Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Rick has organized all da;s appointments.  All printed nicely in a folder.

He bought a printer and scanner for his office and it is all organized.

We have now received two Christmas cards so it is time for me or organize them.  My right hand does not write that good with the broken fingers.  I do the best I can.  I asked dad to help but he was busy doing something else on the computer.  We are all very busy and productive.

We have a phone appointment with dad's doctor in the morning early.

We have talked about the questions we want to ask.  Why is dad's blood pressure so erratic.  It can be normal and then go very high.  The stress of the colonoscopy was when it was first noted.  We want to know the results of the last hospital visit.  We were worried about the bad headache.  If he feels tired and we are concerned should he go to sleep?  

His medications are helping a little.  He had a good day today.

The weather was horrible.  A heavy rain and strong wind.  I went out while Rick was at the store but /spenser being too smart for me wanted to return home.

"When you look at your life the greatest happinesses are family happiness"  Joyce Brothers


Unknown said...

All that you need to add on the schedule is for someone to sit there and get dads sample.

I am available : )


beth bennett said...

Good news.
It ia done Sandra.
I prepared the scene,

Shandel said...

Glad to hear Grandpa had a good day.