Thursday, July 30, 2015


Sometimes I think we say the same prayer: O God! O God! I have had enough I cannot take anymore.
This was my brother's prayer as they wait for a bone scan and a conference with cancer doctors.  Will they have to go to Kelowna for treatment or not.  After weeks of not getting through to anyone they got up early in the morning to drive from Invermere to Cranbrook and drove to the building where the x-ray equipment was.  They found out it had broken down but amazingly it had just started working and they took them in as first patients because they were there.

The results were handed to the group of doctors who decided to put her on a very nasty pill for a year.
They were thankful that a decision had been made and will take it a day at a time prayerfully.

It is too hot.  I tried to do some house work and got tired out quickly but I know I am on the road to recovery.  Dad got some implants make and we hope that will help a little.

Did not go visiting but hope next week.  We had a late lunch at the River \inn where we where going when I fell.

I am asking for my impatience to be healed.  Amen 


Steady-as-rain said...

Mom - I think visiting can be put on hold for quite a while.

I am sorry to hear Aunt Traudle is having cancer.

I don't think God is a thing that can hear prayers. But praying itself might be a good thing, if it is based on acceptance.



Sandra said...

That is very hard at that age to have to give up a year of your life taking a pill that I assume by calling it nasty means it will make her sick.

I hope Dad gets some relief with the shoe inserts, Randy only used his a couple of times and then did not use them again.

I think we are heading out to the lake today again and then will go to White Rock tonight to see the sunset/moon rise.


nancy-Lou said...

So good to hear you are on the road to sure and take it will be tired out and have to build your strength. Do you have help from homecare?

It must be frightening for your brother and his wife to have to go through treatments for cancer. Especially when you have to travel for treatments. I will keep them in my prayers too for healing and safe travels.

Vancouver sure has had a hot summer...and many don't have airconditioning do they? We have airconditioning but I find the high humidity we have had this last month really hard to deal with.
Yesterday and today has brought relief for us, with cool nights and pretty warm days....26C....

Take care, Beth,
Love, NAncy