Friday, July 31, 2015


One of our favorite places to eat "The River Inn".

This is where we had a late lunch on Thursday.  The slight cool breeze off the water was fantastic.
Again I am reminded of the beauty in the world around us and hopefully within us.
I remind myself to have faith.  To pray is to enter a world of another dimension, one of awe and mystery.
Our frontal lobes hold the secret for making our dreams come true by selective data which seems most relevant to my life.  a quote by some brainy experts.
My favorite scripture is:
"And the word Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory
the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

We surrender to this belief that can restore hope and joy into a life that feels incomplete and difficult.
Usually when we talk of someone being full of something we think it is a bunch of baloney.  I do believe that there is a higher power that listens and cares and loves and can teach me wonderful wise truths.

Today my arm has the wrinkles coming back which is good as the swelling is going.  I start out for a walk but end of visiting Mary across from me.  She walks me home with her walker to make sure I get safely across the road.  Her daughter comes running after us thinking we are going for a walk.  She is one sweet lady!

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Sometimes I think we say the same prayer: O God! O God! I have had enough I cannot take anymore.
This was my brother's prayer as they wait for a bone scan and a conference with cancer doctors.  Will they have to go to Kelowna for treatment or not.  After weeks of not getting through to anyone they got up early in the morning to drive from Invermere to Cranbrook and drove to the building where the x-ray equipment was.  They found out it had broken down but amazingly it had just started working and they took them in as first patients because they were there.

The results were handed to the group of doctors who decided to put her on a very nasty pill for a year.
They were thankful that a decision had been made and will take it a day at a time prayerfully.

It is too hot.  I tried to do some house work and got tired out quickly but I know I am on the road to recovery.  Dad got some implants make and we hope that will help a little.

Did not go visiting but hope next week.  We had a late lunch at the River \inn where we where going when I fell.

I am asking for my impatience to be healed.  Amen 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


So sorry that Shandel is also fighting that very nasty cold bug.  Hope she recovers quickly.  Being by the pool seems the perfect place to rest and recover.

We also seem to be having our setbacks.  Had my test done at the blood clinic after two tries.

Then dad and I sat out in his shade deck.  I wore my warm house coat, jogging pants and warm blanket.  I was sneezing and coughing  and  aching all other but eventual took a pill for pain.

Setbacks are invertible in all our lives.  Things like illness, a bad economy, layoffs, worry about loved ones etc.  I can only hope I can develop some soul resistance and try to do the best I can. 

Our lives, dad and mine, will never be the same again but if our desire is to grow through difficulties and become stronger in new ways that is our hope.  Every day is a new day and an opportunity to begin again.

One of my big fears is falling again and I know I have to be so careful.

I am praying for healing of these fear based thoughts but still being so very careful.

The Universe is on my side.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.  It will not lead you astray"    Rumi

How annoying not to be able to sleep. 
I had a bad sleep last night myself.

Early in the morning dad and I drove into white Rock to visit our old friend Lois, her family looked after Sandra when I was put back in hospital days after she was born.  This was the problem I was having with Celiac.
Lois has a beautiful home in White Rock and she has decorated and updated it herself.
We did a lot of talking about old times.
Afterwards we went out to lunch and talked a lot more.
Lois has put her heart and energy into fixing up this home, after her husband died.  It had been a project they where going to do together, but life had other plans.  She will move into Oakridge to be closer to her children.
Needless to say dad and I were very happy to arrive home.  Dad has a headache and a back ache so the sooner he has a complete check-up the better.  He enjoyed the shade deck at home.

Monday, July 27, 2015


I cannot believe what an effort it is to get out of bed in the morning.  This is not like me at all.  Today we had to be in White Rock for dad's appointment in the morning.  We had a good breakfast but arrived a few minutes late.  This was the morning all the lights were against us and our usual  parking spot was taken.

The doctor believes that added to the feet pain there is Plantar Fasciitis.  This will mean seeing a Kintec  Pedorthists and trying stretching exercises and maybe special arch supports. He can do some reading up and see if it seems to be the problem.  He is to have a complete check-up and see the Neurologist. 

He knows that pain medication has not been helpful so at least this gives him something to try.

I have to do another blood test to-morrow and hopefully I am improving.  I am walking better and I am not up so many times in the night, both good things.

Daisy is an adorable dog and loves to visit everyone.  She met us at the door at Sandra and Randy's and follow us all around. The party was fun and also a celebration of Shandel's birthday.

So good to be having happy family times with the young people.
"Every step, every breath can be filled with peace and joy and serenity.  We only need to be awake, alive in the present moment."  Thich Nhat Hanh
As I walk yes with my walker I choose a comfortable pace as each foot touches the ground.  I take in every fresh breath and my heart also seems to expand with happiness in the present moment.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Daisy, the dog marched right into Carol's home and immediately had a look around.  Haiti did not know what to think and was even more confused when Daisy made the rounds of the room jumping up on laps.  This is something Haili is not allowed to do as she is so big.

We had a lot of laughs seeing them inter-act with each other.  There was hardly room for both of them under the table where they were hopeful of the old crumb

Grama Carol has had a busy time cooking and entertaining and going to the movies and to swimming and to the airshow with the children.

We enjoyed the delicious supper and the very special cake.

Not room enough for all my candles.  I blew them out all but one.


Today they are off to the art gallery.  Morgan has a gift for creating pictures.
Today Sandra will be getting busy for a crowd of visitors.
It is wonderful to feel loved as I read my cards and open presents.
"Your heart creates love and it connects you with others-with the people you love and with people you are meant to know."
I want to soak in the love of family.
Monday dad goes in to the doctor and I pray he will have a good check=up and help for his pain.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


WELCOME Shandel and Cameron, looking good at a long drive from Edmonton
"The important thing is to not to stop questioning life as life is now getting tougher for us both.
Curiosity has it's own reason for existing.
One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity of life, of the marvelous structure of reality."  Albert Einstein

Another year filled with moments to treasure with a thankful heart. and a time to set new goals to make me healthier and wiser.

Appreciated the long distance phone calls from Rick, Ron and Kim.  They all sound good and think I do too.

I was grouch because dad said I had to take the walker on my walk around the block.  Yes, I know better to be safe than sorry!

Morgan the cake maker.
Her birthday was having a picnic in the hospital with me.
My day continued with a bunch of phone calls wishing me happy birthday. 
Later in the day dad and I drove over to Carol and Panteli's to have my party.  Cam and Shandel had their dog Daisy and the dogs were the hit of the evening.
sorry we missed a call from Mary and \Michael
 sorry to miss church but have a very sick sstomack

Friday, July 24, 2015


how wonderful to share brunch made by the grandchildren and our daughter.
Time to read the comics and both of us found some of them strange!
Time for a walk even if it is raining.
I will go home and do my walk around the kitchen.
My spirits have greatly improved from when I first woke up feeling a lot of pain and stiffness.  I had made a cup of coffee being very quiet as dad is still sleeping.
It takes courage to be fully present in the morning  stillness and try to meditate.  I do not know what the future holds but I know I will not face it alone.  A spiritual practice is not about being good or saintly but just being me.  My desire is to be released from negative patterns and to bring to mind other joyous times in my life.  This will become a state of grace!


This week-end will be other reason to celebrate and party. 

My birthday dad and I will have supper with Carol and Panteli and Ben and Morgan.  They invited us to the Boundary Bay Air show but although it would be fun we feel we are not up to going this year.

Cameron and Shandel arrive on Sat. too and our family will welcome them on Sunday with another pool party!

Still some questions about my bladder infection which is a nasty one.  The doctor and I are hoping I took enough pills to kill the nasty bug; but the urine test today will have the last word.

Dad and I will both go to the lab. as he will be getting P.S.A results.
Also waiting to hear that Ken's dental surgery went well.  and our prayers for him have been answered.  He is still getting over his jet-lag.

Our bodies are amazing but very fragile and frail.  Tragedy and harmful situations surround us all.

I have to put my faith in God who is a source of strength for us all!

God will have the Last Word!

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Life offers us many invitations to use our gifts and to strengthen our heart and soul. 

As we get older there comes a realization that it is time to slow down, smell the flowers, listen to the music, be quiet and enjoy life moment by moment.

This morning we had coffee in bed and then I had help getting dressed aware that there will be many challenges as our health deteriorates.

I will make an effort to do another walk up and down the street with my walker.  Dad sitting at the end of the drive-way to watch me.

Ignorance creates chaos and confusion that now needs to be dealt with.  I am not the same me and hopefully I am becoming the real me.  I am doing a lot of things wrong but I am trying.  Stay calm and do not be afraid or depressed.

Off to the doctor today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Life is precious and I believe that what we can keep alive on the inside counts.  FAITH1

Both dad and I are having pain which causes fears and tiredness.  Dad has made an appointment with the doctor which is a step in the right direction.  His feet are getting even more painful.

We have certain tasks that each one of us can do.  I will ask dad to drive me to the store today.  Otherwise he should just rest.

We are fortunate we have many things we can enjoy together, whether it is eating lunch outside or watching T.V. or going on our computer.

God loves you and me, especially when we make a mess of things, which I am good at doing.  Hos love restores and heals.  Discovering this love afresh will help me to survive.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Leah is a very confident nurse and did a wonderful job taking out my staples.

Yesterday dad and I went to the hospital for the ex ray and yes I took my cane,  I am getting more confident in my walking.
Another painful walk for dad.

Today is physio.

Yes, it is the pills that are making me very sick.  I took half a one, at the druggists suggestion.

My goal is to regain confidence in all I can do.
Dad and I need to share the load!

'Life is to be at peace with God and yourself"  -JK Smith

Monday, July 20, 2015


Sad to say good bye to Ken.  We do not know where he is on his trip back home as he is on stand-bye.  It seems just like yesterday when he arrived.  He was a wonderful help and we do appreciate the long hard journey here and back home.  I am now suffering with nausea and sleepiness from the pill for the bladder infection.  Dad has his handsfull looking after me.
I am thankful Leah took my staples out.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Saturday was a busy day.  Early morning Ken and I walked around the block and greeted neighbors on the way and they commented how well I was doing.

Later in the afternoon we, Ken and I  drove over. to the pool party at Sandra and Randy's house for a pool party.  We were the first to arrive and the pool looked so cool and lovely.  Ken was in the pool immediately joining Sandra floating around on her blow up  air mattress.

Randy was doing a few last minute tasks.

One by one family arrived and we were all in a party mood.  Good food and good laughs.

Today is Sunday I have my computer working.  Sandra has arrived and Ken made breakfast for the three of them, after shopping for food.
Again I am reminded how important family is to us and how they continue to give my life purpose and meaning.   time of re establishing family closeness!
When you are not well it is easy to get caught up in your own pain..
So good to get out and just enjoy family.
I always like to think things happen for a reason beyond our knowing and has the potential for growth.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


There is  a certain amount of predictable suffering that will come into each one of our lives.  None of the things we have worked so hard to possess will  last.  We will get sick and hopefully recover; but often not as  good as we were before.

This just life.

I woke up this morning to a news report there was a large group of Hells  angels speeding down Scott Road.  Could they be friends of Jim's coming to demand what was happening with the delivery of his shake.  IT is hard to believe it has  been a month.

I had a good walk with Ken around the block and we even stopped into see Gundy as it has been a long time for a visit with her too.  She thought maybe I had gone to AUSTRALIA but I explained KEN had come here and I had been in hospital.

Off to the doctor,  NO blisters so we are unsure still.

I have some crazy bladder infection which will be treated when the medication is available.

Ken went shopping with Carol.  Sandra came by.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Another warm day with a cool breeze.

Drove to White Rock to a Native Art Gallery to buy a dream catcher for Ken to take home for a present.  Hard time finding it as it was in the maul.

We are not sure about dad's shingles but will both see a doctor to-morrow.

Having to do painful exercises but I have no choice,

My friend Cathy came by and she is one of those true friends who believe in you and lift you up.

Part of the healing process is feeling all the emotions that we experience.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


All of a sudden each one of these dear family members answered the phone to hear the news of my fall.  All of our lives would be changed and deepened.

They are taking time to drop by my hospital room or now I am at home bringing meals and  happy laughter.

Today the news that Larry has a painful singles condition was sad  news, thankful he got on pills immediately.

The goal is for us to be independent and they are helping us and have becomes hero's in my eyes,

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Finally everyone has arrived and I am sitting listening in a happy stupor.  Carol starts telling a story about crazy lady who demands she must go home even with a painful shoulder and being sick at her stomach and unable   to stand or walk.  Unbelievable,  Could it be  me.
I would like to be able to write but it is very hard for me to do.
THE HOME CARE people have started coming and  I am trying to exercise my arm and doing some walking.  Sandra brought dinner over yesterday and Carol today.
I see my family doctor on Monday.
I am standing on  my feet again.
Still healing

Monday, July 6, 2015

a compent mess,

Competent mess describes our situation. The D,V.D, was put away by dad so that is why it disappeared.

The smokey air is annoying and very unbelievable.  We fortunate that our house us cool, that is until you try to do things,

Meals on Wheels were delivered to us by Carol and Panteli with Haiti leading the way with his tail madly banging the coffee table and chairs.  Home grown vegetables.  Who knew they would such great gardeners.

Sandra and Randy good listeners,

OFF to x-ray

Saturday, July 4, 2015


.A wonderful sense of peace can be experienced when we give up our negative emotions.  Having the home care people doing  a very sloppy job.  There has been some misunderstandings causing frustration and anxiety especially for dad.

Lincoln is annoyed because he cannot have the great fun he wants to have throwing rocks in the pond.

Dad needs to find the inner peace which is brought home to him with a nasty headache.


IT was worth staying up  past our bed time to visit with Stephen and Shawna,
their visit has gone by so quickly and it is so sad to see them leave.  Also  Mary and her little
ones.  They are all leaving the next day Shawna and Stephen back their home in Edmonton and Mary to visit her dad and his new family,
Later that day Craig and Leah came by to give us a helping hand.
Hopefully Leah will find work that uses her amazing skills as a care giver.
Hopefully Craig will find a good place to work and to advance.



Thursday, July 2, 2015


 This is room by a window.  many sunny days and new doctors and nurses who till be helping me on my recovery.  MY Family also with their visits and  thoughtfulness are wonderful.  Honestly it hurts to move, to laugh or cough, 

I have to learn put breaks on when I manage to climb the railing with dad's help to hop in the commode in the nick of time

Timing can be so important in life

I had many new lessons to learn.

I was there a week,

I saw Doctor Nolte today  HE was pleased and increased pain meds and laxative


Glad to be home and getting the best of care  and from dad