Monday, July 27, 2015


I cannot believe what an effort it is to get out of bed in the morning.  This is not like me at all.  Today we had to be in White Rock for dad's appointment in the morning.  We had a good breakfast but arrived a few minutes late.  This was the morning all the lights were against us and our usual  parking spot was taken.

The doctor believes that added to the feet pain there is Plantar Fasciitis.  This will mean seeing a Kintec  Pedorthists and trying stretching exercises and maybe special arch supports. He can do some reading up and see if it seems to be the problem.  He is to have a complete check-up and see the Neurologist. 

He knows that pain medication has not been helpful so at least this gives him something to try.

I have to do another blood test to-morrow and hopefully I am improving.  I am walking better and I am not up so many times in the night, both good things.

Daisy is an adorable dog and loves to visit everyone.  She met us at the door at Sandra and Randy's and follow us all around. The party was fun and also a celebration of Shandel's birthday.

So good to be having happy family times with the young people.
"Every step, every breath can be filled with peace and joy and serenity.  We only need to be awake, alive in the present moment."  Thich Nhat Hanh
As I walk yes with my walker I choose a comfortable pace as each foot touches the ground.  I take in every fresh breath and my heart also seems to expand with happiness in the present moment.


Sandra said...

Sorry to hear you are tired. I am still fighting my nasty cold, which has now developed a cough so I am not sleeping well either.

I am glad that you take your walker along. You are doing so well I am sure you don't really need it, but it would make dad less worried about you.


nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Beth, it will just take a little time and you will have your old energy back. You have been through a lot these past few months! You do so well to get up, get to the doctor's and go for a walk..just think it wasn't that long ago that you weren't able to do these things! It will get better a little every day and add up to a lot!

We had another very hot and humid day...I am so tired of it. WE cannot leave our windows open at night and you wake up feeling like you slept with your head in a box. BUT finally the wind changed directions to the north-west and blew in some cooler is 23 now. still very humid though but we will sleep better tonight. I taught the teen art class today and it extended to an 11-year-old and a 7-year-old. Their aunt came to help them and all kids left with a finished painting! That is my goal.

I am tired after a very busy week and tomorrow we are off to the city to run errands. Thursday I go to an art exhibition opening for two of my students. It is about a 50-minute drive, but I am going with my friend who is showing her work there. Should be fun.

Keep up the good work with getting stronger. I sure hope Larry gets some relief from his pain in his feet.

Take care, my friend,