Saturday, January 16, 2010


The light captures the reflections to create the quiet and silent beauty of still water!
I impatiently waited for dad to go for his bike ride so we could go over and see Kenny and Jesse and Matthew and baby girl on the T.V. It is amazing to see people and not only talk to them. I do not think I would want to do it all the time. Right now it is fun and exciting. Matthew is such a going concern; which reminds me of Rick getting into everything and when Carol arrived wanting to pick her up and play with her. Baby girl seems to be a lot like Carol very quiet and a good sleeper. By the time Sandra and Kenny came along I was outnumbered and it becomes blurry. On the way home there was a beautiful sunset and I felt very happy.

Then we turn on the news and we see the other world of Haiti and the unbelievable horrors and one story is about a miracle baby and another about a miracle rescue of a 12 year old who died later. It is painful to see and hear. At least now more teams are arriving to help and with all the pictures I know we do not really realize how difficult it is and will continue to be. There has been two responses one of people in the park singing and praising and praying and the other the anger and violence that is an undercurrent there at all times.

I am wondering about seeing the movie "The Lovely Bones". I have read the book and I believe in life after this life because physics tells us energy cannot be destroyed. The director tires to balance the "innocence of youth with the hollow ache of tragedy"; this is from the reporter of the Van. Sun.

When you read a book you can use your own imaginations to carry you into the world of the characters. In a movie you are seeing someone else's view which either enhances or disturbs your view. This story is about the afterlife and a young girl trying to communicate to those she left behind. A golden light represents where she and everyone else moves on to. The glory of the sunset comes to mind again. I believe that imagination is a gift from our creator that allows us to dream and ponder the unknowable mystery of all that life is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the book was better , although Peter Jackson did an ok job on the movie .