Friday, January 15, 2010


Learning is not always easy and small problems can rob our lives of joy. Learning to love the unloveable is one of the lessons Jesus has taught me. Even when I feel unloveable I want to be loved. Life ebbs and flows with joy and sadness, energy and tiredness!
Life is all about learning through experience, through reading, through the choices we make and through our relationships. It is very helpful when others comment on what they appreciate about you and we value what a gift others are in our lives. Conversation is the best when it flows freely from our hearts and we learned to express our needs and our joys.

We cannot always see clearly but we can keep trying. I can only hope and pray that something good comes out of the tragedy of Haiti. Corruption and evil in the hands of the powerful and rich has allowed the deaths of lives and the death of hope. I cannot imagine the hell it must be for those who have survived and are searching for loved ones.

We wonder why the rescuers are not there sooner. The cries for help are now fading away and it is too late for many. Everyone wants to help send money or food or workers yet how can we get it there and how can we know it will reach those who desperately need it.

We need reformers in all walks of life that can see the mistakes and the false values of the past but also seeing we need to carry what we have learned forward with us.

Learning to love takes time!


Anonymous said...

Yes, we should really say more nice things to each more often. I try to keep that in mind, I may not say bless you when Randy sneaszes, but I always TRY to thank him for all the dinners he cooks and all the help he does around the house.

Anonymous said...

Mom,you are becoming a good photographer .