Sunday, January 31, 2010


A family gathering on the way to Ladner on a sunny but cold day!
Dad and I left all the dead relatives at home that through his study of genealogy he has been discovering. We picked up Sandra, after a second start because I could not remember if I had turned the stove off under the hard boiling eggs. The day for me continued to be difficult as I tried to remember what I was talking about. Very frustrating for me but something I may have to live with. Anyway, we drove to Chilliwack to meet Carol and Panteli who had been skiing at Manning park [I had a pause there to try and think of the name} and then at Harrison. They were already at the bookstore when we arrived there. We have not been there for a long time but I am guilty of buying too many books but half price would be good.

Morgan was happily putting out paper plates for us on the coffee table and Ben right away wanted to show grandpa his new book. Theresa was busy making a delicious lunch which can be hard with all our different diets. Sandra is on a liver cleanse with Randy and needs to pick up more protein drink today.

We were able to finally connect with Ken and Melina on the computer screen and see big brother chasing after Matthew and Jasmine happy and content on her mommy's knee. Morgan had great fun seeing herself and asking Matthew questions; so poor Ben did not really get much of a go. The rest of us wanting to see but not to be seen so it was a little bit of reality T.V.
We are a happy group and enjoy getting together which is a real blessing. We came home and dad was disappointed no tennis but the hockey was on so that was good. Brian, my brother phoned, to catch up on our news and he is always willing to say a prayer so I asked prayer for Leah who is still in recovery from her accident. Rick will be here on Wed. so we can catch up on his news. We talk about getting together with Chris but so far that is not happening.
I am taking C out for lunch today to hear how things are going with Ava and the new baby and all her family. I think it will do her good just to get away for awhile. So off to church to catch up on our church family news.
All that we experience everyday imprints our souls with the positive and the negative but I will always be grateful for our family; how different we all are yet how similar!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


We all have needs to be loved and accepted and appreciated; but these needs will often go unmet. We have to learn how to share our inner longings with one another; yet with the awareness that no human being can really understand us; and in fact will often disappoint us.

Everything does not happen at once and somethings will take years to mature abd develope. We need to be aware of our own pain which I think come out of two things; the need to control
and the failure to let go. No matter what life is not calm even as a garden will never be free of weeds. Gardens need constant care and attention as do our relationships. The fairy stories that ended in the lovers living happily ever after are very misleading.

Finding someone to go through the rough and the smooth in life takes an effort that can seem to take more than we have to give. That is when we go to the well of faith and drink from living waters and regain our sense of self. We are all in process and we all need to grow and learn from each other. If we could only do it gently without out letting the hurtful anger have it's way.

Like the seasons in nature we go through seasons of growth of death of loss and the return of life.

"Among the bare banches a light wind sounds and ceases
and a last leave flutters down, trembling
a moment more. . . and stillness.

Friday, January 29, 2010


A quiet walk looking for beauty in a small stream

Jewish wisdom reminds us there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. I think of how delightful it is to look into a little tiny babies eyes and see them light up. As they grow older we think they are not listening if we do not have eye contact. The other day at Theresa's house I spelt a word and Theresa said Ben is learning how to spell. Sometimes little ears hear more than we want.
I love the early morning quiet my secret time in thought and prayer. I love finding a quiet place on my walk where I can just enjoy nature. When the world is covered with snow it also seems to be blanketed with stillness.
"Silence needs to be learned, because silence is a great skill and by it you recognize the person of great intelligence." -Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis. Be still and know I am God scripture reminds me. I want to rush in and give advice and solve an other's problems but I am going to have to learn to be more patient and to listen and to keep listening. We all know about Job's friends who had so much advice to give him and none of it was helpful so he told them to be silent.
Why is speech judged more powerful than the sword? If you want to keep people down and destroy their self-worth you do not let them be educated. Knowledge opens the door to freedom and "the soul needs contemplative solitude to digest learning and experience and convert it into wisdom."
The still small voice that spoke to Elijah the prophet was a quiet rustling not a great wind nor the earthquake nor the fire all these things come and go while the still voice is always available to the willing listener.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It is good to have things to celebrate and our grandson's 30th birthday is a great joy. Yes, he did start the parade that keeps growing and growing. We are so blessed!
Amazing grace, the gentle side of God, is like the quiet beauty of a gentle sunrise!
We too often live in a world of harsh reality that remind us of our own faults and failures. A mounties fall from grace is blamed on too much stress in this morning's Sun paper. I fell lost in uncertainty in how to advise a friend whose marriage is going through a difficult time. I do not know what to say but it seems wise to say little and just listen. It is the little things in life that we need to take note of and appreciate. The coffee set out for morning, help with making supper, the garbage put out, sharing past memories together. Home should be a safe place, a refuge from the storms of life; where we listen and try to understand. There are so many questions that we cannot answer but if I leap ahead to a year from now what will be different. I am sure there will be more headlines of doom, more people will fall from grace, whether in the police force, the sports world, the religious or the irreligious. If we look for the positive which may not be on the front page we will find it.
Harshness demands justice and yet our own hearts long for for forgiveness and grace!
"Crazy, holy grace" The spirit of gentleness flowing still! I am left wondering if I can gentley encourage a journey into reality where there is no blame? ?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This is from last week when we drove to Ladner to take pictures. I found it too cold and windy so left dad at the top of the hill bravely taking pictures of mountains and water.
We found a quieter place where I said "let's stop here." A cheerful man walked by with shorts on and with a door, sorry I mean dog. lol We did not realize until he walked away he had a wooden leg. You meet nice people no matter where you go! !

Dad and I went out to Fort Langley to take pictures. I had been for my walk and had dug around in the garden. I have to be very careful not to overdo it and the front part can be tricky going on the rocks around the plants. I was thinking one of those walking sticks would be good but I guess that would look a little funny. But at my age I should not care.

It was sunny but not as warm as we had thought. It is wonderful just to wonder through the day and not be in any hurry or not to be in a certain place. We want to take the sky train from the airport into town which we should do before it gets any busier.

We had lunch at Langley at a very popular book store and cafe. Lunch was good but so was looking at the books. I was beside two young girls who were chatting away about what they had read and wanting to buy and soon we all three starting talking. I found a book in the bargain section for only $2 called "Leaping Without Words". Cultivating and exploring the sacred through writing and reading. The back cover said this book is for anyone who senses that words can be more than the expression of ides, they can be vessels and containers for the sacred. When I got it home I was very disappointed it was too wordy and for me the light of the spiritual did not shine through.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



I think if we looked at the Bible as a book of stories about God and faith and the lessons a group of people learned on their life journey; we would not get so uptight about it. Our ladies Bible study group that meets at Colebrook every other Wednesday is now studying a book called "Wisdom for Today's Woman." The chapters look interesting, responding wisely and choices have consequences etc. etc. But I have a feeling that if we were to have the author in the room with us we would often disagree with her. We answer the questions from where we are in our spiritual journey and have the freedom to discuss and to laugh together.

I have been reading about Benjamin Franklin and his thoughts on self-improvement. He strongly believed that we need to study and to read and to be open to change. No one can tell another person they need to change it must come from within themselves when the time is right for them.

Monday, January 25, 2010


The soul responses to music.

Church was a pleasant mixture of singing, listening and sharing. We have such a good group at Colebrook that as we continue to go makes us feel more and more at home. After our lunch with Sandra; where I found out why I had been mixed up on face book, we had a visit with our friends Pat and John., at our house. The rhythm of life was discussed as we talked about our new baby girl named Jasmine and our other family and then about the funeral she had just attended in England for her dad. Birth and death, joy and sorrow. are moments when the angels sing over us.

We can find solace in music even when religion leaves us cold. Music stires up past memories and wakens us to the beauty of life even in the midst of busyness and stress. I can sing along with the songs that I know and not worry about each note!

Are you wearing green?

Sunday, January 24, 2010



She now has a beautiful name to match her personality. The whole family has been caught up in chosing a name for our new baby girl. It has made me more aware of how important a name is.
Everyone, everything, every plant, every insect, every star every object in this universe has had to be named. Even God, whose name was so holy, it could not be pronounced had a name.
Christians are named after Christ whose name Jesus was chosen and given to him before he was born. So we have our Christian names and our family names and we become known by this name.

Jesus boldly decares that even giving a cup of cold water in his name brings honor to his name.
The angels smile upon each one of us and all of heaven knows us by name.

It was funny on Heartbeat a lady who looked like Judy Garland and had the name of Judy was mistaken for her and when asked to sing had to confess she could not sing a note. She then realized why everyone was making a fuss over her mistaking her for another Judy.

I appreciate the thought and time that was given to choosing the name of Jasmine.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have always enjoyed reading. As a child if I got a story book for Christmas I was happy and now I buy myself a book that I can open on Christmas day. I was wishing I had taken a book along yesterday when dad and I drove to the Ladner water-front to take pictures and the wind was freezing cold. Sissy me soon ran back to the car. I would like to take some different pictures but am not to sure what or where.
Dad cut up the Christmas tree and I did some gardening with some enthusiasum to start but certainly not much passion. I want to move a plant from the back to the front but will be waiting for my gardening angel, known as Sandra, to give me advice and help digging. Dad just does not understand "why" why move things in around the house or in the garden. He is more into trimming and hacking with all his might; so I can not let him out there unattended.
One reason I had so much stuff to go through in my drawers was I also collect newspaper articles and clippings and little notes of things I think or heard or read during the day. Yes, mostly it is God stuff. I like to read about the journey that others have had and I still am searching for answers as I gather words of wisdom, tradition and stories from all around. I have found reading and learning feeds my soul in some mysterious way and I find a connection to a bigger world.
Through the T.V. we are being connected to the horrible suffering in Haiti but also through this medium we are encouraged to give and to help.
Dr. Phill was still on when we got home yesterday and he was talking about personalities and how different we can be and how set in our ways. Our personalities must not stop us from loving one another. If anyone could hear me and dad talk they would be laughing half the time as we fail to hear each other and think we have heard the strangest things. I think dad should get a hearing aid but I guess we both need them!
I wonder if God is laughing at some of the things we think he has said!

Friday, January 22, 2010


The years seem to fly by.
I love the majestic beauty of the mountains but I am quite happy to be on the ground looking up.

At heart I am really just a praire girl. The simpicity of the earth and sky has a beauty all it's own. Others may feel it is boring but eyes that can discover beauty in the simple things of life will find their soul responding to the vastness of space, depths of emptiness and quiet beauty of looking far away beyond yourself. I think there seemed to be a greater connection to the land and how vulnerable we where to weather changes. Just enough rain for the crops to begin growing and then the sunny days so important to the harvesting of the wheat. The message of the changing seasons was always reminding me that we were only mortal after all and many things would be out of our control.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Waiting for my life to get started.
Waiting for my computer to start and no I have not slept in.
Waiting for it to get light enough for me to go for a walk.
Waiting for the news to see if the Alex Faser Bridge is now working after a majoy accident cause big delays yesterday and one death and two injuries. It all started with a stalled car being hit and then hitting an car which hit a ttruck trailer. We waited last night for our friend to arrive at our study group but he was held up for over 3 hours and did not get home until 9 o'clock.
Waiting for all the snow we had last year. The Olympic organizers are getting concerned.
Waiting to see if the new development will provide low cost housing for the poor that hang out in that neighborhood.
Waiting to see if there is any change in the hockey regulations as another player suffers a major head injury. I do not like violence that is used instead of skill. It is only a game and if it was not all the huge money being handed out players would not be so desparate to win. Hey, losing is good for us it just may not feel so good but it will build character.
Waiting to see that help finally gets to the dying people of Haiti. We are all giving money but someone has to organize and distribute food and medical supplies.
Waiting for answers to prayer for many who are sick.
Waiting for dad to go out so I can move furniture! ! !

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is the result of my looking for my baby book and I was forced to face the music and clean us the mess.
I guess I hit a right note in my blog judging by all the comments! Which are really the best part.
Musically this can be a challenge and when the notes blend in harmony what a joy! We are a many talented family and most important a loving and forgiving one!
Yesterday was an emotional day. First hearing of the earthquake in Grand Cayman was heart stopping as my thoughts and concerns were about our grand daughter Kim and boyfriend Mike.
We talked on the phone and she said it was minor and was taking the bus to work when we got a hold of her. She now has a dog so that will make her happy!
Also a day full of memories as I went through all my old papers and pictures and newspaper articles and cards for all occasions. I managed to clean out a lot of stuff but the cards especially have an emotional attachment that is hard to let go of. The pictures bring to mind the many happy times we have had over the years and there will be more to look forward to.
Happiness comes in times of being together and good memories live on!
Dad and I had tea with Jane and Jeff and did a book exchange. We all love to read.
Dad spent the morning ranting and raving on his blog so check it out it is a worthwhile read.
I am giving the devotional reading at the U.C.W. meeting this morning. I am touching on the subject of prayer. We now light candles at church and you can say a prayer. Some like this but others of course have different opinions. We are in a process of change in the United Church and this is never easy. Author John Shelby Spong writes about "Why Christianity must change or Die". I have never had the problem of thinking of God as the Old Man in the Sky which is the view of some today. As a child I went into my closet to pray, as scripture says and closed my door and it was so dark I was glad He was with me.. lol
The Jews in exile were encourage to sing and they did.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hobey the newest Rock star on the music scene. His fame has spread to Canada as his music is being heard in Tssawassen, Kamloops, Delta, Surrey and maybe in Kingston Ont. too!
Another sunny day in Melbourne! This is my sun here at home from several days ago.

Top billing goes to Hobey Bennett leader of the band "The Wolf at Your Door" arriving at Melbourne airport. His dad Ken pushes through the crowd to rush him away to the tennis matches after the new baby girl has been inspected and held on his knee. Yes, this one time famous tennis player has now turned to the world of music and is drumming his way into many hearts. He also writes the words a gift he has inherited from his wordy grandparents. He is just starting out but is full of energy and musical talent that he inherited from his dad also a drummer. He visited Vancouver a few years ago to check out the drummers at the church. He was not too impressed but personally I think they are pretty good. Yes, gramma has a soft spot in her heart for drummers and other musicans as I nearly fell into the arms of one in Regina as we dated for the graduation prom.

Hobey escaped the camera's at the airport but was later captured at the tennis match. His curly "Afrio" hair a dead give away.
Hobey is now a reader of grama Beth's blog. If we are lucky he may make another comment so check out the comments! What news do you bring us Hobey of Brittany and Tyler?

Monday, January 18, 2010


I searched for two days to find my small little baby book because I want to compare my picture to our new baby girl. I have deceided I need to re-organize but also to have a notebook telling me where everything is. Now that I have a big mess of papers and cards and books that I have written in spread all over the bedroom I will take my time and go through it slowly. It really annoyes me when I cannot find things; and it is my own fault because I am always moving things around.
I would feel lost if prayer was not apart of my life. I talk to myself when I feel my cranky self taking over and I have lost that "peace that passes understanding."

Sunday, January 17, 2010


One by one the little families head for the safety of the water as I walk past.
I can remember the dreams I had for each one of my children but not so much what they would do but that they would be happy. Looking back the years have gone by quickly and I believe they have all found happiness in their own way. They all have character and a sense of value of life and they are fun loving and justice seeking. But mainly they have a deep love for one another!
I believe that God exists in a different time and space than we do which is beyond our reasoning. " According to Einstein's theory of relativity a person travelling at the speed of light would see the entire history of the universe pass by in a single instant."
--- Prayer by Phillip Yancy
It was good to walk with my neighbor and to listen to her share her dreams of travelling. There is a slight improvement in her husband's condition although they still do not know what is wrong. Our dreams are important as we plan for the future and leave the past behind.
I dreamt the other night of resisting going to the doctor and insisting that I am healthy. I think that was good and reinforcing what I believe. I think dreams come from deep inside us and as for me I only dream different ones. I only remember the odd one.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


The light captures the reflections to create the quiet and silent beauty of still water!
I impatiently waited for dad to go for his bike ride so we could go over and see Kenny and Jesse and Matthew and baby girl on the T.V. It is amazing to see people and not only talk to them. I do not think I would want to do it all the time. Right now it is fun and exciting. Matthew is such a going concern; which reminds me of Rick getting into everything and when Carol arrived wanting to pick her up and play with her. Baby girl seems to be a lot like Carol very quiet and a good sleeper. By the time Sandra and Kenny came along I was outnumbered and it becomes blurry. On the way home there was a beautiful sunset and I felt very happy.

Then we turn on the news and we see the other world of Haiti and the unbelievable horrors and one story is about a miracle baby and another about a miracle rescue of a 12 year old who died later. It is painful to see and hear. At least now more teams are arriving to help and with all the pictures I know we do not really realize how difficult it is and will continue to be. There has been two responses one of people in the park singing and praising and praying and the other the anger and violence that is an undercurrent there at all times.

I am wondering about seeing the movie "The Lovely Bones". I have read the book and I believe in life after this life because physics tells us energy cannot be destroyed. The director tires to balance the "innocence of youth with the hollow ache of tragedy"; this is from the reporter of the Van. Sun.

When you read a book you can use your own imaginations to carry you into the world of the characters. In a movie you are seeing someone else's view which either enhances or disturbs your view. This story is about the afterlife and a young girl trying to communicate to those she left behind. A golden light represents where she and everyone else moves on to. The glory of the sunset comes to mind again. I believe that imagination is a gift from our creator that allows us to dream and ponder the unknowable mystery of all that life is.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Learning is not always easy and small problems can rob our lives of joy. Learning to love the unloveable is one of the lessons Jesus has taught me. Even when I feel unloveable I want to be loved. Life ebbs and flows with joy and sadness, energy and tiredness!
Life is all about learning through experience, through reading, through the choices we make and through our relationships. It is very helpful when others comment on what they appreciate about you and we value what a gift others are in our lives. Conversation is the best when it flows freely from our hearts and we learned to express our needs and our joys.

We cannot always see clearly but we can keep trying. I can only hope and pray that something good comes out of the tragedy of Haiti. Corruption and evil in the hands of the powerful and rich has allowed the deaths of lives and the death of hope. I cannot imagine the hell it must be for those who have survived and are searching for loved ones.

We wonder why the rescuers are not there sooner. The cries for help are now fading away and it is too late for many. Everyone wants to help send money or food or workers yet how can we get it there and how can we know it will reach those who desperately need it.

We need reformers in all walks of life that can see the mistakes and the false values of the past but also seeing we need to carry what we have learned forward with us.

Learning to love takes time!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The violent uncontrollable shaking of the earth brought death and destruction to one of the poorest countries, and we feel helpless as we see the grim reality of their suffering. I wonder who will name and bury the dead and who will rescue and help the dying?
Jesus has called us to be lights in the darkness and at times like this we are aware of how feeble our light really is. We are thankful that good people are already there helping and we pray that somehow there will be many hands to reach out to the wounded, comfort the dying and clear away the destruction. There are already people who are evil that are shooting and looting. Maybe they have already felt the hopelessness of live and this has driven them to kill and destroy the lives of others. My prayer is that now these people will receive the help they have so desperately needed and a new world will be built for them.
I am reminded that we need to keep relighting our candles so that where ever we are we can shine a little light upon those we love and friends and neighbors. I believe that our prayers are like the little candle we sang about as children that expresses our love and compassion for those who are suffering in situations we cannot even really imagine.
'Prayer is an expression of who we are" Thomas Merton
Others like George Buttrick see it as "a spasm of words in a cosmic indifference."
I have always prayed even as a child it just seemed natural. I was never taught words to say but I did not then nor do I now believe that these words go into the void. Instead they fill the incompleteness and the uncertainty that surrounds us all.
People hold prayer vigils with lighted candles to express what words cannot say but it shows the courage and indomitable spirit that grows stronger when we share our little light with others.
Lord Be there strength until help arrives. Amen
Cuba has already responded and thankfully there are some in the country already there to help.
Jazmine's Ryan is on the boat going to help. Pray that they will get water.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Nature can be so beautiful and I can understand why the ancient people looked for signs in the sky. On a cold wintry morning the sunrise fills the sky with brillant colours. Today we are learning about the cruelty of nature as a violent earthquake hits the poor struggling country of Haiti. "Within a minute of the quake. . . . soil, dust and smoke rose up over the city, a blanket that completely covered the city and obscured it for about 12 minutes." "more houses where destroyed than were standing" - The Van. Sun.
We live in a cruel world and there are no answers to our question "why" terrible things happen to people who are already suffering. Some may blame God and then refuse to look at some of the blame that we ourselves should take responsibility for. We will be sending immediate aid but even that seems like so little. We will pray for those who have survived and for those who will go to help.
Visiting in the Nursing Home can be very depressing, seeing so many old people suffering, the smells are sickly and the nurse tells me how hard it is to work the night shift. It takes very special people to be able to do that job and I think of our Leah and our Michael John and Shawna. Caring for the sick of body or mind or spirit is very draining. Carol faces a tough role as counselor to those whose lives are in a mess and are very unwilling to change.
I think again how no earthly human being can meet our emotional needs. We long for compassion and understanding that is beyond the power of another to give. If we want our world to change it seems that it must begin in the hearts of each one of us. Human nature can so easily be influenced to justify our bad behavior whether it is unforgiving, greed or grasping for power and the need to be right.
I turn again to prayer believing that Someone is listening and even sending angels earthly or heavenly beings to help us in our desperate hour of pain and suffering. I am greeted with such affection when I go visiting that it is very humbling. I share my news of my new grand daughter born so far away in Melbourne and how we can see her picture right away. They are amazed and they are happy for me. I am shown a picture of a grand daughter taken at Christmas and a new sweater that was given by a grand child. Moments of beauty and wonder touch our lives and remind us of how much we have to be thankful for.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I can vaguely remember an old fashioned stove like this. I think it may have been at my mom's cousins in Lypton in Sask. I remember getting the water from the well pump that seemed like great fun and they really had those big water jugs beside your bed.
I think that I am pretty old-fashioned in many ways but I have attempted to move with the times but maybe a step behind. I am fortunate that I have many good memories of growing up like going to the 5 and dime store and choosing a cut-out book or a colouring book. Times were so different then when ice and milk was delivered to your door and you could play outsides for hours without your mom worrying about you.

Last night I had a funny dream about catching an airplane. I couldn't find my purse [so true to life] and dad had gone off ahead of me. When I found my purse I found he had left some of his luggage behind so I picked that up too. I paniced when I couldn't get everything packed in my suitcase so Sandra came to help, but then we were running after dad and I was carrying a bedspread and some clothes and suitcases. Don't worry I told a stranger I will pack it when we get there. Then I saw Matthew and was chasing him but thinking well he does not know who I am so was releaved when Kenny came and caught him.

Church is becoming more and more an old fashioned thing to do. It is so easy to slowly stop doing something and never start it again. Religion is criticized and the sense of wonder and beauty is being lost; but I believe that basically human nature continues to stir within us to still seek after knowledge and truth. There will always be questions so we will always be called to seek for our own path in our own time and in our own way. The church for me has been a place of community and a place that strengthened my faith. There have been misunderstandings and disappointments but we can never run far enough to run away from these so it is better to face the good and the ugly in ourselves and in others.
Part of life is finding beauty in uglyness and being willinging to leave our comfort behind.



It just seems like yesterday we were welcoming little baby Morgan, so tiny and so perfect.

Our precious new grand daughter has safely made her entrance into our world and already our hearts. Our prayers were with Melina and Kenny as we journey from home to the hospital with them by pictures on face book and text messages. We celebrated with them as we had dinner at Sandra and Randy's home with Carol. We were a very happy joyful family. The one concern was that is was a very hot day in Melbourne 44 degress I understand. Congratulations flowed onto face book as a proud and radiant Kenny appeared holding his hew baby daughter. We are all so happy and my last thoughts driffing off to sleep were a thankful prayer.

The service at Colebrook was very meaningful for me as the theme was one of being named by God with a new name. God has called us by name and through the gift of a blessing the water and touching each one we received the assurance and affirmation as Jesus also did when he entered the Jordon River to be baptized.

Anyone who has ever been very thirsty knows how just a little water can help quench that thirsty dryness.

"Gracious God, your spirit moved over the waters of chaos to bring forth life.
Your spirit moves in the waters of the womb to bring forth life."
We are cleansed and purified as we allow the spirit to trickle so gently through our lives like a healing life quenching stream. The spiritual becomes an act of grace when our spirit responds to the move of the spirit.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Chosing a name for a baby can be a challenged but once they are named they suite the name so lovingly chosen. We look at this picture of Morgan and now we have so many happy moments to remember as she has grown and changed. I think it is wonderful for children to have a special date or time with each child individually. I am sure Ben and mummy had a great time bowling while daddy and Morgan played at home.

God, calls us each by name, calling us his "beloved" in whom He takes great delight. Jesus welcomed the children to sit on his knee because he knew how precious the heart of a child is.

Story teller Stuart McElean identifys with the young boy Sam in his stories. Sam has a tender heart and seems to be searching for an instruction book on life. We all love the humour with which Stuart tells his tales of family life. Sam a very ordinary name and yet he speaks to all ages and we share his hopes and dreams.

In the book "Have a Little Faith" by Mitch Albom tells of a rabbi who only reached his potential by helping a child reach his. He had failed seminary school but the boy's father saw in him the skill to relate to people and to inspire them as he had done for this man's son.

We are waiting for two new babies to be named knowing the right name will be chosen.

Just as a funny aside I was advised by caring friends that I should have my name on me when I go out for my early morning walks! !


We are waiting news of Kenny and Melina's baby to be delivered today from her womb into the loving arms of both of them. Our prayers are with them; that every part of the procedure is done with care and skill. I am thankful for their doctors and for their hospital. I am thankful that Kenny and Melina have found happiness together and share the joy of having anc loving all their children together.
Dad and I had breakfast with Sandra yesterday morning and I gave her a bag full of receipes. I know she will make good use of them but it is too bad she lost her favorite receipe book after staying with us. I was thinking this morning about what a receipe for a happy life would be. I suppose for each one of us it is a little different but "all we need is love". The greatest gift of love is be a listener. I still have much to learn because it is so easy to solve someone elses problems. Our uniqueness is to be treasured and respected; and so often we do not realize how sensitive another person can be.
Life is the ultimate spiritual teacher and celebration and sadness can transform us if we allow them to speak to us and change us.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


This morning as I sit here in front of the computer expecting it to reads my mind and wondering why nothing is happened. The last few days I have felt very sad and not quite sure why. Our emotions have a way of allowing us to see our own vulnerability and inability to change our world and to make it a happy place for all.

Sadness is an emotion that can come when we feel compassion for others and compassion is cultivated in relationship. The movie we saw last night called "Invictus" about Mandela was a very moving true story about the role he was taking on in the country to bring about healing and reconciliation. Mandela spoke about compassion and generosity of spirit and soul forgiveness.

The world had a great respect and admiration for him but in his own country he had to have the courage to inspire others to seek to live in the forgiving and freeing path of change. There was great resistance even as Jesus faced resistance in his own home town.

"The Holy One" spoken about in Holy Scripture desired that judgement and compassion should repace harsh punishment. We think that we would like a world where evil would be dealt with instantly and the wicked would be destroyed before they cause the lives of the innocent to be damaged. This is not the world we live in. Yes, we are our brother's and sister's keepers. We hold the happiness of others in our hands and it is an awesome responsibility.

Compassion is a feeling of empathy that flows out of the soul that is humble and kind and sensitive. I am also of the mind that the church and it's partner religion need compassion.

We live in a time when we question scripture and refuse to believe or allow it to be a source of discovery of truth. Yes, faith has been built on superstition and human need to control. Many have turned away and refused to admit the emptiness in their soul. Religion which has a powerful force to create goodnes and life has instead suck the very life out of many leaving corposes left to die alone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Grandpa is back practicing and is doing very well and I hope he continues. The cat use to run from the room when he practiced and sometimes I close the door.
Shirley is 90 years old and still likes to play her organ. We certainly encourage her.

It was very thoughtful for Sandra and Randy to have the music of the sixties playing at our New Year's Eve feast. The radio program was talking about how the brain responds to the sound waves in music. I know that even background music can affect us and there is an inner emotional response. Rick also put on music when we had dinner at his house. I am thinking that music would be much better than the news for supper time listening.
Musicians were very important in the history of the Jewish faith. They believed that music was pleasing to God and music ans would play outside the temple. Musicians also lead the armies into battle. The healing calming power of music is told in the story of King Saul and David who played his harp for the king to soothe his troubled soul.
I wonder what effect the music has upon us we hear in the stores and most people are annoyed when they play Christmas music too early. I do not like music to be too loud or to up beat while I am eating but I know the waitresses and waiters probably like it to work with.
Music is a big part of our worship services and lead us into a place of joy and wonder and healing.
Music is what drew me to the Vineyard church and spiritually touched me. I love the up-beat and the old-fashion hymns that stir my memory.
I am happy that Larry is practicing his violin once again which is very difficult. He does have a good ear and can play the tune if he knows it. He has to learn to read music. I have fond memories of our children when they had band practices in our home. Ken on the drums and Rick on guitar and harmonica. Ron and Rick had great times when they got together to sing and play. Oliver has done very well on his big base which I also love. Hobey is drumming away in Aussie land and we are very proud of him. Craig, Leah's boyfriend, also plays the guitar I believe in a small band.
The prodigal son was welcome back home by his father who also called for the musicians to come and play for the party to celebrate the return of his son. I believe that heaven will be a place where there is music. I think we will be welcomed there with music playing all around us. I will volunteer to be on the welcoming choir committee because I will be able to sing my heart out.
God takes our feeble talents and somehow even in this live uses what we offer up and it becomes a harmony when we join with others. Does that make sense?
I think my pictures are feeble compared to Theresa's but I know we should not compare.


I do not hear a lot of talk about New Year's resolutions but it is not something I have ever been that interested in because changing is very hard to do and you have to be be very focused on doing it. I like the story about the cloth and the wine skins that Jesus told about putting new wine to ferment in new wineskin's because the old would not hold it. What I think he seems to be saying is that we do not have to be told what is right because we already know it so just do it!
My computer is refusing to go to images and I have a picture I took on New Year's Day of a rainbow. I know this is nothing like the computer failures that happened at the airport in Melbourne at Kenny's work and I believe in a big area. Even the planes could not get a correct reading of the fuel that had been loaded. Passengers had to wait hours for the plane to be able to take off. This reminds me we did not go to home group last night because only three of us could come and dad forgot to watch Mayday Mayday his favorite program.

I was so pleased to read in the Vancouver Sun, Jan. 2, that Canada is there helping to bring peace and also to feed the children. "Canada is by far the most welcome in the country because you are not tainted by history. So you have got a very important leadership role and the Haitian govt. trusts you". Paul Collier - Oxford University Economics professor.

They are working together to bring security, democratic governance, and eventual prosperity.
I am proud of out country trying to help in a positive way to bring about change.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I discovered this stream on a walk along Scott Road. I sneaked in on the edge of some ones yard to take these pictures. Water is fascinating and there is a spiritual quality that touches the hearts of adults and children and even dogs. Water is refreshing to drink or or bath in, in fact we cannot live without it.

The sound of the water flowing through the rocks is a powerful reminder that life flows along with purpose and a direction. It washes away our mistakes of the past as it creates a new song for us to sing. Rivers are very important in the words of scripture and are a scource of healing and new life. Peace is like a river that is always giving us a promise of hope and our deepest longing.
The river of life flows continaually and takes us through many difficult experiences that often expose our hidden faults and also our deepest needs. A river can be powerful and dangerous and to cross it can be fearful. Mankind has conquered many rivers that are wide and deep by building briges to take us across. We say to ourselves well I will cross that bring when I come to it.
Knowledge to reason and understand is a wonderful tool to unlock our potential and lead us into brave new paths. Faith is beyond our human ability to reason and draws us into the mystery of who we are and who we can become.

It is dark and colder this morning as I start out in the moonlight and return to a beautiful sun rise. Visiters are being monitored to view the new baby and we really are not family. New babies are certainly one of life's miracles!


New buds covered with frost.
When I heard the knock on the door last evenning I felt the cold grip of fear going through me. Sure enough it was our neighbor and good friend Cathy just barely hanging on as she continues daily to face new fears. The biggest fear is that she may be facing life alone. Another brain byoscy resulted in ecuriating pain and they are hoping it may provide the answers. Three teams of specilists will be decided today or to-morrow what and if there is treatment. We all feel the helplessness of her situation and we know there is no answer to the question why. Why a healthy young man is now a mere shadow of what he was and even worse when he talks he seems to be in a different reality. Cathy has now all the decisions to be made; if he refuses treatment she can sign the consent. He is already refusing more tests and she signs for the go ahead. If one only new what the answers are going to be but now everything is so uncertain.
She asks us to keep praying and we will.
The paper and the news is now warning about the dangers of dementia and I think that is one of our biggest fears right now. The answers seem to be all the same exercise, diet and keep your brain active. The elderly people I visit are in different stages but most of them seem to have accepted the frustrations of aging. I can relate to them when words won't come and yet we know they are stored in our brain. My visits seem to cheer them up as I tell them all about our holidays. I will never forget the hours visiting my parents and the sadness everytime I left the home.
I tried to read the newest Ophrah book about the miseries in the Third World. It was too real and too depressing and too hopeless.
I wish that I could do more to help my friends and neighbors and also the poor that seem to be drawn to our door. At the White Spot an old lady was frantic because she could not find two dollars in change and accussed the waitress of not giving it to her. She was old and toothless with layers of clothes and very upset. As she was leaving I felt the urge to press some money into her hand which she gratefully accepted.
We are afraid of helping. Today we will be shopping at Safeway because it is discount day and I will put a few things in the food bank box. I have a few cans collected for the old homeless man that calls at our door just to ask for cans. His hands are crippled and yet he seems to keep his spirits up and always is so grateful.
We are thankful that Ava has had her baby, a boy, a home delivery with a mid-wife! and her sister and family!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


How empty our world would be without love.

Our creator did not keep a distance but became an observer who walks with us on our daily paths. The light that shone so brightly on the night of the birth of Jesus still shines upon us today. There is a glory that we can see and a love we can experience.
As I write in my lighted room with my warm coffee I am also aware of those in prison cells needing love; and those whose lives are filled with misery yet find the endurance to keep carrying on.

I am reading about a man who was a professor of psychiatry; after finding being a doctor too painful, a writer who entered into the lives he was writing about. "In Atlanta, while studying the first ten black teenagers to integrate that city's public schools who had started a group called Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee" he offered his services to them as a physician and psychiatrist so that he could interview the students. He was refused but asked again if there was anything he could do to help the cause. "Yeah, you can keep the place clean!" So he did.
He swept the floor, scrubbed the bathrooms, vacuumed and dusted and as he did he was reminded of the parents of these boys who did similar jobs. Eventually after a year he gained their trust and their respect.

He found in many "disadvantaged" people a reservoir of inner strength that defied explanation.
He described their lives as showing "moments of transcendence and grace".

At church I was reminded of the potential of faith to bring light into our darkness to guide us into a path where we discover that hopes can be dashed and uncertainty is a reality. At times we may lose sight of the love that shines around us all but even when our lives seem out of control faith reassures us that we will find a way through the night into the dawn of a new hope.

"How far that little candle throws his beams
So shines a good deed in a naughty world." The Merchaant of Venice. --- Shakespeare


Sunday and going to church is a normal part of the pattern of our lives and it feels good to wake up knowing that it is Sunday and it will feel like Sunday. Everyone has been so good to us this Christmas season and I have been feeling so good. Today we have been asked out for lunch again and good friendships are a big part of the patterns in our lives.
Friends dropped in yesterday who are going through a difficult time with their family. A death in the family adds to the broken relationships and worry over grandchildren. We are all reminded we have so little control over our lives. I would have given a million dollars to have felt this good last Christmas when Brittany and Brian where here and the snow kept us so house bound. But I look back and remember the fun times even although a lot of our plans did not work out.
I would describe my life as simple and uncomplicated and for the most part there is a pattern of serenity and peacefulness. There are so many things I cannot change, like dad's eating habits, I think it is better to eat small meals not two big meals, but death and taxes, bitterness and strife, sickness and disease and war and the young dying sadden my heart until I feel sick to my soul.
We can blame human greed or religion or race intolerance or the simple feelings of anger that flare up unexpectedly at the injustice of life.
I think if we could fill this world with music somehow that would help. If we could learn to take time for solitude and reflection we may see the pattern in our lives reflected in the lives of others. There is a unity in our humanity, although attitudes and culture can be different.
Jesus took time away from everyone to find in the solitude the presence of God.

Friday, January 1, 2010


"Science fiction is important to scientists interested in transendent themes such as design and purpose of the cosmos and the future of humanity . . . the universe that science stripped of the supernatural is being resupplied with dieties and redemptive purposes by science fiction writers and movie makers." - James Herrick

Myths seem to be apart of our ntural story telling!
Why is science fiction so appealing? Why does it present us with the idea that we are not alone in the universe?
Actually I feel a little spaced out with all the Christmas activity. I do not know when our garbage is being picked up and I do not know what day it is. It sure does not feel like Friday night. Fortunately we have one neighbor who knows the right day to put out our garbage. We have not sorted out our recyclibles so that will have to wait for next week.
Now, I just have to hunt and find our calenders for this year. Reading the nespaper and listening to the news makes this world seem like an unsafe place; and yet personnally I have experienced a lot of goodness.
Goodness is for me another name for God. We cannot have peace in our hearts without the sense of goodness and kindness. We can convince ourselves he is just a myth but I have to hold on to the presence of goodness in this confusing world.


Alone but waiting and seeing far into the distance as all the visiters come and go.


The time goes so fast when family and friends are visiting and saying good-bye is never easy so we say until we meet again. Our loved ones always take a bit of our hearts with them. At times our lives seem barren and something is missing but nature always promises to bring forth more beauty. Children teach us to view the world of nature at eye level to see the smallest leaf and the tiny insects, rocks and birds wait to bring us a delight of creation.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." Aristotle in the Snowflake book.

So life continues it's ebb and flow with the joy of welcoming replaced by the sadness of the leaving. I am always glad of things to do when people leave and today I will take down the Christmas tree and the Christmas cards. So many beautiful cards I want to save them all. Today Shirley wants to take us out to lunch but I wonder if her family has plans.

This morning Stephen will drive up in his big truck with Shawna and Cameron to say good-bye.

Our prayer is for their happiness and for a safe journey home.

I am praying for our dear neighbor Cathy who may be saying good-bye to her husband. He is too young and this all seems unreal. I know that one day one of us will be on a journey home but I push that thought aside.

Maybe one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to love from a distance!