Wednesday, November 11, 2020


                                          Painful memories are better when they are shared,
                                          and also happy memories are joys shared.

Over the years we have been to many, many remembrance  day services.  Most of them standing out in the cold but they were all very meaningful.

Today was a day of many happy memories as we shared phone visits with Carol and Panteli and Mary. 
Sandra dropped by to see how we were coping and then to go shopping down at Art Naps with Spenser.
It is all decorated with Christmas ornaments and bright lights.  I could spend a lot of time just looking at everything.

We are stating to think of Christmas but I know it will be a quiet one.  Dad may not feel up to doing much moving about.

Our neighbor Todd came over to see how dad is doing and to borrow a tool. He offers to help in any way he can.

Talking about neighbors Cathy our old neighbor dropped by with her mask on and keeping the distance. She has been trying to reach us by /e-mail and Phone and she was worried because we did not answer.

We are drifting along moment by moment day by day.  Dad will get some pills to-morrow from Dr. Li.

It was a day of expressing love and concern that gave us a warm feeling as we head off to bed.

Hopefully dad has a good night.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

Lots of laundry for me, the kitten peed on the bed again, on the mattress protector this time at least, but I still moved the mattresses out of the room. Do not want him to get used to thinking that is an option if he is busy playing.

I beat Randy home by a few minutes, but neither of us fealt like cooking.
