Thursday, January 7, 2010


Grandpa is back practicing and is doing very well and I hope he continues. The cat use to run from the room when he practiced and sometimes I close the door.
Shirley is 90 years old and still likes to play her organ. We certainly encourage her.

It was very thoughtful for Sandra and Randy to have the music of the sixties playing at our New Year's Eve feast. The radio program was talking about how the brain responds to the sound waves in music. I know that even background music can affect us and there is an inner emotional response. Rick also put on music when we had dinner at his house. I am thinking that music would be much better than the news for supper time listening.
Musicians were very important in the history of the Jewish faith. They believed that music was pleasing to God and music ans would play outside the temple. Musicians also lead the armies into battle. The healing calming power of music is told in the story of King Saul and David who played his harp for the king to soothe his troubled soul.
I wonder what effect the music has upon us we hear in the stores and most people are annoyed when they play Christmas music too early. I do not like music to be too loud or to up beat while I am eating but I know the waitresses and waiters probably like it to work with.
Music is a big part of our worship services and lead us into a place of joy and wonder and healing.
Music is what drew me to the Vineyard church and spiritually touched me. I love the up-beat and the old-fashion hymns that stir my memory.
I am happy that Larry is practicing his violin once again which is very difficult. He does have a good ear and can play the tune if he knows it. He has to learn to read music. I have fond memories of our children when they had band practices in our home. Ken on the drums and Rick on guitar and harmonica. Ron and Rick had great times when they got together to sing and play. Oliver has done very well on his big base which I also love. Hobey is drumming away in Aussie land and we are very proud of him. Craig, Leah's boyfriend, also plays the guitar I believe in a small band.
The prodigal son was welcome back home by his father who also called for the musicians to come and play for the party to celebrate the return of his son. I believe that heaven will be a place where there is music. I think we will be welcomed there with music playing all around us. I will volunteer to be on the welcoming choir committee because I will be able to sing my heart out.
God takes our feeble talents and somehow even in this live uses what we offer up and it becomes a harmony when we join with others. Does that make sense?
I think my pictures are feeble compared to Theresa's but I know we should not compare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you may think your pictures are feeble, but I dont. I was looking for a picture from you blog when I was at work yesterday to show someone and I think it is amazing being able to look over the past year or so and see the pictures, and read your stories. It made me vey happy. Theresa's pictures are beatiful, but even your blurry ones have a story to tell too. How is Cathy's husband? I will try and stop by tommorrow.
