Tuesday, November 3, 2020


                                                   My finger is in there again.

I woke up early again and it was dark and rainy.  The weather  man was right.

I walked over to the store to buy some oatmeal for dad's breakfast.  It is important that

 he eats and tries to gain weight and strength.

Next Spenser needs his morning walk.  It was a shorter one.

I came home to have a nap and then all of a sudden I started wondering when my follow up appointment was for my hand.  The bulletin board said Tues the 4th at 11;30.  Dad was in no condition to drive so I phoned Carol.  She was out walking Haiti and said she would hurry and come over.

We took the address and I felt confident it was near the hospital.  This was what I was given to believe.

We arrive and Carol looks for a parking place and I go in to ask directions.  I finally returned to the hand clinic and they gave us a map.  It is by Rona we were told.  We set out walking in the rain with the sidewalk covered with wet leaves.  The paper gets soaking wet and does not seem helpful.  We found the right street but could not find the right building.

We head back to pick up the car deciding it was too late as they closed for lunch.

Carol made dad some lunch and then headed for home.  She was extra tired too.

The evening watching T.V. was cancelled.

I have an appointment for a place on Scott Road.

It looks like no results on the Election to-night.

Dad and I walk Spenser around the block.  Then we are all ready for an early night.  Dad did not have a good day.  Used up all the toilet paper .  I do not need to say more.

We are counting the days until he can get some medicine to help.There is a time to keep searching for where we should be but there is a time to call it time out.  We try to keep life simple and tune in to the quiet strength within to guide us.

We made the right decisions.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

It was very rainy, glad it was down to just spitting by the time we went for our walk last night.

It was one thing seeing Trump getting elected the first time not knowing how bad he would be, but this time the thought of him maybe getting in is just mind blowing.
