Monday, December 28, 2009


My heart goes out to all the innocent children who so easily can lose their way. Ethically we are called to protect them and to teach them our values. My children and my grandchildre and my great grand children mean the world to me and I love each one so very much!

Yes Jesus was a ethical man but he did not come across as superior and untouchable nor unreachable. Jesus combined the sacred with ordinary life in order to allow people to see what they were doing wrong in their lives before judging others. I felt sad in church yesterday as I knew the man who was teaching was not communicating with the young people. I suppose for them it was all a waste of time. What will they remember about going to church with grama.
They made me happy just being their.

The faith that was once "delivered to the saints" has to be presented in intelligent and contempory language; a restating of traditional orthodoxy in modern terms that are ethical and speak to the standards of today. There are many good people, like my grandchildren, who probably have all the same standards and goals as church goers. Maybe the gospels is just not that important to their lives. Yet they care about the injustices in the world and would like to create a better world.

So ethics have changed but has the heart that longs to be loved has it changed? God who dwelt in a high and holy place has chosen to come and dwell in us. Our lives are full of memories that gradually have shapped who we are and what we long to become. I am not there yet and I need to feel strength and encouragement to keep on my path.

Shepherd came to worship the baby Jesus. Shepherds were outcasts; unlearned, crude and unwashed. Yet, Jesus compares himself to a shepherd as one who lived outside the temple religion and lived with compassion not bound by the rules. Jesus knew the hardship of working with his hands and getting dirty. Jesus washed his disciples feet because his feet were also tired and dirty and it was an act of service.

We all fall short of what we would like to be and find ourselves in need of forgiveness and needing to forgive others. Some days I feel very tired and vulnerable and I need to take time to listen to my soul and allow the healing power of grace to restore me.

I am comfortable with the mysticism that comes when one enters into prayer and meditation and I find myself wondering what church I will feel comfortable for myself and for my children?


Anonymous said...

Dont get too tired out getting ready for your company today. Will they be staying at your house?

Anonymous said...

Good to have your comments. Yes, they are staying at our house but do not want to stay in our room but I would rather give them our bed.

Yes, I am tired but went to bed at 7:30 while Glen and Dad went over to watch the lockey game at the pub and have a talk. I did not feel like talking I just feel like emotionally I am a bit burnt out. I talked to Melina on the phone but Kenny was at work. I was worried about Matthew!
Well mom always said as long as the bath rooms and kitchen were clean that was the main thing. But I did want to vacuum the bedroom. Dad has promised to fix the vacuum. love mom

Anonymous said...

Thank- you for your christmas writings they bring joy to my heart. Jane