hang up for different times of the year.  Helen took the service with the help of Ken and his granddaughters.  They helped light the Christ candle and help take the offering.  The littlest one was taken to the back, she is about 6 months.  All of a sudden there is movement under my feet as she crawls underneath the pews to the front.  I think back to when I had my children in church and how I would try to keep them still and quiet. 

There were only the three children and we were wondering is people want their children to be taught if that is the reason they are not coming.  Any children that come are greeted with friendly faces and kind words.

Some ladies at the church have knitted a beautiful prayer shawl especially for dad.
It is so soft and warm and knitted with loving prayers and kind hands.  We are so blessed.

Faith for me is the spark of light and life that soaks into to me as I pray at home and then at church surrounded by loving kindness!

Saturday, October 29, 2016


An all day rain.
Tine to get treats for Halloween
and try not to eat too many before Monday.

Sandra and Peanut came to cheer us up and share the breakfast dad was cooking.  He has taken over feeding people as I have resigned.  Usually there is some food available but I do not want to make anyone sick eating my food.  Maybe I will find some new enthusiasm by reading new recipes.  I have fun looking at the pictures and drooling!  Their home will be liveable by Sunday and Sandra is extremely happy with her new floor.

Had a visit with Theresa and Morgan on the phone.  Morgan likes the little kittens she is fostering.
They checked with Sandra who is the expert now.

Earlier in the week we talked to Ken back at work.  He sent a picture by phone of Matthew with a hose chasing some one who had better run fast.

Also talked to my brother Brian and wife Traudl  and they are battling health problems too.  The drive from Invermere to Canmore is not good now that the weather is getting worse.  They had their last appointment there last Friday.  Traudl will be having knee surgery in the spring.  She is still taking treatment for cancer prevention.  She has a good attitude and they are fortunate to have each other. 

Later in the afternoon dad and I drove over to see Pat and John and came home with apples and kale. 
and kale.  We met them separately Pat at Colebrook and John went to Niagara years ago.

My computer is jumping around or maybe it is just me.  Time for bed and hope to be off to church in the morning.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 28, 2016


Nice to see sun shine.
Yes we have had a lot of rain but I really appreciate any sun that shines.
This is the early morning sun that delighted me on my walk.  It was a short walk with a slow pace but
it is not about how far or how fast but just trying to regain my strength.  I am doing well.
Peanut did come for a visit and she watched some T.V. with us while Sandra and Randy did some errands. She was restless but did lie down for awhile and whimpered quietly.  On top of losing her best friend the house is a very confusing place.  The stuff that is sealing the floors is very smelly.
They went home for the night but will return in the morning.

Our next study will be in the New Testament for which I am thankful for.

The humanity of Jesus reminds us of how important relationships are and the potential that is available for us all.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Dad and I had a very restful day.  I slept most of it and expect to be fit as a fiddle tomorrow.

Linda very kindly brought out garbage cans as they were sitting out front all day.

Sandra phoned to see if the blogger had finally run out of words or left for a get away.

It is funny when I visit Joyce at the Home she will ask me several times when I am going on a holiday.  She is always relieved when I say I am not going any where soon.  Her family are not visiting as much which is too bad.

I try to validate her worth as a human being just as she is!  Something I value for myself. 


The rain was pouring down as I jumped into the car with Ev to do our study lesson at the church. I was feeling extremely tired and was not too surprised at the poor turnout.   We all seem to have
appointments for the doctor or dentist etc.  Also there are a lot of bugs floating around right now.
and even though I read it over several times I just do not remember things like I use to do.

Our conversations are interesting and as our own little community we always feel connected.  Our answers are expressed with a sense of dignity for each other and our differences.

I was still feeling too tired to make supper or to write on my blog.

I have always felt by the time you have had a baby you have lost a sense of dignity but then comes old age.  During the night I woke up feeling very dizzy and sick.  What a racket I made throwing up.  Poor dad.  It was decided that we would keep a bowl in the room along with the walker.  We aare fortunate to have our walker to help with my balance.

I do not know what caused me to be ill.  Maybe the same illness that all the crew on the airplane had. 

I have been so strict and careful eating not one crumb of the delicious banana loaf Sandra made.

Dad is extremely fatigued  today so we will both take it easy.


The rain was pouring down as I jumped into the car with Ev to do our study lesson at the church. I was feeling extremely tired and was not too surprised at the poor turnout.   We all seem to have
appointments for the doctor or dentist etc.  Also there are a lot of bugs floating around right now.
and even though I read it over several times I just do not remember things like I use to do.

Our conversations are interesting and as our own little community we always feel connected.  Our answers are expressed with a sense of dignity for each other and our differences.

I was still feeling too tired to make supper or to write on my blog.

I have always felt by the time you have had a baby you have lost a sense of dignity but then comes old age.  During the night I woke up feeling very dizzy and sick.  What a racket I made throwing up.  Poor dad.  It was decided that we would keep a bowl in the room along with the walker.  We aare fortunate to have our walker to help with my balance.

I do not know what caused me to be ill.  Maybe the same illness that all the crew on the airplane had. 

I have been so strict and careful eating not one crumb of the delicious banana loaf Sandra made.

Dad is extremely fatigued  today so we will both take it easy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


safe in the mothers' loving arms.
She has been having a visit with dad and myself.
She will be fast asleep I think when we leave as we had disturbed her earlier.

I am thinking we was must be important people as dad and I had congratulations from the Queen on out 60th wedding  anniversary.  A milestone that is for sure.

Before visiting Leah and Ophelia (Is my spell checker right) I am not sure I had a visit with Joyce at the Senior's home.  It was very quiet maybe they were all playing bingo.  Joyce was pleased to see me but she gets tired quickly.  I know when it is time to leave when she asks me to pray for her,.

Both visits where pleasant and cheerful and made out day more meaningful.  I

Our day would have been boring and dull if we had not made the effort to go out.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


A good morning for a drive to White Rock.
I am going back to the doctor to finish the hurried appointment I had two weeks ago.
Still lots of healthy trees lining the street with a variety of colours.
By afternoon fog and clouds are moving in.
What a difference when I arrived at Dr. Nolte's .
I was shown right in.
Everyone was happier because it affects everyone when the wait gets too long.
I was able to get my questions heard and one problem that disturbs my sleep is restless legs that jump and move about and there is no way I can get comfortable.  The longer I am awake the more frustrated I become.  There is some medicine that along with vitamins that the doctor is hopeful that  can be helpful.  I also have an appointment with a female urologist that will look after my bladder problem.  I am hopeful of getting back into my big girl pants.

On the way home we stopped at Choices to get some special probiotics that should help dad with his after surgery stomach issues.  That will really help his over-all health especially to gain a few pounds back.  He is getting too skinny.  Now he was skinny when I married him but I worked very hard to get him to put some weight on.

We stopped at Milestones to have my favorite salad and dad had beef sliders.  Two small buns that were just enough for him to digest.  After we got home he went for a bike ride and I had gone for my morning walk so we are trying to keep healthy.

To be healthy means to me to address issues and find answers that philosophy and literature and arts and science as well as the spiritual.  I like to add colour to our home and that incudes colourful candles and flowers as well as books.  Beauty adds strength to my body and soul and helps me to be more healthy. 


The lesson at church was about the Israelites exciled in Babylon.  The amazing thing is that they find hope in writing the story about God's promised protection.  Here they are in captivity and their awesome temple is in ruins but they find hope in this hopeless situation.  I have read stories about people who found their lives ruined and they feel like a failure and they decide to throw a few words out to an unknown and unseen God as a last resort.  A step at a time things start happening in their lives and a way becomes open to them.

I call it the wonder of God's grace that transforms our lives as we reach our hand up to grab hold of the hand that has been waiting.

The sun was shining on the leaves as I drove to church and gave the colours a radiance to lift one's spirit.  We have a lot of people on our church role but a lot do not come regularly.  I think we may have had about 40.  There were only two children which is disheartening.

Pat and John dropped in to see us.  Dad had gone for a short bike ride.  His stomach upset again.  Maybe I should not have taken him off the prayer list.  I know he will be prayed for anyway.

I am thankful for the healing power of love that is powerful enough to touch the soul of all who feel like they are alone and in a place of excile.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Words cannot express our sadness knowing the pain and suffering our minister Kimiko and her husband are sharing with knowing after all he has been through he now has an inoperable and untreatable cancer.  Our small congregation has been blessed by her leadership as well as her healing energy.  May they be supported by prayer and our love.

Sandra stopped by to catch me in the act of moving furniture.  She returned our dishes and a banana loaf for dad.  She still has our crock pot so maybe it will be returned with some of the chili she is making for her work party.  It will be a fun advent with her contributions and many ideas,

I did go for a walk and dad went shopping but both of us were content just to be at home.  Yes, the hockey game is on.

I was pondering about leadership as it is my turn to lead our Bible study group this coming Wed.  Like most of us I put a little extra energy into it when I am the leader.  I do not have all the answers so we will be searching for new insights together.  I have to ask myself are my prayers more like grumbling than learning to trust and not to fear what may lie ahead.

Salvation comes when our worries are turned from fear into faith knowing that things may get worse before they improve.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous
but the Lord delivers us out of them all.  Psalm 34; 14 His own way
..........In His own time
................He brings good out of our misery for others to find hope.

Friday, October 21, 2016


The morning promised some sun but the forecast was for rain.
The forecast was right on as rain started in the afternoon.

Carol dropped in for a visit between counseling appointments.  These are not with her work but ones she is doing privately.  She is also developing a web sight to allow people who are looking for counselling to get in touch with counselors in different areas. 

Dad went to get new tires put on and did some shopping.  We need new ink for our printer but it is very expensive.  Of course we just got it working again and now it has run out of ink.

I intended on going for a walk and doing some gardening but I got busy cleaning up the bedroom and missed the sunny hours.  I had got three books from the library wanting a fast paced thriller I could get lost in, in the comfort of my armchair.  The one I had read before and another was too boring.  I fell asleep. 

Kim dropped by to catch 40 winks after school and before her work.  A short visit but brightened up the day.

It was a very ordinary day for me.  I do not think we have any enticing invitations for the week-end but I will plan something for us to do.

To-morrow a new day with new goals and a new purpose!

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Dad and I really appreciated Kim dropping Haiti off for a visit on her way to school.
 She was happy to see us but sad to see Kim go so she waited by the door.
She perked up when I found the leash and off we went for a good walk.
The day was pleasantly warm and still lots of fall colours around.

My morning had begun very quietly and I took the time to appreciate my surrounds and a warm home.  I was thinking how much I appreciate our little church in the woods and think it is worth an effort to try and save it.  I think many will realize what a loss it is if it stops providing a refuge from our busy lives.  When we first moved there the doors where always open and you could go and sit in a pew and take time to know the beauty of holiness and the sacredness of being human. 

All is still until the noisy garbage guys come down the street banging the back bin shut with each addition.  Yes I do appreciate these hard working young fellows and today they took away an extra item I was not sure they would take.  It is a lot of work sorting and putting out three containers.  One for regular garbage and then the compost and then the blue box etc.

As I take Haiti for her walk to the park I appreciate the changing seasons and the colourful show that nature puts on. 

I appreciate the fact that I can believe that every human being is created in the image of God.  There is no life that does not deserve respect and understanding.  Some seem to have an easier way while others face hardships and wounding of their souls from the beginning. 

"God  loves you who ever you are,
whatever you have done,
however you are scared by past mistakes,
with an outrageous Love, unconditional and inclusive."  -Steve Chalke

We now have opportunities to carry this unconditional love with us through our day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


An early drive to see the doctor in White Rock.  It was fogy when we first looked out the window but on the road the sun came peeping out.  We had to be up and out in time for our appointment at the Time Square.
This appointment was to see the surgeon about the gallbladder surgery.  He was pleased how well it went and dad is healing up nicely.

Our timing for the day was all off as we had breakfast again when we got home.  I did some shopping at Choices and there was some bread on sale so that was very good.  I like going there because there is a sign under all the items saying if it is gluten free or not.  Makes it a lot easier than taking time to read all the ingredients. 

Dad went for a long bike ride after we got home and even went by our old house.  It sure seems like a long time ago we lived there.  Like church lots of wonderful memories.

Watched the debate but am disgusted with the way it becomes a shouting match.  I am sure the media will let us know who won and why.  Donald Trump made a big mistake saying he will not agree with the final outcome if it is not in his favor.

It is time to really think about what we know about God but what we do with what we know is even more important.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


This picture does not do justice to the pile of books that had accumulated and taken over one corner of the church hall.  At lot of them would meet an uncertain fate.  I wonder what some people are reading as Ev and I looked through the piles.  Books that have been given to the church for donation.  Buy one or two for a quarter.  Yes we both found a couple to add to our reading piles at home and yes we paid our quarters.  Some will go to a second hand store and others to a book bin.

Ev and I arrived at church to see the men busy at fixing and repairing all that needed to be taken care of so the church can run smoothly.  An excellent group of guys!  Our secretary Lee was in her office updated information for our Sunday bulletin.

Beside us a small group was meeting regarding the uncertain future of our church.  The situation is sad but we may have no choice.  Many have moved away and others may have got too busy to attend.
Our numbers are fewer and fewer.  Our interm minister's husband is now facing cancer spreading within his body so she has to take time off to be with him. 

We are being encouraged to consider where we might go to attend another church.  This will be very hard on those who have come to this church all their lives and have attended weddings and funerals and Harvest dinners and huge rummage sales.  Working on these things have brought us all closer.
It is difficult when we are faced with uncertainty whether at church or about where to move as our lives also change.

We came home on Sunday to see two police cars parked in front of our house and an ambulance at the neighbors across at the corner.  We do not know what happened but the husbands truck is not parked there any more.  We are feeling uncertain about what to believe about to very kind and caring people.

Dad went for his blood test and his results were all mixed up.  We take these tests as being right but now I feel a little uncertain.

Leah and Craig came over for lunch and I got to feed Olivia two bottles.  She is gaining and so cute and adorable.

So as I continue my inner journey I find that there will be uncertainties but my goal will continue to be to  live by faith and find purpose and meaning in my community, my church and my family.

Monday, October 17, 2016


One by one visions of skeletons and ghosts are appearing I like the friendly ones.

Up early in the dark and the cold.  My old rusty bones complain as I slowly get out of bed.
Visions of hot coffee and a toast and an egg motivate me.
I turn on the kitchen light and hear a strange rattle noise and I nearly jump out of my skin.

I know it is not time for me to be a skeleton yet so I slowly and quietly enter the warmth of the room.  I dread the thought it may be a mouse or a robber.  I listen and all is quiet so I think it must have been my imagination.  Houses do make strange noises at times.

My prayers are a time of visioning healing love surrounding those I am praying for.  Praying that Ophelia  will gain wait and sleep better in the loving care of Leah and Craig.  Leah is coming over tomorrow afternoon so I hope I get to feed her.

Grandpa Rick is still feeling exhausted and waiting for a stress test.  I would advise a internist.  He also has a bad cough like Carol.  I know what it is like when doctors cannot find answers that will restore your health.

Sandra has great visions when it comes to decorating.  I can hardly wait till it is finished!

My brother and his wife Traudl both nave continuing health problems.  She has cancer and arthritic knees which require an operation.  She also has lost her voice but still has a good sense of humour.  Brian has asthma and skin cancer and polops  (very painful to be removed) in his nose and both have high blood pressure.  They have to drive to Cranmore from Invermere on winter roads which are nightmares.  He will be back home for his birthday on the 20th. 

Dad has a vision of a small shed he would like to build over by the butterfly bush to put garden tools  away in.

Religion I believe is meant to give us a vision greater than any of our hopes and dreams and has been spoilt by making it more about rules and prayers by rote.  It is easy to drift along but their comes a time to wake up to the presence of God who is with us with every breath we take.

Without a vision the people perish!  -scripture.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


I decide I will wait for the right time.
Everyday there are many choices of the words I can say.  They can be colourful and cheerful like the leaves that are now covering the ground.  They can be magic like the first word a child says to their parent.  Some words are tough to say when confront with grief of a broken heart.  Some words we carry within us all our lives.  Words can be just squiggles on the page until the wonder of learning to read happens.  We want our words to convey the truth with love and compassion.

I am struggling with deciding what words should be said.  Do they need to be said.  I decide to wait for the right time and will continue to pray for wisdom.

I go to church and find my own words a barrier to the words that I need to hear.

It is a wonderful service of baptism and tears fill my eyes at the sight of this new tiny little one in her long dress.  My children were all baptized except Ken who was sick in the hospital the day he was to be baptized.  It is a special ceremony but it is a ritual, not for this family, but for families we never see again.  It is parents promising to bring up this child in the faith.  I have tried to do that with all my children.  I was thankful for help from my church, 

I know that God's love is bigger and His Words more inclusive than some of ours.

Some old friends were there and we talked to try to catch up on their lives.

Their was a fabulous cake and I could have taken a piece home for dad but I felt I would eat it before it got home.  I was very hungry and I love sweet things. 

Humour is a good way to finish.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Waiting for the storm to hit again.
Had a quick morning walk before going to the blood lab.
Our nearest one was having computer problems so drove several blocks to the next nearest one.  Actually dad drove.  I went in and saw all the people there were East Indian which I had no problem with, but they sure stared at me.  The nurse was kind and let me go right in but then I could not go so I had to go home.  I came back later and had to wait.  I just finally left it in the right place and left the form.

Went over to do shopping and there were long lines I think because people wanted to make sure they were stocked up.  There is suppose to be a big wind of 100 mph tonight.  I am sure we will hear branches being blown down but it is better here than our old house.  We will not lose our power.

Drove over to Sandra and Randy's expecting to see some colour on the walls.
The bottom one is the one she thinks she will do.
I love their street.  Reminds me of Saskatoon!

Both dad and I are waiting for results.
We expect it will be fine.

Thank you Nancy my friend Pearle was always advising me.

My lesson no matter what I am waiting for is to be thankful for the moment.
What a miracle to see Lincoln and Shawna on Skype.  They have a little bit on snow so pretty.  Lincoln is play soccer to-morrow and we already saw him give the ball a good kick!

Now my day is coming to a close so just waiting till it is time for bed, even this moment has a message!

Friday, October 14, 2016


I walked over to the park.

It happens is one of Craig's favorite sayings.

Many trees are being blown out of the ground by the wind.  Rain is making rivers ripple across the road.  Leaves are doing a dance flying through the air.
The lights flicker and we wonder if they will go out.

We had a busy morning with Carol coming for a visit around noon.  She has a nasty cough but believe it or not she took antibiotics and then stopped because they did not cure it right away.  Their is a nasty bug going around and she should get back on them or even get some stronger pills. 

Sandra and Randy came by to get our generator because they always have power failures. 
It happens.  They were in a rush to get back to the mess.  They too looked tired.  I guess the colour of the walls has been chosen if she is painting.  It happens.

Dad drove me through the poor visibility with the wind and the rain to White Rock to see my doctor.
After waiting for an hour dad went out to sit in the car.  I know that having to wait does happen but I was tired out and did not want to take up time asking questions.  My test results are good except for some nasty little bugs in my bladder.  I agreed to have the test done again.  We cannot go to the nearest clinic as their computer system is falling.  It happens.

Kim also dropped in to have a rest in her room.  We left her sleeping and when we got home she was leaving for work. 

Yes we are all creating the story that is true to who we are.  Sometimes questions like "why" are important.  Or the question may be "why not me"? 


Enjoying the last of the colours!  !
The story on the news  is telling us to prepare for wind and rain on Sat.  The end results will at lot of trees that look like this, bare with no branches.  Our friends are flying down east to-morrow so I am hoping it will not be too bump for them on their journey.  Pat is like me she does not like flying.

Friday morning it is raining heavily but I hope it stops for a while for a short walk.  Dad had his blood test for his P.S.A. and is waiting results today.  Still hopeful it is okay.  I am off to the doctor and will ask for his help in understanding my blood tests and see what changes there need to be made.

Our minister likes to take scripture and make it into a story.  It is a story we are to put ourselves into.
Everyone has a story to tell that  frames our lifestyle, our attitudes, our relationships and the lessons we can still learn.  I went to the Senior's Home to visit Joyce because I think she enjoys my visits and it helps me to feel better about myself.  She was very alert and she shared a lot of stories about her school days and her parents.  A  more interesting visit.  I nearly got run over in the parking lot.

I have to lead the Bible study next time.  I have looked ahead and it is the crossing of the Red Sea.  Lots of questions.  Was it red?  Was it a sea?  Did God intend for the Egyptians to all drown?

Nothing changes a nation like a powerful story.  One that blows away the clouds of the past and becomes a new story of deliverance.

We hunger for a great story that can change our lives and give humanity direction and purpose.

I am a believer!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


My study group is a study in playful holiness.  We love to laugh and joke together.
We bring the energy of all our personalities into our discussion. 

Even though the questions in our study group seemed very difficult they always become clearer as we work on them together.  Vera's prayer helped us to focus on the challenges of learning more about the Bible and especially about miracles.  We agree that we live in a world full of miracles in our everyday lives.  We all have our stories to share which sometimes are about turning difficulties into miracles.

In my life I remember being in the hospital after an operation getting a blood transfusion and because it was the wrong blood I went into shock.  This was in the hospital in Richmond.  Dad was working at the airport near by and came over on his lunch break.  He took one look at me and call the nurse for help.  I was extremely cold and knew I was failing but not my time.   

It is hard to choose one miracle in the Bible that meant the most to us.  I like to think of the woman who had been so deathly ill reaching out to touch the hem of the robe of Jesus and spiritual energy was release and she was heal.  Image carrying healing energy that some of us have experienced as warmth and a loving presence.

The miracle is the presence of Jesus that dwells in each one of our hearts and can flow out to others.



We have seen only one pumpkin patch this year on the way to Tssawassen.

We are enjoying the brilliant fall colours.   Dad and I drove out to the country yesterday and the sun on the bright orange and red leaves was breath taking.  I was hoping we would end up in
We had been  busy before we left.  Dad went for a bike ride and cut the lawn and I had been for a walk and did some vacuuming.  We should have packed a lunch and packed over-night bags.    We knew where we wanted to be but on our drive we hit some dead ends.  We both
were ready to return home but had really enjoyed our day out.

Today I will be back with our study group doing the questions from a book.  Do we belieFve in miracles?  What about visions that people have experienced that changed their lives an
d caused young girls to fall to their knees in worship.  When I was young I took the miracles in the Bible on faith believing God could work wonders through Jesus.  As I grew older I started to question.

Ah but faith is and always will be mysterious.  Prayers help us to look beyond the ordinary and see life as full of unexplained wonders. 

Time to start studying. I am looking forward to being back with the group!

Finding a solution to a problem can be a miracle!

Monday, October 10, 2016


Looks like a party already!
Are they discussing vegetarian or turkey?
Actually it was both!
Once again I ate far to much but it was sure good.
Craig tries to take a picture of me taking a picture.
Morgan has a new hair cut!
Ophelia almost ready for a new dress.
Her Auntie Sandra  longs to dress her up.
Playing games.
Haiti loves to look for squirrels
The happy family off to a dinner at Craig's Auntie.  She is so bright now!
Kim packs up left overs for us.
We are certainly spoilt and are thankful for each one that was there.
It is never the same when one is missing as we love them all.

Ben is playing charades and stumps all.  He takes the bus back and forth to school and soccer practice and has to fit in time to do home work.


Celebrating the Harvest.

Yes today our family is gathering at Carol and Panteli's for thanksgiving!
It will be a time of hilarity,tall tales and turkey .  I was tempted to say turkeys.

I know looking and laughing together gives me an overwhelming sense of gratitude.  Missing will be Ken and Rick and I hope we will be able to get updates from both of them.  Ken phoned when we were out  but he was out when we returned the call.  Maybe out playing base ball with Matthew
  Baseball fever is n the air with another win by Toronto?  I should know who is on first base etc.

Sandra came over and joined us at Applewood the small tea room.  I had a cup of soup and dad had apple crisp.  I find her and Randy's life confusing as he keeps changing his work time of coming home etc.  Today he will be home and he and Sandra are moving heavy furniture out some where so that the new floors can go in.

Church is a good place for me to feel thankful.  Even the old story about Moses and his people wandering in the wilderness and getting annoyed at God because although they were slaves they ate better in while they were in captivity.  Now they are complaining because God's timing is soooo slow.  Yes I have often thought that but when I look back I realize His slowness was a time for me to keep learning.

I feel that thankfulness should be a part of our daily awareness.  There is always a lot to be thankful for every day.  I know that as I watch our family inter act I will be very thankful.

I am reminded that there is a little bit of me in each one of them.!

At church I was reminded that there is a little bit of God in me and everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving and keep the Feast going!

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Happiness is adjusting to your plans for the day!

Saturday morning it was a down pour.  I am not the brave soul I used to be,
so I decided to bake instead off going for a walk using my happy little eggs.

Wishing I had stayed in bed like dad!
I am thankful he is getting the extra rest he needs.
I am thankful for his sense of humor and his caring and generous ways!

Once he was up he decided to see if he could fix the printer.
He had to call upon his little gray cells to help.
I do not know who was happier me or him when out of the blue for no reason it started working.

I did get out for a walk when the down pour stopped a little.      Then I suggested we drive to Ladner to the pub to have his favorite fish and chips.  It looks like he can eat everything now and he is
feeling so much better for which we are very thankful.  It was very noisy but we enjoyed watching the football and cheering along with the crowd.

I was please to receive my study book ready for next week when we begin the Jet Lag Study.  Thank you Lee!  We are studying miracles.  I am so thankful for the miracles of everyday small things which can be unexpected and for moments of awe and wonder at the beauty and love surrounding us all.

I am thankful for laughter that is healing and healthy!

Friday, October 7, 2016


Dad and I enjoy a visit with Carol between counseling appointments.  I think maybe she was practicing on us!  Good news the turkey has arrived at their home and everyone is invited and will come when they can.

I now have to glance at the headlines of the paper to know what day it is.  I often have a week of Saturdays.

I sometimes get out of the wrong side of bed and stay that way all day.

It was wild and windy Thursday night but I slept through the racket but was wide awaken when the power went off and there was no sound.

I do not have many claims to fame but I can cook a 30 minute brownie in 20 minutes.  Being gluten free helps.

I pick up the colorful leaves and put them in books and then forget them.  I also pick up pretty rocks for around our ponds.  Some times I think some have gone missing maybe people have picked them up from my place.

Several years ago I had life all figured out, the meaning of life and my purpose here but now I have forgotten both.

I once drove over the border to the states not once but twice getting on the wrong road and finding myself back in Canada.  I had a friend with me.

Do not ask me for directions I will tell you the wrong way every time; except in Hawaii.

I have let myself be talked into tasks I was not qualified for, like being president of church council.
Fortunate the church is still standing and carrying on.

I sang in the choir until I was asked to leave and I was tempted to say I have sung in much better and bigger choir.  I bit my tongue.  Actually it was suggested I turn the pages for the organist instead of singing and that could have been an even bigger disaster.  The whole book would go flying on the stand in my enthusiasm to do it right.

I think of things to write all day and I write on bits of paper even old envelopes and all over our day timer and mix up our appointment days in the scribbling.

I sometimes laugh too loud and at the wrong times.
I cry when I watch a sad movie or hear a sad song.

I have been with a group of people wanting to ask a question which I believe to be stupid and am so happy when some one else asks it.  They are looked on with awe as others think what a bright question.

I still make plans every morning and often they do not work out but often it is because something better comes along.

I rescued  our youngest son when he was drowning at the beach and also our oldest son when he sat on an ants nest. 

I have put out fires before the fireman came.

Yes I am determined to enjoy life even when it confuses me!