Friday, March 17, 2017


                                        We are not out of the woods yet!

Dad drove me to the Post Office and to the Water Shed Park.  He does not want me to walk and I do not have Haiti as an excuse.  Haiti started digging up our back yard again so we do not want her doing that.

Dad is having trouble breathing which worries me.
Thankful he had a better rest last night only one bad coughing spell.
I am feeling worse and we are not having fun.
Both our backs are sore and I know I feel cranky.
Yes I know this will pass.

Kim use to  ask me if I am having fun yet?

I find the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven too hard so I am going to read something else.

The one. I like are the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that is Hidden in a field and worth  a great price.  I treasure my faith and I find joy in understanding what I can and leave what I find hard to believe a mystery.

I am grateful that so many of the parables are about the ordinary daily lives we live.

"Prayer becomes meeting with God in the ordinary"  Timothy Keller

Dad is now resting and I am going to sneak out for a breath of fresh air.

Happy St. Patrick's day.!


Anonymous said...

hope you guys get better sleep tonight. Rick you should take a magnesium tablet and a serotonin tablet an hour before bed . I was diagnosed with a fatty liver ??? not sure what that means but I guess weight loss is the most important thing to achieve now.
Jasmine got ten out of ten on her spelling test this week and she did not miss any days of school. Matthew has agreed to try and play footy this year.

beth bennett said...

Good news about the kids Ken.

That is very discouraging news about your liver.

I would think that all fat would be bad for you.

It is hard when your working hours are so changing
and the bad hours you work. I think this could be very serious.
Dieting is hard. I know I eat too much sugar but I am trying
to concentrate on the good stuff I can eat. Often we do not eat enough and get over
hungry. Then I eat junk food.

What about a dietistion?

It seems to come down to diet and exercise eh?

I hope the family will be supportive.

Look at all your good qualities.
A very good dad and a hardworking husband!
You are compassionate and caring.
You are very smart! You have a good sense of humor!
You have the courage that is needed.
A day at a time!
You have been a wonderful son!

This is what I am telling dad at this time.

He can go back to the doctor and I think he should go see his own family doctor but it is so hard to get appointments. I tell dad we are lucky when we cannot sleep because we can nap during the day

You do not get enough sleep Ken and that makes it harder. Anyway we are in your corner with our love and support and our prayers. Life is not fair and often is hard.

It is good if the kids can do some sports so I hope they will give it a try.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

HMMMm well we definitely are not Out of the Woods as far as winter is concerned. yesterday was an old fashioned blizzard. People were saying how bad the highways were and I am glad I just ventured out to the local store with our son in his 4x4 truck. It seems as though this winter has been exceptionally long and I am really tired of it. Hopefully it will go away in the next two or three weeks!

So sorry to hear that you both are not well....that is really awful when one cannot cook or help out the other and you both are sick! darn. Maybe Larry could just go to the emergency room? That is what we have to do here, if the clinics cannot see you. Wished I Lived close by and could make you some good old fashioned chicken soup with homemade that really would help! I am wishing for it now and I don't have a chicken in the freezer.
Get better soon, you two! And Sandra too, i think she is sick too isn't she?

Sorry to hear that Ken has a fatty liver but I don't think it is too serious. I have the same thing and the doctor just told me to not eat much fatty foods and not to drink alcohol, which I don't do anyway. It doesn't bother me.

I had such a good teen art class today..with only one student....the roads are too bad to get here. But she is my fav student!
I know I shouldn't have favourites, but I have taught her piano since she was 7 and she has won many awards in festivals and piano exams...including the gold medal for grade three with the Royal Conservatory of Music.
I started teaching her art lessons last year and she has excelled at that too.
Her Grandparents and parents are friends as well so i can rave about Jessie!

I will see if I can paste the photo of her finished painting on you blog once I am through here. it is on my ipad and I am not using it now. Anyway it was such a good afternoon.

I am reading an excellent book, Beth by author,Isabel Allende, Island Beneath the Sea, about the slave trade in what is now Haiti. it takes place, late in the 1700's and is a novel, but does follow the history. She writes with ease and even though the book is translated into English, it still reads well. I read another of her books a few years ago and really liked it as well. Just about finished this book and bought another one, as smaller one and a more recent one to read next called The Japanese Lover. My problem is...once I start to read I get lost in the book and can read until after midnight!

I hope you and Larry begin to feel better tomorrow. Maybe buy some supplement your meals.

Have a good evening,

Love, Nancy