Monday, December 21, 2009


The smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angels hand. Rev. 8 :3
These are the prayer candles at church which we light say prayers for the sick and prayers for those who live in places where there is war and poverty and injustice. At the end of the service the candles are blown out and the smoke rises up carrying the prayers into the air.
I believe in the power of prayer not because I feel that my prayers move God's heart of compassion to act but because it reminds me of His unconditional love.
This time of year we have been waiting for more daylight to return to brighten our dark days.
Prayer is welcoming love to come and be with me.
We can often be aware of how much others need to be visited and need our love but at times we need to realize that those dearest and closest to us need to be loved.
For some reason some prayers I have prayed over and over again have not been answered but I have to trust that there is a wisdom that is greater than mine; even as their is a love that transcends time and space to fill our empty hearts.
The scripture says that Jesus wept and as I think of Jesus bold and powerful and confident I am touched most deeply seeing his love for the outcasts and the sick and the dying. Jesus weeps for those in pain, emotional or physical, because when we love one another we feel their pain.
I sense God's presence as I visit the elderly, confused and lonely and see their eyes brighten just a bit as I come into their rooms. I can do so little to make their lives better and I often wish I could do more. Yesterday I took over my manger scene which I treasure, to put in Kathleen's room. She was delighted and I was so thankful that I had obey the impulse to do it. I could have easily talked myself out of it. I will miss seeing it every day but remember it is giving someone else joy!
My song today is the simple one of "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."
My prayer is that everyone who reads these words will feel loved just as they are!
Life is a gift and the giver of life loves each and every one of us. Incredible. Life is a miracle from the first breath our babies take till the last breath our parents take.

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