Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Another day that begins in darkness but slowly and gradually the light comes. A New year lies ahead of each one of us; like the fresh clean page of a notebook each day will dawn with opportunities and challenges. There may be changes but life faced with a sense of humour and a respect for others brings the comfort that we are trying to do our best. I am in good health right now and very very thankful. Dad is having more difficulty with his feet, painful and numb, painful knees and shoulders and the constant worry of skin cancer. He too has a lot to be thankful for as he has the challenge of learning to cope with these problems.
At every age we have to make the effort to be as healthy as we can and keep a positive attitude. I have many things to learn about my camera and my blogging but I am having great fun. Moments spent with family add great blessings to our lives. We are eagerly awaiting the new arrival in Australia of Melina and Ken's new baby to add to their family. They will need extra energy to keep up with their busy families. My only advice is to try and find time for each other; to talk about your hopes and dreams not only about the children. If possible go for a coffee date or a walk together because your love for each other must be kept alive by sharing.
We would love to come for a visit as we would love to visit Chase, Edmonton, Kingston, Grand Cayman etc. but we do not travel as well as in years past. I love our little home and the fact that I can walk to so many places. Family and friends as well as my visiting in the Nursing Home add meaning to my life. I look forward to reading many good books, enjoying D.V.D's like "The No. 1 Detective Ladies" as well as our old favorites on P. B. S. like Heartbeat. Heartbeat is now being filmed in Australia so we have a renewed interest.
We are sad for our friends facing very serious health problems and pray for courage and strength. In fact all our days are numbered as we see in the news a young war correspondent has lost her life in Afghanistan. There have been many innocent people caught in the crossfire of violence and this causes us to question where is God? We are here to learn to solve our own problems and to help each other cope and we cannot expect God to intervene. Yes war can transform our lives; and although some will loss loved ones others will find new brave hearts
even though they have been timid until they found the courage within themselves.
War can stir up anger and bitterness and hatred which has always been and will always be a part of human nature. These emotions take us into a dark and unhealthy place and have caused all the problems that can crush the spirit and destroy the soul. I cannot change the world or even one person but I can try to change myself and be more positive and helpful.
Happy New Year to One and All! May you know that you are loved and that you are lovable with so much love to give to light up the lives of others. God bless you all!


Anonymous said...

Heartbeat filmed in Australia!! What will they think of next? Do they pretend that it is still Yorkshire?



Anonymous said...

Nice pictures mom, did you and dad stop by that prize house? I de Christmased my house this morning, Cam is boxing on my Wii and Randy is at work. Still waiting for the lazy ones to get out of bed.

beth bennett said...

No Rick they are not pretending it is real Aussie. Introducing a few new characters.

I hope my pictures went on face book.

No we did not visit the house we went to Choices and to the gas station and then came home and dad napped and I went for a walk!

love mom