Sunday, October 23, 2016


The lesson at church was about the Israelites exciled in Babylon.  The amazing thing is that they find hope in writing the story about God's promised protection.  Here they are in captivity and their awesome temple is in ruins but they find hope in this hopeless situation.  I have read stories about people who found their lives ruined and they feel like a failure and they decide to throw a few words out to an unknown and unseen God as a last resort.  A step at a time things start happening in their lives and a way becomes open to them.

I call it the wonder of God's grace that transforms our lives as we reach our hand up to grab hold of the hand that has been waiting.

The sun was shining on the leaves as I drove to church and gave the colours a radiance to lift one's spirit.  We have a lot of people on our church role but a lot do not come regularly.  I think we may have had about 40.  There were only two children which is disheartening.

Pat and John dropped in to see us.  Dad had gone for a short bike ride.  His stomach upset again.  Maybe I should not have taken him off the prayer list.  I know he will be prayed for anyway.

I am thankful for the healing power of love that is powerful enough to touch the soul of all who feel like they are alone and in a place of excile.


Unknown said...

l do appreciate the lovely pictures which you post daily . the fall colours seem to be at their height now that they are about to come swirling down.l do miss our Colebrook family and am saddened by the dwindling numbers and the misfortunes of many of our congretional members. West Van is a very vibrant church but it is very large and l don't feel quite at home yet although we have met some friendly people . The piano recital yesterday was fantastic. a most talented lady and her son playing together on a magnificent steinway piano .It was magical. Today we have an appointment with our G. P. Geof has some spots on his head which need attention and l need a prescirption refilled.l hope Larry feels better today. Love Jane.

Sandra said...

The weekend just flew by in a blur. I find it very hard when I have to be out of the house every day, but I had things that had to be done.

We now have the kettle and toaster and coffee pot up stairs, randy will bring the little fridge up when the workers leave today.

Fingers crossed the work goes fast and they are finished by Sunday. The days I go to work it is not too bad for me, but poor Randy is on grave yard shift so his head will just be hitting the pillow and then the hammering will start.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, those renovations sure are a difficult time to get through...but it will all be worth it Sandra! Hopefully, your crew will finish on time.

A good message Beth on the Israelites and their strong faith even though they have suffered. May we all keep our faith through hard times.

Carl had an excellent doctor visit with his rheumatologist and his brother who is an occupational doctor. He will receive the infusion in 3 or 4 weeks. They are friends so we always have a visit and laughs too. We will take them some pickerel fillets next week. They are specialists, not GPS but had the flu vaccine for their staff and gave us a shot each!

The infection from my tooth is back in my jaw, not the tooth. I am afraid it is in the bone. The abscess was pretty bad. The tooth actually never ached until it had an abscess and the root canal took care of all the infection...but there must have been some infection left after the last round of antibiotics. This is round 4. I see the doctor tomorrow...fed up with dentists.

How is Larry feeling? Are the tummy problems better now? How are you Beth? I hope those darned bladder problems are better now.

It was extremely difficult to see driving into the city today. It was so foggy that it reminded of Vancouver Island.

Wishing you a lovely evening and a good sleep tonight,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Life sure has its ups and downs but problems with teeth are one of the worse. Damage to the bone sure is bad news.

Dad puts head phones on maybe that would help Randy.

I sure think getting your sleep is so important.

Good luck to you all.

Love Beth (mom)