Tuesday, March 21, 2017


It is hard to remember when it was sunny last.

We all need our sleep especially as we get older and that is when it seems to me harder to fall asleep or if I do I walk up too early.

Our bodies suffer we we do not get enough sleep.  I know that there are people in the world in the most terrible of conditions and I feel sad about that too,

Losing your health is something that happens to us all normal people.but then there are people who live to be 90 or 100 and have never been sick.

Dad is still extremely bad suffering with coughing and no breath.  He is now adjusting by staying up later watching T.V.; which I tried to do but it exhausts me.  He then comes up and sits in the big chair for a few more hours.  Early in the morning his coughing starts and his breathing is difficult.  He is learning to cope better and kept calm.

I feel like I have a mountain of house work to do because I do not want it being dusty.

If I am upstairs what I need is down stairs but if I am downstairs it is upstairs.  No matter how many pair of glasses I have I can never find any. They are usually too dirty to see out of anyway.

 Neither dad or I like any of my cooking so we ate out again yesterday.  Dad was not that happy with his fish and chips.  Very unusual.

What ever problems we are going through they have the potential yo make us stronger even though it is hard.  I am irritable and I admit it.  Facing the day with renewed courage and strength that comes from my faith that God is with me and things will get better.

Hang in there!  You can do!  So can !!

"Prayer is not an old woman's amusement.
Properly understood and applied,
it is the most potent instrument of action/1
=Mahatma Gandi


nancy-Lou said...

ahhh Beth...being sick is so demoralizing. No wonder you are feeling overwhelmed with things and times it by 2 and you have double problems. I sure do hear what you are saying and climbing up and down stairs is difficult when you are feeling weak. I pray you both will be filled with a healing light and feel better very soon.
It sure is scary not to be able to breath...I remember that happening when i was in the hospital and it was so bad at night. One of the night nurses would make me hot tea and give me the mask treatment to open up my airways and she would sit with me. She was such a good nurse. Very caring.
I am wondering if the mask treatment with the inhalation therapy is what Larry needs? They fill it with bronchial dialators and other meds that really open up the airways. Once I was released and back home I had to travel three times a day to get the mask treatments.
It is something to ask the doctor about. I cannot remember the actual name of the mask treatments, but he will know.

Our house is a tri level and I find that I am always on the stairs..up an down and down and up.

Isn't Sandra and Randy's house looking good? It is all coming together now. I bet they will be so glad to have their house all done and use the kitchen once again.

I hope whatever problems Ken is having, they are small and become resolved soon. Life is always a challenge it seems...you just get over the hump with one problem and another one comes along.

Is it lavender that blooms earlyin Vancouver? The beautiful pink and purple spikes of flowers? I remember having it in the garden at the house we rented at Qualicum Beach. It is so pretty out there at this time of year. I do miss it.

Well it will be some time before we are able to garden, but I have some things growing in the house...geraniums Ibrought in last fall, some parsely and basil that I planted from seeds and some begonia tubers that I saved from last fall too. I have some gladiola corms too, that were saved. it is too early to plant them...but in another month I will. So I am dreaming of gardening.

I do hope you feel better, Beth and Larry and please go to the emerg and request the mask treatment if either one of you are having troubles breathing and coughing. I am surprised the doctor didn't do that for Larry and his asthma.

We are following the Women's World curling again today...but the times are the opposite of us. We usually just watch the replays on TSN.

Have a much better night's sleep tonight,

Love to you both...and healing prayers,

Steady-as-rain said...

That is very alarming that Dad's coughing is so bad that he can't lie down and sleep properly. I would be very miserable indeed if that was happening to me. The inhalers aren't helping much? Might well be time to go into the hospital for Dad (and maybe you too, Mom, if you are coughing as well).

For Nancy - I work for a federal government agency that is called a Commission. Just day to day dull paper-shuffling. Nothing to do with Royal Commissions or anything interesting like that.

Hope you all are feeling better soon!



Sandra said...

Well, hopefully this passes soon and dad is out riding his bike again. Though it sounds like we are in for a stretch of wet dull days. When we do get a brief glimpse of the sun it is warm enough on our back patio that I can have the door open for a bit to get some fresh air in the house. Randy was saying that when the guy doing the cabinets runs his sander or something it makes enough smoke for our smoke alarm to go off. We told them they could do all their cutting and what not in the family room instead of having to set up a tent in the driveway and be going in and out of the house all day.

I think it is hyacinth's you are thinking of Nancy-Lou that come up early. I love the look of them but the smell is so strong I can not have them in my garden close to a door as my sinuses plug up instantly.


beth bennett said...

So good you are answering each other
especially when I do not know the answers.
I can always guess.
Another night when dad could not lie down until
about 3 or 4.
He takes his last pill today and we will see.
He likes watching the curling which is good.
I go to bed.
Hope your time away goes well Rick.
Somebody has to do the facts and figures
Love mom.