Wednesday, October 12, 2016


We have seen only one pumpkin patch this year on the way to Tssawassen.

We are enjoying the brilliant fall colours.   Dad and I drove out to the country yesterday and the sun on the bright orange and red leaves was breath taking.  I was hoping we would end up in
We had been  busy before we left.  Dad went for a bike ride and cut the lawn and I had been for a walk and did some vacuuming.  We should have packed a lunch and packed over-night bags.    We knew where we wanted to be but on our drive we hit some dead ends.  We both
were ready to return home but had really enjoyed our day out.

Today I will be back with our study group doing the questions from a book.  Do we belieFve in miracles?  What about visions that people have experienced that changed their lives an
d caused young girls to fall to their knees in worship.  When I was young I took the miracles in the Bible on faith believing God could work wonders through Jesus.  As I grew older I started to question.

Ah but faith is and always will be mysterious.  Prayers help us to look beyond the ordinary and see life as full of unexplained wonders. 

Time to start studying. I am looking forward to being back with the group!

Finding a solution to a problem can be a miracle!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful array of colours in your picture today. and good for you getting out and enjoying the wonders of this time of year . We are off to our singing group this morning always an uplifting experience .Bye for now Jane.