Monday, October 31, 2011


I like the happy ghosts and pumpkins!

I wake up in the dark morning and hear a siren going roaring by over on Scott Road.  It will still be dark when Gundy and I go for our walk; but neither of us want to change the time. 

Tonight the little children will come by all happy, running to and fore while parents wait in groups.  There has already been fireworks which I remember as a child, the burning school house and a few small rockets.  My dad did everything by the book when he set them off for us.

I am even dreaming of ghosts and of course this is when the dead where suppose to come back to haunt the earth.  That is a scary thought!  The church calls it all souls day or all saints day. 

I believe in the past, even before my time, people where very much aware of death and dying.  Even in Bible times this was also true.  For most of us the fact of life and death is purely hypothetical and it is something I do not often think about. 

Visiting people facing the end of life I sometimes try to imagine how I would face what they are facing.  I have found that those whose faith in God remains strong have a peace that does pass understanding.
Some had called faith a delusion but I know it is a very real comfort for believers.  I see the order in the world around me in nature and in creation and in the energy that flows through us all.

Mathematical physicists have investigate the consequences if there were to be a change in the gravitational force of attraction.  If there were to be a slight variation this universe would seize to sustain any form of life.  I join others that believe there is an intelligence force that created and is creating.  The "theroy" of evolution has brought some light on how changes have progressed.  Science is limited in the exploration of the beginning of our world and somethings must also be taken on faith.

Today dad and I will add to our Halloween treats to make up for the ones we have eaten.

We will also be making the pie.  We started yesterday but ran out of time and energy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Let there be light!

There are many ways we can go as dad and I walk through the forest.  We can almost get lost when we leave the main path to explore and experience the challenge of a steep climb that leads to unexpected places.

The Middle Path as chosen by the Buddhists is a way of reason that approaches  life realistically and intellegently.  Interestingly this is also the path taken by many  believers in the way of Christ and have found that in Him there is someone that has walked this earth and has given to us the hem of truth that is touchable and liveable.

  I go to church to be challenged and to discover that in our story telling there lies many truths.  I did not know my grandparents and only caught glimpses of them in my parents stories about them.  Stories entertain us and have the power to enlighten and guide us.

Our family has many stories and each one in the family tells their version.

Many who would take an intellectual stand against Christianity do so from a background of personal disappointment with the church and especially those who seem to be "self-righteous fanatics."  Yes, I admit that there is the issue of Christian's glaring character flaws and their failure to take a stand for justice.

The problem is that even when one is open to the way of Jesus there will be many changes that have to be made and this takes time.  The church has a calling to reach out to the immature and broken people who still have a long way to go emotionally, morally and spiritually. 

I know that I have some deep insecurities that create in me a sensitivity to conflict. 

Christopher Hictchen's point of view expressed in his books is that all religion does is stir up hate and controversy.  I do not see that getting religion out of the way leads to a peaceful lifestyle.  The poor and the miserable are now standing up and demanding their rights but the battle will demand sacrifice.
The Bible addresses the same problems in Isiah 58:2-7; the exploitation of workers and the greed that feeds the rich and keeps the poor in chains.

Quanta's airline, which has had a good reputation, is now turning against it's workers by giving their jobs to those who will take lower wages and shutting out their employees.  A company that at one time led the way in the airline industry now seems to be destroying itself.  Our son Ken will be among many who will be out of work.

I will attend church because there is still much to learn and much can be done when we support one another in a community based on the values of love and of justice.  I did not mean to write so much.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Be still and know that I am God.  The author of all life allows us to write our own stories and yet in the stillness I hear a voice of love and compassion that guides me in green pasteurs and in dark valleys when light grows dim and the body weary.

Be still my thoughts I say this morning when I wake up at 4 again this morning.  I picture them as crashing into one another as I decide I need to sleep a little longer.  A strange, for me, place to be in not really awake nor sleeping.

I believe it will be raining when I do get up now that our delayed summer seems to be coming to an end.  The rain yesterday was a real downpour and it felt cold, chilling me to the bone. 

It was good to get into the car in the garage and not have to get soaking wet in walking out to the street.  The car did quit as we turned the corner which is a scary feeling and we almost came home again.  Everything just stops working and you lose control.  That's when a little prayer just "help" comes to mind.  Knowing where your help comes from is a source of amazing strength and comfort.

Dad and I arrived home from the hospital visit to hear Ken's voice on the answering machine.  We were looking forward to a visit with him and the children on skype.  There are times when I am aware of how much I miss my children and hearing their voices is a great blessing.  Keeping in touch in simple ways is important to me.

As parents there is an emotional tie but this too needs to be stilled in the awareness that their lives are their own and I need to cultivate my own interests and relationships.  All these are natural feelings that flow through each one of our lives.

The talk about Haiti was very inspiring as we heard of people in a community reaching out to help children in desperate need for food and shelter and love.   We transcend our own limitations by supporting this mission. 

We live in a world that can zoom in on problems close at home or far away. 

We are faced with our own limitations but in the stillness and awareness that we exist within God's love we find that God works through each one of us.  This is not the demand of a harsh controlling presence and like one Jewish writer says "Serving God is like a dance where the song is calling us to become more loving and kind as we serve one another."

"Our relationship to God is translated into human behavior". -- Rabbi David Aaron.

We all need to be loved and to love.

Friday, October 28, 2011


The simple things of life can sometimes leave us not knowing what to say.  Our actions I  am reminded speak louder than any words.

My visits at the Nursing Home were very short yesterday as it depends if those I visit feel like talking.
I knew Irene who I had just met last week was not well so I thought I would pop my head in the door and
carry on; but it was like she was waiting to talk to someone.  Here I was like her angel she said come to listen and spend time with her.

She is lying on her bed, fully dressed, and beckons me to come in.  It felt depressing to see her looking so frail with her lunch growing cold beside her bed.  Some one had the time to bring it up but had had no time to be with her.  She wants to talk and tells me about other visits she has had with the staff who clean the rooms and have time to talk as they work.

There is a natural rhythm to our conversation as we are at ease with one another.  She asks me how I am but does not wait for a response.  She is determined to do the best she can and usually gets up each day with the attitude that life still has much to offer her and she wants to keep moving.  just getting up and getting dressed shows her attitude towards whatever the day will bring.

She is a very charming lady and a delight to visit and to listen to.  She insists I take a chocolate bar when I leave as she wants to give me something.  Little does she know that she has already given me a lot by being honest with me and God about what she sees as her wretch condition, her stubborness and how little her soul seems to her at that moment in time.

She accepts that for her there will be days of solitude and to learn to accept sience and stillness as a positive grace. I take it because she has a need to give.

Dad meanwhile has gone out shopping to buy a pie plate and a new slow cooker.  He is getting motivated to start cooking and even baking.  What kind of pie would I like he asks.  Lemon seems like a good choice.  He has a mix that he is going to use.  He likes to have good utensils and cooking pans which reminds me of when I use to be enthused about cooking.

Today dad and I will journey to the library and then visit Pearle together in the hospital at White Rock.
We both went visiting with her to this same place.  At first Pearle would take turns driving but finally she had to give that up.  I would pick her and her walker up and off we would go.  Dad took over when he started working as a lay-chaplain until the whole program changed and it was time to quit.

It was so good to talk to Carol and Panteli on the phone last night.  They are having lots of rain but the hurricane has not hit there because they are protected by Cuba.  That is good because they are such a small place.

Hopefully we will talking to Ken today according to the plan.  We are concerned about the changes in his life and especially the loss of his job.

Hopefully Mary and Michael John are now getting settled into their new place in Kitchener.  He already has work and Mary expects to get a job soon.

I asked Leah and Craig if they want to have supper with us at the church where the fellow will be talking about his work in Haiti.  It will be good to hear first hand what progress is being made.

It feels and looks and smells like fall.  Leaves are tumbling to the ground and pumpkins are appearing in the fields and on door steps.  Neighbor houses are starting to be deck out in scaring scenes of graveyards and ghosts and cobwebs.

I am unusually aware of the passage of time as my friends near and dear to me are going through times of failing health.  It is a time when one discovers how very rich and deep people are on the inside and there is more freedom to be honest and loving.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Rainy and cold in the morning but beautiful sunshine in the afternoon that makes the trees look breath taking.


Blessed are the peacemakers.  If we will ever find peace in our marriages, in our families in our country we have to be willing to be peaceful even when life gets stormy.  This is difficult because the world we live in has become so unfair and their is a time to protest saying enough is enough.  Right now we are in the stormy waters of demanding equality and justice and things will never change until those who are in authority see the need for change.

Those who have too much need to let go of their security in money and possession and give to those who have too little.  Their world has to be shaken up for this awareness to happen.

On Friday at our church we will be meeting to eat, of course, and listen to Robert G. Beckett, fire chief for the city of Langford.  He was apart of the group of firemen who responded during the Rodney King riots, served in Bosnia, responded to the twin towers collapse and now is helping to rebuild an orphanage in Haiti. 

I admire people who are able to become involved and actually make real changes.  Haiti is one of the places where there has been so much suffering and children have been left to survive on their own.  It is hard to watch the news and see the suffering of others.  I know that I feel so helpless so I am thankful that there are others who care and are helping.

There was a young girl on the radio C.B.C. who at the age of 9 felt so angry at the conditions in Afghanistan where women were mistreated and children could not go to school.  She raised money to start a group called Little Women for Little Women.  She is now 14 and has been able to make connections and bring help and hope to those women. 

Sometimes all is needed is a helping hand to make it possible for others to take responsibility for their lives of poverty.

Trying to do "good" and do the right thing can lead to exhaustion if we do not work together with others and find our place with those who would help in supporting those who have the energy and the will to do what they have been given to do.  This does not mean that sometimes we will not  get hurt or misunderstood and feel let down and feel like with drawing but anything that is worth achieving will come at a cost. 

Building a family where everyone is appreciated and supported is also very difficult. 

"We were created to draw life and nourishment from one another the way the roots of an oak tree draw life from the soil."  John Ortberg  Everybody's Normal Till You Get to know them.  We live in an imperfect world and work with imperfect relationships but we keep doing our best.

Connections in life are important and a sense of being part of something that matters is so important and gives life meaning.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


If we had not gone down a different path dad and I would have not found this wonderful little group of mushrooms growing in the tree.  All it needs is a little elf sitting on one of them.  It had been cold in the morning for my walk, wearing long underwear now, but the afternoon walk was sunny and warm.  One of the wonderful things about living here is that we are so close to the Water-shed park with all it's huge threes.

The sun brighten up our pathway and we were amazed how it manages to shine through all the dense forest.

My morning was spent taking more time to pray and this brings a peace knowing that my prayers have been heard and that the spiritual connection is made between the practical and the mystical. 

The wonder of oneness with the spirit and with each other.

I am off to Bible Study this afternoon where we are still progressing slowly in the book of Genesis.  It is good to read and discuss and try to apply it to our own lives.  Today we are looking at how we treat each one of our children and that makes me stop and think.

I promised to drop in and see Louise today while her daughter is out.  She is feeling less and less like visitors. 

Dad has expressed an interest in attending a group from our other church.  He is attracted to the title of the book "Everybody's Normal Till You Get To Know Them."  I wonder at the wisdom of being with good people who may have different views of the truths to be found in scripture.  Also this means a very busy day for me and I feel a little anxious about becoming over-tired. 

I do not like going out at night and prefer just to snuggle up and keep warm and read a book or watch T.V.  I know that just as our relationship to God is important so is our relationships with others.  Meaningful relationships are so important and in a world where many feel lonely and isolated it is so good to have friends and family.

Wonderful pictures of Jazzy and Mathew from Ken in Melbourne.  I still find it hard to believe he can take a picture on his phone and send it to us.  Joy is the only word to describe how dad and I feel looking at the pictures of these dear little ones.

Ken will you be available for a phone call in the next few days.

So if dad makes the meal does that mean I am on duty to do the dishes.

Good question.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A little update on dad.

Sunday he was picked up by Jane and Geof to go to the Unitarian church in Vancouver.  Our friend from Colebrook, Russ, was given a U.N. plague of appreciation to a group of school children.  Imagine a church full of children!  It was a beautiful day for the drive and a very happy event.

Dad has NOW decided to acomputer programmer and worked on it for hours yesterday.  That is determination.  Only stopped to walk to the store with me and to make us lunch.  He is wanting to learn how to cook so that is fine with me too.

Our good friend Pearle, who we used to go visiting with as lay-chaplains in White Rock has fallen and broken bones in her leg and foot.  She is in her 90's and still full of life living on her own with her son coming to visit on week-ends.  She has been excited about her birthday on Nov. 1. and planning a party.
Now she is in hospital and is extremely determined to come home today.  We do not see how she can manage at home even with help; but her stubbornness has kept her going so far. 

Pain makes us all vulnerable and limits what we can do. 
Love keeps her in our prayers and loving people will be there to give her support. 

Dad and I are going for a walk, on this beautiful day, in the forest.

God grant courage and peace to those who suffer
Wisdom for the doctors to make the right decision
Strength and compassion for those who are helping
Faithfulness in our prayers.

Even as our bodies age may we continue to feel the strength and beauty and power
that flows into us all from the goodness and mercy of God's heart.

Thank you Lord for what has been
Thank you Lord for what shall be.
You are with me and all my loved ones, my family and friends
You are with me as I am with You!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Monday sure seems to come quickly and I start thinking of the things that need to be done.

I enjoyed my lazy Sunday and  know it did me good.

I know that I often  do not take the time just to go deep within to find renewed nourishment and renewal.
I read in my book the answer a priest gave for the purpose of life which he said was to shine light into the lives of others.  Then the man on the radio said the same thing; only he said "What wants to enter the world through me?"  I think his name was James Hollick and he was on Tapestry on C.B.C.

"True prayer, whatever outward form it might take, is first and foremost a condition of loving attentiveness to God in which we find ourselves open and receptive to who we are in our deepest selves."  Margaret Guenther in the Practice of Prayer.

It also can inspire us into a place of deeper compassion for those facing life threatening issues.
Prayer can also call us to reach out in practical ways.  I am so thankful that there are others who are responding to the calls for help in our community and in other parts of the world.  Each small donation that is given helps others to clothe and feed the hungry.

Tears are prayers too.  

At our group friends shared how on visiting Thailand they learned how important the Buddhist monks were to the community.  They raised the consciousness of the whole community just by their presence.
So it seems the same messages come from all around us and deep within us.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This picture was taken in the light rain and I am reminded that even the dullness of the day and the raindrops can not take away from the beauty of nature. 

Tonight we meet in our group and we will be discussing suffering.  Not an easy topic.  It is good that we know each other well and know some of the suffering we each have experienced.  Words on the page of life have no meaning unless we find some purpose in suffering.  This cannot always be expressed but we can comfort others just with our presence.

The God above becomes the God within and the God within can bridge the gap between us when we feel the sadness and the pain of another.  My live only makes sense when I see it as who I am in the lives of others.  Family and friends and community are my teachers and bring me to a place of compassion and dignity in all life.

Science is opening up the mysteries of the human body with things that the human eye cannot see;  cells, atoms, molecules, etc.

Faith provides us with tools to see the unseen through prayer and scripture and experience.  Each of us have been given knowledge that can create and see beauty in all things.  All creatures great and small the Lord God made them all I sang with all my heart as a child.  My faith in God's goodness has been tested over the years but it is the strength that comforts and encourages me.

The story of my life seems unimportant and yet in this story are emotions, memories, relationships, failures, weakness, sufferings and joys and loves.  Imagination gifts me with the ability to see the unseen and to find spiritual significance in the struggles of life.

 I will do a short walk this morning as it is so good to see sunshine.  I will have to rest instead of going to church because I will need energy to go out tonight.  I wish I could be like others with lots of energy but I have to accept the fact that I am not!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The combination of a poor nights sleep where I kept waking up and thinking about Mary and Michael John and the fact that is was pouring rain out made a dismal morning outlook for a walk.  So instead I settle in with a warm blanket to read.

I always am reading more than one book at once.  I have serious books, often on spiritual matters, a book of fiction or other items of interest at the moment.  These two books were on display at the library where I often find books that interest me.  The book on journal reminded me of the simple things that can take on meaning when recorded thoughtfully.  The spiritual is woven in as the authentic open-minded guide to life that is generous and beautiful.

The book called "Books" by Larry McMurtry who wrote many books and who loves to collect rare books; reminds me of our son Rick.  Curiosity and a love for reading make it impossible for me to walk by a book store.  My early memories are of going to the library with my mom.  Larry McMurtry writes as a reader and writer giving us a lively look at the eccentrics who collect, sell or simply lust after rare books.

The world needs to listen to the stories and experiences of a variety of authors, to learn to walk in the shoes of others to understand why they believe what they think is truth.  It also helps to really experience your own daily experiences to find what I am here for and to act on the guidance that is available to us all. 

Imagination also makes possible a fairy tale world that always begins with "once upon a time"!

Looking for goodness in others and finding treasures of spiritual wisdom in all that I read is important to me.  As Gabrielle Bernstein says in "Spirit Junkie" it is choosing love instead of fear, calming the thoughts that go spinning around in all our heads.  I have not read her book but read about her in the Sun newspaper this morning.  I will add it to the many I have on order from the library.

I think a book-case full of books is a thing of beauty that cannot be replaced.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Just beginning to get light as I walk with Gundy in the light rain.    The rain continued and got heavier during the day.  I have to decide what to do with my problem teeth that need fixing.  I would like to get rid of the rubber thing in my mouth that holds my tooth in and makes my eating even slower.  I can not see spending so much money on it.  I think it is just too expensive.  I also am a little chicken.

I spent the day looking for an old cast of my mouth and I have no idea where I put it.  The good thing was I cleaned out two drawers which is a good rainy day activity.

Dad and I met Sandra at the church for the Harvest dinner.  Too bad Randy got called into work but we did find a doggie bag for him.  It was so full that dad and Sandra sat at one table and I at another.  This was disappointing and not what was planned.  Yes we are all getting older and it is a busy day for those helping.  The turkey was not as good as Sandra's.

We are home now and find that Mary and Michael John have left a message on our answering machine that they are leaving for their trip to Kirchner.  A very long trip and they are planning to spend long hours driving with the two cats!  !

The tree across from the church.

Dad is watching football and hockey I think but I am not interested.


I experienced an unexpected joy when I went visiting yesterday.   My attitude and my energy were better after having a restful day the day before.  Jim was happy to see me and receive his cookies but he does not like visiting so I do not stay long.

Sandy, the activity worker had wanted me to meet this lady, Irene, but although she had taken me to her room there was no answer.  Just as I go to leave Sandy is leaving too and we meet Irene in the parking lot; where she was out walking.

  We go back inside and find a comfortable spot to sit.  She is beautifully dressed and is 97 years old.  She has only been there a few months.  Her family are down south for the time being.  She is a portrait painter and took schooling in Europe.

She is a very interesting person and a joy to be with.  As I get ready to leave she takes my hand and looks into my eyes and tells me how beautiful I am. Correction, she says I have beautiful eyes and she likes the shape of my face.  She asks me if I have ever written children's books and I say no but I like to write in a journal.  It is a very special almost mystical moment that was totally unexpected.

Amazing at 97 to still be interested in life and in others.  She admits she needs her rest and to be cared for.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Driving into the fog one feels that you are heading into nothing so it is so good to see the light.  This is not a very good picture and actually the day I spent at the conference where I was asked to take pictures the pictures turned out badly.  I should have been thinking and planning where to sit and what to take pictures of; so in the end nothing turned out very good.

Yesterday was a day of doing "nothing" and allowing myself to just enjoy it!

I tried to catch up on reading but kept falling asleep and waking up with a start.  Everything I did I seemed to be in a preoccupied state and had to remind myself just to be in the present moment.  There are certain benefits that come from doing nothing that come the next day when you start to feel more invigorated and ready in mind and spirit to take on the day.

Dad had a good bike ride and even had a coffee on his route which he hasn't been doing lately.  He stopped to watch the ducks at Boundary Park enjoying themselves.  They seemed to be either busy swimming or snoozing on the grass.  If they feel threatened they quickly head for the water and they have their wings that can carry them away too.  This is their protection.

Imagination is a great protection that allows us to open the door to the mystical world that calms and renews.  I need to allow myself time to see things more clearly and decide where I am going and what I could be doing.  I wake up this morning to a light rain and to darkness but knowing the light will come.

If i thought about it a lot I would see old age as moving into a fog and yet my aches and pains keep me aware that I am very much alive.

So off to the Nursing Home today with my chocolate cookies.  I am thankful for frozen dough.  I am thankful that I can bring a little joy to others.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Thank you for this new day, it's beauty and light
A very beautiful church filled with beautiful women who had faithfully served their church for years.  Jane and I set out early in the morning to drive to Abbottsford to attend a meeting of women from various churches.  It was good to have time to visit together and get caught up and laugh as we drive around trying to find the building.

There were other things I wanted to get done but in my heart I knew I had made the right choice.

The speakers are always inspirational and Michelle Giordano was no exception.  There was a special warmth and beauty about this young woman as she talked about helping the street people in Abbotsford.
She had gone out to the streets to ask what their needs were and how she could help them.  She found broken and bruised women who had experienced violence and abuse.  They wanted a shelter to come to where they could feel safe, vent their feelings and a place to live.  They did not want to be preached to.  Our of this came first a place called the warm zone where there would be hot meals, counseling and safety planning, clothing and hygiene products, personal lockers to keep their belongings and phone and Internet programs.  Out of this grew supportive housing projects and victim services and pregnancy outreach.

The community and the churches became involved and this project is now supported by the Federal Government.  The advice given was very practical and supportive.

It is good to hear about good things happening in a world that is so full of one disaster to another.  It is seeing the beauty and worth in others. 

A story was told of the "In between God".  God is found in the love we have for each other and our willingness to be helpful.

It was lovely to come home to Leah and dad making lunch and Leah looking beautiful and so much stronger.

I guess I will have to get him a chef's hat and find his apron he was given.

Alone we cannot change the world but if we can make it a safer and more beautiful place for the lives we touch that is an answer to prayer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


More and more things are disappearing.  Books, papers, glasses, purse, slippers etc.  One minute I know where they are and the next minute they have disappeared.  Dad has a much better attitude as he says they will turn up sooner or later somewhere. 

Had four visits yesterday, beginning with Carolyn who has self-published her book and it looks very nice and she gave me an autographed copy.  I had to cut the visit short to drive over to pick up Jane to drive to White Rock to see Marjorie who has terminal cancer.  She has a very good attitude and appreciates life even more at the moment.  She is resting a lot and cannot eat or drink very much at a time.  There is a relief when you know exactly what you are facing in life. 

Life can be very painful but God is never absent He promises to be with those who call out for his comforting presence.  There can be spiritual blessings in the care of our family and the loving prayers of friends. 

Then Jane and I went on to have tea with Jean as it was her birthday and she may have turned 90 we were not sure.

I was exhausted and chilled again by the time I arrived home and was thankful for the crock pot that had cooked the chicken and for dad who served it to me. 

I was sitting on the chesterfield when the door bell rang and my friend who I walk with came to get us to sign a paper for her.  She has very strong opinions and stood up to dad's very well.  I was thinking after that sometimes there is a fear behind the things we express in stating our positions of life.  Gundy has very strong ideas on life and death, health and illness, God and faith.  She enjoyed the stimulating conversation but I was on the point of going up to bed and she noticed I was weary and decided to leave.

Today Jane and I drive to Abbotsford for a U. C.W. meeting where women from all the different churches come together.  I said I would go to keep her company but only for half a day. 

Leah has said she would like to come and visit this afternoon.

There has been a disappearance of the church's influence in many of our communities yet there continues to be signs of faith that are "like flowers or weeds growing up through tiny cracks in the cement and signs of hope and faith appear everywhere."  The Illuminata"  

Tough times are ahead.  There are people willing to take a stand by peacefully demonstrating and camping out to protest the unfairness.  I am thankful that my faith has not disappeared and that I can also see the good sprouting up.

Is there a fear that their future is disappearing?

Monday, October 17, 2011


I am always surprised by the awesome beauty of nature and would love to capture more and more of what I see every day.

Sunday I always look forward to going to church as I join with believers and nonbelievers in the pews Sunday morning.  I was finding I needed a day just to catch my breath and fight off feelings that I was catching a cold.  When I get overtired I get cranky and miserable because I find it hard just to relax.

We drove down to Choices to get a few goodies and just enjoy getting out.  Coming home we saw some beautiful trees all dressed in fall colors.

I am busy making supper when I was surprised by friends from church ringing the door bell.  They had been to Steveson's farmers market and picked up some glutem-free bread and goodies for me.  What an surprise and that awesome feeling of God's love shining through the eyes and compassion of others seem to bless me with feelings of joy beyond words.

I was very blessed to have a good husband to drive to White Rock with, who attends church with me and offers to go for a walk in the forest too. 

I would have loved to join the group gathering in  solidarity for the poor and protesting corporate greed and government inaction.  Over the years dad and I have supported walks for peace and justice in the past.  I hope the message finally gets through.
The message in the Sun states: "Shaw a veteran of many antiglobization demonstrations, was surprised at how quickly the Occupy Wall Street movement grew".
The Bible talks about "an appointed time" in which the people of God are called to help bring about change.  A radical transformation that is both political and spiritual.  A change that begins in our hearts.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


It is hard to believe there are millions of people going hungry daily.

Yes this is world food day!

There are many people who do not have the privilege to sit in a nice restaurant with water to drink and food to eat.

I come home from church feeling a little sorry for myself because we had lunch at church which was sandwiches and good goodies and I have my same old veggies and fruit which I should be thankful for, and I am, but it just does not fill me up.  There is so much injustice and greed that causes a lot of these problems with others having no food while we have so much.

Also before church we heard Pres. Obama speak at the memorial for Martin Luther King Jr. and it was a great speech.  I can only hope he means what he is saying and wants to carry on the work by supporting the poor and making the rich pay their share.  Of course the rich and powerful do not want change but there can be no peace without justice.

Change will not come without struggle and conflict but if we truly listen to the cries of the hungry and unemployed we will come to understand we must change or all will be lost.

In Canada the question is our are rights to bargain being taken from us.  The postal union and the airlines would say they are.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We set off in the early morning sunshine that seemed so bright only to find ourselves driving into the misty fog.
Morgan's favorite thing to do.  When she first started she could not go all the way across hanging onto the bars but she keep trying and she mastered it.  Way to go girl!

Happy mom and dad.  They were surprised to see us when we arrived ringing their doorbell.  I had tried to phone when we left again and I was still getting a busy signal
No 6 that is Ben

He shoots he scores.  Ben is a very competitive soccer player and tries his hardest.  I think he got at least three goals.  It was a very well played game and the goalies were outstanding!

Time out Between games we went out for lunch and Morgan tells me their our frogs in the pond outside.  She is very good at finding them.

And there they are sitting in the sun. 

Ben always brings his books along

Such fun to watch the little ones.  Morgan's team just could not score the first half and then got a few goals.

An exciting game and they are all so darn cute!

Exciting news Theresa is taking a course to be a teaching assistant.  She will be excellent.

It was a perfect fall day warm and sunny.  The only problem was the grass and ground was so very wet.  My feet got very cold and I was happy to come home and snuggle in some blankets while dad sat out on the front porch and enjoyed the last lingering rays of the sun.  We were both very tired but very thankful for such a special day!

Friday, October 14, 2011


It certainly is beginning to feel and look like fall.  The leaves and changing into more bright colours and some even starting to fall.  It was good to be able to have our front door open this afternoon.

I discovered a half of tin of pumpkin in my freezer which is strange why would I have a half a tin.  Anyway I got busy and made some muffins.  They also smelled like fall.    I did not have all the different flours so they probably would have been better if I had had them; but every time I go to make something I seem to be missing ingredients.  So today I just used what I had. 

Dad and I went to the library and I could not remember the name of the writer I was going to look up.  I renewed my book called "The Journal Keeper" which I am really relating to, except I seem now to be relating more to her aging mother.  She is struggling with words that just will not come and yet I know them very well.  I too wonder about my mental capacities but I refuse to let it get to me.

But trying to phone Mary and Michael John for two nights and getting a busy signal and last night trying to phone Theresa and getting a busy signal time after time; leaves me wondering if it is me or my phone.  I know Sandra figures it is me!  Maybe I will have better luck with Leah.
"Love and you shall be loved."

Dad and I both seem tired today although I tried to nap and couldn't so went for a walk and did some gardening.  The fresh air always lifts my spirits. 

To-morrow dad and I drive out to Chilliwack to see Ben and Morgan play soccer.  It is suppose to be a nice day again.

"In nature every moment is new, the past is always swallowed
the coming only is sacred,"  Emerson

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I went for a walk in the dark cold morning.  The sun shines on the frost on the trees.  The cars go speeding past me on Scott Road forced to move over when an ambulance comes screaming up behind them.  So I think there may have been an accident already.

But by the time we head into town the day is bright with sunshine and only a minor slow down.

This is the decoration at one of the eye glasses store and I love the lady who works there she is so full of fun.  We arrive at the wrong time which was my fault.  At least  we where early but it meant that I was sitting around for several hours.  I am amazed at how patient the people are that are sitting around waiting.  I wonder how those who are partially blind feel about having to be guided around.  It is hard to think that one day one may be dependent upon others. The people who work there are very friendly and kind.

I am trying not to let the little things and the difficult people irritate me.  At times we can all be insensitive.  William Blake was inclined to see human sins as phases through which humans pass and not as something substantial. 
Dad got some new eye drops which is good as he seems to be developing an allergy to the old ones.  His one eye the pressure continues to go up and may mean that he will be having laser surgery soon.  He goes back in a month.  Too bad it will not be Dec. then I could see the Christmas decorations!

We head down to the Sylvia to enjoy the view of the ocean and an excellent lunch.  Dad had his usual fish and chips.  This place has been apart of our lives every since we came to Vancouver.

We are so thankful that we can see and enjoy the beauty that is around us.

So much of life revolves around what we cannot control.
Just enjoying the fresh air and feeling alive is good!

God's light seems to bring harmony and peace.
God is light!


Time for a new picture!

 in the beginning time was created as day was followed by night and there were seasons to plant and to harvest.

our fence is really looking sad with boards missing so the time is coming when it needs to be fixed.
the next big wind could just blow it down completely
time to cut the lawn for the last time I hope

time to get the crock pot out and try something new

time to get organized

time to start Bible study at the church called Jet-Lag.

time to start visiting regularly and bake those chocolate chip cookies

time to forgive and forget because there is a tine to be right or wrong

time to return the books to the library

time to drive to Chilliwack to see Bwn and Morgan play scoccer.
time for romance!

Today dad and I drive in to see his eye doctor so we will be right in the middle of traffic jam time.
 time to be thankful we do not have to do this every day! !
but at this moment it is time to pray and go for a short walk.

Now it is time to wake up dad!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The drive home from the movie in Langley was pure magic as we drove towards a beautiful sky.  There was a golden glowing strip of sky that came shining through the clouds.  I have never seen anything quite like it.  As we got near home the moon was big and bright, a harvest moon , and added to our delight.

We enjoyed seeing the movie "Help" which brought tears to my eyes when you see how badly the Negros were treated and yet they brought the magic of love into the lives of the white people, especially the lives of the children.  Every child was precious and loved as if they were their own. 

It was also a story about discovering your gifts and bringing magic into the lives of others.

It is about freeing ourselves from the cruelty and abuse that takes away from the true worth of self.

It is about exposing their secrets as they share their stories and words paint the pictures that frame their lives and expose the fear they all have lived with.

In the end Aibee discovers that a new life awaits her when she is fired from her job.  She had begun writing her prayers down (I did too) and then unable to put her experiences into words she started to write about her life.  Writing will be her new life.

We all grow up with a set of beliefs about ourselves and about others. the magic is seeing the world with new eyes and an awareness that there is so much more to learn.  Sometimes it is being in touch with your own feelings and the feelings of others. 

I loved the music that flowed through this movie and I think of God as the Singer who awakens in us a new song to sing. I am a tiny note that is being apart of a great symphony.

 A holy note in a divine symphony.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I was unhappy being me most of the day yesterday.  My stomach was unhappy too.
Missing blue sky and sunshine. 
Got caught in a downpour of rain but fortunately I could run under a tree and watch the rain bouncing up off the pavement and not get completely soaked.

 It takes time to get use to the darker mornings and early darkness in the evening.

I am very aware of my limitations as I try to take the stitches out of the area the doctor had cut out on the side of dad's face.  I, personally think they were in far too long.  There is one still left that will need
probing to get it loose.

Dad and I talked about going to the movie "Help" which is also the book I am reading.  As I am reading I am wondering how they will portray the thoughts of the different characters.  When it was time to go neither one of us felt like going.

I see all the changes in the political and material world knowing that nothing is going to be quite the same again.  Too many people have been living lives of desperation and poverty. Serious thoughts and questions can take us into darkness of limitations.

I am aware that I put limitations on myself when I feel unworthy and weak and then the saddest part is that I am limiting how God can work through me and within me.  It is important for me to recognize my own value which is God given not earned.

If I allow myself to be limited by my emotions and my inabilities and limit the growth of soul's power of love and energy that renews the intellect.  Mind and heart beating as one bring light into all that we are and all that we are meant to be.

I need to be silent, aware of the possibilities, aware of the need "to be still and let God be God"

The sun was shining as  started on my walk this morning.  My neighbor saw me going by and invited me in for coffee.  The gentle rain has now started and that does not bother me.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Not a great picture of these too handsome men in my life.

As we journey through life we carry with us our baggage from the past and worries and hopes and dreams of the future.

It just seems like moments ago when Rick arrived at our door bringing in his heavy suitcase and enjoy a visit with us.  The next morning before he went exploring for a special bookstore the three of us went for a walk in the water-shed park.  My favorite place to walk.

During his stay with us Rick unpacked his bag for the items he would need for the next few days.

All of us also carry spiritual baggage with us, things we have heard and seen and experienced, that was taught to us growing up.  The language that one hears that is "religious" adds confusion and misunderstandings.  A lot of what has been learned has imprinted negative images on our minds.  At one time I pictured God as an old man with a long beard who lived somewhere up in the vast heavens.

I now see this as a negative image that has been replaced by loving energy that surrounds us all.

If you really want to grow spiritually from childlike faith it is important to unpack what you think you know;  and see that there are ways of seeing God which you can relate to.  I know that I need to feel the comfort and strength in times of uncertainty.

I agree with the Jewish Rabbi David Aaron that God wants me and you to find happiness in our journey through life and learn to live in relationship with others and with Him.  Joyless religion that is strict and demanding causes all of us to turn away and go in the opposite direction.  What is needed is to find truth in the story that is religion and allow the mind to become excited, the heart warmed and a spark of new life enter their soul.

"The point is this:  there is no more powerful directing force in your behavior than your beliefs.  To take control of your life, you must have clarity about your beliefs, because it is your beliefs that command your actions, inform your lifestyle, and determine the quality of your life."
Living A Joyous Life by Rabbi David Arron.

I believe that actions speak louder than words so that I would not go to a church to listen to anyone unless I see their faith being acted out in their lives.  I also find it impossible to trust some intellectual who has never been touched by faith.

I have myself said some pretty dumb things like "eat your supper don't you know that there are people going to bed hungry".  The point was that what we do with what we have been given has an affect on others.  Questioning the words that I heard as a child and then repeated as an adult is now my responsibility.  Attitudes can be changed with unpacking the negative and coming alive to a new and greater possibility for caring and understanding.

Our minister translates the scripture from the language it was written in.  Words have different and deeper meanings as we try to understand the words of the writer and what is being said.

I was looking for mushrooms on our walk in the forest and found both of these.

I could have just as easily walked right by. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011


It is always great fun to take pictures of Morgan.  She was busy drawing on our table runner adding to the pictures and words that had alredy been put on about thankfulness.

This is a tiny part of the joyous art decorations.

We were a happy group as we arrived one by one to the home of Sandra and Randy.  Poor Randy had a miserable cold and couldn;t even smell the delicious turkey cooking.  Sandra was joined in the kitchen by Ben and Theresa.  Ben pealed the potatoes which were soon on the stove boiling away along with the carrots.  Randy as always lent a hand when it came to mashing the potatoes and cutting the turkey.

That was after he had taken a few pictures of his own.

I managed to sneak up on Ben and catch him after he had fineshed his jobs.

Some one has picked up my camera
This picture also captues Uncle Kenny on Skype at home with his family.

Later we skyped with Carol and Panteli but the connection did not work very well.

Don Begg enjoys a joke with Leah and her dad.

Well done everyone especially those in the kitchen,  who cooked a great feast and those who helped clean up,  Craig and Randy and Mikie!