Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I was unprepared for the slippyness of the icy road as I went for my early morning walk. You hit a patch of ice in unexpected places; but I was careful.
I find I am so much slower at doing things and slower at thinking but I guess this is to be expected.
We left for the airport to pick up Larry and Lynda in good time but the unexpected came in the accident on the way there. Such a sad sight seeing especially one car badly damaged.
Then their the unexpected additions that Larry adds to his stories making them very humorous but I must make an effort not to add the reality from what I remember. This is hard for me to do at times.
We had an excellent dinner with Sandra and Randy, Stephen and Shawna and Cameron and a fun evenning. We came home to watch some of the National news but we were all feeling tired so it was off to bed.
This year I have discovered the unexpected in rereading the gospels. Discovering the "mythological" element brings new truth more than looking for bare historical facts. God does come to us in the unexpected moments of discovery. This is the good news that religion cannot contain God but will take on a new shape if we allow the spirit to come in the unexpected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was very slippery yesterday, I slid around a corner on my way to work, thankfully there were no other cars around! Glad that you enjoyed dinner, Randy tried to not make it too spicy.