Saturday, October 1, 2016


Walking through the Water Shed Park with ken in silence.

Waking up this morning to a silent house.

Walking into Joyce's room at the home where she was sitting in silence with her eyes closed.
It frightened me for a moment.  I stood in silence until her eyes opened and she turned to see me.
Dad and I had planned to do some shopping later but it started pouring and he had something to eat and then felt sick.  Later I would try and get him to eat some chicken noodle soup.  First he has a long nap.

I am happy just to do some reading and enjoy listening to the rain.

I have experienced unexplained things in silence.  There is the love that comes when we invite it into our silence.

As I leave the Home a very old lady sits in silence on the porch.  She looks up at me and tells me to watch my step and be careful on the rain soaked road.  First time she has spoken to me.  I will take time to visit her next time.

I was very happy to have the text from Ken that his feet are now back on the ground.

We enjoyed every minute that he was here and all the different discussions we had.

In the silence I breath a prayer that God will continue to remain faithful.


Anonymous said...

The flight attendant came a manual reclined my seat except the foot rest did not work. So it was like a four foot bed. Better than nothing I got about six hours sleep on the 15:30 flight.
Melbourne very windy and cold when I arrived 1 and a half hours late. I cut the grass , took me about an hour and a half. The grass was very long and still wet.
Thanks for everything Mum.

nancy-Lou said...

What a wonderful visit you had with your son...walks, shopping, visiting, glad to hear he arrived home safely. My goodness that is a long flight.

Silence...I think that it what I enjoy the most...when I walk alone in nature. In the dead of winter when there isn't a soul around and it is soo silent, any small sound seems magnified...such as the wings of the Raven swoooshing as he flies by. I like to "croak" at him and he usually lands in a tree and "croaks" back at me..trying to figure out who this strange thing is that can "croak" like him. Even the crunching of the snow under my feet seems so loud in the silence of winter.

We had a weekend of company...our sons and a friend who is Carl's footcare nurse. She is a widow and often stays for a good visit and supper.

A wonderfully mild day at 23C with lots of sun. Super weather for the many cottagers who came out.

yes, that would give you a start....seeing your friend sitting with her eyes closed. Glad she was Ok aand it looks like you made a new friend as well! I didn't know you still did visiting. Very kind of you, Beth.

Well I am going to watch Doc Martin now.....those Brits sure know how to make shows.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy We had a great visit!

I did not go visiting while Ken was here.

Like my blog I will do it when I can.

We like the British shows and Doc. Martin is a good laugh.

Sounds like a good week end for you too.

Love beth