Tuesday, October 18, 2016


This picture does not do justice to the pile of books that had accumulated and taken over one corner of the church hall.  At lot of them would meet an uncertain fate.  I wonder what some people are reading as Ev and I looked through the piles.  Books that have been given to the church for donation.  Buy one or two for a quarter.  Yes we both found a couple to add to our reading piles at home and yes we paid our quarters.  Some will go to a second hand store and others to a book bin.

Ev and I arrived at church to see the men busy at fixing and repairing all that needed to be taken care of so the church can run smoothly.  An excellent group of guys!  Our secretary Lee was in her office updated information for our Sunday bulletin.

Beside us a small group was meeting regarding the uncertain future of our church.  The situation is sad but we may have no choice.  Many have moved away and others may have got too busy to attend.
Our numbers are fewer and fewer.  Our interm minister's husband is now facing cancer spreading within his body so she has to take time off to be with him. 

We are being encouraged to consider where we might go to attend another church.  This will be very hard on those who have come to this church all their lives and have attended weddings and funerals and Harvest dinners and huge rummage sales.  Working on these things have brought us all closer.
It is difficult when we are faced with uncertainty whether at church or about where to move as our lives also change.

We came home on Sunday to see two police cars parked in front of our house and an ambulance at the neighbors across at the corner.  We do not know what happened but the husbands truck is not parked there any more.  We are feeling uncertain about what to believe about to very kind and caring people.

Dad went for his blood test and his results were all mixed up.  We take these tests as being right but now I feel a little uncertain.

Leah and Craig came over for lunch and I got to feed Olivia two bottles.  She is gaining and so cute and adorable.

So as I continue my inner journey I find that there will be uncertainties but my goal will continue to be to  live by faith and find purpose and meaning in my community, my church and my family.


Sandra said...

That sounds like the Colebrook is seriously talking about discontinuing services. Will they sell off the property then? That would be a very nice sum of money the United Church get for such a prime location.

Have you gone to find out what happened yet? Is it the house right beside the path?

Two bottles? She must have been very hungry or did Leah stay for a long time?

We painted the dining room green last night, but we are not sure if we like it or not. Well, Randy for sure does not like it. It is a funny happy green, kind of old fashioned. Time is very quickly running out for us (me) to make up my mind.

Did dads results come back for him, or is the mix up you mention the results still going to someone else?

Peanut liked her puppy daycare yesterday and was hoping to jump in the car with me again today, but I am saving that up for next week.


nancy-Lou said...

Gosh that is so sad to hear about your church having diminishing attendance and perhaps having to close their doors. As you say, Beth there is a lot of history in that church. It is a sign of the times though....our church too, has the same problem.
There is a small group of very dedicated parishoners who keep it going, but it is only a matter of time before it closes it's doors too. Sadly, I am one who left the church too. I feel guilty now....but just cannot seem to get going again. I am thinking of trying out the Wayside Gospel....a large congregation and lots of activities. Different from the old Anglican service.
The minister from our church retired this fall and that means we have lay ministers with the occasional ordained minister to take communion. I played for services, weddings and funerals for many years there. Also Christmas Eve...which was such an amazing experience!
i hope that your congregation can find a good church if it has to close it's doors.

Well I am trapping mice in the crawl space. I guess since the van is gone now and it is fall they are looking for a place to keep warm. We haven't had them in the house before so it is scary. Carl cannot do anything so it is up to me...which means everything has to be carried out of the house from the crawl space...and gone through. I huge job. I am going to ask our sons to come on Saturday and do this for me. Hopefully we stopped the mice getting in by installing the new dryer vent.

What happened with your blood tests...did the lab give your incorrect results? gosh that wouldn't be good at all. I find that we have to be pro-active when dealing with the medical system. The local family doctors office has missed three requests by Carl for the doctor to contact him...so we are done with that clinic. good thing we have a good doctor in the city..just far to drive.

Puppy daycare....how cute is that! Our niece and nephew take their dog to one in Winnipeg and she loves it too. Good for you Sandra! I hope peanut does well in adjusting to life with out her pal. I dread the time when our two have to do that. They are so bonded and brother and sister...never been apart. They will be 9 in January. Beautiful Schnoodles....Bella looks like the Poodle and Max like the Schnauser...he has that Schnauzer scream too.....when he gets excited. YIKES!

Thank-you Jane for your kind comments about writing. I enjoy reading your comments too.

Well time to go mousing...and clean up. the one I caught last night looked so cute....darn. I think it was still alive but not able to move..looking at me with it's eyes..I am soft hearted and this is one of the most difficult things I have had to do.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, nancy

I hate doing this to them...but it has to happen.

Mama Lee said...

I've been looking at those books in the hall for a couple of weeks wishing that a magic fairy would come in, wave her wand & most of those books would disappear. The Yoga ladies always wind up buying them - .50 a book is pretty cheap - & all the money goes to Christian Education for the children. I was really impressed with how neat & orderly it looked after you & Ev left - you two did a super job!
Sorry to hear about those test results. Hopefully things will get straightened out - & soon!
Yes, our gents do a super job of keeping our church in good repair. Too bad the future is so uncertain though. Maybe we'll have a "Miracle" like the study book we're doing now!
Love, Lee

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear about Colebrook church. Maybe the locals do not know about the church closeing down. You should try a social media campaign to get interest up. Watching the blue jays game is torture when they fall behind in the first inning 😭

beth bennett said...

Yes Ken too bad about the Blue Jays.

Dad says the best team won.

Our area has changed completely with a lot of East Indian families.

There has been efforts to invite them for discussions but even our own
people find it hard to come.

Yes Lee it would be a miracle if we can stay open.

Miracles often happen at the last minute.

Maybe when people realize what may happen they will come more regularly.

Yes Sandra it is the house by the walkway and I feel very sad.

Lee and Craig did stay for about 4 hours. They are to fed Ophelia every three hours

Blood tests were all worked out.

Love Mom