Friday, March 10, 2017


Had a good walk with Haiti on Thursday before going to the doctor with dad.  She loves going to the park and runs around to the bottom of the field.  The park was empty so no doggie friends to say hello to.  Had a good visit with Kim when she picked up Haiti.

Dad was telling her about all the stress and sacrifice he went to to buy property on top on the little mountain  just before Cultus lake.  He had a dream we would all live there on the 5 acre property.  He even had a road put in.  I did not want to lie there as it would have been very lonely for me.  I can remember how lonely I felt when we first moved to the coast away from family and friends.  The church rescued me bringing good friends into my life!

The doctor's office was crowded with lots of older folks and lots of bad coughs.  I was thankful I had a book to read as dad's doctor was running behind schedule.  I caught a glimpse of my doctor, Dr. Nolte, and he had a mask on and I heard the nurse saying to see him you had to wear a mask.  Some of the staff were also away sick.

Will not go visiting today as I have a cough and think it better to rest up and get better.

Both Zacchaeus and Baremous had crowds that separated them from Jesus but because of heir determination and desire they succeeded.  One needed healing for blindness and the other needed forgiveness and a new direction.

Our lives can be crowded with many simple tasks so it takes an effort to spend time reading scripture or praying.

Our daily lives can be so busy the spiritual can be  forgotten or neglected or just ignored.

Dad and I are going to the store which may or may not be crowded.

To-morrow is turning out to be a crowded day.  Dad plans to meet Hamlet about 10 in Vancouver and then I believe drive him to the airport.  We were to attend a party for Tavia and Shawn's baby Oliver
who is turning one.  We were looking forward to seeing all the family but with our coughing it probably would not be a good thing to do.  I do not like to be around people who are coughing.  I have some cough medicine now and dad has a new inhaler so I am hoping to get a better night's rest.

Rick will be coming over after he visits Leah and Craig and Ophelia and Carol has invited us over there to join the others who are getting their pictures taken.  I have informed Sandra of our plans and she is invited to join us when she can.  Hopefully we can keep in touch by phone!

"Hope is like a road where there was no road but as many people walk on the same path a road is created"  -Lin Yutang.


Sandra said...

Sounds like your day is pretty full so maybe I will try for Sunday. We will be painting hopefully.


nancy-Lou said...

How nice Kim brought Haiti over for a visit and a walk. Dogs are such good companions. Where will they live once the house is sold?

That is good news that Larry passed the eye test. One wants to keep their driving licence as long as they can. But not good to have a waiting room with people sick....coughing etc. The same thing happened to Bob and I while we were waiting for me to have the surgery on my nose. The surgeon was running an hour late so we had a long wait in a waiting room with some sick and coughing people. I was wishing they had masks available for those who were not sick..because the sick ones didn't seem to care.

The surgeon is pretty sure it is basal cell cancer....which so many of us older folks have now. The area is large now, because the first doctor didn't do the biopsy Imwill need a second surgery with a skin graft after the biopsy report comes in. Too bad, but that is life, right?
I have four stitches and it looks I will not be going too far. He plastic surgeon looked like a Greek God....and was very good at what he did. He introduced himself to me as Christian....and shook my hand...most doctors don't want to touch you these days. So I am confident in his abilities.

I see it still is hot down under, but fall must be coming soon because spring is supposed to be here soon, although one wouldn't know that here, with overnight lows of -25 and highs of -16.

I hope and and Larry don't catch that bad bug. I read where you were sure and rest and drink lots of water or fluids.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy