Monday, March 27, 2017


It was raining so hard I had to take an umbrella to take out the garbage.  A daily chore.

Dad had a bad coughing fit in the night and I am hoping and praying this will be the last one.
Dad is becoming braver and I am becoming calmer.

There are many ways of looking at life.  One is being in the moment which is good when you are eating bread and honey and enjoying every bite.  The other is to anticipate the future.

I like the fable about the young man condemned by the King to die.  Just give me a year he pleaded and I will show you a horse with wings that can fly.  We all know things can change with time and certainly a year from now all will be better.

This reminds me of the story about knowing.

How do I know the sweetness of honey except by tasting. Scientific reports do not explain it.
Not even a friends words or an advertisement on T.V.  We need to taste it for ourselves.

How do I know the amazing love of God?

There is a moment when awe strikes my heart  and I know there is another reality to be experienced beyond belief. A moment of knowing!

I hope it does not continue all day.
Dad and I planned to go to the library but see how he is feeling.

Sunday there was no Sunday gathering although Sandra asked to come and see her kitchen or was it the kitten.

It was good to talk to Carol and Jane and Sandra on the phone.
Jane had enjoyed a piano recital on the T.V.

"Knowledge of what you love somehow comes to you,you do not have to read or analyze nor study.
If you love a thing enough, knowledge of it seeps into your soul, with particulars more real that any chart can furnish."
-Jessamyn West


nancy-Lou said...

A downpour...that is what we need here now. It would wash away all the left over salt on the highways that seeps into the car and bothers my eyes. Also wash away winters dirt on the streets of Winnipeg. We still have some snow here...about half and half now, but I believe Winnipeg is pretty much snow free.
We have the "big freezer" that surrounds us and keeps us cooler than most other parts of Southern Manitoba at this time of year...but the sun feels so strong and warm.

So sorry to hear that Larry is still having coughing fits in the night.They sure can be scary...really scary when you struggle to get your breath. I am surprised they didn't put him on the inhalation therapy at the hospital. I do hope you feel better soon, Larry.

It is good to hear that Jane is OK. I miss reading her comments on your blog.

I am off to take the dogs for a walk and then drive to the store.

Have a great day
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad's asthma is better.

There are no room in the hospital
and he has not gone back to the hospital.

He now has larengitis.

We did enjoy a lunch at the White Spot.The waitress
know us and are always happy to see us.

Jane's spirits are low but that is understandable.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

When you speak to Jane please tell her I was asking about her.
I know it must be a tremendous burden to have to be a caretaker to someone with Alzheimers. Especially when it is in the later stages. It must be very difficult for her to deal with the daily things.
I remember my friends, Barb and Graham....his Alzheimers was getting pretty bad and he started shouting and thrashing around when she was driving.
She stopped the car, to deal with things and he got out and wouldn't get in again and they were in the middle of no where. She had to call the RCMP to come and deal with him. She felt so helpless...that was just one of many times he was very difficult.
There is a lot of guilt too, by the caregiver for the times they are just not able to handle it. She needs a lot of respite time and good friends to keep her cheered up.

I am glad you two got out of the house for lunch. We love the White Spot. There aren't any in Manitoba unfortunately.

Poor Larry, no voice...well you can say what you want now, Beth and he won't be able to reply! Just teasing!

Sandra said...

It was not raining when I got got home last night so Randy and I quickly moved the couches back into the family room.

That was for last Sunday I had asked you over, and it was to see the kitchen. I do not imagine you want to be going upstairs just to see a cat. She is a nice cat, but does not do any tricks or sing or dance. Just lays around and eats.

Peanut is still not eating well. I changed her food hoping that would help but nope. She has finished her medication so I guess it will be back to the vet again.


beth bennett said...
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beth bennett said...

I do visit people and even cats who do not sing or dance!