Monday, July 20, 2015


Sad to say good bye to Ken.  We do not know where he is on his trip back home as he is on stand-bye.  It seems just like yesterday when he arrived.  He was a wonderful help and we do appreciate the long hard journey here and back home.  I am now suffering with nausea and sleepiness from the pill for the bladder infection.  Dad has his handsfull looking after me.
I am thankful Leah took my staples out.


Sandra said...

I never got to say good bye to Kenny, I thought he was just moving the car but he drove away!

Well, at least you do not have to take the new pills for very long, it is just for a few days isnt it?

Dont forget your cane, you are walking pretty good, but not that good yet!


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness, you sure will miss Ken won't you? I hope he doesn't have too long a wait on Stand-by and has a safe journey home.

Sorry to hear you have a bladder infection...apparently they can be very uncomfortable. I hope the medication works quickly.

I am tired tonight after teaching the teen art class...what a wonderful and talented group of kids! They are so eager to paint and enjoy it so much. I feel so blessed to be able to teach them.

I hope you have a good sleep Beth and I hope Larry isn't suffering too much with shingles.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I made it , storms in L.A. delayed the flight by three hours out of Vancouver .I made the connection at lax by the skin of my teeth ( about 30 pax were turned away but I sweet talked the supervisor who let me on( sans bag of course , will arrive tomorrow VIA syd ) I cant see the bladder infection tablets making you groggy .If there is no improvement by now better see yours dr again as there may be secondary infection. hope you get the results soon from the lastest blood test an xray.

beth bennett said...

SO thankful that my prayers were answered for a safe journey home Ken. Thank you again for coming and sorry I was feeling so tired when you left. Love you!
Dad is having a lot of pain in his feet but the shingles are not too bad.
Larry O. has a cousin who is into natural med. and may have some help for dad. I hope he is into trying new things,
I am sure the family is thrilled to see you as we were when you arrived.
Love mom