Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Calm and Beautiful




We celebrated our anniversary at Queen Elizabeth Park. It was a world full of magical beauty!
Flowers of all colors everywhere surrounding an amazing varity of trees and rocks and waterfalls; so vibrant and alive! The view of the city was awesome and we were impressed again at this beautiful world that was the gift of the Creator to bring joy into our lives.

Our waiter was from Russia and we had an informative talk with him. There were people of all ages, a young couple with a dog let him wade in the pool. A small child about three was chasing after his little brother, two, who was running off ahead of their mother. He caught him and held on to him. Their were elderly people enjoying lunch and a perfect day.

Meanwhile the stock market was failing and many people are suffering and worrying. What will happen next? We know it will affects us all. We who have been so fortunate may have to change our lifestyles.

We enjoyed being away from all the talk of greed and confusion and for a few hours feel inspired and hopeful. The sign on the way home read "Prayer is the bridge from panic to peace."

We do need to pray for our leaders and for our country.

Monday, September 29, 2008



I love the early morning when it is quiet and the world awakens slowly around me. Slowly the light brightens the new day and stirs within the spirit of thankfulness.

Yesterday we had a great time at Sandra and Randy's for a Salmon barbecue. Carol and Kim and Michael John and Mary and Ben and Morgan. Morgan stole the show sitting on the potty seat in the living room so happy and excited about the diaper fairy that has taken her diaper's away and she is now growing up.

Ben enjoyed soccer with Michael and gave him a big run around the back yard.

Morgan danced to an East Indiam exercise video and she was so cute.

Yes, we discussed Christmas and giving to a local charity although I still like the idea of giving chickens or goats or books to those who have so little and struggle every day to feed their children and educate them

Yes today is our anniversary I think we will be entering our 53 year. I remember how hard all our family worked to put on the 50 anniversary tea. We still have the words that Theresa printed out for us; so probably a good time to reread them. I pray that our love for each other will become stronger as our bodies become weaker. Lord, give us strength and wisdom.

My back and neck are still painful, although I have days when it appears to be going. This will limit our plans for today but I am sure well make up for it when we are both feeling better.

I am beginning a spiritual quest to understand what Jesus was really telling us. His life and his words show us the strength of compassion and gentleness that is more powerful than riches and fame.

Jesus died to transform the ugliness of sin into the beauty of redemption.

I find myself feeling lost and out of touch with the world that looks for happiness in other ways. I have no wild stories to tell except the joy of my spiritual faith.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Christopher Higgins, an author of "God is Not Great" argues that we should be acting out of mutual interest and sympathy towards one another because we choose to; not because we fear punishment or selfish reward. And we do not need God to make us moral people.

I know that going to church does not make you a better person unless you are willing to see that your life needs changing. I believe; that when people come together to question and search for answers to the daily problems we all face, we can find in faith a new life that teaches forgiveness and grace that heals and restores our hope.

Christianity reveals God as a creating spirit of love and that love was best expressed in the love of Jesus. If we could learn to serve one another as Jesus did and speak out against abuse and power that corrupts; we would help make this world a better place.

I am still searching for answers and have found that meeting with others discussing the Bible and learning and praying together has enriched my life in many ways. I have made great friends and I have met people I admire who inspire me and have touched my heart.

I have also experienced hurt and disappointment that I have had to grow from and through.

Jesus has been the greatest inspiration that keeps me searching and listening because I believe his spirit still speaks to our inner soul daily. The Holy Spirit annoints each one of us with the amazing love of Jesus that fills the emptiness within.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I spent all morning waiting to get into see the doctor in the clinic; but was not surprised to hear that the nail showed a fungus infection. I am so thankful for Larry [dad] who made me go to Kay Kennedy and for her wisdom. Now, this doctor does not think it is the root of my pain but I will be taking the meds. and the proof will be in the pudding, or something like that.

Dad had a visit with the dentist in town and all went well. Very friendly bunch of guys.

Tomorrow is back and hip x-ray and then off to Chilliwack to see our favorite scoccer player Ben. Carol is picking us up.

Dad has ordered me to rest now as I am having pain so being the obedient wife I am I will now rest.

I feel very hopeful which is good because I was thinking I was a little crazy having pain when there seemed to be no reason. Life is good!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Linda and Chris were asking who was the latest baby picture. That cute little guy is Matthew, Melina and Ken's baby. We are missing comments from down-under but I know they are busy. The picture of me in the hat was taken by Theresa when she came to visit with Ben and Morgan last Friday.

Yes Rick, Kim is back from tree planting! Kim is coming over every Tues. night because she has a pottery class in Surrey. We get a nice visit with her in the morning.

Larry and I took the clothes to Oak Ave. United to be given to the children. Lots of moms and tots there. Had a visit with my friends at the Food bank and I may start back. I am doing my visiting at the Nursing Home and Colebrook Bible study has started and our home group is also meeting here again. Our non-religious religious book club went all summer meeting casually.

Larry has his good days but other days are a challenge. Yes, we know we are getting older.
The stairs seem to be harder for both of us to climb at night!

Heard about a new web site http://www.cancerfungus.com/ which we are checking out. I am still having some neck and back pain which tells me to slow down because rest does help.

I can't say I miss the Late Night Life because I have never been too good at that.

The world situation seems to be getting pretty bad so we may all be having to change our life-styles. But we all take it a day at a time and our thankful for all that we have.

Good news! Carol and Panteli have fineshed painting their house! Michael Jonh and Mary are planning Thanksgiving dinner. Sandra keeps adding things to her suitcase even though she wants to travel light. Maybe Rick could help her.

No news from Stephen, Shawna, Oliver, Leah and Bobby and Cameron. But I am not getting much news from face book now that it has changed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Larry was struggling to get out his hockey bag from the crawl space and he came across the photo album of his Aunt Edna. Included where pictures of his Uncle Clillford and Uncle Wilfred who both dies in the war. Clillford's plane went missing over Newfoundland and Willford died of injuries.

What a great sadness for the rest of the family, especially the younger brother Walter, Edna and his mother.

We all have great dreams for our children even when they are tiny. We hope they will have better lives and longer lives than we do. My dream is that my faith will be planted in their hearts and bring joy to them as it has done for me.

Rick dreams of making things better for the native community who he is working for.

Carol dreams of new adventures maybe in other countries.

Sandra dreams of her lap full of grandchildren.

Ken dreams of a home for him and Melina.

The grandchildren all have their dreams and grandpa and I love to hear about them all!


Monday, September 22, 2008



Just when I thought I could use face-book to keep in touch with some of you guys then they change it. I am not happy. I do not like this change. I do not know where I am or where anyone else is.

A famous person once said:
"Growth means change
and change involves risk,
stepping from the known to the unknown."
-the Author Unknown.

I have struggles with a lot of changes in my life as I try to fit into a world that is changing.
I always have the choice to stay where I am or to move forward. Not always easy.
I have always said life is not fair; now I add to that change is difficult.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sandra dropped in to see us and ask us this question. "What are your plans?"

"Well, today I said I am going to the walk in clinic to wait patiently to renew our perscriptiom for the stomack pills that both dad and I take.

Then Theresa is coming with Ben and Morgan for a visit .

No your future plans?

I have decided to become more involved with the United Church women not as a baker but sharing my journey of faith.

I will continue to visit in the nursing home.

I will help take and give clothing away at the free store at Oak Ave. United.

I will attend my Bible studies and have meetings in our home.

We will continue to attend the Panorama Community Church.

I will walk each day and try to take more afternoon naps.

I will enjoy family and friends.
I will not be giving Christmas gifts because our family is so big and so far apart.

If I do not feel like cookimg we will eat out!

I will do what I can to keep healthy even if it means going to the doctor.

I will pray for you all especially as you come to mind or I have a dream about you.
I will be thankful for God's presence in my life and the love that my family surrounds me with!
"no, I mean your looong term plans"

If anything happened to dad I would not want to live in the house. I do not know where I would move but not in with family. Depending on my health I would like to be where there are activities
and good meals, near family and friends.

Eat drink and
be merry and be thankfull

Thursday, September 18, 2008


As a child I was very serious in contrast to my wild and crazy brother. He would talk and argue with my parents and often got in trouble.

I was more of a dreamer who loved to read. I read all the animal stories in the library becasue I would dream of having a dog. My dad did not like dogs at all and even had a fear of them. My mom was preety serious and very much a lady. Her life was keeping my father happy and all of us well cared for. She was a good mother and only got annoyed when I lost my mitts frequently.
I would be sent out to look for them.

On the way to the library I passed a Catholic Convent and I would dream of being a nun because they looked so beautiful and peaceful. I guess it is good that I didn't because I would have missed out on being a mom. I was a good mother but maybe I was too serious so it is good that Larry could make us laugh and was interested in lots of different things. Certainly more adventure- some than I.

Have you noticed Larry's great big smile? He is getting all his teeth fixed. I will take a picture!

We are very proud of all our children and I see in them some of the traits I wish I had had.
Rick, Carol, Sandra, Kenny all so different and we love them all.

Now the grand children and great grand children bring new joy into our lives. We are proud of Kim and Mary and Leah continuing their studies and we so enjoy spending time with them and hearing their opinions. The world is different and our eyes are being openned to some of the changes.

Theresa has been so good at planning family get togethers. She has fun with her children Morgan and Ben. We are a big group when we get together and I throughly enjoyed it when they were planning their camping trips. Camping is something I do not find fun. We are happy when Tasha is able to join us with her son Justice. Ben and Morgan like it when they can play together.

Chris has been working hard and has found a girlfriend Linda who is very open with us and likes to have fun.

Stephen and Shawna have settled down in their own home while Shawna finishes her nursing course. They are a very special couple and add to each other's personalities. As he is growing older we are seeing a different very likeable side of Cameron-ha,ha! Maybe this year he will find some one special to share his life.

Would I have been different if I had not had such poor health?

We are so happy that Ken has found Melina and they have added Matthew to their families.
Ken was always full of jokes and made us laugh.

We are looking forward to seeing Brittany this fall when she comes to Canada. We so enjoyed having Tyler and Hobeyand Ken visit us last year. Fortunately Oliver was able to help Tyler find a good place to ski and helped him fit in. Oliver is looking forward to starting his course with the Coast Guard.

We miss our family that have gone so far away, but love is sent to them prayerfully everyday.

I did not mean to write names in here because I may say the wrong thing and miss someone.

No I did not forget the three Mikes, they are all hardworking and loveable and have enriched our lives in many ways. We see less of Mikie and Mike because they live in Chilliwack.

We have grown to love and appreciate Ranu who lives in Trinidad. She has been very thoughtful and caring. We hope to get to know Lucas better one day as he was so young when he came for a visit.

Bobby will be joining Leah here in Burnaby. Now there is some one full of energy!

We are pleased that Randy is a part of our family and we know thar Sandra can be a challenge.

Carol and Panteli have had a big job painting their house after struggling to decide what color to paint it. What a great idea of Carol's to make it fun by inviting us over to paint and to party.
So we have a wonderful variety of personalities.

Hopefully I am learning to laugh more and enoy them all. Hey, you guys I sure do love you!


I know that an any age we can feel old and stupid.

Last week it was daily. I missed lunch with my friends in White Rock because I couldn't find the house. I left the map at home [I hate maps they just confuse me and make me feel dumber.] I was late starting and it had been a tiring morning seeing three doctors at the cancer clinic with Larry. I seem to need the afternoon nap.

Thankfully I have understanding friends and family.

I was also thinking this blog is stupid but if I am having fun why not?

I know there are amazing people in their 80's and 90's so I guess there is hope for us all if we live long enough.

Believe it or not the first time I did this the computer rejected it and it disappeared.
But no computer is going to get the best of me I am not that dumb! Or am I?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I met two amazing ladies yesterday at the 100 year old church in Hazelmere. They were retired after busy lives and are now putting their energy into building up this church. There was no money to keep it going so together they are putting on church dinners, bake sales and music concerts and life is returning to this ancient building.

They are such fun to be with and so proud of their old United Church.

They even raffle tickets on a quilt behind their minister's back. This is considered gambling in the United Church and was one of the old no no's; along with serving alcolhol.

I am now involved in the United Church Women's group and they have asked me to do the devotional at the fall rally. I will be sharing my work as a volunteer visiter.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We bought a new phone that is suppose to help you hear but we cannot hear it ring
It lights up with a bright red light. Maybe we need to read the instructions but that is against every bone in our body.

Larry did well reading the scripture and even invented new pronunciations. Nobody even noticed.

We found a big black spider resting on the floor. Larry captured it [I was tempted to end its life] and put it outside but it immediately raced him back to the door.

The lady at church who had won "The Courage to Come Back Aware" even being crippled with polio and experiencing major set backs of losing her job, losing her home and husband and the two boys they adoped had aalcohol sydrone, stressed the need to let go of want we can't control, find humor in the little things and express appreciation of others in your life.

She never knew the lives she had touched until she won this award.

We bought two pies yesterday! That is the funnist thing. Be prepared dad taught us!

Sunday was a different day for me growing up because it was so quiet with all the stores closed etc.

Now I wonder if God appreciates that I put aside my mystery on Sundays and read only "good"
books. God probably thinks that's pretty funny but other than going to church it can be an ordinary day.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


"The soul is healed by being with children." -Fyodor Dostoeysky

"Muslims believe that we are all born muslims in the sense of "submitters"

"Our birth is compelely out of our control, we are brought into existence by God, who breathes the spirit of life into us. and that divine act puts us in a position of submission whether we realize it or not." - John Kaltner Teacher of religous studies.

"We routinely disqualify testimony that would plead for extenuation. That is, we are so persuaded of the rightness of our judgment as to invalidate evidence that does not confirm us in it.

"Nothing that deserves to be called truth could ever be arrived at by such means."
-Marilyn Robinson, The Death of Adam.

"No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty.
It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself"
-Jacques Ellul, Anarchy and Christianity

"Mack knew he needed some answers. He knew that he was stuck and Suday prayers and hymns weren't cutting it anymore, if they ever really had.
Cloistered spirituality seemed to change Nothing in the lives of people he knew."

-William Young The Shack

"Let's pray that the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere."
-C. S. Lewis

"Are we listening to you, it is as if this is the first time we have known about them [his family] and we take great delight in seeing them through your eyes" said God
- The Shack

"As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in Me, no matter how small"

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
and every common bush afire with God
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
the rest sit around it and pluck blackberries."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning


It was time for Mary to pick up grandpa and Michael John fron the sky train. They had joined a happy crowd, some with painted faces, to see the football game. Michael John's first.
It was an ezxciting game between B.C. and Saskatchewan. B.C. won!

She had heard a thump at the front door and as she openned it there was a family of racoons.
Mommy and daddy were eating cat crunchies and the two babies were busy wrestling.
She was a little afraid as I would be because of stories we have heard about mean racoons.
Uncle Rick had told us plenty; as he warned dad and I to not get too friendly.

Mary always a good sport did manage to jump in her car and complete her mission.

Meanwhile the racoons paid another visit to our fish pond. The little running water fall had stopped and the pond messed up.
we counted 6 this morning so we hope they are all there.
Our , Larry's idea of making a safe place under a little shelter, is working.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Did you ever leave a message on an answering machine and wish you hadn't?

Did you ever send an e-mail and wish you hadn't?

Or is it just me?

I said too much in my e-mail yesterday and I feel bad about that.
I can only hope that I will some day learn, the less said the better!


Last night we retired to bed knowing that many people were anxiously waiting for the storm, named Hurricane Ike, to hit the coast line.1 People in the area of Texas where asked to leave their homes and flee to s safer place.

People who lived in the high rise apartments were at risk as those in smaller homes. This hurricane has sparked warnings from Louisiana to Mexico. It has caused the deaths of 100 people.

We all face stormy emotions that battle within our souls. At times we can be extremely brave and smart with a positive attitude to life. But at other times we feel sad and discouraged.

In the paper Stwephen Harper is quoted as saying: "The most important thing about leading any organization, in my judgment, is that you put broader interests ahead of your emotions."

We are now facing the decision of who to vote for to create a better country. Who will keep their promises? Who sees what the real needs of all the people? We want a leader who will make great changes, restore our enviroment, bring our soldiers home, provide jobs and better health care and education. One person can not do that but can we find the right person to start us on the right road?

Friday, September 12, 2008


Changing the name and the routine of the visiters at Peace Arch Hospital. They are no longer called lay-chaplins but spiritual care visiters. The idea is not use to visit but to find out from nurses or the information given by the patient if they have any spiritual need.

They need to become aware of spiritual distress like: "why me", hopelessness, grieving, feeling abandonment by God or religion. Feeling guilty or deserving punishment.

We had been taught that a friendly visit was what most people wanted. Some who were more religous might ask for prayer or scripture. It was all very natural and we let people talk about whatever they wanted.

Now the health provider will be asking "Do you feel at peace with the changes in your life that have come because of your illness?"
"Pain is a hard thing to cope with. Has it been hard for you spiritually?"
"Would you like to speak to someone about your spiritual concerns?"

This includes those of all religions.

To me this is almost like a counceling session not a friendly visit where there is equal sharing of life with it's ups and downs.

"Spirituality is the force that awkens us:
to wonder
to community
to trust
to hope
to healing."

"Spirituality informs us about
Our identity. . . who am I
Our place. . . where do I belong
Our purpose. . . why am I here
Our values. . . how do I live well."

"Spirituality inspires us
to be creative
to build healthy relationships
to cope with change and loss courageously
to invest in the good for all."

These are the new guidelines.
These are big changes that I would think require more education.

I will have to think back to when I was told I had cancer and think about those questions?
I would not be able to answer right away without some thought.

What do you think about someone asking you these questions?
Would you answer differently if you had a life threatning illness?
Why do children seem to cope so amazingly well just from some inner strength?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sandra phoned from work to see if we would be by her house and could check to see if her iron was unplugged.

Well I can relate to that sinking feeling, usually that I had when we would leave on a trip . As soon as we pulled out of the driveway I would ask dad, " did I leave something plugged in?" especially the iron. Dad threatened to unplug the iron and pull it out as soon as I started panicking. I always had that feeling because you just cannot remember what you do automatically.

So we "the awesome twosome" jumped into the car to check out if Sandra had left her iron [curling iron] on. It is fun to be able to do little things for our family!


Larry has an appointment at the skin cancer clinic to have his lip treatment decided. We are hoping for the best and easiest. The date is to-morrow, Sept 12.

It has been interesting after having our days programmed for several months we were used to not having any choices. Now we have to make an effort to get back into things. We are both back to doing our visiting, which no matter how we feel when we leave home to go we are always so happy we went.

Last week I met a lady 100 years old and she said she didn't know why she was living.
After a delightful visit with her, in a wheel-chair, nearly blind, and deaf, I knew why she was still here. She told amazing stories and even jokes.

When we share ourselves with others we all benefit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Grama Gets a great big hug!!
We are so thankful for the healing love of prayers that have carried us through.

Larry has fineshed radiation and his tests look good and he has a three month break;
before he will be tested again.
Now his job is to work at getting his strength back.

Leah, our grand daughter will be returning to her nurse care aid training and will be given credit
for all she has put into it. Leah starts back next week. Bobby is hopeful of getting more work
now that they are living in the lower mainland.

Stephen is re-covering from a strange illness and waiting test results. Shawna is completing her nursing course and Stephen and her are enjoying their new home.

Mary and Kim and Michael John are continuing their studies.

We had breakfast with Cameron yesterday as he came with his dad to move his grandmother's furniture. She will be living with her neice.

Melina and Ken are busy with baby Matthew who is responding and learning to smile.

Meanwhile Theresa is having a daily battle of will's with Morgan, who is two.

We continue to grow through our relationships with each other knowing that love surrounds us all. Our lives are woven together to help us see the unity all around us.

I am reading about Islam, where at the care of their belief they believe that all human beings are the same. We all have the ability to do good or not; as we continue to learn through difficult and testing times.

The Christian faith stresses we all bear the image of our Creator who enables us to love and care for one another. As I pray for others I am more aware of the healing presence of God in my own life.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I look back and I thought I was doing the right thing. I look back and think of things I would do differently. I regret the times that I have hurt or offened others. I know that I have had to be healed and set free from the pain that my own heart has experienced.

No matter how old we are we are still emotional people who need to feel loved and wanted.

I need wisdom to make the right choices in my life and I am thankful for the Good Book and lots of other wise books that help us to learn and grow.

I am thankful for other people who have helped me share my experiences both the joy and the sadness.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Fun was had by all - especially Randy
It was one of those days that you are never quite sure how they will turn out, Misty and cool in the morning but warm weather had been promised.

The pan was to travellto Tssawassen to help Carol and Panteli paint their house and then celebrate the four birthdays of Auntie Sandy, cousins Theresa, Tasha and Leah. Tasha was not able to come and we did miss her and Justice. Auntie Susan was also invited with Keith.

My morning started badly as my crown tooth came out and left this aweful gaping hole in the front of my mouth. I should have been getting my snacks ready but instead Larry drove me around to find a dentist. Just starting to feel better with the pain in my back and neck I felt exhausted and sad.

But the day improved Leah arrived first and was a great help painting. Carol was already busy going up and down the ladder, Panteli was organizing. Larry and I did our bit and everyone laughed when I started painting the wrong colour by the front door. The two colours were very much the same and it made it easier to paint over.

More help arrived with Randy and Sandra, the experts, Michael John the beginner and Mary the studier. We were so pleased to hear that Leah is back to school on Sept. 20 and will receive all her credits. And she did not need to pay more.

Chris arrived in a very smart new shirt with Belinda, they came to party not paint but we were happy to see them. Theresa arrived last completely exhausted with taking Ben to soccer and running after Morgan who wanted to play. She is also fighting her afternoon naps as well as making messes all over the house with anything she can dump out.

Tasha and Justice were missing as well as Kim as they had to work.

I was disappointed when Leah, Chris and Belinda left early to have supper with their mom. Carol had worked so hard making a great supper and a beautiful cake.

When we left Carol and Ben made a beautiful picture riding their two wheeler bikes around the street. Carol and Panteli really appreciated all our help.

What great lesson in life did I learn; to be happy even if things do not always work out; and to except small disappointments. Grandpa and I are also feeling our age and we do get too tired to do what we would like to do.

Mary and Michael John are full of wedding plans for Nov. 20, 2010. Theresa reminded them that marriage was more than a wedding and they should discuss important issues. Dr. Phil's advice. All I can say is expect lots of bumps along the way where you will be disappointed and maybe even angry.

Forgiveness is the key that is more important than communication even. No one knows exactly how you feel or how some thing can be very painful, because it is important to you.

The beautiful thing about growing old together is that you have let the good memories heal the sad times and you are more aware of each other's pain. Larry and I often are thinking about the same thing at the same time.

All together we had lots of great laughs and fun exchanging presents. Mary also modeled the East Indian clothes we had bought for Theresa's book club East Indian theme. She actually talked to the author on face-book.

I am very proud of all my grandchildren and great grandchildren and thankful that we can have so much fun together! Sorry the spell-checker does not want to work.

Spiritually they all seem to be searching and I can see now more and more that religion is a difficult reality to grasp and that more and more faults are coming to light.

Like a misty day that turns out beautiful when we allow religion to become a sacred mystery that colours our lives with inner joy, we gradually see a light. For me the light that radiates from Jesus Christ is what shines into my heart!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I am doing much better. I am exercising everytime I go up and down the stairs. I took a pain pill and I got very ill, so that was for the best I am sure. Larry and I have more pills we cann't take than we can. You hand them into the druggist.

anyway the funny part is that the pyhisio therapist said I had a fungus infection in my neck. Now I have a discoloured nail from getting it caught months ago in the car window. So, I phone my doctor and he is booked up and all the walk in clinics are full.

I take two trips over to the nearest clinic; Theresa insisted, and the doctor looked at me as though I was crazy. I said will its on the inter-net. You can do a blood test. Now, he really thought me crazy. Anyway he gave me a little sample container and said cut off a piece and take it to the lab across the street. I run across in the middle of Scott Road because I am getting late to go visiting.

The lady at the lab was very nice but she had nothing to cut my nail with. A nice young girl suggested I go to the nail clinic next door. The first girl did not speak English and she looked extremely puzzled. Another girl came and the operation was completed and the nail is now in the lab.

I ended the day with a delightful lady of 100. She does not not why she is here but she sure cheered me up with her stories and her sense of hunour.

The spell checker says no errors so I wonder if it is really working.

Now a days we have phones and answering machines and e-mail and I still cannot get hold of people. It is very important for our family to keep in touch because the plans ALWAYS change. Our birthday bash is at Carol's and those who want can come early and help her paint, that is if they have been able to pick out the colours.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


We all need to be inspired. Passionate people who speak with words of wisdom touch something deep inside our souls. We want to believe! We want to believe that change is possible and that the words of both Barack Obama and Sarah Palin will bring new life if they are truly committed to act out their belief. Are they really speaking for those in their country who have no voice and are they qualified to govern?

We are also here in Canada facing decisions about our government Meanwhile another three young men have died in Afghanistan. Will what they are doing save lives and create a better and freer world?

Who do we believe and why?

I am reading about "Cosmic Consciousness" which is described as the space less, timeless and infinite Spirit, which has creative powers. Those with a scientific outlook may like these words better than "God". It seems to me that both science and religion need to turn away from dogma
and communicate with each other and learn with a more open mind.

I only know that I have experienced a Presence that was beyond my comprehension that felt like an inner sensation of being alive and being loved.

My faith in the words of Jesus have inspired me and challenged me to grow and mature.

Someone asked for a copy of my talk at church and them commented after reading it, that is was probably the way that it was spoken not the words themselves. I guess our words do need passion!

"The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead!" Physicist Albert Einstein.

I love the fall that paints our world with brillant, breathtaking colours that remind me of the passion for beauty of our Creator!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This getting healthy is exhausting; but I was please to read in the paper joy in your life can add years to your longevity. [the spell checker says that is the right spelling but it looks funny.]
Going to bed with a bag of frozen peas did me the most good. And if I got too cold all I had to do is snuggle up to Larry. Lucky him!

The good book does say a merry heart is good medicine.

Carol has asked for some help painting their house after finally choosing a color. It is a paint and party birthday party. I helped Larry's mom paint her house and she was not too happy about it I found out years later.

Also picked up a magazine with "124 secrets to a Happier, Healthier Life". So it does not matter if your hair is not curly, but I wish it were; or your figure just right, and who is to say what is just right.

Larry is off to the dentist and I am so happy it is not me.

The travellers have all returned; Mary visited her dad in Edmonron, Sandra and Randy continue to help pick out furniture for Stephen and Shawna.

Rick is back but still being mysterious. With a family like mine there is always lots of fun!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Yes, I have a plan [Larry is laughing] as he remembers the night I had a plan to get out of the hospital. I was hooked up to a heart monitor, I. V. machine, a drain from my lung, and a catheter but I declared to him "I have a plan to get out of here in the morning." [It took two more days but I did it. I think along with my family I hear "God" laughing at my plans.

Today I have a short walk. and then go to the Massage place [Shara knows] and then in the afternoon I go to the physio again. I looked at the row of pills beside my bed, muscle relaxants, various pain pills, a mild sleeping pill and I think there has to be a better way to control pain.

I am trying to take as few pills as possible but pain does funny things to you.
Like if I just take one more that one will work.

I also plan to do Yoga and believe Larry is coming too; it will be good for both of us. I will practice other exercises and by next year I will be marching up Grouse Grind! Or maybe back re arranging furniture!

Shara, thanks for the note, we just love the pictures of Addison! She is adorable!

The final plan will be to go to Sandra and Randy's to give her her card and a East Indian dress to wear while she does her exercise. East India video work out. Maybe I will add that to swimming and yoga. There certainly will be no time for house work!

So far so good. Fineshed the walk only slight ache.
Said prayers; no pills so far!
Made the bed, took vitamins and had a shower!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Michael-John pepares his special pie, while Mary shows Grampa her wedding planer book
What a beautiful Engagement Ring - on a beautiful finger

The ring that symbolizes the hopes and dreams of Michael John and Mary Elizabeth to promise to be faithful to each other by loving and sharing their lives together.
They are learning all about each other and what is important in their lives.
We hope they will continue to be honest and open.
We hope they will value forgiveness as a great blessing.

My prayer is that their love will grow stronger for each other
and their faith in God be the light that shines upon their path.

Michael John already has a place in our hearts and our love for them both is a blessing that returns to bless the love that Larry and I share!


The message was given by the Youth Minister and so there were lots of young people there full of enthusiasm and the excitement of being young. This was interesting as I had just been thinking of how at times I feel old and forgetful ,but at other times I experience the joy of just having fun, and being who you are.

We enjoyed a delightful movie on Sat. called the Outscourcer about an American going to India to teach people there to sell American goods over the phone. He hated India with its smells and crowds of people and different food and customs. He tried to change his student workers into becoming more like him.

He started to make friends and realize his land-lady wanted so much to please him and yet teach him new ways. He begins to see doing things their way was the best way for them.

One of my best experiences going to church was having it at the park. We were not separated from the rest of the world by a building or an order of service. Children ran around and played, and we sat on the grass and relaxed. People were attracted to the happy music, and a group of people enjoying life.

Just like going away on a holiday where you feel different because you are free to wander around and see a different world. Jesus was inviting people into this world, to experience the joy of holiness. People come because they are curious and find something attractive.

Holidays end and so does every party and every movie which transports us into another time and place. There comes a time to hear what will give us strength, and the courage to return to our daily routine lives. We know now how important it is for children who have cancer to laugh and go to camp, and just be young at heart.

If life were just a party Jesus would not have had to face strong opposition and battle the forces of evil that torment the soul and causes violence and hatred. There came a time when he spoke words that challenged people to face their own struggles, knowing that his courage would be with them.

I know how poor health can rob you, as can poor self esteem, so that you can find yourself in a prison of not being able to change or see any future hope. People come to the end of themselves, reach bottom, (as we often put it) for many reasons. We all have expected life to be fair but it is terribly unfair. People face storms, like hurricanes, but also inner storms that others may not even be aware of.

As long as we are alive we will face problems and difficulties but if in the midst we feel loved we can find the strength to carry on. Not only to climb up our mountain but help others to climb their mountain.

I went up for prayer to this young man with so much love in his heart. He talked about a Spacious God who has room for us all, room for all our emotions, all our failures and defeats.
I asked for prayer for Leah, our hearts hurt for her and hope healing is coming; and we prayed for Stephen, who may have mono or organ damage. He is going through tests.

I talk to God a lot and feel reassured that I am being heard, just like I knew this young man heard my burdens and for that moment share them with me.

Jesus came to teach us and to help us understand the world we live in. He wanted our vision to become larger not narrower so that we could see into the soul of another with compassion and be willing to pray for each other. Prayer is asking how can I make this world a better, safer place not asking for our will but seeking His will.