Tuesday, May 1, 2018


We all want to be hopeful about our future.  We are encouraged to look for any bright ray of hope.

We will always have situations that come along that can make us feel hopeless.

We need to be reminded to be grateful and trusting.

There are many things we are not in control of.

Love lets hope in
Hate and fear and unforgiveness blocks it out.

Never give up,even when you are down 3 to 0.
Winnipeg comes from behind to win 7 - 4.

Do not walk in denial but in truth.

Dad has an appointment with the skin cancer doctor and it will be a hopeful appointment because he is looking so much better.

The disciple's hearts were filled with hope when the women told them the tomb was empty.


Sandra said...

Is today the tomorrow or was yesterday? Never know when you post or write. Has dad been to the doctor.

Randy has something in his chest but the latest scan shows it has not grown in over 3 years so dr nolte figures it isnt going to kill him.

I was thinking maybe we could meet for dinner on Thursday. White Spot by you or the Boston Pizza up on 88th?

I will call to see what your plans are, I know you have a very busy social calendar.


nancy-Lou said...

Hope....like my friends from church, from Sudan...they suffered so much, but had hope that they would wake up to see another day. It sure brings the meaning of 'hope' home.

My friends from Iraq had their hope come true yesterday....they were refugees living in Turkey for three years and left yesterday from Istanbul on their journey to Canada. Winnipeg and I hope to be meeting them at the airport tomorrow along with the church people who have sponsored them. A lovely family of five children and parents. Abdullah was so excited..he sent me photos of them at the airport in Istanbul and from Frankfurt. They arrive in Toronto at 6 tonight and stay overnight and then fly to winnipeg tomorrow. I can hardly wait to meet them! I have a teddy bear for their youngest child. she is 6.

We had hot buns delivered to our door by our son...his partner, Shelley, is such a good cook. She is very kind to us too. We are blessed! she is driving me to the appointment for the CT scan on Friday.

the photos of your garden are so pretty Beth. I could see the dog Larry bought sitting on your deck railing! So cute.

I hope whatever showed up in Randy's lung is nothing...as the doctor said if it hasn't changed in three years it probably isn't anytning to worry about! good to have it checked out though.

How is Kimberly doing? I know she graduated from fine arts...is she going back to school to take an education degree? Often that is what they do. Then teach art. That was a cute photo of her holding Ava.

We are off at 7am tomorrow for Carl's surgery. it is at the hospital that is furthest away...right across the city.In rush hour traffic. But I don't mind driving. I know the city well after growing up there and living there for 13 years after we were married. I am hoping they will do the surgery because his breathing is become worse...he gets puffed out doing the slightest thing. They have to do the surgery because it is for cancer of the bladder. A re-section of the bladder.

Well I have to go and cook supper now and get things ready for the morning.

I wish you a wonderful afternoon and evening...we are praying for rain as it is so dry.

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Praying all will go well with the surgery for Carl.

It is good you do not mind driving.

You both are having your health problems that is for sure.

Is Randy worried? Sometimes it is better just to keep an eye on things and not mess around.

No we cannot meet tomorrow which is Thursday,
Sorry we are meeting friends,