Thursday, May 31, 2018


We have now hired a gardener.  My first thought is I had better go do some work in the yard before he comes. I find out he does not want to go into the front garden as he thinks it is fine as lots of plants keep the weeds down.  He will clean up the side garden where the butter fly tree is so that is good.  We just do not seem to have the energy to do that.

I planned another quiet day. mostly reading and a little weeding.

Dad is putting a little on the door of our back shed but he had trouble doing it.

A new day to respond knowing that our life matters and it is good to stay curious and willing to keep on keeping on. 

"Open yourself to the new day of the Spirit."  -Scot McKnight

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


I was so excited I could barely breathe.
this was the best I could do to capture this amazing moment.
We were so proud of you and so happy to be a part of this your special day acknowledging your achievements,  Your optimistic outlook on life has been an inspiration to us and to your friends at school who you have been a great help to continually.

We were inspired just by seeing the fresh and eager faces that graduated with you.  I am reminded that the human spirit is truly resilient and hope is the answer that gives us the passion to keep learning and caring.
                          You can feel great about your accomplishments!  We feel great about your future!

This day has brought back many memories of special occasions in our family history!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


I was putting water in our front pond when a skunk looked up at me.  I immediately ran away one direction and he in another direction.

This is the little room where we had an appointment with the Stem Cell girls.

It is a strange place as you go into a big door advertising skin care.  Their offices are through a small door down a long hall way.  We were face to face and from the start they were concerned with the skin cancer on his face.  The assistant was asked to take a picture.

The message was much the same as what dad had read and heard over the phone.  A gig difference seeing the environment and the faces of the girls.  The whole set-up was revealing. The girls were very kind, trained to listen, and to be reassuring. They were very knowable and were impressed by
dad.s personality.

The big  problem is to not do any harm and make things worse.

We all want to feel younger and be free of pain.and I would love to have more energy.

When I look at my friends I see the love and beauty in their eyes and in their smiles as we meet face to face.

Prayer helps me to say "Yes" to life".

Prayer helps me to let go of stress and worry.

Today I go and visit Joan at the Home.  A face to face visit with her in her big arm chair feeling lonely and sad.  A visit cheers her up and I leave her with a smile on her face!

To-morrow we attend the graduation ceremony for Kim.  Another beautiful face!

Monday, May 28, 2018


Early morning drive into Vancouver for dad;s meeting with the Stem Cell Girls.  We sure have been on the go lately.  The morning drive was excellent but coming home at 4 was a mess.  New buildings are going up all over the city and that can only mean more traffic.

We drove around the block twice of the building to find parking only to find a spot right beside the door.  The receptionist was very friendly and all the girls were dressed smartly in black.  We had a short wait before going down a long hall-way to a small office with the head girl.  She was friendly and talked about the benefits but also honest about the danger stem-cells could have on any cancer in the body.

These stem cells traffic through the whole body and find places that need to be repaired.
The assistant came in to take a picture of dad;s face as the concern is for the recurring pre-cancer cells and also the prostate cancer.  Dad also has to have an x-ray of his knee that was injured olaying hockey,

The part we did not like was the promotion of new skin care products that seem to be a big part of the business.  Dad had hoped to see the doctor but first there has to be reports from his three doctors.
Dad drove around Stanley Park but we ended up at our favorite Sylvia hotel.  We loved watching the traffic across from our corner window.  There was lots of traffic.  Birds, bikes, families, cars and buses.
A beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze.  The traffic home was bad but it has been worse.  Dad did a good job but found getting in the right lane that had some movement was not easy.  Home at last!

Now we have to decide what route we should take for treatment.  Lots of questions to be answered first.  We do not want to make anything worse.

I have found in my life there has been a guiding sense of a spirit that has helped me to face road blocks and disappointments.

The gift of life is a wonderful gift that has given us so much to be thankful for!

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Our day began with our church service of the  Holy Spirit reminding us to embrace all of life.

We have been called to live in relationships that reveal that we are all vulnerable and we need one another.  Every experience of life has something to tell us.

The second service reminded us to appreciate each day and the importance of family and friends.
To live more intently with compassion and kindness.
 It is a time for dad and I to renew old friendships and to support Mikie with our presence and love.

 Theresa's good friends Leanne and Kathleen are there to support her.

It is a time of saying good bye to our dear friend Chuck and a time for the family to experience closure while still carrying within their hearts the wounds of the loss of a very close relationship.
It was a time to share memories and a time to accept that life must continue.

We are reminded of the mystery of God, the mystery of the Trinity, the power of relationships.
The two services had the same message to live with respect of each other and value each day as the gift of a loving Heavenly Father, who gave His Son Jesus to teach and guide us, and who gave the Holy Spirit to live within us.  A relationship of Oneness and Diversity.


The place to be to have a "whale" of a time!

Mom and daughter enjoy each other.
Two beautiful young ladies.  Shelly and Donna!
Donna adds yo Ron"s tale of adventures on Salt Spring.
The salmom, the rice the salad all made by this loving couple.

Missy misses you guys.
We leave when the party goes into the poo;!

Saturday, May 26, 2018


                                        Life is a dance of past and preset  memories.

We leave Morgan's dance recital after seeing two of her three dances.  You are threatened with cruel and unusual punishment if you take pictures.  Theresa walks to our car to pick up the flowers we have to give to Morgan.  She is in the hip pop dancing and the costumes are adorable and hers were the best dances as they were full of lively movements and the joy of being young.  It was pure delight to be there.

The parking lot was a disaster full of cars driving run and run looking for parking.  We squeezed in close to a shop sign as there was no way we could do a long walk.  A usher met us at the door to take us to a seat for three which was so kind of her.  Dad would end up sitting in front of us squeezed  in beside a very large lady.  She was very friendly and kind.  They sat knee to knee.

The music is over-whelming  loud so that made by hearing even worse.

I wanted to put into words my mutual respect for Mikie and Theresa at this difficult time for them.  We will see them on Sunday at the Celebration of life for Chuck Alexander.

Everything ends too quickly
the closing down of our church
the dances that Morgan performs
the life of Chuck Alexander.

We carry in our hearts the joys and sorrows of the past
but see life as beautiful and holy in our love for each other!
                               On the drive home we were blinded by the brightness of the sun.

We had to take another route.  A reminder to not let the unfulfilled dreams of the past blind us to the future.
 Dad has been reliving his career of hockey and the circumstances that pervented him from being on the Wesley's Junior Hockey Team.

All a part of the dance of life which is all good!

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Took a trip down to White Rock Beach.  Warm and sunny but with no wind.  Lots of young families
lots of movement, from birds flying and mothers watching the kids to make sure they did not go out to far.
We use to be able to see if the tide was in and out from our house on the cliff.  The tide is a continual movement.

We were sitting on the bench taking pictures when a young teen age young girl asked if she could take our picture for a school photography class.  We said sure.

We moved across the street, stopping traffic with our slow steps,  to take a short walk on the sidewalk looking in at the many interesting stores.  Actually we bought a few sea shells.They will be added to our pond.

Pentali dropped by after we returned home to say good bye as he is off on a trip to meet Carol and then some of his old friends in Boston.  They are returning to their roots as they go on a road trip from the past.

Thursday Sandra and Randy are speeding on the highway to Edmonton.  Another exciting wedding for Randy's daughter.  Randy will be a proud father of the bride!

They will be also traveling across town to see Shawna and Stephen and the boys, Lincoln, Seeley and Walker.  Walker is named after me of course!

Mr. and Mrs. Garcia (Kim and Hamlet}are moving into Sandra and Randy's lovely home for a special honeymoon.

Life is beautiful when Prayer flows through our minds all day long.
Our lives are lived in relationships that are unique in their movements and possibilities.

A life of faith is a life of movement filled with both awe and wonder and at times  suffering.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Hearts that are full of love will suffer when the loved one is suffering.  We actually can feel their pain.  Our love encourages us to embrace suffering as one vital form of participating  in the mystery of a God who suffers with us.  It can be a time of self-emptying that allows our hearts to be compassionate and more understanding

  We all have enjoyed reading about Nancy-Lou and her husband over the last few years.  We learn ed much about their lives, their family their problems and their failing health.  Yes, they have become like family.

We are experiencing the depth of their suffering as Karl remains unconscious on life support.  The doctors know now where the infection and blockage was and that is being taken care of.

We sent healing prayers to give the family strength and courage and wisdom.
They are trying to keep him free of pain.
It is not easy to know how to pray but prayer that flows from our heart to a loving God for healing and grace  is a good start.  Pray that Karl is free of pain.

.When I have been unconscious after an operation I was in a different world of nothingness.
I did not feel any pain.

In this life we are always balancing knowing with not-knowing.  We always try to find ways to end suffering by going to the doctor or the hospital.  We pray for all who are suffering with all our faith
Even in suffering there can be renewal and redemption'

Dad has an appointment at the Stem Cell Clinic on Monday just to talk.

He has suffered a lot with his nerve pain in his feet and legs so we are hoping to be given some answers for treatment.  The treatment they have mentioned in putting a needle in his brain full of sugar and alcohol.  I will go in to his appointment with him.

"Let it Be"

Tuesday, May 22, 2018



"Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness
every act creates a ripple with no logical end."

Kindness can takes many forms from giving to a person in need, to listening and caring about someone having a difficult time, to hold a hand or giving a hug all our little acts of kindness.

We were so thankful for the stranger who after running purse felt the urge to stop on the freeway to see what he had run over. He then went home and looked up our phone number and gave us a call.  He was grateful for the return of his cell phone only a week previous.  He grew up in Prince Albert and dad thinks they may have even played hockey against one another.  

Kindness is energizing!

Dad worked in the yard and I rested.

Rick stopped by on his way home to Kamloops as he forgot his cell phone here.

"Accustomom yourself continually to be kind, for acts of kindness and love enkindle andmelt the soul."  -Theresa of Avila

Monday, May 21, 2018


                                          Our home is blessed and full of love!

 They exchange their vows as I pray in my heart for all their dreams to come true.

Happiness is catchy as we share with Kim and Hamlet as they exchange their wedding vows.
A simple ceremony that took place in our living room as it was a little too cool outside.
Words cannot express how deeply we were moved by the love that flows from these too.
Sandra and Randy missed us when we left to go out to lunch.
As usual some plans changed but it all worked out.  We ate out at the River Inn.
I had to twist Randy;s arm to get this picture as he was running away as usual.

We enjoyed a visit when we returned home after going to pick up my lost purse.  Coming out of the River Inn dad put the purse on the roof of the car as his hands were full.  I ran out and jumped in and we took off.  Several miles down the road as we joined the freeway the purse took off.  We returned to look for it but it was no where to be found.

We were back home feeling sad at losing all my cards etc. and also my camera when the phone ran and a nice young man had run over it and then stopped to look at what he had ran over.  We were over joyed to get his call and go and pick it up in White Rock.

There are still so many good people in this world!

It is always a blessing when we express our love for one another.

We all noticed that Rick too seemed happier~

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Faith is a mystery, a secret waiting to be discovered.  Faith has the power to transform.

We're standing in the middle of awesome mystery-life itself-and the only appropriate response before this mystery is humility.  We only glimpse a tiny bit of all that is possible.  The Holy Spirit which flows from the heart of God gifts us with the inner experience of all that is goodness and grace.  We are on a path and the future is unknown.
Mystery is not something you cannot understand but some thing that can be understood endlessly.

God is love and love is powerful and healing and inspiring.  I like many others watch the Royal Wedding and am touched by the love in the eyes of this couple.  It is beautiful.

Saturday was a day dad and I did not accomplish much.  He set out to buy new parts to fix his tool but they did not fit.  I fell asleep watching the Royal Wedding and that really annoys me.  Dad later on does the same thing watch the Nature of Things.

The mystery of faith is that it leaves you wanting more.

"Constantly yearning and wanting more is a kind of sacred discontent, a holy dissatisfaction."
-Richard Rohr

In the morning with the freshness of a new day I feel the joy of contentment and inspired to be open to the love all around me.  By evening I can feel annoyed and frustrated and let down with myself.

Religion started out as a set of rules to give us guide lines  It then changed into a set of beliefs that guide us into the right religion that accepts the sinners  willing to say and do what is right.  Like the scriptures declare I have fallen short of my own expectations.

The mystery of faith is that like the world around us it can be full of creative tension.

Words are not enough.
I accept that I am vulnerable and weak in some areas.

Salvation is an on going mystery that flows from the heart of God.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


New baby ducks are being guarded by mom!
I try to creep close to capture a picture.  Mother is standing on guard knowing she will protedt them while she can.  They will follow her everywhere for the next while.I had a good walk around the little lake enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and the fresh air from a slight breeze. Walking for me has always been a time for me to share my burdens with  a loving presence that lives in all things.

"We are called to walk, to grieve, to trust and to pray, to think and to thank, and to love and live in hope for renewed strength and courage."  -Timothy Keller

Looking forward to another visit from Craig and Leah.

Went to sleep praying for Nancy and Karl and woke up to wait for news. Thankful she has her family to support her as well as her faith to give her courage and strength.

We can be fearless in life and in death Love carries us!

Friday, May 18, 2018


Bad theology has been around for centuries and it is dry and brittle like these branches.  There is now coming new growth from scientific knowledge and honest searching.

Bad theology is cruel and abusive as was portrayed in the movie Indian Horse Boy. A heart breaking story about the abuse that was used to beat religion into the lives and hearts of these young people.  God was dehumanized as one who judges and condemns instead of a loving God who loves unconditionally.  The God who suffers with us.

I think that the teachers at the school had suffered from this kind of teaching.  The one priest that we admired among the strict and abusive teachers decided o make a hockey rink that because the boy had a gift of being a good hockey player this would be his salvation.

He had a promising career ahead of him as he moves in with a kind hockey family who accept him and care for him. He cannot take all the violence and abuse he is given by the other teams.  He is mocked because he is an Indian. 

He takes off to become just another drunken Indian.  He is now destroying his own life and is invited to be a part of a self-help group.  He finds it too painful to share so he takes off again.

This time he visits his old school and relives the memories that have haunted him.  He has been taught that there was no good in him and the priest will come and apologize but can he forgive.

He returns to the lake where he had lived with his grandmother, who died trying to hide him from the cruel captors.

A very painful story of soul destroying religion.

Religion is now changing to become a welcoming presence especially for the broken and damaged.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Every time you do not follow your inner guidance,
you will feel a loss of energy
loss of power
a sense of spiritual deadness.
-Shakti Gawain

Find the journey's end in every step.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am bound to live up to what light I have.
-Abraham Lincoln

To have a purpose that is worthwhile
and that is steadily being accomplished,
that is one of the secrets of life
that is worth living.
-Herbert Casson

We can as individuals do so little to help the sad and suffering in this world,
the lonely, the bereaved, the imprisoned, the sick in mind or body,
but we can reach out to those within our knowledge
with courtesy, kindness, an unexpected gift, 
or a visit.
-Pam Brown

Dad drove me over to visit Joan in the Home after he had a bike ride.
He is back riding his bike which is excellent.
Just by listening and walking with Aneta she is doing better.

My feelings about this life is to make an effort not to hurt others
but also to comfort the sad and lonely.

I am thankful we can learn from our mistakes
and every day is the dawn of new opportunities.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


                                        All is so very quiet when Rick leaves.
                                        Dad and I are both out working in the yard.
                                        He is off to his conference in Richmond.

                               We had enjoyed a visit to Ladner the day before for fish and chips.
                               A favorite of both dad and Rick's.  It may not be the best thing for either one of
                              them and for myself I know what it is like to not be able to eat something.

Dad continued to work in the yard as I headed wearily inside. He cleans up the mess I have made with the hoses and lawn mower wires.  He also finishes the work on the front strip of grass so it finally looks tidy.

What a nice surprise to receive a grandma card form Cameron and Shandel.  My first.

We end up siting in the back yard to have our lunch and listen to the quiet sounds the war=ter makes as it flows over the rocks.  Hard little cherry stones are being formed and fall with a little noise on dad's head.  This tree is making a big mess of our yard but the cherries will come in abundance I am sure.

We think about Sandra and Randy saying good bye to Peanut.  So painful.  So many years that she would greet them with a wagging tail and her beautiful eyes.  Their house will seem quiet too.

We think about Nancy-Lou visiting her very sick husband in the hospital in Winnipeg.  We hope and pray his body will respond to treatment.

We pray and we send thoughts to strengthen those in our family who need healing love.
Melina also is having health problems that are making life miserable.

My day begins with quiet prayer as usual for all my family!
We are all vulnerable and at times feel weary. but our love connects and strengthens us.