Thursday, June 30, 2016


I am so happy some little birds are eating the bird food.  There is beauty in the motion of the birds, the clouds, the water falling over the rocks and the butterfly!

I have to laugh when they hop on top of the bird house
dad made first then on to the bird feeder.
Believe it or not this is the floor of our garage now all painted and clean.  Dad has continue to move along with new projects.  The garage looks better than my kitchen floor.  I have one of those days of starting things but never finishing anything.  I did walk over to the vegetable store to pick up some new bread for me made out of corn flour.  It is better toasted and it is a change.  I bought some healthy bread for dad but I think it is a little two healthy and very filling.

He has moved back out to trimming the last bit of the hedge.  Everything has grown so much this past year it boggles the mind.  Cathy came by with some more food for us on her way to drop some off at her daughter's home.  Des She has a three year old very cute but very active little girl. 

I started to clean up some mess over in this side yard which has been neglected with fallen leaves and branches and tall weeds.  I was quite happy to stop when Leah dropped in for a visit.  Her pregnancy has been one problem after another but her spirits are high.  She was thinking of climbing a ladder to pick our cherries but the racoons are eating them by the handfuls.  There was no way we would let her do that.  I should gather up the over ripe cherries and put them in a vat and make wine.

Dad and Leah  have a visit outside where we watch the one little bird enjoying a feast.

As grandparents our hearts are very tender towards our grand children.  "A grandparent heard his grandson crying wanting to be lifted out of his playpen but mother came along and said he was being punished so had to stay there.  So what could grandpa do?  Well he crawled right in with him."

Love found a way.

Just like God found a way to send his true message of love and forgiveness through his son Jesus.

A love story that was lived and sacrificed for us all.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I have been taking my time doing a few chores
inside before I venture out into the yard.

The phone rings and it is Pat saying her and John will drop by after the ride their bikes through the Water Shed Park.

Yes that got me moving faster doing a quick tidy up.  The trouble is now I figure I have all day to do things so I take my time. 

Yes, I check to see if I have milk for tea and some juice for John.  Add some raisin toast and a bit of fruit and I am all ready.

Yes, we sit outside on a day that is just meant for sitting outside!  First we discuss the big events that are happening like the vote in England and the bombing at Istanbul's Airport.  We have seen the pictures of people fleeing and trying to run faster to escape  and some falling even as they try to run.  An act of terror!

Can God keep up with this modern world?

Why would anyone want to be a Christian?
Jane Fonda said in an interview she became a Christian because she felt reverence humming in her.
We long for experiences like hers when we feel more deeply aware of "the something more in life".

Yes, we do talk about our families with dad throwing a few stories to make us laugh.

Yes, we lastly talk about our health and the crippling effects of aging.  We all are having problems.

Yes, even with these problems we still believe in the vast, expansive, indestructible,  unconditional  Love that is with us and within us;  and has been all along. 

Time for me seems to be moving faster but I  am thankful that I can reach out in faith to hold the hand of the Man who calmed the waters and even raised the dead!

Monday, June 27, 2016


The bird house needs a home because dad cut down the old tree it was sitting in.

The cat show was all about movement and the tricks cats can play on people as well as dogs.  They are so quick with their little paws.  They had some foster kittens there and I am sure they would find a good home among all those cat lovers.

The beauty of the birds and butterflies is also in their movements.  Dad and I are going to a bird feeder store to find out what is the right food to buy.  There is a huge bag at the Safeway too big for our little houses.  We are going to move the glass feeder to a better place.  There was no action that I could see.  We do not have the birds like we used to who would drink out of our pond.  I think I saw one Robbin this year and the little birds that nested in our old bird house.  I think the family comes every year.

Well, Ben is certain a fellow on the move.  The team stayed at a hotel together which was good.  They may make him an offer.  He says the coaching is better than here. He phones us from the Dairy Queen now he is back home again.  He stayed up to midnight waiting to turn 13!

I rested up and only did a few things around the house.  Doing a little at a time is enjoyable and not overwhelming like when all the family was around. 

Prayer is also movement.  Sometimes it is more of a discipline than a joy unless one comes in humility aware of your needs and the needs of others.  It is a spiritual discipline that moves one from selfishness to awe and wonder.  It is an act of love when I surrender to the amazing love and mercy and grace of God.

Every breath is a gift from the Creator moving by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Nature sure gives us the best gifts.
There is a beautiful colourful butterfly on my butterfly tree.  Very hard to capture but breathtaking.

Also humming bird comes in the morning and is fascinating to watch.

My neighbor from Tiwan came and brought over some fresh blueberries she and her girls have picked.  So thoughtful.

Another neighbor left a note she wants to help me in the garden.  She left her phone number and I will phone her next week.  She has a very neat yard and talks to me when I was walking with Haiti.

I had an awful time trying to figure out what to wear to church in the morning.  It feels warmer but I just kept trying things on and throwing them on the bed.

Church was a gift just feeling loved and at home.
Praying and singing together a gift and two small children delightful.

My friend Cathy invited me to a funny show about cats some from U. Tube. down town Van.  It was to support the S.P.C.A.   Hilarious!

Friends are a gift. 

A visit from my daughter is also a gift.

Saturday, June 25, 2016


This is Haiti on her rug at Carol and Panteli's.

She looking up out the window for any squirrels that may go flying by.
She gets so excited so can jump over the gate.
We do miss her but she will be visiting now and then.

What an amazing venturous family I have!

They are always going new places and trying new things.

Theresa is amazing driving Ben to the U. play two games of soccer.  Having great supportive parents is such a great help.  His world is very much wrapped up in soccer now.

Dad and I have had our times, especially dad with his flying adventures and trips to South America to build houses and help dig ditches.  He had lots of experience from our first home where a big ditch taller than him was dug for the water to run through.

Yesterday we both went to the Home but found people their feeling low.  I blame the cold dull weather.
Stan dad's friend is failing fast with his lung cancer.  Kindness and compassion are what we over to him.  He like several others are missing the presence of family members and in lots of ways this defines our happiness or misery.
I try to bring some new thoughts into their minds knowing how vulnerable
they are.

It is our connection with others that I hope helps them but also adds meaning to my life.

Dad and are  becoming more aware of our own aging but are so thankful for our amazing family.

I am writing some little notes to Morgan to be put in a birthday book Panteli has purchased.  I am remembering some special times with Morgan.  Like playing games and hiding things and having picnics and walks in the Water Shed Park.  She had a fall there and a nice man gave us a band aid
and now dad carries one in his hat.

"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness."    - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"My adventures have taken me on a spiritual path where I am learning to be kind and caring, compassionate and loving one small step at a time.

Friday, June 24, 2016


A brilliant rainbow appeared in the sky as we were driving home.
It was like we were driving right into it.

I think that it was so amazing when I have been praying for hope and the rainbow is a sign of Hope!

My scripture reading from Jesus Calling was to open your hands and heart to receive this day as a precious gift from Me.

everyone believes something whether they know what it is or acknowledge it.  I believe in hope that something good comes just when we most need it.

"The things you believe have power over you."

Both fear and faith takes us into the unknown if we let them.

Good visit with Carol and Panteli and Kim.  Dinner had fresh vegetables from the garden and was delicious.

Up date on Morgan.  She won three awards in creativity and good citizen and another.

Way to go Morgan.

Ben might be playing a game in Seatle but papers have to be sign etc.

Carol and Theresa may drive him down.

Off to go visiting.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


I was wondering how people are still able to find hope when their situations seem hopeless.
Maybe I will learn something from these books.
The funny thing was the librarian came and offered me a funny book, maybe she thought I could use it.

A  young wife needs a heart operation and surrounded by family and friends feels hopeful.
"When you are dealing with realities bigger than you are, it is not unreasonable to reach for something bigger than yourself. 
This is where hope resides.
Her husband takes
her out on a date where they dream about their future
"Focusing on hope allowed their burdens to be lighter."

"I would much rather be guilty of looking at life through the window of possibility  than standing at the crowded doorway of hopelessness."
-Danney Gokey

It was pour rain when I went for a walk but I was hoping it would clear up.  Dad is still building the best birdhouse ever!

Off to Carol and Panteli's for supper.


Yes I am running behind.

The minutes and the hours and the days just keep slipping by.

Looking at my watch does not help.

Dad and I both are getting short term memory loss which makes live interesting.  I just confess to everything because I cannot remember what I did or did not do.

Dad is busy cleaning up his garage and also fixing up the bird house he and
Ben made.  I wish Morgan was here to help she would be a great helper.
The singles have blown off the roof and the house needs painting and a new picket fence.

He has been out shopping at the dollar store and at the second hand store.  We drove into to see grannies grave and put some flowers on it.  We have to drill a hole so a vase can sit in there.  The graves had a lot of flowers so the place looked quite lovely.  Spent some time looking at grave stones, some break your heart.

We also stopped in at the library and I was amazed at the selection of books.  A big display on native issues and I picked up one book but it was too sad, the image of Cree folklore and tradition is woven into a tale of a painful journey.

The librarian suggest a funny book so I am glad I took her advice.

Dad also picked up a second hand radio, yes he was out shopping by himself.  Kim stopped by to-night I should have shown her.  Very retro.  It plays C.D.s and records and even gets the C.B.C.

"A good character is the best tombstone.
Those who were loved by you and helped by you will remember you when for-get-me nots have withered."
-  Charles H. Spurgeon

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I have my early morning coffee keeping an eye on our new bird-feeder to see if any birds came. A present from Carol and Panteli and Kim.

Early in the spring we had had fun watching the little bird flying in and out of our bird house on the back wall.

We have a little humming bird that feeds off the bleeding hearts but there seems to be less birds than there once were.

Dad is now fixing up the bird house that he and Ben made.  Yesterday he went for a long bike ride so he is gradually feeling better.  I seemed to have picked up his bug so I am resting and staying close to the bathroom.

Ken our neighbor asked me over when I walked outside to see a massive tree being removed by big machinery.  Several of the neighbors were there chatting so it was a friendly time.  Ken is not able to get around much any more I think it is a spine problem.

Ken next door has given Kim  a special T-shirt that is given only to special people.  Everyone misses seeing Kim and Haiti walk by.  Ken thinks Haiti is wonderful and it would be nice if Haiti would be accepting of him.

Yesterday dad and I went to the grocery store and there was an elderly couple ahead of us and we were both thinking "do we look that
?"  Deep inside we still feel young but moving is slower.

"Do more than belong, participate
Do more than care, help
Do more than be fair, be kind
Do more than forgive, forget
Do more than dream, work.
William Arthur Ward

"Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation"
Henry Ward Beecher.


Monday, June 20, 2016


I am trying to find pictures of Matthew and Jasmine.
These are from several years ago.

Fathers Randy and dad sit with daughter Mandy and granddaughter Leah.
Kim has had a swim and enjoys the sunshine with Panteli

Another great party with a huge amount of food.
and telling of jokes.

Yes, dads are very important!

Some lines from dad`s cards.
You are so important to our family because of who you are
and all you do
Hope today you feel all the love you give every day
come back to you. 

A dad is a daughter`s best example.
He taught me that family comes first
Anything worth having is worth working for
and how important it is to come through for the people
who count on you.

I have been so blessed to have you for a father`
always there to help me
so smart and such good advice
a wonderful role model teaching me to be open minded and kind to others.
and a good story teller.

Words help us as we live day by day in the love of our family.

"Spiritual guidance is unique,  for each one of us it is different"
just as the guidance we had for each one of our children was unique.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


                                                  Another rainy day
                                          but it turned sunny.

The scripture says in this world we only see dimly and as I put on my glasses with lots of smudges I can relate to that.

  How do my glasses get so dirty I do not understand.

Yes I see dimly!

Dad was very pleased and touched to receive your card Rick!
Thanks for the phone call and enjoy a few days rest in Toronto.

I believe Sandra and Randy are back home now after what must have been an emotional and exhausting trip.  Now they are having us all over.  Unbelievable.
The menu will be all planned but maybe a shopping trip will be necessary.

Dad has certainly made life interesting for our family.  He has always had a great sense of adventure
and his life has been in danger many times, sometimes rescuing others out a ditch or out on the water.

Dad and I plan to go to church this morning and look forward to seeing family later.

Happy Father's day to all!

"Storms make the oak grow deeper roots."  
-George Herbert

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak
Courage is what it takes to sit down and listen."
-Winston Churchill

"Cast your burden on the Lord
and He will sustain you."

Be of good courage
and He will strengthen your heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Saturday, June 18, 2016


                    Off to watch Ben's  semi final soccer game.
Early morning heavy rain and heavy traffic.

Both of us are feeling okay.

We are excited and happy for Ben.  A big game.

We drive through the area of Kerrisdale  with it's fascinating variety of stores and coffee shops.  A wonderful area just to spend a day walking

We arrive at the parking lot just as Carol is leaving the lot to watch the game.

It is pay parking which at first we ignore but then with the help of Morgan's change we put the money in for a hour parking.

The game is out by U.B.C.
We arrive to  umbrella lined fence watchers.
What an exciting game as both teams are excellent.
Ben does one of his amazing kicks.
                                          The Cheerleaders

                                          A brave watcher.

The game was tied 1 to 1 for a long time and the other team were lucky to get the final goal.

Ben was the best goalie and a good sport shaking off the bad bounce.

There are a lot of things in life we cannot control.

"Being comfortable with uncertainty opens us up to all possibilities."    -Anita Moorjani

On the way home we were forced to the side of the road by a speeding car cutting in front of us.
It shook me up and I am thankful dad is such a good driver.

I want to snuggle into a warm bed and read a good book and then if the rain stops go for a walk.

                   Crossing the street to put money in the ticket taker.

Jane phoned about a course at Narramata on journaling and art.
It would be wonderful but I decide against joining her.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Ken you sure have some nasty germs down under.  Pneumonia is nasty and very draining so I hope you make sure you stay on the meds for several times.  Sounds like you have to be tough with the doctors and demand better care,

It is tough when everyone is sick with coughing etc. 

Dad and I usually take turns being under the weather.  He is not too good today.  Not even good enough for fish and hips.

I am reading cook books to try and get inspired but not having much luck.

The reading for today from "Jesus Calling"
about taking the high road being aware of God's
and also aware of our own uniqueness.

A unique design being brought to life day by day.

Linda, Mary's daughter accepted an invitation to come over for a visit.  She has had a lot of responsibility and care with her mom.  She is a very special gal that has over come a lot in her life~

Way to go Linda!

It helps me to remember that God invites us to talk to Him and share our concerns and also listen for His voice.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


So many questions as see the tragedy in the news and in the lives we know.

  Even  the crows attack the little baby ducks a soon as they are born.  I am not that fond of crows anymore because they may be smart but they can be very mean.

Life would be nice if all was peaceful and serene but it is not.  No matter our age or our problems we have to eat right and exercise.

Haiti is here again today so that encourages me to go for a walk.

Dad has an upset stomach but I do not know why.  I am suggesting gluten-fee for a few days.
At least there is lots of it here.  He did go for a short bike ride as it was cool but sunny.  I do not think the weather helps.

I think he had more energy on the sugar fee diet and he is very good staying on that.  Digestion problems are the curse of old age!
But now that I think about it, it can be any age.
Why is always the question and how can we make it better!

I cannot imagine having as little sleep as Kenny and I wish he could get more.

My thought: 
Every life has a purpose and being helpful is a big one.
There will always be questions "why" for us to question.

"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing."
-  Henry MILLER

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


It is amazing how close we have all grown by reading about
our everyday lives.

I hope and pray Melina will find the cause of her
stomach problems which can ve so miserable.
Having so much sickness can be very stressful.

It is hard to see the end to our problems sometime but yet there are solutions waiting to be found.  Trying to be calm and hopeful is so hard.

I know what it is like to be tired of being sick and tired.  My prayer has to be that I will be able to keep striving for better health and be more and more aware of the knowledge that I am loved.

I know I need to be aware of the healing presence that abides with in me and with me.

I can not know why the ways of God are beyond my understanding but I trust that even when life seems one detour after another the way  I will find the strength to keep going.

Help me to appreciate all that I have and will continue to have, all that is good and caring.

Watch over me with angel wings to protect me and my loved ones.

Even a moment when I awake in the morning or fall asleep at night may I feel Your closeness Lord.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Very good news to hear Carl has had his surgery
and now will be recovering.  Very thankful.
A long day for you Nancy.  Prayers for
you too.  What a comfort and a blessing to be surrounded by prayer.

It is a continual battle for young families as germs are passed around and sickness can last a long time.  Praying for Ken and Melina and the children for better health.

"Prayer has the power to lift our spirits , to remind us we are not alone."  Naomi Levy

Moments when we take time to express our needs and our longings to a loving God who gladly gives us strength and courage and hope to continue on each day.

When we also see our actions and service to others as a form of praying with our hands and feet.

Music is a power influence to open me up to expresses how weak I may feel
but also draws me  closed to the unknown.

It may be organ music of guitar
a choir or one voice
joyous or sober
a pulsing vibration that connects us to our own soul
but also to the soul

"Find the prayer of your soul and you will find God.". 
Naomi Levy   
Good news!

Carol arrived in the morning to exchange her smaller car for our bigger one.
The rain started pouring down in buckets so we walked after lunch.

Later we did a little bit of shopping.

"Champions are not made in gyms.  Champions are made of something deep inside of them
a desire,  a dream.  a vision."
_ Muhammad Ali

Monday, June 13, 2016


Intolerance seems to be able to fill the mind with hate and deep seated grudges.  All it seems to take is a gun in the hands of a crazy person and death of the innocent happens.

We are  all saddened by these deaths and the death of our hero's like Gordie Howe.

We have all experienced the death of our dreams  our innocence and relationships. This is a natural part of life and we find ways to restore lost hope, optimism, and happiness.  Each must find their own way to renew their faith in life and in humanity.

Growing up I lived across the street from several Catholic families.  There was a street and then a huge boulevard and another street that separated us.  They also went to another school.  My friends and I looked down on them because all we knew is that they went to confession every week but continued to be bad.

I grew out of this intolerance as I grew older and read and learned more.

Kim brought Haiti for a visit early in the morning on her way to school.  Her first few days were helping organize a concert.  I suppose she will be doing many different things with the children.

I had a walk with Haiti and a trip to the doctor to find some help for my bladder problems.  He is sure he can help me.  Dad is busy fixing our French doors to the back yard.

"If life was fair, Elvis would still be alive
and all his impersonators would not be."
Johnny Carson

My prayer would be that some good can come out of this tragedy. 

I pray for Nancy and Karl as he goes through surgery.

We all need to be sheltered in His loving presence in times of pain and sickness.

Teach us to see the world free of intolerance and hate. 

May each one of us learn to choose our friends and our beliefs wisely.


Sunday, June 12, 2016


Faith takes us into a vast new world
where imagination has the power
to heal and restore.

Dad and I planned to go to church today
but did not get ready in time.  We were
tired from our adventure yesterday.

I did go for a short walk to Boundary Park
I will have to start making my own friends now that Haiti is not with me.  She attracts people.

The news is shocking with the horror of another mass shooting in the States.  Fifty people dead at a dance club and fifty more wounded and fighting for life.

The president calls every one to pray.

It is a time when the first word you pray is "help"
as we can only imagine the fear of parents waiting to hear the news of their children,

"According to the Bible, prayer provides the best possible pace to take our fears,"  -Yancy

None of us knows what our future may be and even Jesus prayed that his suffering would be removed from him.  He turned his will over to God and had the strength and courage to endure an awful death.
Mass suffering spontaneously calls us to pray.

I believe that in the vastness of the One we call God there is One who listens and shares our pain. In praying for others we to share their pain and help to carry burdens too  great for any one to bear.  Life can scar our souls but prayer can help us heal over time.  Their community will be a support.

God is present everywhere and our task is to try and make Him visible through our faith and commitment!

I did not attend church but I did attend to prayer.

Jesus touched the untouchable and now so many people who have had had a good life will feel like they are no longer the untouchables.  Their lives no longer protected and safe.

Philip Yancy has written a book called "What Good is God"

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Yes dad and I have always been great sports fans.  We have gotten up early and stayed up late to cheer on our four athletic children..  There was track, swimming, hockey and baseball to name a few.

We got a last minute phone call from Theresa Sat. morning to inform us that Ben was playing a game in Alder grove.  She is an extremely busy mom with work and studying as well as looking after the family.

Mornings around here are slow because it takes a while to get our acts together.  This morning it was like some one had fast forward the two of us getting ready.  You grab a cup of coffee and eat toast while putting your shoes on.  Dad grabbed an extra jacket for me which I sure needed. 

Morgan sat in the car for some of the game as it was windy and cold.  She is a good sport especially having to be up before 7 on a Saturday.  She joins us when we arrive,
Ben plays a great game but he scares me when he rushes out to get the ball. 
They are lining up for a penalty kick.

He is well like by his coaches and team mates.  This game was a semi-final and there was no score at any end.  A lot rests on the goalies and it is a job I would never want.  If that soccer ball came hurtling at me I think I would just freeze.

These are precious moments that go by too fast.

Thankfully dad and I can keep up our walking and bike riding.  Good preventive medicine.

I find each day too short for all the
thoughts I want to think
for all the walks I want to take
all the books I want to read
and all the friends I want to see.
-John Burroughs.
all the walks I want to take

Friday, June 10, 2016


Kim has been going through her cupboards to check what belongings she should take to her next home with Carol and Panteli.  She loaded up the car last night and again to-night.  It is packed to the hilt and there is hardly room for Haiti.  She is so happy even though she can hardly wag her tail.

Kim starts her new job on Sat.  She looks a little pale but excited.  She has Monday
off so she will be back here then.  It seems very quiet here.

Dad has had a busy day shopping at Canadian Tire and at the Health Food Store. 
He enjoys shopping on his own because he can make quick decisions while I am
always thing do we really need it.  I am a wet blanket!

If going to church I receive a welcoming smile and a kind word and a few hugs then I feel like I belong.  So should Dad!

God made truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them.
Kahlil Gibran

Believe those who are seeking the truth
doubt those who find it.
Andre Gide

Say nothing of my religion,
It is known to God and myself alone.
Thomas Jefferson


Thursday, June 9, 2016


This is a picture of the Seniors Home.

Yes dad needed to be rescued from a tangled fall he had trying to get the lawn mower down and around to the back.  Haiti and I heard this faint voice and I could not believe seeing him so down on his face underneath the mower.  With a little help he was able to get up.  He hurt one shoulder and both knees and one elbow,  he will feel even more pain to-morrow.

He is like Morgan a bandaid makes his cuts feel better on his knees.  Fortunately it could have been much worse than it was and I was there to rescue him!

I threw some ice in the car for him to put on his wrist while visiting at the home.  His friend Stan did not show up and dad was okay with this  as he did not feel up to talking much.  I met him on my way out and he was very unhappy and wanting to move.  He thinks one woman is following him and she is a bit of a lost soul so she may well be.

I am so happy that Theresa has rescued me from feeling very drained and  thinking I have no more ideas for my blog.

The words of the first few pages got me thinking again.

Truly we are all on our own path through life
and from our stories we have gained insight
and a deepening appreciation for all of life.

It is important for us to remember how it felt like to be a child or a teen-ager or a maturing adult.

One of the most obvious facts about grownups to children is that they have forgotten what is like to be a child.
-      Randall Jarrell

We cannot build a future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future,
-      Franklin D. Roosevelt

Your children need your presence more than your presents.
-      Jesse Jackson

If you want children to keep their feet on the ground,
put some responsibility on their shoulders.
-      Abigail Van Buren.

                   The greatest education of all is listening to stories from our past.

I am having great fun already.  Thanks Theresa

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Dad and I were delighted to have Leah attend the strawberry tea with us.  She is looking more and more beautiful even though she is not putting on enough weight according to the doctor.  We arrived early so were able to pick this lovely table by the window. 
Helps come from all the groups in the church and to create a beautiful setting and great deserts.

Our church is shrinking in numbers and we do not know what the future will be.  We arrived early because of the selling of tickets that I ended up not doing.  A long story!  When we left we faced a traffic jam in the parking lot and our seats were already taken and the whole place we jumping!  It is good to have old friends come back for this and also people from the community.  One of our oldest and best cake makers, Vera, is now over ninety and there was no bake sale.  Dad and Leah were still hungry se we went to the little gold course off No. 10 for some food to stick to their ribs.

We were so pleased to have time to talk with Leah.  Maybe dad and Craig will do some golfing as Leah is not in the shape for it.  Maybe he would like to come over and climb our cherry tree.

I was up early in the morning saying prayers, drinking my coffee and watering the new grass.
I also watered myself while I was at it.
The weather got very cool about 15 and then it rained hard.  Of course after watering so thoroughly I knew it would rain.  I know those rain gods love to laugh at me.

On my morning walk with Haiti,   the crows were making a great racket in the tree above us as we got closer and closer.  Then they dive bomb me by flying right at me and brushed the side of my head.  Very scary!

Crows have been acting strange Leah tells us from write ups in the paper.

A beautify day surrounded by beautiful people.

If you are not good at loving yourself
you will have a difficult time loving anyone.
Since you will find yourself resenting the time and energy that is need
to create a lasting relationship.

Part of  a quote from the book Theresa gave me.
Treasury of Wit and Wisdom.
A book that speaks to the heart as well as the mind.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


                                          Ladies fun night at the church.
Enjoy life there is plenty of time to be dead!

I would say one of the best things about going to church is the laughter we share.

Fun night is a time to get dressed up and act crazy!

Several churches are invited to come and each one puts a skit, or reads something humorous or do a fun dance.   At the end we are all invited  to join in.

The lady that got the most applause was the one who walked across the stage area with a big sign which said  Time passes meaning a new scene was coming on.

There is always lots of good food to tempt the dieters.  We have fabulous cooks who all admit they are tired of making meals at home.  Several who are famous for their pies.  Dad loves to shop at the bake table.

We have fun no matter what we are doing,  preparing meals or organizing events.
 I think we are all a bunch of clowns with very different personalities!

Wed. is the afternoon of the strawberry tea.  Dad will go with me if I can drag him away from all his projects.  I am baking a cake and selling tickets.

Be a good listener your ears will never get you in trouble


Oliver opens presents with Kim and Jonathon watching.

It is so good to share precious time together with family and their friends of many years,  So many people who have made a difference in my life.

Each birthday is a milestone to celebrate joys of the pass and to look with expectation for the future. 

We are here to continue to learn things especially how to enjoy life.

Each decision we make, each problem we have solve, each disappointment we have faced have made us stronger and more compassionate of others.

I admire my children and grand children for the way they strive valiantly and  enthusiastically

to continue to study and learn and care about others.

Monday, June 6, 2016


Clowning around,

A great birthday cake,

Susan and Carol
Happy cooks and helpers
Theresa brightens up the party!
Leah and myself and Sandra telling funny stories.

Just chilling!
Our two lovely daughters! !