Friday, March 31, 2017

BECOMING ! March 31

Kim is supported by her friend after receiving her award for her story and her art about Transformation.
Receiving her award.  Our hearts burts with pride and joy/`
                                           Transformation  A story in art!

This pottery shows the stages her life has gone through.
From brokenness to wholeness and beauty.
Panteli was too far away but he had worked hard in this awards night and was pleased at how well it had turned out.

The stories were about over-coming difficulties with the helpof encouragemnet and education and families.

I had gotten the day wrong again thinking it was Friday.
I am still learning.
Just very happy to be invited!

It was very meaningful to hear the Native Elder of the Colledge speak.
He talked about the future generations that give us hope!

There is a  new and joyful unfolding in the process of becoming.
Mary Casey

Thursday, March 30, 2017

SUNSHINE march 30

I am very thankful to see the morning sunshine although like the flowers my eyes are a bit droopy this morning.  Another bad night for dad.  Why does the coughing start when sleep is needed.  I know that it is going to take a long time for this bug to give up and leave so we have to keep fighting it.

I will go for a walk but first waiting for my hip pain to ease.  Not knowing what it is always makes it worse because I can always think it is the worst possible scenario.  Thankful that the spell checker knew how to spell that because I sure did not.

No plans for today but to take good care of ourselves.  For many years we have been caring for others but now it is our responsibility to get a little exercise and eat right and rest when needed.

To laugh at myself when I act like a silly old fool.

Yes even at the end of or journey there is the promise of happiness.

I believe that in our suffering Jesus comes even closer and becomes real as the breath I am breathing.

So I pray breath on me O Breath of God!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Yes I try to go for my walk rain or shine.  Too bad dad started to worry about me and went driving to find me.  I try to explain my route but really, although I appreciate his concern, I am okay.  He is very annoyed when I get home.

To make him happy I do penance by agreeing to go to the clinic doctor about the pain in my hip/  It is a sore muscles that stiffens up and  I need to go to a chiropractor.  The doctor  has the same problem.
I could get an x-ray but not at this time.I see Dr. Nolte in 2 weeks so I will see what his opinion is.

Family tensions can happen anytime.

"Real life sometimes collides with faith"   Jane Pague

If we make our best effort, whether it is asking or giving forgiveness God will help.

It is home to clean up and then go visiting at the Senior's Home.  It has been 3 weeks since I have seen Joan and Joyce.

Travelling on your own searching for wisdom and truth can be scary.

Life is a great mystery and we need to help each other along the way; rain or shine.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


                                             I am going to try and remember to put the date on.

I decided if dad is going to be speechless impossible as that sounds maybe I should look into the Quakers.  A group that meets in silence in a circle or a row of chairs.  They are pacifists who stand by their beliefs.

They believe in the power of prayer and the possibility of hearing"the divine whisper".  It is through prayer they invite God's light into their souls.

"It is not only what I am but it is what God is that threads into this act and gives it the power to open life around it."  What I am is what I do.  Prayer demands action that arises out of the small nudges and gentle pressures we feel.  Seeds are given in prayer for planting.Members of the Religious Society of Friends have produced great writings.

James Michener, George Fox, Richard Foster, William Penn, Jessamyn West ,John Woolman and Philip Gulley among others.  These include  devotional as well as fictional writings.

"True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it."
  William Penn

They do not have priests or ministers but a clerk of the meeting.

They do not have any formal sacraments because for one thing they believe all of life is sacramental.

They disapprove of instrumental music but they may sing a hymn or two.

"It is an overwhelming experience to fall into the hands of the Living God.. . ..  Then when all Thy waves and billows are gone over me the soul is swept into a Living Center of ineffable sweetness, where calm and unspeakable peace and ravishing joy steal over one."  Thomas Kelly.

Dad's throat is better today but we were very tired after being out yesterday.

Everything takes time!

I have had a walk and dad his ridden hin indoor bike in silence.

Monday, March 27, 2017


It was raining so hard I had to take an umbrella to take out the garbage.  A daily chore.

Dad had a bad coughing fit in the night and I am hoping and praying this will be the last one.
Dad is becoming braver and I am becoming calmer.

There are many ways of looking at life.  One is being in the moment which is good when you are eating bread and honey and enjoying every bite.  The other is to anticipate the future.

I like the fable about the young man condemned by the King to die.  Just give me a year he pleaded and I will show you a horse with wings that can fly.  We all know things can change with time and certainly a year from now all will be better.

This reminds me of the story about knowing.

How do I know the sweetness of honey except by tasting. Scientific reports do not explain it.
Not even a friends words or an advertisement on T.V.  We need to taste it for ourselves.

How do I know the amazing love of God?

There is a moment when awe strikes my heart  and I know there is another reality to be experienced beyond belief. A moment of knowing!

I hope it does not continue all day.
Dad and I planned to go to the library but see how he is feeling.

Sunday there was no Sunday gathering although Sandra asked to come and see her kitchen or was it the kitten.

It was good to talk to Carol and Jane and Sandra on the phone.
Jane had enjoyed a piano recital on the T.V.

"Knowledge of what you love somehow comes to you,you do not have to read or analyze nor study.
If you love a thing enough, knowledge of it seeps into your soul, with particulars more real that any chart can furnish."
-Jessamyn West

Sunday, March 26, 2017


I did not anticipate I would meet any one on my Sunday morning walk in the rain and the only one I met heed behind his umbrella and would not even respond to a "hello"

I did not anticipate a very long wait when I went to the pharmacy to pick up dad's eye drops.  I waited  for what seemed like an eternity while this man was trying to renew his pills he had let lapse .  I think it was over 30 minutes.  I realize they are short handed but this was unacceptable so I left.  He does not need them until to-morrow.

I do anticipate once the rain stops new growth will be revealed.

I know that I have my own prejudices and false beliefs and as I become more aware of these I am preparing the soil in my heart for new growth.  I know also if I were to live my life out of selfish ambition alone I would ignore the less fortunate; but because of my Christian values and convictions I feel the call to respond as a decent human being to those who are vulnerable and neglected.

Bono the rock star admits the flaws of the church yet also claims that following Jesus has satisfied his own search for meaning while giving him causes to pursue beyond celebrity and pleasure.

I am proud of the many times your dad and I picked up food for the poor and delivered it to their doors.  This was very much a part of the Vineyard church.
We have a very important role to play in the lives of those we touch daily in any small way.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


                             The man (or woman) who walks in integrity walks securely.  Ps 10:9

I was thankful to be walking in the sunshine although there was a chill in the air.  I never know what new flower may be blooming or what old friend I may meet.  Today I met Verna, gray hair like me she picks up garbage at her complex.  She is a joy to talk with, not because she has had no problems but because she has come through difficult times.

Walking for me is good for the body and for the soul.  It is good for me physically and emotionally.  A time for  thinking of others and able to see some problems with a clearer eye.

"Of all the exercises I think walking is the best."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Scripture tells us to walk as children of the light who leave the darkness behind.

We can walk and talk with God where ever we are:  at home, or a busy street, in the store or even in a hospital.  We do not walk alone. We can pray for guidance and wisdom.

We will be walking into a difficult situation in our church and I can only hope there will be compassion and grace.  The atmosphere has been so different with the new substitute minister and now the news is our past minister who has been on stress leave is returning.  Some have been very wounded by his past messages and it will be hard for them to have him come back.

Is he ready and strong enough?

I do believe some will walk out I am afraid.  Our church is already fragile.

Words will have to be chosen carefully.

"Discretion will protect you"  Proverbs

"God is a shield to those whose walk is blameless."      Proverbs

Walking as a community can be difficult so I hope and pray that God will be at work in all our hearts and that the forgiveness of the Easter message will penetrate our hearts and minds.

Friday, March 24, 2017


What a fun time visiting with Leah and Ophelia.  She is sitting up and also reaching out to toys on the floor.  She does not like going in her car seat.  She actually smiled but this time I did not catch it.

Time seems to be standing still here so it was good to have company.  Dad was asleep upstairs upon on the bed.  He was not coughing but I think he will go see the doctor again to-morrow as I think he may need more antibiotics.

I had a walk and also walked over to the store.  A good place to get a little inspiration.  I made rice pudding but dad said "Where are the raisins?"  I added them.

At times I have done some crazy things and said a stupid word or two but it is just being a part of the human race.  Love me anyway because as we support and encourage each other we are improving.

As I struggle to think of what to write I am reminded that all it takes is one word at a  time.

I am fortunate to have the time to read and think where as in the past I would struggle with Time!

I am  a part of the here and now and yet at the same time aware that in time I will look back and this sickness will be forgotten.  Creativity is a great healer.

"Jesus I am resting in the joy of what Thou art
I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.How I gaze and gaze upon Thee
As Thy beauty fills my soul
For by Thy transforming image
Thou hast made me whole."

The old hymns remind us to take time to be holy!


The sun certainly is a healing light but only came out for a moment.

One of the things I love about prayer is that it can trigger your imagination.
I can close my eyes and breath quietly in the presence of the healing light.
Thank you Nancy for your prayers and I am praying for you two too!

We allneed moments when the light shines in!

Dad was a little worse last night and coughed continually from 3 until 6. His ribs are getting sore and it may be time to go back to the doctor.  We will have a quiet day today.  I may work in the garden a bit.  I did go for an early morning walk.  Later in the day the skate boarders with be out zooming around.  They are wild and cragy  and remind me of how wonderful youth really is.

One message that is coming through is that we will have to make a real effort in the future to become healthier.  It will be one step at a time trying to get into a good routine,  Dad has been good with not eating sugar so that is very good.  We must build up our immune systems.

"I was taught the way of progress is neither swift or easy."
Madam Curie

Thursday, March 23, 2017


                                         One little blossom is a sign of hope!

Dad is getting used to his new routine and slept a bit better last night.  He sat in the chair until midnight and used his inhaler once I believe.  We may go out to the drugstore today but it depends on dad"s energy level.

Had a chat with our neighbor Shelly when I was in the garden for a few minutes.  They have had the same nasty cold and one of her boys had to be on antibiotics too.

The young boy across the street must be very hopeful as he goes out with his sun glasses on.  Still looks very dull here.

Thanks Panteli for picking up some gluten free bread, very much appreciated.

I plan to do a walk sometime during the day.  I just have a miserable head cold now so I am much better than dad.  I have high hopes we will be sitting out on our front porch soon in the sunshine!

I know I can some times feel hopeless about all the violence and evil that is in this old world of ours.And also all the suffering and tragedy.

I firmly believe that Easter is the promise that God believes in us.  Suffering and pain can be transformed and redeemed.

"Our God is an expert at dealing with chaos, with brokenness and hopelessness.
God created order out of disorder and cosmos out of chaos."  -Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


We are both feeling a little melancholy but we are adjusting to changes.  Reading some books on prayer.
Early in the morning I was in my own little world of prayer when the terrorist attack happened in London.  The good thing was that the police reacted quickly and got people out of danger.  It appears it was two men with a car and a knife that wounded many.  I can only watch the news so long and find it depressing.

Dad's cough is still nasty especially at night.  He stayed up to watch the curling but still could not lie down without coughing.  He is learning how to cope with this and finding keeping quiet during the day and resting helps.  The doctor in the clinic was very kind and caring so he can return is he decides he needs more help.

He actually ate my home made soup yesterday and some muffins I made.  We both had the lasagna
for supper.  He is also eating my bread so this is a big change.

I did not go to my Bible Study at the church but did my lesson at home.  It was about discernment and would have been interesting as well as fun.

I went for a walk after the rain stopped. I met an old friend who had not seen me in ages and she was sop pleased to see I was still out doing my walks.  She is an amazing person who jogs and rides her bike etc.  She does circles around me!  Her face lights up when she sees me.

Kim dropped by and did some vacuuming for me.  Just like old times!
She is off to Portland for some lectures on Ceramics/
Theresa and family are away in Seattle because it is Spring Break.

Almost home when a kind man in a truck offered me a ride.  It was very kind of him.  I tell dad he does not need to worry about me as there are so many helpful people around.

Reading about suffering I find that I am drawn deeper into the very heart of God's love.
Different thoughts and ideas bring comfort and reassurance to others.

I think that every once in a while it is your year to have this miserable cold and cough.

Sickness is not a punishment for sin nor God's will.

It was good to celebrate a win by the Canucks.  An exciting game!

It is a good kind of melancholy that is peaceful and restful.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


It is hard to remember when it was sunny last.

We all need our sleep especially as we get older and that is when it seems to me harder to fall asleep or if I do I walk up too early.

Our bodies suffer we we do not get enough sleep.  I know that there are people in the world in the most terrible of conditions and I feel sad about that too,

Losing your health is something that happens to us all normal people.but then there are people who live to be 90 or 100 and have never been sick.

Dad is still extremely bad suffering with coughing and no breath.  He is now adjusting by staying up later watching T.V.; which I tried to do but it exhausts me.  He then comes up and sits in the big chair for a few more hours.  Early in the morning his coughing starts and his breathing is difficult.  He is learning to cope better and kept calm.

I feel like I have a mountain of house work to do because I do not want it being dusty.

If I am upstairs what I need is down stairs but if I am downstairs it is upstairs.  No matter how many pair of glasses I have I can never find any. They are usually too dirty to see out of anyway.

 Neither dad or I like any of my cooking so we ate out again yesterday.  Dad was not that happy with his fish and chips.  Very unusual.

What ever problems we are going through they have the potential yo make us stronger even though it is hard.  I am irritable and I admit it.  Facing the day with renewed courage and strength that comes from my faith that God is with me and things will get better.

Hang in there!  You can do!  So can !!

"Prayer is not an old woman's amusement.
Properly understood and applied,
it is the most potent instrument of action/1
=Mahatma Gandi

Monday, March 20, 2017


Yes I think after listening to all the news reports on wire taping we should go back to the cone of silence that Maxwell Smart used on Get Smart.

Going to the doctor was the smart thing to do to ease dad's mind about my cold.  We went to the clinic again which was good because the doctor there was concerned about dad.  His infection is better but he needs to use his inhaler regularly and be consistent and smarter about the way he does it.

We can both relax now and concentrate on getting healthy.

I went for my walk today.  I heard a bunch of children laughing and they had climbed a big tree and were trying to shaking each other off.  So good to hear laughter.

Then there was the older gentleman who was sitting across from us the hospital when his elderly wife came along and jokingly said she was going to run away with him.  This was with a wink and a smile.

I am looking forward to finishing my soup and eating as many cookies as I can.  I want to try all the ones Sandra bought me.

It seems smart to me to believe "it is necessary for us to recognize that there is an intelligent mysticism in the life of faith."

I have not seen God face to face nor have I had any great awesome experiences but I have know the "Joy unspeakable" of which Paul wrote.

If we are smart well use our mind as well as our heart to commune with God.

Sunday, March 19, 2017


So many of the little flowers look like they are smiling, happy to be the first ones bursting out of the ground.

I am running and hiding under the bed every time I hear am ambulance

Dad does want me to go back to the emergency because he is worried about me.  This is not good for his asthma especially if we argue about it.  I have the virus and now my hip is causing me problems.
I missed my walk today for several reasons.  One is dad worries and the other is my hip is causing problems.

I am also a people pleaser at times. I am also stubborn and impatient.  We will go to the clinic to-morrow.

Thanks Sandra for coming over and listening to us.

Thanks for the good food too.

Thanks Carol and Leah for phoning that meant a lot to us

"People need people
and we are all in this together,"

Demi Lovato

Saturday, March 18, 2017


Much later in the afternoon I journeyed over to the park in a lovely glimpse of sunshine.

First thing in the dull gray morning after another night when dad was having trouble breathing I phoned the faithful pair to drive us to the hospital.  Our journey was smooth with Sandra in the driver's seat and Randy in the co-pilot seat by her side.

To our amazement we got taken in right away.
Dad had a blood test and another x-ray and a doctor we had seen before came to talk to us.  It would seem that dad has a virus that has stirred up chest problems from the past.  Asthma is so terrifying as you struggle to breath and try not to cough.  Dad is completely worn out and I am hoping to recover from my cough with no extra complications.  The doctor gave him some cortisone which along with the antibiotic should help dad recover.

I was pleased to see dad eat a bit when we went out to Brown's to lunch.

I had been expecting this news as it seems to be the only  reason for his breathlessness.
It gets worse at night when you desperately want to rest.

Sandra and Randy now have colds and I hope they do not end up with a miserable cough and the fatigue it brings with it.  I was so thankful they were with us.  We are old and slow.

I find that I am still on a journey of self-discovery.
Who am I?
What is my reason for being?
What are my weaknesses and strengths?
What are my fears?

Prayer seems to be what helps me to live in the moment prayerfully.

Dad sat out on the front porch after cleaning up the kitchen.  It always seems worse when you come hone to a mess.  I tidied up too and then had a short walk to the park.

Nice to get a phone call from Rick.  All I can say is we are coping and hoping for improvement daily.

I am grateful for the presence of the Spirit and the loving care of family!

Friday, March 17, 2017


                                        We are not out of the woods yet!

Dad drove me to the Post Office and to the Water Shed Park.  He does not want me to walk and I do not have Haiti as an excuse.  Haiti started digging up our back yard again so we do not want her doing that.

Dad is having trouble breathing which worries me.
Thankful he had a better rest last night only one bad coughing spell.
I am feeling worse and we are not having fun.
Both our backs are sore and I know I feel cranky.
Yes I know this will pass.

Kim use to  ask me if I am having fun yet?

I find the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven too hard so I am going to read something else.

The one. I like are the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that is Hidden in a field and worth  a great price.  I treasure my faith and I find joy in understanding what I can and leave what I find hard to believe a mystery.

I am grateful that so many of the parables are about the ordinary daily lives we live.

"Prayer becomes meeting with God in the ordinary"  Timothy Keller

Dad is now resting and I am going to sneak out for a breath of fresh air.

Happy St. Patrick's day.!

Thursday, March 16, 2017


A little bit of color in my garden.
Every day I do a small patch of tidying up.

Sandra you would be wise to take care of that sore throat and cold coming on.  All of a sudden it can turn nasty.  Everyone says drink lots.  Life is harder when shift work is involved/

Dad and I were both croaking like a pair of frogs last night so it was a long night,  Today we decided to get serious.  We have the steamer going with some oil in it and have some special teas and yes the apple cider vinegar.  Dad sat in the bathroom with the steamer going.  No word about his x-ray so that is good news.  I am saying it will probably be about three weeks for us to both really feel better, but I have been wrong before but I am prepare for a slow healing. 

Had a nice surprise in the morning when Kim arrived with Haiti.  She was staying in Vancouver and Haiti barked all night.  Panteli came and picked her at supper time.

I was happy to take her for a walk as it gives me a deep sense of well being, even though I have slowed down just a bit.  Haiti expects us to have a walk and follows me around until we go.

So we have our tea and our steamer and are all prepared for a better night to-night.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


                                     Some times the world seems a little bit up side down.

I slept in the spare bedroom after dad had a bad coughing fit but he did not miss me.  It was an act of self perseverance which I think some times we have to do.

Dad and I drove to the x-ray place and it was totally changed and up dated.  He even could see his own chest x-ray.  He said it looked nasty.  He is coughing up stuff but is very short of breath.  I am not sure what this means.  He is worried about going to bed to-night because it is worse.  It is a frightening feeling as anyone who has had asthma knows.

Dad has lost his appetite so I keep trying to find something he may like.  I made chicken soup to-day and he actually liked it.  I figured that for my own health and self-perseverance I need to cook for myself and hope he likes it.

It seems that everyone has problems that test the power of their belief.  This can be the belief of your own worth.  I need to protect myself from feelings of weakness that are my own faults.

Lent is a time to look honestly at our own faults and seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness to any who have hurt us whether it was intentional or not.

Things in our family are changing but having a visit from a daughter makes our day.  Thanks Sandra and Peanut for spending time with us on your way home.  I know when I have been out I am always anxious to get home.

Lightning has just lit up the sky and now the thunder is booming and then comes very heavy rain.

Now we had better get ready for bed as the power may go out.  I am not good at finding my way in the dark.  Hoping dad has a better sleep to-night.

So like the say on the airplane put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others.  This is what I am trying to say.  It is good to put others first but not in some situations!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


The grass at the park is full of big puddles.  It is foolishness not to wear boots.

Another big accident on the highway with winter conditions you wonder if people are not aware of the extra care that is needed.  If not they are foolish!

Dad and I were foolish not to take his cough more seriously and get out the steamer and use his inhaler more frequently.  At times he seemed better especially in the morning but during the day the cough got worse.

Fortunately dad saw the doctor early in the morning and is now on antibiotics.  He would prefer not to have to take pills but sometimes one just has to.  He was to have an x-ray but was just too exhausted and is having a long sleep how.  We will go first thing in the morning.  The wait can be very long and tiring but we are hopeful that going early will help.

Kim dropped in and we had a visit.  Hamlet is coming up to-morrow.  I think when people are in love they can be a little foolish in a good way of course.  I certainly was!

I read the parable of the ten foolish virgins.  It is helpful  knowing  the background.  It was meant to be a warning about the future when Jesus, the bridegroom would be absent.  Having the words of Jesus (a word that gives light)would be like having a lamp lit ready for his coming, his return.   There would be a time of waiting so extra oil would be necessary.  We are told to keep watch;  that is alert and prepared.

The five foolish virgins did not have exra oil for their lamps.

Believers are to be prepared and remain faithful.  This would be a message for that time.

Everyone has different beliefs and some of the things I believe may seem foolish to others.

So be it!

Monday, March 13, 2017


                                       Joy is seeing the more signs of spring.

Joy is when the lost lamb is found or
the lost son comes home.
Joy is finding the lost coin.  (another parable)

I thought Haiti was lost today I called and called her and looked everywhere and was thinking what will I tell Kim.  Luckily I thought of  the laundry room and there she was sitting so quietly.  She follows me everywhere so I must have shut the door on her.

Dad's cough seems worse so I hope he will agree to go to the doctor or the clinic or something.  It must be exhausting for him because it is for me.

Panteli picked up Haiti and there plans are up in the air.  It looks like the house is going to sell but he does not want to move out for a few months.  If he finds a reasonable place to buy or rent he may do that.  Kim will make up her mind when she knows what is what.  She can come back here we enjoyed having her.

Carol will be in the Grand Cayman's now and may come back in August but it all depends on a place to live.  Panteli may go after May but nothing is decided yet.

I like the thought of spring and the promise of new beginnings.

I love the scripture that says we will always be a joy to the Lord and we can never be separated from Him.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Carol and Penteli came over to say good-bye.  Haiti was left behind and cannot believe it..
Dad was back in bed coughing a lot and getting worn out.  It is time for that cough to leave and time for healing I hope.

I left dad behind when I went to church in the morning..  It was a special Sunday for Lee Plett as she has put in thirty-five years as our secretary.  She has been a great asset to our church.  She does a lot of extra work cheerfully and always has a good sense of humor.  Monday morning will find her at her desk typing and answering phones etc.

I am her support person so I said a few words of appreciation and thanks.  I read a poem which suited her to a T.  Se was given some beautiful flowers as well as our kind thoughts and prayers.

In the parable of the two sons the younger one wanted to leave behind his family responsibilitiesand live a life of pleasure..  NO wonder the older son would have feelings of resentment left behind to do all the work.  Hopefully he would be able to see his father's happiness and rejoice with him but only after expressing his negative thoughts.  Relationships can be difficult.

This is a story about life and death.  Asking for his inheritance is like wishing his father dead.  When the son has spent all his wealth he is willing to plead with his dad to take him back not as a son but as a hired help.

The father welcomes him back as a son saying: "This son of mine was dead but is now alive again."

Growth often causes discomfort when my choice is to leave sinful thoughts and feelings behind/ if my desire is to be closer to God, The Father.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Things did not just like planned.
Rick almost ate the dog's cookies that I gave him so Haiti would really thing he was special.
It was good that Haiti knew what they were.
Leah brought over some of her secret spaghetti sauce and then joined us for Chinese food.

She can be very happy but also wants a lot of attention, just like all babies she can be a handful.

Dad's cough has gotten really bad so we could not go to the birthday party or to Carol and Penteli's.
Rick went and then was driving home that night.  I really thought he should stay but just like dad and I when we visited we would leave when we wanted to, even in snowy weather.

I plan to go to church but think dad should stay home and get rested up.

It just seem like the kind of a day I said to myself "whatever" will be will be.


Not quite sure what plans are going to work out for the day.

Waited for Haiti to come to go for  a walk to the park.  She had a good run.

Waited for dad to come back from driving to the airport with Hamlet.  They had breakfast together at the Sylvia.

Waited to see when Rick would arrive from Leah and Craig's home.

It does not look like we will be attending the party for Oliver.  There will be a good group of family and friends that I know.

After some lunch we will drive into Carol and Panteli's place that is now up for sale.  Everything is happening so fast it is unbelievable.  Carol is leaving on Monday morning for the Grand Caymans.
She has a job there and a place to stay with a friend.  We will miss her.

In the parable of the sower the farmer waits to see if the seeds he is scattering on the ground take root and grow.  It lands on rocky ground and does not take root; some on thorny ground, which cokes out the weeds before they take root; but there is the fertile ground where the seed grows and also produces fruit.

What kind of an individual am I?  If I have an open mind and heart the seed will have a chance to take root and mature. in our soul.  There is always the danger of  weeds that grow if iur attitude is bad, maybe we hold grudges or blame others for problems in our life.  A selfish attitude hardens like a rock and becomes a stumbling walk to hinder progress.

Right now I wish the dead plants would start to produce life so I know what has survived.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Had a good walk with Haiti on Thursday before going to the doctor with dad.  She loves going to the park and runs around to the bottom of the field.  The park was empty so no doggie friends to say hello to.  Had a good visit with Kim when she picked up Haiti.

Dad was telling her about all the stress and sacrifice he went to to buy property on top on the little mountain  just before Cultus lake.  He had a dream we would all live there on the 5 acre property.  He even had a road put in.  I did not want to lie there as it would have been very lonely for me.  I can remember how lonely I felt when we first moved to the coast away from family and friends.  The church rescued me bringing good friends into my life!

The doctor's office was crowded with lots of older folks and lots of bad coughs.  I was thankful I had a book to read as dad's doctor was running behind schedule.  I caught a glimpse of my doctor, Dr. Nolte, and he had a mask on and I heard the nurse saying to see him you had to wear a mask.  Some of the staff were also away sick.

Will not go visiting today as I have a cough and think it better to rest up and get better.

Both Zacchaeus and Baremous had crowds that separated them from Jesus but because of heir determination and desire they succeeded.  One needed healing for blindness and the other needed forgiveness and a new direction.

Our lives can be crowded with many simple tasks so it takes an effort to spend time reading scripture or praying.

Our daily lives can be so busy the spiritual can be  forgotten or neglected or just ignored.

Dad and I are going to the store which may or may not be crowded.

To-morrow is turning out to be a crowded day.  Dad plans to meet Hamlet about 10 in Vancouver and then I believe drive him to the airport.  We were to attend a party for Tavia and Shawn's baby Oliver
who is turning one.  We were looking forward to seeing all the family but with our coughing it probably would not be a good thing to do.  I do not like to be around people who are coughing.  I have some cough medicine now and dad has a new inhaler so I am hoping to get a better night's rest.

Rick will be coming over after he visits Leah and Craig and Ophelia and Carol has invited us over there to join the others who are getting their pictures taken.  I have informed Sandra of our plans and she is invited to join us when she can.  Hopefully we can keep in touch by phone!

"Hope is like a road where there was no road but as many people walk on the same path a road is created"  -Lin Yutang.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


It is interesting that I am reading the parable of lighting the lamp and then hiding it under a bushel;  on the day dad is going to the doctor to get his eyes examined for his drivers license.

"Your eye is the lamp of your body.
If your eyes are good your whole body is full of light.
See to it that the light within you is not darkness."

Let your light shine is a good reminder for me.

Later a blind man sitting on the side of the road cries out to Jesus for mercy and even though he is blind identifies him as the Son of David,  a Messianic title.   Have the disciples been blind to who Jesus is even though they are following him.

Discipleship means coming to see who Jesus is and learning how to follow him even into places of suffering.

Later Jesus laughs as he looks up into a tree and sees a little man sitting on a limb.  Yes, it is the chief tax collector.  Jesus says I am coming to your house today and Zacchaeus responds joyfully ommitting  his sins by wanting to give half of his money back to the poor.

"Do not take everything you see, hear or touch for granted
but be willing to look more closely/"  Demi Lovato

Dad passes his eye test.  Lots of sich people in the doctor's office.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Homeward bound.

Laughter is contagious that is for sure.  I attended my Bible study group at the church today.
Even though it was a serious subjection about the persecution of Christians and how they are examples of courage and strength in the most difficult situations  We have questions and for some of the tough questions there are answers in the back of the book and I realized I should have looked at these answers.

To be a follower of Jesus and to try to be guided by his spirit and his word is to be willing to serve others.  Today I was a listener and a learner.  It is interesting to hear the questions that arise out of our questions.  I am wordless when I hear stories of others giving their lives to give hope and nourishment to those in our poorer neighborhoods and also to those in other countries.

I find the honesty of everyone in our group very contagious and very inspiring.

Some days you really need to be inspired!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Looking for a new path to the water but too much snow blocked the way.

I went for an early morning walk before it started snowing and just made it in the door.  It has been snowing all day but it is not sticking on the ground and it is so cold it takes your breath away.  We had some plans to go out to the Seniors home or to the library but it did not seem to be a wise thing to do.

Gradually I am noticing that I am quite happy to live a quieter, calmer and more contemplative life.
Watching the snow falling takes precedence over extraneous tasks.  I want to start going through dishes and deciding what to give to the garage sale at the church but not to-day.

This means not living with regrets because the important thing is the people in my life know what they mean to me and I hope they will always know this.  

I read the parable of the cloth and the wineskins.
"No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on a old garment.  If he does it will make the tear worse.

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.  If he does the wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the wine skins will be ruined."  -Mark 2:21

The old way of doing things is now changing to a new way that just seems to happen.

Our bodies are slowly wearing out and slowing down.  The best cure is to learn to laugh at ourselves.

"No need to hurry
No need to sparkle need
No need to be anyone but yourself."  -Virginia Wolf.

"Create a positive experience with solitude."  -Amy Morin

Monday, March 6, 2017


The snow melts away during the day.  There is suppose to be more snow to-night.  The icy roads are the worse problems.  I am concerned about the little shoots sprouting underneath the snow.  Time will tell.

Regarding invitations I request you phone or email because face book does not work for us.  Dad has no idea where the invitations are hiding.  We were sorry we missed Leah and Craig because we left early after being there in the way too early.

Today was not inviting but we drove down to the beach just to go for a drive.
It was very cloudy and extremely cold with the wind blowing off the ocean.  There are always a few brave souls out walking but dad's feet were too painful so I just took a few pictures and we both were chilled to the bone.
We were happy to arrive home into our warm house.

One of my favorite parable's is about the wedding banquet where the quest are too busy to come.
One had just bought a field another some oxen and other excuses.

So the invitation was made to everyone good and bad to come.  The place was filled.
The poor and the crippled, the blind and lame were al invited and they came.

"The true happiness of life is the conviction we are loved, loved for ourselves, say rather, loved in spite of our selves.  -Victor ahugo


It keeps snowing.  It melts during the day and then another dump of snow.  I would think the roads would be difficult today.  Glad just to stay home.

Sunday was unbelievable as we decided to arrive at Carol's early but when we got there we realized we were too early and in fact were not really invited.  It was a party more for friends than for family but of course as family we would be welcomed.  Dad had a sleep on the chesterfield and we headed home.

Just imagine if we us travelling by air.  We would get on the wrong plane and I am sure arrived at the wrong destination. Life seems confusing st times.

Reading the parables of Jesus can be confusing.  The parable of the The Talents is one of the most difficult and most misinterpreted .  It starts out with the master being generous and giving to his servants a different amount of money.  The first two used the money wisely to invest and so they could share with others.

The last servant instead of seeing the master as generous and good  believed him to be hard- hearted and mean spirited.  His true feelings of anger and false belief created foolish behavior.

In doing so we ended up in a place of unbelievable hell by his own harsh critical beliefs.
I have reread this many times and this is how I see this parable.

Or could it be comparing a earthly master who demands a profit to
God who invites us into his joy no matter how we succed or fail!
 I truly believe it is good to believe that there is goodness in everyone and sometimes we do not hear or understand what was said so we make unfair judgments.

"The only thing people regret is that they did not live bodly enough, that they did not infest enough Heart, did not love enough.
Nothing else really counts at all.  -Ted Hughes

Sunday, March 5, 2017


It has been snowing all night and it is beautiful but sadly we won't be going to church.  This is one place that helps me regain my strength, where I feel loved and accepted and also regain any serenity that has drained out of my life.

Yesterday we had a delicious supper with Carol and Panteli and Kim.  Sandra and Randy where there also with Randy's daughter Mandy and her husband James.  It is very sad to face the facts that Carol is leaving for the Grand Caymans.  We will sure miss her but happy she will be having another wonderful adventure in a beautiful place.  She would like us all to go there for Christmas which sounds great but I know my limitations and my weaknesses in my body that will not make this possible.

Panteli will be going at different times and I believe Kim may go at Christmas as will Theresa and Mikie and family.

Haiti always has a home with us.

Sandra has asked us over at Christmas and Shawna and Steve will be driving here from Edmonton.

I have faith that God strengths us daily with assurances of new hope/  Many decisions are tough and I know I cannot please others.

I pray for the grace and wisdom of God to keep me strong and trusting.!  !

Saturday, March 4, 2017


                           A sunny morning and a quiet day planned for us.  I literally have to catch my breath,
Enjoyed a walk to the store and a visit at the home with Joyce., and before I realized it was time to go to Carol's and Panteli's for supper.

I read the parable about the lost sheep.  The shepherd leaves the 99 to go looking for the lost one.
Jesus is able to captivate his audience with simple stories that rang true but left some unanswered questions.  What was the message.  God is like the shepherd who cares about each one of us.

As a child I was lost twice.  The first time I set off to meet my dad coming home from work and I got lost.  I was picked up by the police and brought home.

The second time I was found wandering around in the wrong store and was taken to the police station.  I remember sitting up on the counter eating candy,

Anyone who has lost a child even for a minute will be seized with fear.

God's love will always search for the wandering lost soul.  He is like the shepherd who searches until he finds the lost one and caries it home on his shoulder.

I am thankful that I am loved and can feel safe in the love that flows from the heart of Jesus.

                             Sunday morning snowfall

Friday, March 3, 2017


Dad and I set off early in the morning on a cold and rainy day.  When we got on to the freeway the cars and trucks ahead of us disappeared into  a fog like mist.  We made good time and quickly took out seats up front for spectacular production of Shakes pear's play  Midsummer's Dream.

The costumes were absolutely beautiful. Then  an usher came and told us we were not allowed to take pictures. You can get in serious trouble and dad was extremely annoyed. We were trying not to use the flash but it did go off and we were caught.

Morgan sang and danced her heart out and she looked lovely and fulling absorbed in the action.  She was one of about twenty fairies.  She wore a shorter colorful dress decorated in sparkles and her hair was shoulder length with a band around her forehead, It is an out of this world production!

We were drawn into the dream that had comedy with lots of action and music!

It was delightful and we were very proud of her.  A fairy princess for sure.

We went for lunch with the plan to wait for Theresa and Morgan to come home from the school.
The wind was blowing fiercely driving the rain to pour down all around us, actually around dad as he went and brought the car to the door.  The driving was  hazardous and we were worried about an accident up ahead when an ambulance came speeding by us.

I wish that all of Morgan's dreams will come true.  Love you Morgan!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Yes it is good old Van. weather, rain boots and umbrellas.
Yes it is time for the rain boots and umbrella.  It is chilly and damp and I was glad to have Haiti on my morning walk.  There was another bigger dog there who Haiti wanted to say hello to but a friend warned us that this dog was vicious and to stay clear of him.  Dog people all seem to be so friendly and kind and always comment that it is good to see me out walking.

I woke up thinking what  to pack when we drive out to Chilliwack for Morgan's play at 6:30.  We did not like the thought of driving home in the dark rainy weather.  Theresa asked if we would rather go on Friday at 10:30 and that was fine with us.  It will be a fantastic production of Midsummer's Dream.  Morgan will be one of the fairies and she is excited about wearing make up etc.  She likes drama and she is in a wonderful school that puts on these amazing plays.

She is not in a starring role but she is a real star in our eyes!

Today I am resting up for our trip to-morrow.  Dad and I did our weekly shop at Shoppers Drug Mart for Seniors 20 %  off day.  I thought I might go visiting but postponed it.

I have started reading the parables in Matthew and they do make you think about life differently.

Although life can treat us unfairly God's love is there for us all.  Being a disciple means accepting the injustices of life while still trusting in the goodness and purposes of God.  I am reminded to be thankful for all the blessings in my life but I do not have to be thankful for times of sickness.

The message is to let God be God! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Yesterday was a very good day, no snow and a gracious visit with Jane and her cousin Elizabeth.  Elizabeth drove as Jane has not been feeling up to it.  Jane is coping reasonably well, thank goodness for her sense of humor, but Geof is having a little holiday in respite for a few days.  She explains to him on the phone that they both need a holiday.  They are in a good place where there are daily things for them to attend, and they both love music and walking near the water.

It seems like just yesterday that Jane and I would go on long walks with long discussions about life, family, church or books.  Geof would have the coffee made by the time we got back and dad would join us often on the big sundeck where they also overlooked the water.

On very rainy days we would walk around the mall, window shopping and having fun looking at greeting cards.  It seems there were always cards to be sent for birthdays or get well etc.  We would have a great laugh at the funny ones.

We both share our birthday at the end of July and dad and Geof are in Feb.  We would go out to lunch to celebrate.

We both have had  serious operations.  Jane on her spine and I on my lung.  We both believe in the power of prayer and pray for each other nearly every day.

Thanks Nancy asking about my health.  What about yours?  I am coping doing the daily chores and shopping for groceries etc.  I tire easily but better than before.  I take time to nap and read and appreciate the help dad gives me.  He makes the coffee when friends drop by.  I need to get my hearing checked which trying to hear can be tiring.  The day just go by quickly and even though I plan I do not seem to accomplish what I plan to do.

My friend Cathy has now moved to Langley so she will no be dropping by so often.

Spiritually I take time in the morning to read and pray and journal.  I also started Jane journalling.
I am starting to read the parables in Mathew  which contain deeper spiritual methods that we realize, so they leave you thinking.  A door to opening the deeper meaning of life, to discovering the truth about ourselves and our friends and neighbors and families.

"The parables are poetic explanations of spiritual concepts impossible to comprehend fully."
-James Martin  S.J.