Friday, October 21, 2016


The morning promised some sun but the forecast was for rain.
The forecast was right on as rain started in the afternoon.

Carol dropped in for a visit between counseling appointments.  These are not with her work but ones she is doing privately.  She is also developing a web sight to allow people who are looking for counselling to get in touch with counselors in different areas. 

Dad went to get new tires put on and did some shopping.  We need new ink for our printer but it is very expensive.  Of course we just got it working again and now it has run out of ink.

I intended on going for a walk and doing some gardening but I got busy cleaning up the bedroom and missed the sunny hours.  I had got three books from the library wanting a fast paced thriller I could get lost in, in the comfort of my armchair.  The one I had read before and another was too boring.  I fell asleep. 

Kim dropped by to catch 40 winks after school and before her work.  A short visit but brightened up the day.

It was a very ordinary day for me.  I do not think we have any enticing invitations for the week-end but I will plan something for us to do.

To-morrow a new day with new goals and a new purpose!


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful Carol lives and works close by so she can drop in for a visit. Your children sure care for you and visit often! You are blessed, but I don't need to tell you that do I

I read where Larry got new tires and thought, "I bet they don't have to put on winter tires"!
There are no private insurers for car insurance in is public insurance.
It is called Manitoba Public Insurance. They are encouraging us to put winter tires on our vehicles and offer a payment plan over a couple of years that is attractive, with low interest.
I think we will have to go with this plan rather than wait to see the outcome of our inurance claim with MPI....snow and ice are only a week or two away.

I had lots of fun with my piano student today. She is an advanced student and gone through to grade 8 in the RCM exams with me. This year we are not doing exams and "having fun" learning jazz, blues, R&B....along with some classical music. She is a sheer joy! We learned some Oscar Peterson today with some interesting chords....not easy!

The old timers hockey is starting pretty soon....Jets against their nemesis the Oilers. Will be great to watch these "old guys" play. Are you and Larry going to watch it too?

Well I am off to marinade the chicken for supper...then to watch the game.

Have a GREAAAT Saturday.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hello from wet and cold Melbourne. We can not complain about the rain as its always needed . There is a small lake in my back yard . Maloo the huskey loves to jump in the water . Dumb DOG !!!! Rocky the stafford terrier just digs in the water ??? Dumb dog too !!!

Unknown said...

It sounded like quite an active day with visitors etc. l was out and about yesterday picking up some new cushions and having lunch with Susan . Elizabeth called round for tea and is now feeling much better. l am feeling so sorry for Kimiko and her family . she writes a most interesting and heart wrenching blog. but is being well supported with love and prayer by so many friends and colleagues.l cannot find any good answers for why these rotten things happen to good people.. they just do . l hope you think of something interesting to do for the week- end we are going to a piano recital tomorrow afternoon and l am looking forward to that tonight we will just watch our usual T.V. programs on the knowledge network. much love , Jane.