Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Dad and I were delighted to have Leah attend the strawberry tea with us.  She is looking more and more beautiful even though she is not putting on enough weight according to the doctor.  We arrived early so were able to pick this lovely table by the window. 
Helps come from all the groups in the church and to create a beautiful setting and great deserts.

Our church is shrinking in numbers and we do not know what the future will be.  We arrived early because of the selling of tickets that I ended up not doing.  A long story!  When we left we faced a traffic jam in the parking lot and our seats were already taken and the whole place we jumping!  It is good to have old friends come back for this and also people from the community.  One of our oldest and best cake makers, Vera, is now over ninety and there was no bake sale.  Dad and Leah were still hungry se we went to the little gold course off No. 10 for some food to stick to their ribs.

We were so pleased to have time to talk with Leah.  Maybe dad and Craig will do some golfing as Leah is not in the shape for it.  Maybe he would like to come over and climb our cherry tree.

I was up early in the morning saying prayers, drinking my coffee and watering the new grass.
I also watered myself while I was at it.
The weather got very cool about 15 and then it rained hard.  Of course after watering so thoroughly I knew it would rain.  I know those rain gods love to laugh at me.

On my morning walk with Haiti,   the crows were making a great racket in the tree above us as we got closer and closer.  Then they dive bomb me by flying right at me and brushed the side of my head.  Very scary!

Crows have been acting strange Leah tells us from write ups in the paper.

A beautify day surrounded by beautiful people.

If you are not good at loving yourself
you will have a difficult time loving anyone.
Since you will find yourself resenting the time and energy that is need
to create a lasting relationship.

Part of  a quote from the book Theresa gave me.
Treasury of Wit and Wisdom.
A book that speaks to the heart as well as the mind.


Sandra said...

Good to see you are all ready diving into the quote book. Weven arrived to find Randy's aunt barb has been in the hospital for the past 3 weeks. She had surgery for a blockage
She is 84 and not doing well, still in a lot of pain.

nancy-Lou said...

Both you and Leah look radiant. You wearing red and Leah expecting her little one. How nice Leah was there too....grandchildren are wonderful.

The Strawberry Tea looks very pretty, with table clothes and cake mmmmmm. You have a nice hall/gym for your church events. Our church has an active group of ladies ( always the same ones ) who organize events, such as fundraisers. Not as many events as you though. I guess because there are only about 25 regular parishoners now. Sorry to see that because the church used to be full every Sunday.

How many regulars attend your church Beth?

The lady from the historical society is coming this afternoon regarding the upcoming retrospective exhibition. My friend Susan is coming too. It is fast approaching. Opening June 30th. I am wondering how successful they have been at locating some of my art. They were contacting people from years ago, up to recently.

we await unsettled weather. There are warnings for large hail and strong winds in thunderstorms and possible tornadoes in the western part of the province. It is going to be a wild night they say! Often we lose power, but we are prepared. If it is hot and humid though we suffer with no airconditioning or fans!

Well it is lunch time...have a great day!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, you look fabulous in your new top mom, such a good choice. Just goes to show, a beautiful woman can wear anything she wants and it will look good, no matter her age.

beth bennett said...

WOW Thank you both!

beth bennett said...

Sandra tell Randy we are so sad to hear about his Aunt Barb.

I know she meant a lot to him.

Thinking of you all in my prayers tonight.

Love mom