Thursday, March 30, 2017

SUNSHINE march 30

I am very thankful to see the morning sunshine although like the flowers my eyes are a bit droopy this morning.  Another bad night for dad.  Why does the coughing start when sleep is needed.  I know that it is going to take a long time for this bug to give up and leave so we have to keep fighting it.

I will go for a walk but first waiting for my hip pain to ease.  Not knowing what it is always makes it worse because I can always think it is the worst possible scenario.  Thankful that the spell checker knew how to spell that because I sure did not.

No plans for today but to take good care of ourselves.  For many years we have been caring for others but now it is our responsibility to get a little exercise and eat right and rest when needed.

To laugh at myself when I act like a silly old fool.

Yes even at the end of or journey there is the promise of happiness.

I believe that in our suffering Jesus comes even closer and becomes real as the breath I am breathing.

So I pray breath on me O Breath of God!


Sandra said...

Is dad doing his inhaler before bed every night? Cold air is bad for him, maybe keep the heat on all night.

We had supper, sort of last night. Still just used our little hot plate though, not the oven. It is a bit hard to be ambitious with out counter tops yet. No where to mix and make a mess.

Peanut had a bad night, I hope her medications start working soon.


nancy-Lou said...

Beth. maybe the hip pain is from arthritis of the hip? Have you had an x-ray? My hip started bothering me and it is arthritis. it really bothers me at night and I cannot lay on that side. The pain goes down to my toes and they are swollen and sore too.

Have you thought of getting a scooter to take you for walks? I am sorry to hear that walking is becoming more difficult for you and sorry too, to hear that Larry is worried about you. I know you like to get out in nature and scooters are a way of life out here in the cottage area for the senior folks,..where they cannot drive in the summer months.

So sorry to hear that Peanut is not doing well, Sandra. I am sure you always give the best of care for your pets....and shouldn't worry about that. I do hope he eats and feels better soon. Not sure if Peanut is a he or she! What a worry it is....when our pets are sick.

I am just going to take my dogs for a walk. it is a beautiful day here...for us anyway...10 degrees and sunny.

The rabbit is in the habit of coming to eat under the bird feeder each day now. he is turning grey brown really quickly...and it is a good thing because most of the snow has disappeared. There is a spot near our house where the caragana bushes have been bent over to the ground and he is sleeping in there right is his "briar patch". He must feel safe from predators ini there. He needs to be careful as there is a large fox who runs the trails...I have seen him a few times...he has a lovely brush...and is quite red.
I put out the vegetable scraps for the rabbit.

I am sorry to hear that Larry is having bad nights of coughing....really think the doctors should have given him the inhalation treatment of steroids etc at the an outpatient. You go three times a day and believe me it works well.

The Red River has an ice jam near Selkirk, which is about 80 kms south of us. There is flooding and the bridge into Selkirk is closed. there is another bridge, but it is a bit of a detour. The ice is right over the deck of the bridge.

Well we are off on our walk...have a good day and I will keep Sandra and Peanut in my prayers....get well Peanut!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No I do not think dad is using it before bed.
Husbands can be a worry.

I will get any x-ray when I see my own doctor. I wonder if I should do that before
treatment. I have excercises to do. It is bad when I get up at night and in the morning and in the evening.

I had a short walk today and dad had a short bike ride.

I went to the store and did a small area in the garden.

The day goes by fast.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I do think you should see your doctor and ask about arthritis and an x-ray before you do any treatment. One has to be pro-active today when dealing with doctors and medical tests etc.

Doing the wrong exercises could do more harm than good. He can order a physio therapist to help you with your hip once he knows what it is. Seek treatment Beth and don't just puts up our blood pressure and makes us worry more.

love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Poor peanut, such a sweet doggy.