Saturday, April 30, 2022


My big computer is not working.

Great news Carol's tumors are shrinking.
Prayer helped me get through my worries.

I believe in the healing power of prayer but I  know 🤷‍♂️God's ways are mysterious.

Life will always have some uncertainty.

Today is a spiritual adventure.  We need guidance and prayer to give us courage to face trouble.

Sandra and Randy leave for Edmonton.

Ben is home from his soccer adventures.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


                                                             Thankful for all the beauty I see.

                                                             Thankful for all the love I feel.

                                                              Thankful for this day.

                                                              Thankful for my family.

                                                              Thankful that I can walk Spenser.

                                                               He looks good with his new hair cut.    

                                                               I am thankful for good parents who loved me.

                                                              I am thankful I have always had enough food to eat and clothes.

                                                              I am thankful for this day and the lessons I will learn.

                                                               I am thankful that I am forgiven when I fail to be loving and kind.

                                                                Thankful for a faith that gives me courage and wisdom.

                                                                 Thankful for unconditional love that heals and restores.

                                                                 Thankful for prayer that is being answered.

                                                                 maybe not in the way we expected.

                                                                We may not see the light at the end of the tunnel but it is there! 


Monday, April 25, 2022


A perfect day warm and sunny.
Ben lines up before the game starts.
Ben has worked hard to achieve this goal.
Theresa  drove us in to see the game.
We were too excited to eat lunch.
Sandra and Randy joined Justice to watch the game
Tasha and Justice came too.
She had to leave early..
Ben joins us after to thank us for coming.
There were about 29 friends from Chilliwack who came to cheer Ben's team on.
We  won and Ben made some fantastic saves.

He saves this one too.

Sandra and Randy drove us home.

We were exhausted and very hungry 

It was a fantastic day.
I will rest up to day.

What an awesome family we have!

Sunday, April 24, 2022



We always enjoy spending time with our grand children and great grandchildren.  They live such exciting lives.  They are all growing up so fast.

Today we are looking forward to a very exciting day.  we are off to Vancouver to see Ben play his first important day as a soccer goalie.

We used to go to all his games but it has not been possible to travel to different areas.  We have stood in the rain and in the cold.  We did that also for Stephen and Cameron.

Mickie and Teresa will pick us up and we stop to eat at a special place before heading into town.  A whole group of people are travelling with us.

I worry about leaving Spenser for so long but I tell myself he will jut sleep.

An exciting day to see several of Theresa's old friends.

It will be a challenge for us but an exciting one.

Saturday, April 23, 2022



I could not believe that we had missed singing Happy Birthday to Alba.  I felt so bad.

I hope there will be another time just to say hello.

Stories that impact our lives and inspire us to have hope when we believe come alive when we meditate on them.

Simone, the Pharisee a proud and self-righteous man, invites Jesus to eat with him.  Then the unbelievable  happens and a woman who had lived a sinful life comes in the open door and approaches Jesus.  She is weeping and her tears fall on his feet.  She dries them with her long hair and anoints them with a kiss and expensive perfume..

Simone as the host should have done this. His heart was cold and he speaks out against Jesus. " No prophet would allow a sinful person to touch them."

Jesus knew she had a good heart and she believed she could not be forgiven.

Jesus was filled with compassion and told her her sins had been forgiven.  Go in peace and live a new life.

One of my favorite stories..  Every day is a new day when we accept forgiveness.  We are loved unconditionally.

Belief can change your life when you know you are loved unconditionally.                                           

Friday, April 22, 2022



WE are very worried about you Rick  I wonder if it could be the moldy smell of your books.  ..We would like to know how to help you.  Very depressing to be getting worse.  We wish you were living near closer.

I guess the doctors cannot find the problem.  Very painful for you when every day you seem worse.

I have friends that are praying for you.  I believe that prayers help.  Sometimes just a simple prayer like "help" and trusting the answer will be found..  .We know this must be very painful.  

Dad and  I mixed up the day to share a happy birthday with Alba.  It was good you did.

I am mixed up about who  I sent birthday cards to.

My foot has been hurting when  I walk on it.  I thought it was my nail was too long.

Went  for a pedicure and it did not help.  I now see a funny lump on the side of the toe.


Dad and  are sharing the adventure of old age together.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


The compassion of a stranger change the life of the woman at the well.

Too often Jesus is seen as just another moral teacher.

He is a man of compassion.

He watches as the sad woman comes to the well alone.
He feels her pain.
He speaks to her and asks her to draw some water from the well for him.
Yes he knows all about her and the immoral life she has lead.
Now none of the other women will have nothing to do with her.
She feels so lonely and depressed.
She is amazed at his knowledge and his willingness to talk to her.
His compassion and acceptance heal her wounded soul.
She runs back to town to share the wonder of his love and transforming grace.
She knows he is the Messiah they have been waiting for.

We are going to do some shopping.

It is raining again.

It must be difficult when we realize some changes have to be made.
Rick worked hard to be a lawyer but the time has come to let go of it all.

Life can be sad but every emotion we feel is important.
 Be kind to the strangers you meet.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 The ducks are back.  The daddy duck follows the mother duck around.  This is on my neighbors doorstep. She is over by the sun thing.  He stays right with her and they make a cute couple.

We are happy that Daisy is recovering well at home.

We had a scare with Spenser when he choked on a bit of food.  We three jumped up to go and save him but he managed to cough it up.  My heart stopped beating and I am grateful he was okay.

Good that Ken has a home to move into.  When will he move?

Dad has lost his phone.  We have looked everywhere.

We are grateful it is found in my purse where dad had put it.

Feeling better today.

My goal is to be grateful for the good moments each day brings.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 I sure made a lot of mistakes yesterday.  Both dad and I have been feeling like we are coming down with something.  We had a very quiet day.  I did manage to take Spenser for two short walks. l He is lying here beside me as I type.

The good news is that Daisy is back home again after several days at the vets.

I realize we take so much in life for granted.  We are very fortunate to be in our own home and to have each other to care for.

Even when we make mistakes it is important to keep trying.

It takes courage to make an effort but we are always happy when we do.

It was sunny today but the wind was cool.  I put on a light jacket when I left home.  I felt too warm at first but then I had to put it back on.  The wind was cold.

Dad is in bed already.

Monday, April 18, 2022



 Sending our love to Daisy Dog after his big operation..!

The story of Easter is tale of passion and betrayal .  There is embarrassment, confusion, disbelief, sadness

 A brave leader facing death and torture tries to warn his disciples.  They do not want to hear.  He takes on the role of a servant as he washes each one of their feet.  They bow their heads in shame.  They know they should have washed his feet.

They are excited as they share a meal together.  Is he going to finally lead them into confronting those who oppose him.  Judas challenges him.  Jesus feels the anger that flows from the eyes pf Judad.

They are laughing and talking when Jesus speaks out.  "One of you is going to betray me."  Jesus feels sadness as he hands the bread dipped in wine to Judas.  Judas has not grasped the message that Jesus was trying to teach them.  

Jesus spends time in prayer knowing his life will be taken from him on a cruel cross.  Jesus will be mocked and made fun of . This is his destiny that takes a heart of courage and a strong will.  The disciples desert him.  and his heart is broken.  His love for each one has bonded them together.  They have heard his words and seem miracles take place in front of their eyes.  Fear takes hold of them as they witness his capture.  He will face a trial and remain silent.  He receives lashes on his back and when he stumbles trying to carry his cross a witness will be asked to carry it for him.

Only one disciple will be with him as he faces a slow agonizing death.

His mother feels his pain and the pain of feeling helpless.

He is buried and the disciples feel ashamed and lost without him.

We know the ending and like all good stories a happy ending restores the hope and joy they have known walking with him.  They are forgiven of what seemed to them to be unforgivable.  

Love heals our deepest pains.  Suffering will be a part of life for us all.  We know that there will be a purpose for the difficult things we go through.

Life is more than a daily routine when Jesus gives us courage to live with faith and hope!

Heaven waits for us to come home!

It is important for me to feel this story deep in my heart and soul!

Sunday, April 17, 2022



E ASTER is a time to expect miracles.

We find renewed hope when we rejoiced with others that Jesus is alive.  

His spirit lives on in our hearts.

as we take a moment  to become more aware of this truth.

No I cannot expect to  feel young again but I can feel the blessings of his presence as I age gracefully.



Blessings come in unexpected ways.

The power that brought new life to Jesus is available to us all.

I remember celebrating this life with others in a sunrise service.

We sang and we shared our faith  our  hope  that scripture brings to believers.

Looking forward to lunch with Sandra and Randy.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


                                              Feeling a little brighter today.

A short trip to the dollar store to pick up a few odds and ends.

My usual walk through the park.  Dad picked us up and we dropped off some chocolate bunnies to say thank you to Hilary.  Dad cut the lawn.  He likes using the new lawn mover .  I racked  a few leaves but there is a lot more to be done.

We are planning to go to church but it depends how dad's stomach is feeling.  It was not too good this morning.

After the second walk at the pond with Spenser we came home and made a light supper.  Now it is time for hockey before Heartbeat.  Rick seems to know what is coming next.

Hope Ken is able to find a place to live.  Lots of changes for their family.

I am reading about how suffering can enrich our lives as we learn to adapt to our limitations.  We are all born with different personalities so we all re-act differently.

We all try to avoid pain and suffering but when we cannot do so we  but the main thing is how do we re-act.  We know that suffering can push a person into brokenness and feelings of unworthiness.  At times what we need most is a friend to listen and to care.  We do not need advice but we need support.

We all have spiritual and emotional needs as well as treatment.  We have to move beyond what we once could do and trust that God draws closer to us when we suffer. I have experienced this myself.

Jesus is alive and Easter deepens our faith and our lives become brighter1

Friday, April 15, 2022



I have never felt the pain of Good Friday as I have done this morning.  It was always a day we went to church and also joined with other churches.  The church would be dark and the mood sober and quiet.

I find it hard to believe it is Good Friday.  The news paper does not inform me.  I have to ask google if it is really Good Friday.  A day to be aware of the sadness that feels the emptiness of the separation from Jesus.

The words Jesus spoke on the cross "My God, my God why have you deserted me?"  When life becomes too painful this is the cry of our hearts.  The world seems full of fear that darkens our faith.  There is so much suffering and killing and destruction.

One needs a strong faith that trusts that light shines even in our souls when our feelings of hopelessness and grief over whelm us.  

I feel alone.  

Jesus went to a lonely place to pray and that is what I need to do now.

God's presence is felt in our times of darkness.  

His death opens the door to a new life filled with the Holy Spirit.

We are not alone.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


                                                    Cold at Boundary Park.

                                                    Spenser loves to walk there.

I am starting to worry if I worry too much.  Worry does not seem to solve any of my problems but instead creates more.  

"Worry gives small problems big shadows."  -Montaigne

"Worry does not empty to-morrow of it's sorrows  It empties today of it's strength. -  Corrie Ten Boone.

I find I have to stop worrying when I go to bed at night.  In the morning I try to be positive about the day ahead.  Both dad and I find we are short of energy but are thankful we can nap when we feel like it.

Rick I wish we could come and help you.  It is depressing not to be feeling better.  Maybe you can come here and at least have some one to talk to.  Can you get some one to come in and help.  We are so thankful for Laura.

Jesus tells us not to worry but just take it a day at a time.  Pray for wisdom and strength and courage to have the resources we need when we need them.  We all have come through difficult times and trust that you will be able to continue to succeed.

"Worry wages war on your faith"  -Max Lucardo

There are many verses  in the Bible that tells us not to worry but put your faith in God's love.                                                     

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Ken your comment did m
                                                           not go on until later this morning

                                                                 ---  dogs can be a problem

So can ,my computer..

Woke up this mprn9ing to a very cold house.  'The heat is not working.   

It started hailing and now is is raining heavily.  Waiting hope it improves.

Spenser is in no hurry to go out.

Dad has a short dentist appointment and then will pick up some new batteries

I hope this is the problem...

Yesterday it was the frig.   I  did not close the door tight

 door partially closed and it was all iced up.

Thankful Laura fixed  this problem.

Later I may update this.  Brrrr it is cold.

The furnace is now fixed.

New batteries fixed the problem.

Spenser and I got caught in another hail storm.

We cut short our walk.

It is getting even colder out.

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Yes we all survived.

I could have done better.  I was not sure what the plans were.  I knew Sandra and Randy were bringing clothes over to put in the dryer.  I knew Carol l and Theresa and Morgan were stopping in on the way home from town.  I did not feed any them.  Sorry Sandra and Randy left hungry. 

The truth is that I have a little bit of energy  in the morning but the rest of the day I rest and read and do a little here and there if I feel like it.  We could have done things differently.  Sandra and I could have gone to the store and picked up food.  I was happy just to have a happy time with no fuss or muss.

I did enjoy seeing everyone.  If you want a cup of tea put the kettle on!  

The interesting thing is the duck is back in the neighborhood.   She was sitting on the car hood at our neighbor's car.  Then off she goes.

Last night I had a bad night.  I swallowed a big fat pill but it did not go down.  It got stuck in my throat.  It finally went down but it had damaged my throat and the pain got worse and worse.  I tried to sleep but finally got up and put a bag of peas on my throat.  That really helped.  I can still feel a lump this morning.

I am thankful I can swallow.

I am going to have a restful day but I start as usual walking  Spenser.

Our dog walker is starting to walk Spenser in the evening again.  It has been fun walking Spenser at the pond.  I love meeting new people and Spenser loves meeting new dogs.

Happy Sunday all.  I will read about Jesus walking with the guys who did not know him but when they realized who he was they were amazed.  

The amazing thing about Jesus is he  comes to visit and walk with us every day and is a healing presence. 

Jesus survived!  


Saturday, April 9, 2022


 Have we missed the G' Prix?

A happy time seeing your family Ken   Breakfast meetings are fun times.  Jasmine  will be excited too.

Yesterday was extremely windy.  When I open the front door to get the paper I was hit with a blast of cold air.  I missed seeing the paper as it had blown all away.  How will I tell the paper boy to put in the right spot in the door?

Thankfully it had died down a bit when Spenser and I went for a walk.  Dad knows the route we take now so he does not miss us if he drives over to meet us.

Dad had a busy day shopping.  First at the Home Depot and then at the Safeway.  I was walking around Boundary Park while dad shopped and then came to pick us up.

Spenser and I are making new friends as we walk around.  There is a little book place there so I often pick out a book or two.  I can put them into the other book place on Sun Wood

I do miss going to church and seeing old friends.  I also like to gain insight into scripture.  I like to dig deeper into the spiritual.  This can be done intellectually or emotionally.  Life is all about how we view the place we play in making the world a better place.  The words of Jesus are pretty plan encouraging us to treat others with respect that encourages us to help the poor.

It took one small boy willing to share to feed the crowds of a thousand.

There was a reason Jesus was not acknowledged by the church authorities.  They felt they knew it all.
The words of Jesus do not penetrate hard hearts.  They could not receive the love that only the poor in spirit hunger and thirst for.

It is too bad they miss the truth of the gospel message.  Love one another!  Share what you have.   


Friday, April 8, 2022



Every morning there seems to be more flowers and trees adding colour to the world.

Dad worked hard to put the lawn mover together and then carried on testing it.  We do not have a lot of lawn but it has grown very high.  We both did a bit in the yard but wish we ciuld do more.  I was using a broom to clean up and dad got the blower and fell down the small step in the side yard.  He feel on his bum and was not really hurt.  Falls are acary for us both.  /that is why I am using a walker.

We all have our ups and downs in life.  All we can do is keep getting up and try again.

Last week was junk week.  I always wish we had put out more.  I know it is a good thing but the traffic with cars riding by all day is noisy. Yesterday they finally came and picked it up.  Most of the stuff is junk but there is always some good stuff too/

Thankful for the warmer weather.  Thankful it rained last night.

I always find it amazing when flowers start to bloom as it seems to happen over night.

Moving is hard work and we wonder why we keep so much junk.

Our bodies are amazing but it is difficult when something goes wrong.

"Happiness must be cultivated.  It is like character.  It is not a thing to be left alone for a moment. or it will run to weeds."  -Elizabeth Phelps

Laughter is still the best medicine.  Smile even if your heart is breaking.  Your smile is a blessing to others who feel alone and worried.

Bloom where you are planted. 



Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Every day seems to be going by faster and faster.

It has been a long time since we last visited dad's  grannie's grave.  We drove there on Sunday.  

We think about her life and how much she loved your dad.  Her too sons died in the war and she was very brave in carrying on her life moving out here to Vancouver.  Dad took care of her in the last days of her life.  She moved into the Nursing home he built before moving into a place where she needed more care.

After we were at the grave yard we went for supper with Carol and Pamtlei 

It was a warm day but it soon cooled off and it was good to sit by the fire. We enjoyed a delicious meal with G.F. garlic toast and chocolate cake also G.F.  Carol has one more C.T. scan before they decide what to do next.  She may just be like dad and they will watch to see what develops.  She is feeling good and looking forward to visiting Kim and Hamlet and baby Alba as they have a holiday together in Mexico.

I am hoping and praying for them to both heal and enjoy many holidays and fun times together.  Praying also for Rick for his health to improve.  Sometimes strokes take a long time and this can be frustrating as well as depressing.

I believe that he and Ken will find new ways to cope with life and some of the changes that have come their way.  

I know that having a belief that we can be empower by a high power can save and  restore our faith in life.  We have a loving family . and God loves us with an unconditional love.

I have just come home from the dentist.  Part of my tooth broke off.  I dread going but it went well and now I can relax.

My final thought is that life sometimes takes us in new directions and there awaits new hopes and new purpose as we start on this journey.


Monday, April 4, 2022


 One minute it starts to feel like spring.  Then the next day it is cold and feels like winter.  Last night the wind was blowing in noisy gusts against our windows.

I like to think that each new day can start with promise.

I have been feeling worried about my best friend Jane.  I was starting to make plans to visit her so gave her a call first.  She has had a nasty fall and is taking things easy.  I will phone again next week.  She says her room is big enough for 8 people.  It has been a long time since we have seen each other.

Dad and I were talking about what to have for supper when our friend Hilary phoned to say she had made a big batch of spaghetti  would we like some.  Next thing I knew she was at the door with everything packaged with the sauce on top and noodles below.  So I could just eat the top and dad enjoyed both top and bottom.  She is full of energy and so happy to do this for us.

I am thankful for all my past experiences that teach me to make a fresh start every day.

How was the electric bike started.  It was started by Mr. Honda when he could get the gas to drive his car to the store. Others wanted  to own one of theses. He started a new trend that grew into a big business.

Thankful dad is feeling much better today but we learned that forgetting to take his pills has an affect on  his health.  There is a reson he needs these digestive pills.

Many lessons are learned the hard way.

Every day is a new start.

Sunday, April 3, 2022


 NO  I did not mention the strange man who wanted dad to stop and talk to him.  Dad thought it was about his jacket had Boundary Park Air port on the front.  It was strange.  Then he paid for our desert and paid some towards our bill.  Some thought him creepy.

We have been expecting windy and rainy weather'
It was okay for my morning walk..

Had a long chat with my brother when I got home.
I just hung up the phone when John and Pat dropped 
in to see us.
Dad had a bad night so he was back in bed asleep.
He slept for over 4 hours.
Ken phoned as he and Melina are worried about dad.
Should we be asking questions of the doctor?
It is important to be a good patient
who wants the best treatment.

Who controls our destiny?

Our beliefs are important and can change the way we think and act.
I find the way forward is not always clear.

What are our expectations?

Where will the strength and courage come from?

Should we be asking more questions?

I believe that our beliefs can empower us to handle the tough stuff..

I believe that there will be challenges ahead for all our family.

I believe in the power of prayer!
Keeping you all in my heart and my prayers!

Saturday, April 2, 2022


It was fun to celebrate Randy's birthday. but in a vault?  I would never have dreamed this was possible. 
Yes a real vault in a real dinner in  Colverdale.  Jusy room enough for the six of us.

It was cozy and nice to be able to hear everyone.  We all have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for the good things in our lives.  We shared pictures on I phones of new kittens and new grand children and the swimming pool damaged by rain that got in under the bottom and lifted the cover to the top.  This will be a part of many jobs Randy will be tackle this year  Sandra like all wives tries to keep him busy..

It is always fun to be with family especially; to celebrate the past and the future.

The waitress enjoyed serving us and we enjoyed being served.

Today has a promise of sunshine.

I am off for my walk with Spenser.  We never know who we will meet.  Everyone is so friendly.

We celebrate the gift of life and family.

Not perfect but very lovable!

Lots to laugh about in our family.