Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I have been taking my time doing a few chores
inside before I venture out into the yard.

The phone rings and it is Pat saying her and John will drop by after the ride their bikes through the Water Shed Park.

Yes that got me moving faster doing a quick tidy up.  The trouble is now I figure I have all day to do things so I take my time. 

Yes, I check to see if I have milk for tea and some juice for John.  Add some raisin toast and a bit of fruit and I am all ready.

Yes, we sit outside on a day that is just meant for sitting outside!  First we discuss the big events that are happening like the vote in England and the bombing at Istanbul's Airport.  We have seen the pictures of people fleeing and trying to run faster to escape  and some falling even as they try to run.  An act of terror!

Can God keep up with this modern world?

Why would anyone want to be a Christian?
Jane Fonda said in an interview she became a Christian because she felt reverence humming in her.
We long for experiences like hers when we feel more deeply aware of "the something more in life".

Yes, we do talk about our families with dad throwing a few stories to make us laugh.

Yes, we lastly talk about our health and the crippling effects of aging.  We all are having problems.

Yes, even with these problems we still believe in the vast, expansive, indestructible,  unconditional  Love that is with us and within us;  and has been all along. 

Time for me seems to be moving faster but I  am thankful that I can reach out in faith to hold the hand of the Man who calmed the waters and even raised the dead!


Sandra said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. The weather certainly was nice, a little breeze and nice sunshine.

I think that I should start reading more news. Need to find a good web site, but one that is not too gloomy. Don't know why news has to be bad news to be considered worth reporting.


nancy-Lou said...

That happens to me too, Beth, except around here, folks just "drop in"! You should see the mad panic in the minute or two I blankets go behind the couch...cups and plates are hurried to the sink...a few crumbs kicked under the rug....YUP I sure can relate! It is a good thing the dog greeters, jumping on them and barking slow them down. hahha.

Faster, was me this morning, trying to get a few last minute things ready for the show's opening tonight. Once the paintings etc were picked up, I could relax. All I have to do is go.
Very exciting and I think I will see some of my students and friends there. Hope so!

BRRRR it was only 8C this morning and we had to pull out our slippers and throws. I read on a USA weather site that La Nina is was over in the early spring and El Nino will take over soon...the temperatures are falling in the Pacific Ocean and I think we will have a cool summer, contrary to Environment Canada who keeps over predicting the highs for the day.

Isn't the news full of heart wrenching stories these days....I wish they could focus on more good news stories and there are lots around.

Well I am off to take the doggies for a walk,

Have a lovely evening.

Love, Nancy