Monday, November 2, 2020


                                                   Time for change.

\I have trouble with the time change.  Up at 5 o'clock.

Carol came over to be here when the doctor phoned.  She asked her questions.  HIs answer is basically he needs more information before he can give dad the medication that will help.  This frustrates me.  Carol did mention he was getting worse and losing weight.  

His advice regarding the blood pressure was to get a machine of our own and then bring it in the next visit to compare it with his.

He also mentioned te neurophy that is moving uo dad's legs and can cause problems.

Dad was very tired after but very hungery.  His stomach was not good.

We had two encouraging phone calls.  One from Mary and one from Theresa.

Craig came over with the girls and we were so over joyed to see them.  /they were not shy/

I cannot down load pictured.  Will keep trying.  Took time and more time.


Steady-as-rain said...

That is great that Carol helped with the phone call with the doctor. It is also very nice that Hamlet phoned the other day. It is good that the doctors are aware of the serious nature of the problems. Maybe some treatment will eventually emerge from all the tests and so on.

Unfortunately, there was a mud-slide that has blocked off the normal route between downtown Williams Lake - where both my friend Leigh and I both work - and her nice little house in the country. There is a detour but it turns a 45 minute drive (too long for me!) into a 90 minute drive along an even worse road! So we are hoping the mud slide will be cleared soon. However, it is possible that the heavy rain has so weakened the hillside that the highways dept will keep it closed for months. Time will tell.

It is great Craig brought Astrid and Ophelia over for a visit. And that you eventually got the photo to load up.



Sandra said...

And has the water continued to slow down, or has it even stopped now?

Did you get out to buy the new BP machine?


beth bennett said...

Rick Can you work from home?
Those slides are dangerous.
The starter button has been moved to the top of the screen and is now white.
I think I will be able to find photos now.

Sandra. The water has stopped.
The mess remains.
No we were too tired to go ot.

Will we use the blood pressure machine if we buy a better one?

Shandel we are so happy and excited for you.

The doctor said there is medicine that can help dad
so that is good news.
Hope he can start soon.

Love mom