Sunday, September 14, 2008


"The soul is healed by being with children." -Fyodor Dostoeysky

"Muslims believe that we are all born muslims in the sense of "submitters"

"Our birth is compelely out of our control, we are brought into existence by God, who breathes the spirit of life into us. and that divine act puts us in a position of submission whether we realize it or not." - John Kaltner Teacher of religous studies.

"We routinely disqualify testimony that would plead for extenuation. That is, we are so persuaded of the rightness of our judgment as to invalidate evidence that does not confirm us in it.

"Nothing that deserves to be called truth could ever be arrived at by such means."
-Marilyn Robinson, The Death of Adam.

"No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty.
It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself"
-Jacques Ellul, Anarchy and Christianity

"Mack knew he needed some answers. He knew that he was stuck and Suday prayers and hymns weren't cutting it anymore, if they ever really had.
Cloistered spirituality seemed to change Nothing in the lives of people he knew."

-William Young The Shack

"Let's pray that the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere."
-C. S. Lewis

"Are we listening to you, it is as if this is the first time we have known about them [his family] and we take great delight in seeing them through your eyes" said God
- The Shack

"As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in Me, no matter how small"

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
and every common bush afire with God
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
the rest sit around it and pluck blackberries."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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