Monday, November 30, 2020


 I did not know I was on candid camera.  This is Spenser and I waiting to cross 64.  We carry on down to Sun Wood and then to the book stand.  

We do this every morning.  In the afternoon we go over to the park.  I do enjoy my walks.

Carol came this morning to pick up dad for his three appointments.  I wanted to go with them but I am not the spokesperson any more.  I feel a little left out.  It is hard to stay at home and not really know what is going on.  I keep busy by giving the kitchen a good clean .

I believe Rick is in acute care which can be a difficult place to be.  Evidently the man in the room with him is dying.  Rick has had several tests and I understand he has had a stroke.  He needs a walker to walk now.  He had another dizzy spell when we talked to him.

I am thankful for these visits.  He talks more to Sandra Carol and Kenny I believe.  

We are of course very worried and hoping he will get everything checked out and taken seriously.

Dad was tred when he and Carol returned but he felt the appointments went well and he liked the doctors.  He has more blood work to do and hopefully it can be done all at the same time as his P.S.A.

One of the hard things about getting older is learning to accept what we cannot do anymore.

I will ask someone to go with me to get new hearing aids.  Right now we cannot get the car out of the garage because Rick's car is in the way and dad is not sure how to drive it.

To-morrow I will clean up our bedroom and try to find dad's hearing aids.  I planned to do it today but had a big rest instead.

I hope dad continues to improve and regain his strength and energy,

Sunday, November 29, 2020


                                               I wonder was this all a part of  God's plans?

                                               I am trying to make sense of what feels like a nightmare.

We are happy that Rick is in a good hospital and hopefully getting a good check-up and he can get to the bottom of his health issues.  We cannot visit but it is a comfort to know he is near.  Hopefully he will not have to stay more than two nights.

They are worried about the kidney and the brain.  Both seem very scary.  

Rick did a wonderful job looking after us and I couldn't have managed without him.  The worry about dad's strokes are great,  The day at Jimmy Patterson will be a long day and fortunately Carol will drive us.  Right now we know it is the time to accept rides and to ask for and accept help.

It is heart warming to have the children drawing closer and willing to encourage us and give us advice.

We want to stay in our own home if possible but time will tell.

Does God have other plans?

Does God have a plan for our lives?

I believe he gives our lives a purpose.




Yesterday we had a good walk
Rick took this.

No one slept well.  Rick had his light on.

This morning we woke to see the flashing lights of the ambulance.
It took Rick to hospital.
I am praying they will find out what is causing his dizzyness.

Please pray/

Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am excited about my new desk.
It looks right out to the whole neighborhood.

We were very excited to be given a new bigger and better T.V'
Randy was able to get a good deal and he even came over and installed it.
It will be great to watch hockey and football.
Just what dad needs as he still is not feeling great.

Sandra brought over some delicious food that Theresa had made or purchases f  Now we have lots of good soup and good goodies.
That was very thoughtful of her.  

It was a busy day for me cleaning house and racking leaves and walking the dog.

Rick felt dizzy and this worries me a great deal
He is off to Kamloops on Monday to get a computer and get things set up for his new jog.
He is also suppose to have a heart moniter put on.

We are so very grateful for all the things he has done for us.

I hope and pray he will feel better in the morning.
Randy you are the brst.  Thank you.


Friday, November 27, 2020



We were welcomed into the warm of a blazing fire
at Sandra and Randy's house.
It was a cold and windy night.
Rick had had a busy day shopping.  He bought a new desk chair for the desk in my room.
He also bought head phones to use with the T.V.  I know it is to loud for his ears and he wanted to make it a U. Tub.

I finished my cards and walked Spener with Rick.  We found a big book at the book stand about the Decline of Civilization.  Rick carried it home.  It was for dad and he enjoyed looking at it.

Sandra and Randy made dad'd favorite stew and my favorite desert apple crisp.

Before supper one of the cat's went missing.  Both Randy and Sandra looked everywhere even outside because the door had not been closed tight,

Good food and good conversation.  Dad is worrried about not being able to drive.  Hopefully his health will improve but that will take time.

Sandra brought out a hot wax bowl.  You put your hand in and it gets covered in wax and then you wrap it in a glove.  It was a comforting experience.

We had a very enjoyable time.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


I am thankful for the colors in nature.

 Our neighbors celebrated Thanksgiving today

They brought us over a boxed turkey dinner with turkey and all the trimings, mashed potatoes and ravie and stuffing.  It was a complete surprise.

We were sitting in the T'V' room too full to move after a fantastic salmon dinner made by Rick'  He had marinated the salmon and spiced up the potatoes.  Lots of good healthy veggies too.

Some people go on fantasy cruises and have delicious food while we just stay at home.

It was my day to go to the hand treatment office. She said I was healing well but now the tough part starts as I have to try to unstiffen it.  It is a little painful. It is exercises to be done 6 tikes a day starting with warming up my hand.  We were early so a trip to Shoppers filled in the time.  It is right across the street but you have to drive a long way around to get to it.

Dad was up early and worked hard fixing the table upstairs.  He set the table while I took Spenser for his last sniff and pee.

Carol and Panteli joined us for supper after taking a bag of goodies over to Lean and family.

I am still working on cards.  I ran out so Rick picked some up at the dollar store.

I said in a blog that we were going to be collecting new memories and we certainly are.

We have been invited over to Sandra and Randy's home to-morrow.  Should be memorable too.

We are in small groups and being careful.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I opened the book and it fell open at courage,
Courage is not the absence of fear  or despair
but he strength to conquer them.
                                                                   -Danielle Steel
Dad and Rick and I had a good talk to his doctor.  /
The main concern is the blood pressure.
We are to make an appointment for two weeks to see if it has improved.
He is to take it every day first thing in the morning.

I felt talking to the doctor took a lot out of dad.  It was a friendly conversation so I do not know why it did.  He had a big nap in the afternoon.  He was slurring his words when I went in to tell him to get up.

Lots of changes have to be made.  We will try to do our best o do all we can to get healthy.

I know that both of us will need the strength of courage to face the future.

For now it is wonderful to have the support of our family and our neighbors.

It is wonderful to have Rick do our shopping and our cooking.  Coming in from my late afternoon walk with Spenser the house smells so good.  This is really helping my appetite.

Rick is also taking good care of Spenser when he gets afraid of the stairs.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Rick has organized all da;s appointments.  All printed nicely in a folder.

He bought a printer and scanner for his office and it is all organized.

We have now received two Christmas cards so it is time for me or organize them.  My right hand does not write that good with the broken fingers.  I do the best I can.  I asked dad to help but he was busy doing something else on the computer.  We are all very busy and productive.

We have a phone appointment with dad's doctor in the morning early.

We have talked about the questions we want to ask.  Why is dad's blood pressure so erratic.  It can be normal and then go very high.  The stress of the colonoscopy was when it was first noted.  We want to know the results of the last hospital visit.  We were worried about the bad headache.  If he feels tired and we are concerned should he go to sleep?  

His medications are helping a little.  He had a good day today.

The weather was horrible.  A heavy rain and strong wind.  I went out while Rick was at the store but /spenser being too smart for me wanted to return home.

"When you look at your life the greatest happinesses are family happiness"  Joyce Brothers

Monday, November 23, 2020


                                                 Sandra arrived with these good goodies

The first Christmas baking..  It was absolutely delicious.  We feasted on them after the will was signed.

It was a funny experience to be signing my last will and testimony.  I find my mind is in a muddle about a lot of things.  Rick is taking over the computer room for his office.  There has been a lot of changes going on here.  We are doing more talking and that is important.  The time goes by so fast. I am finding it hard to remember what day it is.

It was amazing to see everyone on the computer screen talking and laughing.  We have missed our family get togethers.

Today Rick took dad to see the eye doctor who sewed up his eye after the cancer surgery.  /they stopped for a minute on the way home to do some shopping.  Dad still did not get his jogging pants.

Dad was ready for a rest when they got home so Rick and I took off to my friend Joanne's house.  We walked down by the school.  All the children were walking home with their parents.  A happy group.

Joanne made us tea and gave me a little bit of wine because I am not a great tea drinker.  She is a great talker and entertained us with many stories.  She has a good sense of humor!

The walk home was up hill and I barely made it home.  Rick took me by the arm to steady me.

I had a rest and Rick made supper.  

Spenser may be spoilt but so are we.


                                      It was fun to try the new bread Carol and Panteli brought over.

It was delightful to see Rick and Carol spending time together having  fun making lasagne..

We all enjoyed it for supper.

Dad had a good day on Saturday.
He is waking up early with an asthmatic cough.
He goes back to sleep.
It may be a side affect of the medication.
It was a memory making day.

Today Randy and Sandra are going to witness us signing our wills.  Rick has done an excellent job preparing the papers to be signed.  Excellent wills.

Later on the family are going to skype with Leah.  We have bot been able to have a visit because of the virus and where she works.  

Randy also has some cases at his work.

It will be fun to chat together.  It would be great if Kenny could take part.  Not a good time of day for him.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


We continue to walk the small paths with Spenser.

Dad is continuing to take his medications.  Today Rick will take the prescription over to the Safeway.
He brought home this prescription from the hospital.  It is for Plavix which is a blood thinner.

Yesterday was an exhausting day especially for Rick and I.

The worries started when dad felt very tired and could only say a few words.

He had a rest.  I do not know if that was okay or not.  When he woke up he said his headache was worse.  This is the reason the ambulance was called.  The girl was familiar and they arrived quickly and they were compassionate as well as cheerful.  They took dad".s  blood pressure   which was 145 over something..  We do not know why this happens..  He saw several doctors and he believes they contacted the doctor from the /Stroke Prevention Clinic.

Rick had a to hour wait to pick up dad.  Both Sandra and I feel it is important that some family member is allowed to go in with him.

We are continuing to look at the no visiting rule.  Loneliness is not good.  

We all were thankful for a good night's sleep and a sunny day to day.

Thankful for family!
Rick, at dad's request is working on the will.  


Friday, November 20, 2020


 Walking into the early morning sunshine is a great way to start the day.
We are very thankful for any sunshine.

We continue to learn that anything at any time can go wrong.  Rick had a frustrating day trying to get hold of the doctor  who prescribed the pills for dad.  He stressed how important they were.  /The druggest  could not figure out the prescription which actually was two medications to be started at different times.   

We have sometimes gone to the wrong place or at the wrong time.

Rick also tired to get us signed up with a record keeping form from the doctor.  It is extremely difficult trying to remember appointments.

Friday Spenser has an appointment to get a shot.  He is very happy to go to the Vets.  

Hopefully this day is better.  We are thankful for Rick cooking and shopping and deciding what we should eat.  Dad does not think it has anything to do with his diet but it is something he can control.

We were disappointed that Carol and Panteli could not come over as planned.  No visitors for now.

Sandra reminds us of this fact.

This is not the time to do things wrong.

We are thankful for our cozy fireplace that warms up the kitchen early in the morning.

This is me at the park/ 
This where the book drop off was.
It has now been decorated to celebrate Dawalie.
Yes the spelling is wrong.

Dad was up twice in the night.
I am so tired I did not hear him.

Wishing and hoping and prayer for an improvement.

He must try to to his test today!

Thursday, November 19, 2020


                                                Cool and Calm outside this morning.

Rick and I both had a long sleep which we both needed.  I believe dad had a good night too.

We did go to Brown's.  Dad really did want to go but from now on we will order take-out.

Dad is taking hiw medicine and it appears to be help.  We sure hope so.

Good to have Rick here and take out the garbage.  The neighbors are happy to see is car parked outside.

Itis hard to keep calm with the news about more and more cases appearing.  We expect even more of a lock down in the news today.

"None of us even know what might happen in the next minute or so

yet we still go forward  Because we trust/  Because we have faith."  -John Coeleo


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


                                                    All is quiet.  Dad is lying down with a headache over his eye that had surgery for cancer.  I gave him the tests for stroke.  I am worried.

Rick has gone to the blood clinic to pick up what he needs to have for his stool sample.  We agree that is very important.

Rick and I are checking and making appointments.

He has an eye appointment on Nov. 23.

His bone scan  appointment is on No. 30 and he also has an appointment later in the day with eternal medicine.
 His appointment at the Stroke Clinic put him on Blood Pressure pills.  The pharmacy has to phone to let us know when they can be fill as it was a little confusing.

Appointments have to be made at the Cancer Clinic.   A message has be made.  It would be nice to talk to a human.

He needs an appointment for Nuclear Medicine at the Surrey hospital.

So much to try to arrange.  It is enough to give anyone a headache.

We were very thankful Carol and Panteli brought us supper over last night.

We talked  about some old times and it was fun.

Rick has supper all planed for to-night.

I am so thankful for all the help I am receiving.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Realizing little things bring us joy!  Walking to the other book bin to check it out and to contribute.

Dad bought a new warm sweater.  He really feels the cold.

Visits by phone. visits in person.  Thanks Sandra and Ken for phone calls..  Thanks Ccarol and Panteli for a home visit.  Looking forward to Rrick coming to help.

Taking Spenser for a drive to Art Naps.

The first Christmas card thanks Carol and Panteli and then the next and the next.

Realizing we have both said unkind words out of the hurt we are  feeling.

Yes we are realizing we do need help.

We need help with meals and shopping, driving here and there, keeping things organized and up-dated.

I phoned the strike Prevention /clinic and dad has an appointment at 3.  Rick will arrive about 1 or so.

Dad had another bad night and so did I.

We have done the best we could and dad wants to be at home if possible.


Monday, November 16, 2020


                                                   Still a few flowers blooming.

Amazing news that Rick will be coming to give us a helping hand.  His job allows him to work from home.  This will be a time of making new memories.  We have been doin okay but having help will help us do even better. Yes we have both been hurting and have talked about things that should remain buried.

It is good to have a few things to plan for.  I will move my computer  into our  room and he can have the desk there to do his work.

It has been a stressful time and now we can relax. Good to have lots of other things to talk about than how we are feeling.

Seeing Christmas lights appearing on our cold dreary streets has been an amazing sign that life still can be normal.  We can still believe knowing the magic Christma iss a message of hope and light in the darkness.

Time to count our blessings.  This includes all our loved ones!

Sometimes bad things have a reason that we cannot see in the moment but looking back we see how things work together for the good of us all,

Amazing grace..

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Yes a better day today.

If we make some wise choices..
The sun is wonderful.
 Christmas lights are being put on/

Saturday, November 14, 2020


I guess we were being being riskyg oing to Carol and Panteli's but we felt it was safe.

The weather was looking fine when I went out so I thought Spenser and I could risk a long walk.  Qw got all wet.

Dad is doing a little better but I am extremely worried about him.  This has taken a lot out of him.

 I think we take a lot of risks in life and thankfully most things work out.

Friday, November 13, 2020



It was dark and it and we could hear the hear the heavy rain on our windows.There was a knock on the door and it was Todd our neighbor coming over to take out our garbage.  I am so thankful for all the kind things family and friends are doing.

Dad just has the blue box to take out this morning.

Dad had a very good sleep with no cramps.  He may not need the doctor.'s  pills.

The sun is now shining.  Dad phoned the Safeway and I went over and picked up the medication.

We are looking forward to having supper with Panteli and Carol.

Laughter is the best medicine!

Thursday, November 12, 2020


 Nothing is going right for us.  The prescription is still not at the drug  Store.  This is the one De Li promised to send in.

I arrived at the bone clinic at the wrong time.  It is 12:30.  They will not do anything until they get a referral and see the x-rays.  

I could have brought the referral in that was for the clinic in Richmond.  The one here was done over the phone.

Dad's stomach  is bad in the morning.  He had a good sleep but he is getting worse with many more frequent trips to the bathroom all morning.

We are waiting for a phone call from the Pinewood hand clini

We will go over to the Safeway later.  Dad really needs the meds.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


                                          Painful memories are better when they are shared,
                                          and also happy memories are joys shared.

Over the years we have been to many, many remembrance  day services.  Most of them standing out in the cold but they were all very meaningful.

Today was a day of many happy memories as we shared phone visits with Carol and Panteli and Mary. 
Sandra dropped by to see how we were coping and then to go shopping down at Art Naps with Spenser.
It is all decorated with Christmas ornaments and bright lights.  I could spend a lot of time just looking at everything.

We are stating to think of Christmas but I know it will be a quiet one.  Dad may not feel up to doing much moving about.

Our neighbor Todd came over to see how dad is doing and to borrow a tool. He offers to help in any way he can.

Talking about neighbors Cathy our old neighbor dropped by with her mask on and keeping the distance. She has been trying to reach us by /e-mail and Phone and she was worried because we did not answer.

We are drifting along moment by moment day by day.  Dad will get some pills to-morrow from Dr. Li.

It was a day of expressing love and concern that gave us a warm feeling as we head off to bed.

Hopefully dad has a good night.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 I am very very annoyed at the doctor who has failed to send in his prescription. Dad checked yesterday and I went over at 5 today.  No he had not sent it in.  I phoned the doctor but they close at 5.

Dad can contact the colon doctor who said she could prescribe something but at that time we were expecting his family doctor to have done it.

Dad is having a bad day again.  He is getting too weak.

We were cheered up with a phone call from Brittany.  She sounds lovely and we had a good chat.

Off to bed now and hoping dad has a good night too.


                                             A GOOD nights sleep is like a miracle for me.

Dad did a bit better I think after taking the Aloe Vera Gel.  The perscription has not been sent to the drug store by last evenning.  I think this is a poor job on behalf of the doctor as we really wanted to give it a try.

The doctor phoned this morning.  She wants to do a poo test and a C.T.Scan of the colin.  He does not have colitis which is very good.  She has meds too but wants to know what the dr, has ordered.

Dad's blood pressure is still a little high.  He is very unhappy with the quality of life that prevents him from doing and going places.

I am encouraging him to be thankful.

I believe that life can be little miracles that bless us and strengthen us to endure difficult times.

Kind deeds and kind words and encouraging advice!

Monday, November 9, 2020


I am hoping we both have a better sleep.

It was a difficult day today but we got through it to-gether.

Hopefully we can find some answers as nothing has really been solved.  

Maybe the call from the doctor with the Colen results will help.

Dad is now willing to try the slow down pills.

We need to have the results from the bone scan too.

The blood pressure is better but how do we deal with it when it goes too high,
I agree with Sandra maybe just having a pill to help him be calm would help.

I know I need God's help to be cheerful and kind.  

We turn to our doctors when we are in deep pain
asking for help and support and healing.
It is also time to ask for help from the Spirit that hovers close by us all.

We made many mistakes today not being better prepared but we also learned some lessons.



 Last night was one long nightmare.  Dad was very bad.  We were up early to go to have his bone test and his stomach re acted as soon as we got to the Patterson place.  Dad was so bad we walked in spent time in the bathroom and had to cancel and leave.

Dad is now willing to get the slow down pills.  Nightmare nights and days are wearing us out.

I just want o go back to bed and stay there all day.

I am hoping I will regain some sense of well being but right now I am miserable.  This girl needs her rest!

Sunday, November 8, 2020


                                    Sunday's walk was fabulous with the sun shining on all the trees.

Dad and I had a trip to the Second Hand Store which was closed.

We were happy to have an invitation to join Carol and Panteli for supper.  We did not know the rules have all changed.  You can only be with the people you live with.  There is even no bubble.  Yes the /virus has been getting worse.

Sorry we missed your phone call Ken.

We will be going to the Bone Scan early Monday morning and the to see the hand expert about my fingers.  The swelling is going done and they are much better.

Phone us later in the day.

It may snow or rain in the morning.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


I do not think it was the some photo.

                                                Failed to drive down by the beach.

                                               THE ROAD WAS BLOCKED OFF.

Dad wants to get back to driving.  We enjoyed the drive to White Rock on Friday.  Today we went to purchase a better blood pressure machine.  He will now check his blood pressure twice a day.  I am advised him to take some big breathes and be thankful.  Focus on future healing that comes as we try to be calm accepting there are things we cannot do.

Change can happen slowly!

We have to realize things have changed.  Both of us have to be careful we do not fall.  Dad has to decide whether to take some pills to slow doing his stomach

No plans for to-morrow..

There are some changes ahead but life promises to be meaningful as we move forward slowly.

Many new friends offering to help.

Friday, November 6, 2020



Dad talked to his family doctor.
Good news that his colen is fine.
The investigation will continue with the stroke prevention clinic 
also the bone scan which he has on Monday.

Dad is feeling much better to-day.\
There are pills he can take for the stomach problems.

We may drive somewhere or even go out for lunch.


When did I first realize that life was not just as easy as a walk to the park?  As a child when a friend hurts your feelings.  When you fail to be recommended.  Disappointments.

Certainly we are finding getting old not just a walk in the park.

Our bodies are weaker and so is our thinking.

Our drive to shoppers and to the bank went well.  I was issued a new debit card.  This was after I went to all the places I could have left it.  We got a new blood pressure machine but dad is not too happy with it.  It has an old date on it.

I slept well last night I not know about dad.  He is still sleeping.  I have the papers are set up for the phone appointment with his doctor at 10 this morning.

A beautiful day to enjoy the beauty of the leaves.  /fantastic!  !

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Dad is up.  No stomach problems this morning or during the night'

Phone call from J.Paterson with bone scan appointment Monday at7:30 arrival time 7:15.

We will read over the papers from the hospital to-gether.

Will need a doctor's help to process them.

Phone doctor and Nuclear Med. this morning.

I was up early had coffee and took out garbage.

Over to the store to buy milk

Will talk to Ken and Rick later.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Dad looked very pale after another long night.  I was happy he could sleep into 10 o'clock.

We talked about him going to the emergency but he did not want that.  He had his porridge for breakfast and seemed happy watching T.V.  I was telling him I was going to take Spenser for a walk but he could not form his words or his thoughts.

He could stick out his tongue and raise his arms which I thought ruled out a stroke.  I phoned Sandra and she said phone the ambulance.   They questioned us to see if we had the virus,  They had what looked like were gas masks on.

Dad started to improve but he agreed with them he needed to go to hospital.

Carol and Panteli arrived first then Randy and Sandra.  It was good to have their company.  After we ordered in a meal they left to get rested up.  It was arranged who would pick up dad when.

Sandra is bring him home now.  It has been a long wait.  The wait continues as he has not been released with his papers.  He has had a bad T I A.  He is to make an appointment with his doctor with a stroke prevention clinic.  He is to have a bone density test.  There was a little spot on his spine they are concerned about.

He had blood tests and Cardiology, computed Tomography and Nuclear Medicine. and a CT angiogram

Sandra had a long wait at the hospital to pick him up.

I am so glad he had these tests and will be continuing to tested.

Thanks Sandra



Mind blowing is Sandra's comment if /trump gets in.  Life is full of uncertainty.

Dad had a very, very bad night but at least he had 4 good hours until 10 this morning.. He is thankful to be home.  He is going to try just eating porridge all day.  I actually wondered about just a liquid diet.  We are uncertain about what he could eat to keep hin colin happy.

I have a new saying a happy colin is a happy life!

I have an appointment on Monday regarding my broken fingers.  Joanne my old friend has volunteered her daughter to drive.  She will also go to the store for us.

It was very difficult for both Carol and I in a very different area to find the right place.

Dad and I are on this path to-gether and fortunately can still help one another.\

It is a comfort for me, a person of faith. to believe that Jesus also walks with us!

Jesus said he was the light and we need light to shine in the darkness of our uncertainty.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


                                                   My finger is in there again.

I woke up early again and it was dark and rainy.  The weather  man was right.

I walked over to the store to buy some oatmeal for dad's breakfast.  It is important that

 he eats and tries to gain weight and strength.

Next Spenser needs his morning walk.  It was a shorter one.

I came home to have a nap and then all of a sudden I started wondering when my follow up appointment was for my hand.  The bulletin board said Tues the 4th at 11;30.  Dad was in no condition to drive so I phoned Carol.  She was out walking Haiti and said she would hurry and come over.

We took the address and I felt confident it was near the hospital.  This was what I was given to believe.

We arrive and Carol looks for a parking place and I go in to ask directions.  I finally returned to the hand clinic and they gave us a map.  It is by Rona we were told.  We set out walking in the rain with the sidewalk covered with wet leaves.  The paper gets soaking wet and does not seem helpful.  We found the right street but could not find the right building.

We head back to pick up the car deciding it was too late as they closed for lunch.

Carol made dad some lunch and then headed for home.  She was extra tired too.

The evening watching T.V. was cancelled.

I have an appointment for a place on Scott Road.

It looks like no results on the Election to-night.

Dad and I walk Spenser around the block.  Then we are all ready for an early night.  Dad did not have a good day.  Used up all the toilet paper .  I do not need to say more.

We are counting the days until he can get some medicine to help.There is a time to keep searching for where we should be but there is a time to call it time out.  We try to keep life simple and tune in to the quiet strength within to guide us.

We made the right decisions.


                                               What a joy to see the girls.  They were well-behaved.


                                           Astrid was happy to pose for me.

                                                She is very cute.

                                               Ophelia talks a lot now!
Thankful we had the soup for supper that  Theresa made.  Very good, dad loves mushroom soup.

Will Trump behave when the votes are counted?

Carol and Panteli are coming over with supper to watch the results with us.
We are looking forward to this.

The weather is now rainy.  

So far this Nov.  it has behave wonderfully.

Sending Kim's little computer thing home to her.

I am trying to behave and use my left hand more.  Not easy.

Monday, November 2, 2020


                                                   Time for change.

\I have trouble with the time change.  Up at 5 o'clock.

Carol came over to be here when the doctor phoned.  She asked her questions.  HIs answer is basically he needs more information before he can give dad the medication that will help.  This frustrates me.  Carol did mention he was getting worse and losing weight.  

His advice regarding the blood pressure was to get a machine of our own and then bring it in the next visit to compare it with his.

He also mentioned te neurophy that is moving uo dad's legs and can cause problems.

Dad was very tired after but very hungery.  His stomach was not good.

We had two encouraging phone calls.  One from Mary and one from Theresa.

Craig came over with the girls and we were so over joyed to see them.  /they were not shy/

I cannot down load pictured.  Will keep trying.  Took time and more time.