Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Another day that begins in darkness but slowly and gradually the light comes. A New year lies ahead of each one of us; like the fresh clean page of a notebook each day will dawn with opportunities and challenges. There may be changes but life faced with a sense of humour and a respect for others brings the comfort that we are trying to do our best. I am in good health right now and very very thankful. Dad is having more difficulty with his feet, painful and numb, painful knees and shoulders and the constant worry of skin cancer. He too has a lot to be thankful for as he has the challenge of learning to cope with these problems.
At every age we have to make the effort to be as healthy as we can and keep a positive attitude. I have many things to learn about my camera and my blogging but I am having great fun. Moments spent with family add great blessings to our lives. We are eagerly awaiting the new arrival in Australia of Melina and Ken's new baby to add to their family. They will need extra energy to keep up with their busy families. My only advice is to try and find time for each other; to talk about your hopes and dreams not only about the children. If possible go for a coffee date or a walk together because your love for each other must be kept alive by sharing.
We would love to come for a visit as we would love to visit Chase, Edmonton, Kingston, Grand Cayman etc. but we do not travel as well as in years past. I love our little home and the fact that I can walk to so many places. Family and friends as well as my visiting in the Nursing Home add meaning to my life. I look forward to reading many good books, enjoying D.V.D's like "The No. 1 Detective Ladies" as well as our old favorites on P. B. S. like Heartbeat. Heartbeat is now being filmed in Australia so we have a renewed interest.
We are sad for our friends facing very serious health problems and pray for courage and strength. In fact all our days are numbered as we see in the news a young war correspondent has lost her life in Afghanistan. There have been many innocent people caught in the crossfire of violence and this causes us to question where is God? We are here to learn to solve our own problems and to help each other cope and we cannot expect God to intervene. Yes war can transform our lives; and although some will loss loved ones others will find new brave hearts
even though they have been timid until they found the courage within themselves.
War can stir up anger and bitterness and hatred which has always been and will always be a part of human nature. These emotions take us into a dark and unhealthy place and have caused all the problems that can crush the spirit and destroy the soul. I cannot change the world or even one person but I can try to change myself and be more positive and helpful.
Happy New Year to One and All! May you know that you are loved and that you are lovable with so much love to give to light up the lives of others. God bless you all!


Christmas day on the way home from Carol and Panteli's.

Yes I woke up a little later this morning Dec. 30, 6:10 to rain on the roof and realizing that we had no milk. I am definitely a day behind myself. The 7 11 helps rescue me. I quickly glup down some coffee and set off into the darkness. I hear the others slowly waking up.

I am reminded of the power of prayer in my life that helps me cope with the hectic days and last minute stress. Had a good visit with Lynda's cousin in White Rock and went to the early movie Up in the Air last night. Crazy days with lots of laughs because Larry B and Larry O are so different but they love to hear all about Larry's stories and about our family.

Off to the airport today and I will be praying all goes well for them for a safe trip home. It has been a good visit they are so easy to have.

I am reminded that to read a prayer or say one in your thoughts is the same as knelling in prayer. I am thankful. I need to get back to my early morning prayer time and my early morning walk.
I may forget some practical things but I believe that there is deep within a soul that lives in a timeless now which is another mystery of the spiritual life! !

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I was unprepared for the slippyness of the icy road as I went for my early morning walk. You hit a patch of ice in unexpected places; but I was careful.
I find I am so much slower at doing things and slower at thinking but I guess this is to be expected.
We left for the airport to pick up Larry and Lynda in good time but the unexpected came in the accident on the way there. Such a sad sight seeing especially one car badly damaged.
Then their the unexpected additions that Larry adds to his stories making them very humorous but I must make an effort not to add the reality from what I remember. This is hard for me to do at times.
We had an excellent dinner with Sandra and Randy, Stephen and Shawna and Cameron and a fun evenning. We came home to watch some of the National news but we were all feeling tired so it was off to bed.
This year I have discovered the unexpected in rereading the gospels. Discovering the "mythological" element brings new truth more than looking for bare historical facts. God does come to us in the unexpected moments of discovery. This is the good news that religion cannot contain God but will take on a new shape if we allow the spirit to come in the unexpected.

Monday, December 28, 2009


My heart goes out to all the innocent children who so easily can lose their way. Ethically we are called to protect them and to teach them our values. My children and my grandchildre and my great grand children mean the world to me and I love each one so very much!

Yes Jesus was a ethical man but he did not come across as superior and untouchable nor unreachable. Jesus combined the sacred with ordinary life in order to allow people to see what they were doing wrong in their lives before judging others. I felt sad in church yesterday as I knew the man who was teaching was not communicating with the young people. I suppose for them it was all a waste of time. What will they remember about going to church with grama.
They made me happy just being their.

The faith that was once "delivered to the saints" has to be presented in intelligent and contempory language; a restating of traditional orthodoxy in modern terms that are ethical and speak to the standards of today. There are many good people, like my grandchildren, who probably have all the same standards and goals as church goers. Maybe the gospels is just not that important to their lives. Yet they care about the injustices in the world and would like to create a better world.

So ethics have changed but has the heart that longs to be loved has it changed? God who dwelt in a high and holy place has chosen to come and dwell in us. Our lives are full of memories that gradually have shapped who we are and what we long to become. I am not there yet and I need to feel strength and encouragement to keep on my path.

Shepherd came to worship the baby Jesus. Shepherds were outcasts; unlearned, crude and unwashed. Yet, Jesus compares himself to a shepherd as one who lived outside the temple religion and lived with compassion not bound by the rules. Jesus knew the hardship of working with his hands and getting dirty. Jesus washed his disciples feet because his feet were also tired and dirty and it was an act of service.

We all fall short of what we would like to be and find ourselves in need of forgiveness and needing to forgive others. Some days I feel very tired and vulnerable and I need to take time to listen to my soul and allow the healing power of grace to restore me.

I am comfortable with the mysticism that comes when one enters into prayer and meditation and I find myself wondering what church I will feel comfortable for myself and for my children?

Sunday, December 27, 2009


A faint glimmer of sun promises to warm up a cold and frosty morning.

The soul is the depth 0f who we really are;
The soul that is cold and empty like a frosty morning, waits with longing within us,
waiting for the sun to come and warm the icy stillness.
Nature has a beauty that speaks a secret language that opens the heart with awe and wonder.
We do not doubt when we settle in our warm beds at night that the light will come again in the morning. There is an order to the world in which we live; a symmetry of beauty, that needs caring and preserving.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Our warm welcome at Carol and Pentali's home.
Oliver talks to Stephen on the phone about movie plans.

This was a happy Santa helper, she radiated such joy seeing Santa in all his glory!
This was Christmas Eve.

Grandpa walking pretty good into Carol and Panteli's house early on a frosty Christmas morning.

Christmas morning.

We drove early Christmas morning to Tsawassennto be with Oliver, Carol and Pentali. The fields were white with frost and the world sparkled around us as we drove. We shared a quiet moment opening presents and enjoying being together. The fog chased us home and soon was swirling all around our house. I had thought of going for a walk but changed my mind and stayed home and munched on junk food.

We have received many precious gifts this Christmas and enjoyed the good food and the good times together. There was laughter and there was tears that came unbidden to our eyes. I want to be grateful for all the good things in my life; to have a thankful heart, despite the circumstances. We all find it hard to believe that Roxie, Kim's dog, that Carol and Panteli cared for is not there to greet us as she always did. I received a mysterious book all wrapped up outside our door which I thought was from Jane even though it said from Santa. Now I wonder who that can be?

I am reminded again that we are called to live out the gospel in our daily lives. I will be happy to have life return to normal but it is great being asked out for supper. I have been blessed by each one in my family during this busy time. It is hard to remember what day it is with all the excitement and enjoyment of the past few weeks.

Today I am planning to visit Pat because it is her birthday and also finally phone Jane. Then we are off to Carol @ Panteli's for supper with the gang, Sandra and her family drove to Wistler on this beautiful sunny day.
Here is a quote from my new book about snowflakes
Out of the bloom of the air
Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken.
Out of the woodlands brown and bare.
Out of the harvest fields forsaken.
Silent and Soft and Slow descens the snow.
---Henry Wadsworth from The Little book of Snowflakes by Kenneth Libbrecht.

Friday, December 25, 2009


The real Christmas spirit expressed with love!

We had an awesome Christmas dinner at Sandra and Randy's beautifully decorated home. There was excitment in the air for those of us who knew Santa was coming. I wish he could have seen the excitment of the children as they flew to the window when they heard Santa was coming. As soon as he entered the room the boys ran to him while Morgan ran and hid under a chair. Gradually Theresa got her to move closer. His voice was gentle and soft as he read the Christmas story to them with Justice and Ben chiming in with the words they knew. Santa gave them presents and finally Morgan was encouraged to come and sit on his knee. Randy has a real gift at being Santa and he moved us to tears as the children looked with eyes of wonder at his face.
Grandpa and Grama also had a chance to sit on his knee and receive very special presents.
Theresa is the one who takes the best pictures as her gift is photography. She is doing it professionally and you can see the thought put into her pictures.
Yes, Christmas includes the jolly old man called St. Nick, who was know for his care of the poor and giving children special treats. Who knew a tiny babe born in a manger would kindle a flame within each one of us with the desire to share his love on a special day called Christmas.
Our love for one another keeps us together even when we are apart.
Jesus gave us a gift of himself. To wispher his name is to be taken back in time to experience his healing and loving presence. My only sadness was not being able to be in two places at once. I would have liked to go to the Christmas Eve service because it seems to bring it all together and the singing and the candle light brings me an inner peace.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


A small tree more like a Charlie Brown Tree than anything. It contains many treasures given to us from over the years and the smell of the pine branches fill the little room.

Church bells all over the world will ring in Christmas joy at different times in the next 24 hours. There is excitement in the air and even tired shoppers wish others a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday. Plans have been falling into place all month long and now the final curtain will open as families gather to open presents and to eat and feast on good food. Laughter graces all our activities. Those who can not join us will be with us by phone and by Skye. Rick will be busy with his studies and keeping warm with a real fireplace, Kim will be with others enjoying a warm sunny day in the Grand Cayman, Ken and Melina will be busying with the children, Michael John will be looking forward to seeing Mary return on Christmas day, and Ranu may attend the Catholic mass with Lucas and family. Love is sent on the wings of our prayers to each and every one.
Oliver will be arriving by Ferry and Stephan and Shawna drove down from Edmonton through some cold and snow!
Randy is more excited than the children as he turns into Santa Clause. I can hardly wait to see the jolly old soul!

It is a time to put aside critical thoughts [speaking to myself] and anyone else who might be grouchy; and to mend misunderstndings! It is time to be grateful and a time to receive. Receive the blessings that flow from the days of long ago with a birth of a special child, called Jesus. His name, a gift of himself to treasure, as his spirit lives on and gives to each one of us a promise of rebirth. The promise of his presence will live with us forever taking us on an exciting spiritual journey! You are loved! !
Have a blessed and rewarding Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


A fireplace is a wonderful thing to have as the days get colder. Snow may start to fly any day now but we are not worried we have a four-wheel drive. Personally I am very happy to stay in and keep warm. Visiters are welcome anytime to share the warmth with me.
Love and friendship warms all our hearts but there is always the sadness of missing those we will not be with. We can see each other on our computers and on our face books so that i a miracle.
The Christmas story is about a birth that came through suffering and pain before the joyful angels sang their song of love and peace.
A birth not in a grand temple but in a lowly manger that was transformed into a holy place.
A birth announced to the outcasts and for all the unloveable to hear the glory of the angels song.
Christmas brings out many feelings in us and some of them need to be healed
God has become one of us to heal us and give us new life.


"If I speak in the tongues of men, and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." Faith, hope and love remain "but the greatest of these is love."

My most strongly held belief is that it is not about who is right or wrong but it is about being compassionate and loving. It is not what we say but how we say it; are we angry or stressed. Words have the power to crush the spirit if they are not shared out of love and respect. Yes, we all have our opinions and I guess I am pretty bold about sharing mine but my journey is a spiritual journey based on the word of God that I believe amongst the stories told there, we find a glimmer of truth. Yes the church can fail us and religion can deceive us because humans have told the stories and made the rules. I confess I feel a little sadness today and that is my problem I have to work through.
God for me is not on the edge of my life but he is my life. His presence brings me comfort and joy. I realize that we need to rethink the way we talk about God and faith especially if we are to keep the faith alive.
Words of truth do not penetrate until we are ready to hear them. A story is just a story until it becomes like a mirror that reveals to us a truth. We all have our yearnings and longings that seem more like dreams than reality. Maybe I live in a dream world and I certainly like to escape and hide where I feel safe. Yes, my faith is personnel but it is the foundation of my life and motivates me to care about those who are poor and lonely and suffering.
I had time after the visit of Tasha and Justice, Mary and Cameron and Sandra to visit my neighbor who has lost her husband and suffers from arthritis and wonders why she is still here. I have wonder that myself as I find I can do less and added to that I am becoming more forgetful.
Mary the mother of Jesus ponder the words of the angel and we all at times may ponder or question the will of God for our lives.
"The will of God may lie deeply concealed beneath a great number of possibilities".
Krista Tippett - Speaking of Faith
"May His light shine in our hearts
to give us the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6

Monday, December 21, 2009


The smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angels hand. Rev. 8 :3
These are the prayer candles at church which we light say prayers for the sick and prayers for those who live in places where there is war and poverty and injustice. At the end of the service the candles are blown out and the smoke rises up carrying the prayers into the air.
I believe in the power of prayer not because I feel that my prayers move God's heart of compassion to act but because it reminds me of His unconditional love.
This time of year we have been waiting for more daylight to return to brighten our dark days.
Prayer is welcoming love to come and be with me.
We can often be aware of how much others need to be visited and need our love but at times we need to realize that those dearest and closest to us need to be loved.
For some reason some prayers I have prayed over and over again have not been answered but I have to trust that there is a wisdom that is greater than mine; even as their is a love that transcends time and space to fill our empty hearts.
The scripture says that Jesus wept and as I think of Jesus bold and powerful and confident I am touched most deeply seeing his love for the outcasts and the sick and the dying. Jesus weeps for those in pain, emotional or physical, because when we love one another we feel their pain.
I sense God's presence as I visit the elderly, confused and lonely and see their eyes brighten just a bit as I come into their rooms. I can do so little to make their lives better and I often wish I could do more. Yesterday I took over my manger scene which I treasure, to put in Kathleen's room. She was delighted and I was so thankful that I had obey the impulse to do it. I could have easily talked myself out of it. I will miss seeing it every day but remember it is giving someone else joy!
My song today is the simple one of "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."
My prayer is that everyone who reads these words will feel loved just as they are!
Life is a gift and the giver of life loves each and every one of us. Incredible. Life is a miracle from the first breath our babies take till the last breath our parents take.


We moved up nearer the front to hear the music and take a picture of all our favorite people.
The children sing and dance at Ben's concert! There is music from around the world!

Morgan acting out a game at home!

"If you want to understand spirituality, just listen to the music; it can lift you out of ordinary existence into the extraodinary-into spiritual ectasy". Douglas Todd Vancouver Sun. Music can past a spell over you that takes you to a different place. Music has brough tears to my eyes and joyous memories to my heart but most of all music becomes a prayer that fills the universe'

"The only proof you need that there is God is music." Kurt Vonnegurt

When we sing "O Silent Night O Holy Night" there is a holy peace that comes. I believe that music surrounds us and lives on in our memories. Paul the apostle sang in prision to keep his spirits up. My mother would respond to music therapy by taping her foot, a small sign that she heard and was moved by the music. My eyes would fill with tears of gratefulness. There is a bond that connects us heart to heart deeper than even the words we say. It can be old favorites like even children's songs or a hymm or a popular chorus but there is healing power that music is able to express. "Some say that love, it is a river" expresses the emotions of love so very profoundly.

Music awakens the soul to the joy and wonder and beauty of all creation. My earliest memories are of the passion I had to sing. Mom and I sang as we did the dishes "All things bright and beautiful". I do not remember if her voice was special but we sang together and it was fun.
My dad played the piano and organ by ear as long as he knew the tune. Larry can do the same on the violin but he still needs to practice. I have wonderful memories of my dad so happy playing; enjoying every note.

Music can even break barriers of culture and race. Organs, guitars, drums, harps or horns etc. express more than we can say.

"Music can take our woundedness, our pain and our sorrow away, out of our soul, leaving us healed and whole and at peace, even just for a song. -"Jennifer Jonas sings for those in pallative care.

I love music and the music at the Vinneyard Church was especially meaningful for me at that time of my life. I enjoyed the Colebrook Choir singing their cantata so beautifully even though their voices were not as strong as they used to be.

I am so happy music is apart of our family and I have wonderful memories of the little band playing in our basement. We are passing on the love of music to the younger ones now. Who knows how far Hobey will go with his little band and Oliver with his big base and Craig with his guitar and all the others who love to listen and feel and experience the soul in the music!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Christmas treasures are all around the house and bless us again and again.

We think of many who are suffering pain and sadness and our prayers go out to them. This can be a sad time of year for many who feel extra lonely. Everyone longs to be home and with family and friends. I am praying this morning as I do regularly for our family and especially for Leah to heal and recover from her accident, for Kim to feel our love comfort her in the lose of her dear dog Roxie and for all our travellers to reach here safely.

The Christmas tree is up so I can now find a peaceful place to let my thoughts wonder and my prayers for each one of you, family, friends, neighbors remind me that the heart of Christmas is about love and the love that was born so long ago lives on in our hearts today.

Jesus was the miracle of Christmas long ago and I believe that he stills brings a healing touch to all of us who look. Christianity is a way of life; of caring, or having compassion, of listening to the music that flows all around us. Where ever we are we may be hearing the same song or our thoughts may go out to each other.

We pray for peace again and again. That there will be peace among those who believe differently and have different cultures. We are delivering a huge Christmas hamper to a family that do not speak English but an interrupter will be with us.

Jesus is our God interrupter!

Saturday, December 19, 2009



There is warmth and beauty and light that fascinates us as we look into the flames of a fire.
Faith offers me an unconditional love that burns within my soul. It can almost go out but it is really always there. I believe that the birth of Jesus was to bring peace into a world of violence and poverty where people had lost hope.
Religion is made up of many stories. Words from the past that hold a deeper meaning. Words that are powerful and life-changing. We are given the choice to read and to reason and discover ancient truth that brings light into our own darkness. A light that can become a passion and a path to journey upwards. A path that can be difficult testing our strength and we question if we are on the right path. I have walked this path all my life and my relationship with Jesus has given me courage and a strong heart.
I love the story of the nativity because it contains the joy of a baby's birth and the struggles of the parents. Mary risked her life becoming "with child" and lost her reputation as she was chosen to carry this child in the safe place of her womb. We live in a world where many children are not safe and live lives of abuse and neglect. This is so sad. We struggled as young parents to do our best to provide and to care for and to love our children. It was difficult and very hard work for me. I remember back to the months Larry's Gannie lived with us and the exhaustion that brought me to tears. I remember the day when I felt I could not carry on but I did. I wish I had been healthier but it would be many years later that I was diagnosed with celiac.
My mind is wandering so back to the story.
"And this shall be a sign for you; you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.----Luke 2:12
I find the Old Testament stories hard to read but I love the prophetic message hidden within the words that seem harsh and God seems angry and hard.
Jesus revealed the divinity in our humanity when we open our hearts to a loving and holy God.
There have been many signs in my life that have affirmed me.
I love holding a baby in my arms and I love hold little hands when we walk together. I love looking into little eyes that can sparkle with joy or be full of utter sadness. Life is not fair they feel and yes life is unfair. We do not get what we want. And even if we do we may have to work for it or wait for it.
Imagination births many stories and I like to imagine that I have a big hand that pulls me out of my despair and holds me close when I need some extra loving!

Friday, December 18, 2009


This is the old home Larry's grannie lived in for awile on Ladner truck road. She lived with us for awhile after being in hospital but I should have had some help; because she needed so much care. First it was meals in bed then washing and dressing and then complaints about the meals.
With four small kids I was becoming exhausted and the doctor who came to visit Kenny sick with bronchitis said plain out to Larry "Your grannie will outlive your wife". Now a days I believe there is so much more care for those looking after the elderly at home. There were good moments when we had tea and talked and I wondered if she realized or appreciated all I was doing. I never want to be a burden to my children or grandchildren so hesitated about staying with our granddaughter Theresa but she seemed to really want us to stay and the children were all excited and Morgan kept asking: What do you want for breakfast? Pancakes?

Today we are excited about Mary our grand daughter flying here from Kingston. Stephen and Shawna and Cameron will follow. We hope to see Leah and Craig after their car accident and maybe Chris will pop his head in you never know!

O yes the new man in my life!
The sweetest kindest fellow with no family who came here years ago from Italy. We met while I was on my rounds at the Nursing Home. I am always so glad I went even though my old friend nausea was back. I took some holly with me yesterday and delighted another dear soul. A hug and a visit mean so much but to me it often seems so little. I miss some of the staff who have left because of the cut backs we too had become friends.

Came home and the slow cooker had done it's job and I am back to using it again. It too is old and the lid is broken but it stills works. I am even trying some new recipes the only problem is I never have on hand all the ingredients. So unless I feel like a trip to the store I invent my own new recipe. I even did some baking the other day so who says "old dogs cannot learn new tricks!"

If we fall asleep watching T.V. we found out a visiter came quietly in to see us and we did not even hear. Caught napping!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The room Theresa made ready for us downstairs all warm and safe!
I cannot even look at this picture without my stomack feeling strange. I would never ever feel safe there or anywhere that is high.

The manger or cave where Jesus was born did not smell nice I am sure but it was warm and safe and they had company of the animals.

Although I find myself in a strange place in my faith, where I do not quite fit in where I use to be, I feel it is a safe place for me Not a place of confinement nor a place of insecurity but a place in the vastness of all that God is. Life is unpredictable and personal tragedy can happen to anyone. Believers do not live in a safe cocoon but in a real world where at times we are called to take risks and even be vulnerable.

"I recognize that I am being perfected by life" and because my security is in Jesus I can be different but still apart of a Christian community.

Though we are not always aware of the "presence of the Presence" in our daily lives there are moments when we experience the beauty of joy that fills the empty soul and I realize I am more than a shell, more than a body I am humanity created to find holiness.

I had three pictures I wanted to put on and my computer is refusing to allow me to do it. One was a picture of the lovely place Theresa fixed up for us to stay and another was the picture of the steel workers sitting on the edge of a steel girder having lunch. Now I have forgotten the last one. Anyway I will wait for dad to wake up.

We had a good time at our home group last night and of course there was more than enough food. We sang carols and prayed for each other. One husband was desperately trying to fly home from Castleguard, one woman is having surgery today, one has a bad heart and another may have, one other husband is away in the Congo where plans are not going as was planned but he may have been sent there to take pictures and come back and raise money for hospital needs. We all have grandchildren and prayer was said for our grand daughter to heal and recover from her car accident. One family is going to attempt to bring their mother who had a severe stroke home in a wheel chair for a Christmas celebration hoping to bring her the joy of being with family.

We volunteered to take the Christmas hamper to a family that has come to Canada in the last year. There is a lot of stuff to be carried in so we may need help. First we have to contact the family and find out when they would like it delivered. This is all good religion helping others and sharing our burdens with one another.
On my final try the pictures went on! Well was it prayer or perseverance both computers and God work in mysterious ways!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Good religion shines a small beam of light for us to see by!
The role of religion is to connect us to the awareness that we are one with the Mystery of all that is and was and shall be. I love the name of God "The Ancient of Days". The more I recognize and honor the truth I see in other religions the more difficult it is to see that anyone of us has a corner on the truth; but each one of us has good values to help us live out what is good for all. I would never change my religion even with all it's faults because it is the foundation of my faith.
According to Marcus Borg good religion is about living by grace, freeing me from my own need of salvation, it is an emphasis on compassion with a social vision, and about my relationship with the being right here with me not way out there.
The church has a significant role to play in my life and a place to express my feelings and my longings knowing I may not know the answers that I seek but enjoy the journey that has captured my passion.
Well after one attempt at making a cake and three trips to the store I am ready to go to our study Christmas supper. My baking never looks like the picture so maybe I will take a picture of what real life looks like.


Isa 11:6 and a little child shall lead them

Children ask the most interesting questions and if we could make religion simple for them to understand maybe we would have a clearer picture ourselves. Yes religion has made faith more complicated and sadly can be a source of guilt and dejection and rejection.
God with us is the God that is for us willing to pick us up when we fall and laugh with us over our mistakes. As children we can easily be mislead and yet the innocent have the ability to see clearly what adults seem to muddy up.

"There is one vast Mystery in whose life we share and whose presence is the answer to the deepest longings of our soul. Even as a child I sensed that the church was a place like no other and I was happy there. I was nurtured and affirmed and welcomed even to sing in the choir.

And yes, as an adult I have had some unhappy experiences which have included being let down in a time of depression and also being burnt out. You can take on tasks that are not what you are called or gifted to do. I am glad I have taught Sunday School and helped in the nursery at the vineyard church. Now I feel called to be with those who are weary with age and encourage them.

This takes me back to the simple things of life; like listening with compassion and learning from their stories of life. We express our love in our actions. I am reminded that love does not demand perfection but is unconditional.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is the wind blowing the snow down off our roof.

Ben geing very helpful

Mother and child at the concert

Snowy mountains on the way to Chilliwack.

It is beautiful, bringing a blanket of quietness that is so peaceful. Some people will be happy but others worried if they have to drive or even walk in it. The ice beneath the snow is what makes it dangerous. I have no plans for today which is a good feeling. Dad will probably want to go and try out his car in the snow. I am a little annoyed that we did not get some snow melting stuff for our driveway and sidewalk. I worry about us falling and about the paper boy or the mailman. It seems the snow is melting on it's own already.

I have pictures somewhere lost in this computer I will see if I can find later.

Lots to be thankful for even if we are feeling a little sad. Good news yesterday with the results of all my tests which is always a relief. It was good to be at home last night with the snow falling and the Christmas tree up and adding colour to our room. I have run out of Christmas cards so no more can I do. I have three presents wrapped, all from Santa, and one more to buy. I have a book I ordered to be picked up at Chapters so I think we may do that today. Other than a few phone calls I am free to have a bad hair day and just be lazy.

I am reading about Catherine Daugherty, a baroness in Russia prior to the revolution of 1917. She came to the States a pauper but she did not let her fears close her heart or lose her faith. Her faith opened her eyes to see others who were suffering because of poverty. Eventually she founded Friendship House, a place of refuge for the poor of Harlem.

If we could see that true faith is a life adventure not a response to a set of rules, tedious and predictable, that instead of calling us to reach out to others somehow can make us feel superior.

Yes God is unpredictable and His spirit moves in ways that seem uncomfortable and challenging. We in the church are still searching for ways to make it real and valuable to the up-coming generations. Yes, it would be wise if we turned it over to them to create the kind of church they feel they would like to be apart of. Scary but do we have a choice?

I believe that everyone wants to have some kind of faith worth believing in and living for!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Life is full of the unexpected like our son suddenly having to move from a very beautiful home just before Christmas. Thank goodness he is able to move closer to his work and into what appears to be a nice home near the water that he will share with other tenants who will be in the basement and he has the top floor.
Life is full of sorrow that seems even more tragic this time of year. Our grand daughter Leah and her boyfriend rear ended in a very serious traffic accident. They were stopped at the red light and hit extremely violently from behind. Both are now in pain and off work. Leah is in pain that travels from her neck all down her spine. She is taking pills but still is in bad and finds all movement difficult.
Carol and Panteli's dog; actually Kim's dog, died tragically on Saturday. Animals become part of our family and we become so use to them being in our lives. Now the house seems empty as no one comes to greet them. Very sad news for Kim in the Cayman Island.
Our hearts grieve and our intellect tries to understand but we cannot shake off the sadness. There are many things in life we seem to be in control of but accidents and tragedy comes to each one of us at times.
"Woven into the flesh of our hearts" joy and sadness humble us and hopefully transform us. One thing we always have the choice to learn and that is compassion. A young man stood in the shadows as I walked to the Safeway and mumbled something. I felt unsafe so I walked by but inside I thought well I could offer to buy him a sub if he is hungrey; but when he came out he had moved down to infront of the liquor store and I decided again just to walk by. If he wanted to buy booze I am sure there would be others who would have compassion on him.
There is an old saying that humans make plans and the gods laugh. Dad keeps telling me to stop making plans but I reply I have to plan out my days or things never get done. I personally have found people being so kind to me that at times I am overwhelmed. We know that we can count on Sandra and Randy at any time to resue us and feed us!
Yesterday Theresa dropped by with the glutin-free bread and a pizza, Carol brought a glutin free chocolate cake, everyone of at the garage where I went to get a package of stamps; standing in line to pay for their gas, came with grace to help me find them when I dropped the whole pack in amongs some bottles piled up for display. The clerk came and started disassembling the bottles and everyone joined in the search. I disrupted whole store but we were all laughing as we searched. Later in the day our neighbors came and shovelled off out driveway and sidewalk.
"The intellect is a valuable but incomplete tool for transformation"
-Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis.
Humility and prayer take us deeper through the woods of despair into the place of peace.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We love to hear our favorite stories or watch our favorite movies over and over again. I love the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus; an ancient story that has been told through the centuries.
Our celebrations often are centered around traditions and story telling. Would we have Christmas if we had no story to tell? Santa Clause is apart of our Christmas story telling and for the children more real than baby Jesus. His story is about miracles that changed the lives of many people. Jesus brings love in the precious sweet image of a baby born in difficult circumstances, protected by his father and loved by his mother that caused the angels of heaven to sing. A empty stable filled with stinky animals, cold and bare, would be transformed by the miracle of birth. A stable becomes a safe place. God works in our lives in unexpected ways. At times we feel the world is an unsafe place full of fallen hero's and biterness and strife; poverty and coldness. Even the street people do not want to go into shelter unless it is safe and they can take their possessions with them.
"This is my story this is my song praising the savior all day long"! My thoughts as the room of about 30 people his community of faith, stopped to listen as Alex sang his favorite hymm. We all knew that the words he sang were from his heart and were away of expressing the love of Jesus !
We may not get to church this Christmas Eve but I wonder if there will be time to hear the Christmas story. Santa promises to gives presents to good little boys and girls but Jesus promises to come and fill our hearts with hope and beauty and love. This story may have been passed on in secret among those who were believers and every time I read it I see deeper meaning in the words.
Joseph and Mary chosen to bring this child into the world were ordinary people. Joseph had to learn that from our hurts and anger cam come unexpected blessings. A child becomes the savior and the deliverer for those whose lives were changed and can still be changed today by his words and his example.
I was reminded as my neighbor sat and chatted how important it is for Christians to live out their faith with generosity and compassion. Yes, words are important but for those who will not hear our actions may tell the story. Yes, I believe every life has purpose and meaning
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men." Peace begins in our own hearts and that can be the greatest of miracles.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


We look for stars in the evening sky at Theresa and Mikie's house.

Stars have always been a guide for travellers over the centuries.
I love the story of a star guiding the wise men to find the baby Jesus.
The baby of hope and promise. Every child is a gift and every child is precious.
We are all navigators on this journey of life.
We are navigating between injustice and Justice,
between what is true and what is false,
between the past and the present,
between joy and sorrow,
between what is real and what is a dream,
between the ordinary and the sacred,
between sickness and health,
between darkness and light'
between leaving and returning,
between mystery and reality,
between hope and fear
until we find a safe place to rest and to experience healing and renewed faith that gives us strength and inner light for our journey.
Dad is journing back in time to discover his ancestors while I become lost in thought as I gaze at the stars. They shine upon us and upon those we love in far away places and somehow that is a comfort for me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


What do they have in commom? They seem to be waiting.
LOVE IS ALREADY THERE! There is no emptiness that love cannot fill when we invite it to do so. This table was prepared for us as God prepares a place for us to be born. God also prepares the time and just as it is important for a baby to be in the womb until the right time. There are things in our lives that are changing us as day by day as the expected and the unexpected can happen.
We feel so welcomed when we come to a place that has been prepared for us. Children change our lives in so many ways. Mary and Joseph's lives were completely changed when they knew they were expecting a baby.
Our lives are changed by the different people we meet, the books we read, the music we listen to
and as we discover new gifts in ourselves that will unfold as we use them. As I watched Ben and Morgan [Morgan was on the video as we did not make it to her concert] my heart was filled with happiness. We were so proud of them as we have been at all the family concerts we have attended.
The songs were from different countries and different religous faiths and that was very meaningful. I think each of us should be proud of our religious background and allow the sacred into our daily lives.
I think that most of us dream our fears and we all have fears; like not liking to be in the dark and unfamiliar place. There comes a time in our lives when we have to let go of our children and let them do what they want and what they need to grow and develope character and inner strength.
Who is speaking into our lives today? Are we listening and are we learning? There will be times when the world seems a cold and unfriendly place but like our son says just turn on the heat. For me this can be done prayerfully as I allow the quietness of the spirit to unfold like wings of a dove over me.
Love is there for us and will speak to us in our times of waiting.


What a spectacular drive out to the valley the mountains were magnificent! Tool some pictures but not sure if they will turn out. The Christmas concert was one of the best and we were thrilled to be there and see Ben do his part and sing so well.
Home again to an empty cold house but with full tummies and full hearts all loved up.
Off to the Nursing home for a short visit. The clouds are looking a little threatening and we are sure snow will be coming soon.
Thanks Theresa for a wonderful visit; it did us a world of good!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yes I am joining the ranks of those who forget things. Last week at our luncheon we wrapped presents for women who are homeless and alone. Today we were to do the same at our final meeting of Jetlag; and I had forgotten. We are driving out to Chilliwack for Ben's big day and to see Morgan on video.
Yesterday did not neatly follow a plan that I had figured out in my head. Our elderly friend we found out has been in the hospital with pneumonia and thankfully is home now recovering. We will still try to visit but her daughter is the best visiter for now.
Larry arrived home with a small tree but it still made a big mess. Be thankful you have a vacuun I was told. In the middle of the mess Cathy our neighbor arrived to tell us news about her husband still in hospital still under going tests. He was to have another spinal test yesterday so she took the morning off and was going in at lunch time. Things like this really put life back into perspective about what is really important. We had a good visit and she seemed to relax just being with us and even managed to laugh with us.
Larry's best friend from childhood phoned to see if we could get together when they come out to visit another friend at Whistler. I know we will be busy when our family arrives from Edmonton and busy trying to see others who may not be able to come for Christmas Eve. We have not heard from Leah and Craig nor from Chris. They are waiting to see how plans work out with other in their family; which we understand.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The little missing boy who wandered off in the snow with his dog was found yesterday. I hope and pray that he will now recover. I certainly panicked when any of our children went missing. Your heart stops with fear as your mind races to think of awful things that could happen. I had to put these thoughts out of my mind and focus on what had to be done. I am so thankful they were always found. Actually these are learning experiences to remind us what is truly important in life.
Yesterday was another cold morning. I missed my breakfast, I missed my walk but instead I had a car scan done at the Peace Arch Hospital. Dr. Nolte and his side kick are determined not to miss anything that may be going on within me and causing the loss of weight. I am eating less so I think that is the only reason. Both dad and I do not like to feel too full and I do not like to feel too hungry so I never miss a meal.
The nurses there are just the kindest souls. One took off my necklace and them gently put it back on. They did not make me feel stupid that I had missed taking it off.
I realize that I will miss having company this year I do not think anyone will sleep over. Sandra keeps adding beds and couches; she started with the dogs and now it is for family; so they will be a happy noisy group. But actually big groups are too much for me and that is one reason I am dropping in to see those who are alone and not just send a card. Today after dad goes to the doctor; his shoulder is not all that much better, but he did move that big generator. I should not have been surprised he often does crazy things when I leave him alone. I came in back from an hour and a half meeting after church and of course called out as I entered the house: "I am home. Where are you?" No answer, and no note and he was nowhere in the house. His car was here but he was missing. After checking all the rooms to make sure he had not collapsed somewhere I thought to look in the garage and there he was. Happy as can be I must add!
I will miss the Christmas tree but am looking for some decorations to put up. We do like the smell of the tree and the glowing lights. I have found some old Christmas stories that I am rereading.
Yes, I miss the energy, even though it was not as great as some peoples, of youth. I do not miss the tiredness that I often felt in years way past getting ready for Christmas. The baking and the shopping and the wrapping and the card writing and getting ready for parents to visit. Over the years each Christmas is different and so you enjoy the sacredness and the quietness even more.
I know my memory is not all that good now but there are some memories that seem to come clearer as I get a little older, day by day. I love to hear the stories of others so I enjoy visiting, and on Wed. we are off to Chilliwack to enjoy Ben's Christmas concert and see Morgan's on video from the day before. Carol is driving there today in hopes they will find her room to see the concert. Just like the White House their will be someone guarding the door asking for your ticket.
My prayer is that our family will all travel safely as they bring joy and laughter with them.
Come Lord Jesus, come to join us and fill our hearts of emptiness with love overflowing! ! !

Monday, December 7, 2009


Do you like my mitts? I am waiting for the house to warm up! lol Actually it is at the computer early in the morning when my hands are cold!
Lots of birds swimming on the pond to keep warm and hoping for food. I was wondering how the birds are doing at the bird sanctuary. We are feeling ours here at home.

Can you see the frost on the window?

Cold feet it suppose to mean a warm heart. I am so thankful for nice warm socks to put on especially first thing in the morning.
So dad is looking for dead relatives and I would be happy to find a pair of glasses. The church is looking for ways to keep the faith alive and to be able to have the money to keep it running. Lots of thoughts but most things either require more energy or maybe more money to change.
We do a lot of good work with a small group of people.
A cold stable does not seem to be a nice place to have a baby. Do we take time to think of how ugly and smelly it must have been? Was baby Jesus a good or a cranky child? Did the appearances of angels really help Mary and Joseph to cope and to have faith? Life is always full of questions. Many difficult and some with no answers.
I am thankful for our visit with Carol and Panteli yesterday. They have a tree up and the stockings are hung. We planned to see Sandra and Randy, well actually the new couch but that did not work out.
Sunday should be peaceful but I was annoyed with dad taking the very heavy generator out of the car himself and he has a sore shoulder. Decided the less said the better!