Monday, September 15, 2008


We bought a new phone that is suppose to help you hear but we cannot hear it ring
It lights up with a bright red light. Maybe we need to read the instructions but that is against every bone in our body.

Larry did well reading the scripture and even invented new pronunciations. Nobody even noticed.

We found a big black spider resting on the floor. Larry captured it [I was tempted to end its life] and put it outside but it immediately raced him back to the door.

The lady at church who had won "The Courage to Come Back Aware" even being crippled with polio and experiencing major set backs of losing her job, losing her home and husband and the two boys they adoped had aalcohol sydrone, stressed the need to let go of want we can't control, find humor in the little things and express appreciation of others in your life.

She never knew the lives she had touched until she won this award.

We bought two pies yesterday! That is the funnist thing. Be prepared dad taught us!

Sunday was a different day for me growing up because it was so quiet with all the stores closed etc.

Now I wonder if God appreciates that I put aside my mystery on Sundays and read only "good"
books. God probably thinks that's pretty funny but other than going to church it can be an ordinary day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont know why buying pies is funny? And today is Wednesday and there is no new blog?