Friday, May 4, 2018


Haiti is not too sure of this other dog.Yes, Kim brought Haiti for a visit and she has gone to the movie.  We are enjoying having Haiti here.  She has not forgotten the fun we have going to the park!

I have not forgotten to write in my blog but the last two days have been a little too busy.

I had forgotten how your back feels when you are sitting on hard benches with no back at a little children's baseball game.  Dad and I were invited by the neighbor's boy to come to his game.  He is 9 years old and is a good little player.  It was hard on myneck and back and hips.

I have forgotten how long it takes to catch up with the news with old friends.  A friendship that has lasted since we first met at church over 40 years ago.

Dad is reliving his memories of playing hockey in Saskatoon.  Some that he had even forgotten.
He has found his name in the paper trying out for the Wesley's.

I managed to visit Joan in the Senior's home and she was wondering if I had forgotten her.  We had a good visit.

Many people have done many kind things for me which I have not forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Great shot of Haiti and the little doggie looks so real! Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

I thought for a moment you have a new puppy. That little dog sure does look real!
Were you able to go for a walk at the park with Haiti? Dogs do have great memories. Bella waits forever in our sunroom, for the squirrel to come in the pet door.

I stopped feeding the birds for two reasons. it is illegal now. There is a by-law stating that you cannot feed them from aApril to November. Also my neighbours cats are terrible bird killers. They killed a lot of them last fall. There are far too many cats around here.

Yes, I too have received some very nice gifts of kindness lately...especially from Shelley, Mark's girlfriend. Also our other son's girlfriend, Caroline. they both are super women.

How wonderful for Larry to have his memories to bring him some happiness. AND, at our age we have a lot of memories to remember and share with others. Carl can tell some good stories about life long ago when he was a young boy. some of the are so darned funny.
Do you remember when we used to wear 'bloomers' in the wintertime, Beth?
We wore skirts or dresses and lyle stocking that were held up by a garter belt? Well it got pretty drafty didn't it, so we wore 'overpants' and they were called bloomers.

Well one morning the teacher went into her cloakroom ( yes we had those too ) and took off her winter stuff. A while later one of the 'very bad boys' came out of her cloakroom wearing the bloomers on top of his pants....I can imagine how the class must have laughed and how angry the teacher must have been.
Of course Carl was born and raised here, At Victoria Beach...and lived without electricity until he was 16. He has lots of stories...i am sure he and Larry would 'warm each others ear' when they got together!

well I haven't been home for two days, so must get busy around the house.

I hope the weather is nice out your way and you can get out for a walk,

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Yes I took Haiti for a walk to the park.

I remember knitted bloomers.
Great story,
